
City Manager Ed Augustus Is Doing A Perfect Job According To His Cheerleaders On The City Council


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So last night’s City Council meeting went exactly how we predicted it would. It was nothing more than a lovefest for City Manager Ed Augustus, who literally has not done a single thing right since being appointed by his friend Joe Petty a couple years ago:

Augustus received a rating of exceeds expectations from 9 of the 11 City Councilors. Konnie Lukes gave him a meets expectation, while the People’s Councilor Mike Gaffney continues to be the only one who can keep it real by giving him a negative assessment. We could analyze Gaffney’s whole speech or you could just read about it hereIt’s the same complains that most people in this city have – Mosaic getting checks despite proof they were fraudulent, no plowing of the roads, crime, grossness, etc. That’s why he’s called the People’s Councilor.

But the rest are clearly just his cheerleaders. Let’s take a look at some of their evaluation comments from the Turtlegram and Worcester Magazine…..


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Khyristian King


“When our citizens were shortchanged or ticketed, they were made whole. IT was addressed”

Is he for real? He’s referring to that time when Ed Augustus declared a parking ban at 1:02 AM and 300 people had their cars towed because they were sleeping while it was snowing. According to Khyristian King this was OK because citizens “were made whole.” He’s referring to the fact that Ed Augustus spent over $40,000 of taxpayer money paying for the tow fees because he screwed up.

Ed Augustus Is Refunding People With Taxpayer Money Who Got Towed Because He Screwed Up

This is something that Khyristian King thinks is a good thing. Incompetence funded by the taxpayers. This is the type of city that Khyristian King wants us to live in. Gotcha.

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George Russell


“You don’t have to be Colombo to know there were issues with snow removal. We’ve heard they’re going to look at that, and I trust that. I support the majority of the manager’s budget. I think the message I’d like the manager to receive is the same I get from my constituents – don’t mind taxes going up from time to time if every dollar is spent well and is spent only if it has to be spent.”

There were “issues with snow removal.” Yea, to say the least:




But it’s OK though, because according to George Russell he’s “heard they’re going to look at that.” Because they didn’t have time to look at it the first three times they massively screwed up this winter. He’s “heard” that they’re looking into it. This is the bar he has set for a City Manager.

He also doesn’t mind his taxes going up as long as money is being spent well. Ya know, like on Mosaic Cultural Complex, which Ed Augustus just could not stop writing checks for. George Russell is such a bloviating moron. If anyone in District 3 runs against him in 2017 we will back them unconditionally.


Gary Rosen


My evaluation is very positive, we just heard a very negative one. But I think mine is more valid. Ed Augustus has shown he’s a very competent and skilled manager. He’s a leader. He’s intelligent. He’s optimistic. I really want that in a CM, especially after what we jut heard. He can hear that stuff and be right back tomorrow doing his job. He’s a consensus builder. These are all good qualities.

Smiles and sunshine!!! That’s all that matters!! We have to be positive, even when our city is clearly going to shit. We don’t need a guy who can get the roads plowed or clean up downtown. We need a guy who is optimistic and smiles when someone points out his many, many failures.


Candy Carlson


“Pleased that CM is fully committed to transparency, quick to respond to Council and public.”

Yea, fully committed to transparency. Except for that time he secretly met with Worcester State and planned to turn Chandler ballfields into a parking lot.


Sarai “Ti-Ti-Ho” Rivera

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“I would be REMISS is I didn’t mentions staffing. We have the first person of color in upper management in Dr. Castiel. How exciting for our community, that young women of color can look and say, she looks like me and she’s a commissioner.”

Sure, the roads are going to shit, her district is filled with overflowing trash cans that the city does not empty, and there was a shooting almost every day last summer. But that’s all good because Ed Augustus hired a a person of color to work on his staff. Race and gender are the only things that matter. Nice haircut Sarai.

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Tony Economou

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“This has been the craziest month in the last 5 years. Ribbon cuttings, etc. Everything you’ve worked on is opening.”

Ribbon cuttings. Tony Economou, a City Councilor, actually said that this is what Worcester needs. This is what he values. This is what is important to him. Safety? Constituent services? Businesses being driven out of business by overregulation? Those things don’t matter. Photo ops and ribbon cuttings are what matters. He’s right, there have been a lot of ribbon cuttings. Like when he recently cut the ribbon for a $3 million bike path in Main South that no one will ever use, which just so happens to create a great way for criminals on bikes to evade the cops, and isn’t even open to the public.


Or when Gary Rosen, Joe Petty, Jim O’Day, Fast Eddie and every other suit who didn’t have to work that day showed up at Worcester State (the same school that readily employs convicted criminal Sonya Conner) to dedicate an ill-thought-out new building which forces students to park on neighborhood streets, leading to a parking nightmare.


Or that time Tony, Timmy Murray (and his $250,000 salary), Jumpin Joe Petty, and Fast Eddie dedicated a new hotel that imaginary people will start staying in:


Or when they dedicated…..whatever this is


It doesn’t matter what they’re dedicating as long as a bunch of suits are cutting a ribbon. That means progress is happening. Plowing isn’t important. Ribbon cutting is important. Thanks Tony.

“Econominc development is great, take a walk around downtown, a half a mile outside downtown.”

OK Tony. Tell that to the woman who was punched in the face by a sex offender last week and robbed while on her way to dinner in downtown. We took your advice and took a walk around downtown. This is what we saw:





It’s nothing more than a junkie’s paradise. This is what prospective investors will see on Lincoln Street as they are attempting to leave the city:

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These are good things according to Tony Economou. This is the type of stuff that will lead to economic development. The people leading our city are either stupid or they are liars. If Tony thinks this is so wonderful he should invite some of these people over for dinner sometime. But he won’t, because he lives in a wonderful West Side neighborhood far removed from all this. Life is good for Tony Economou.

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Kate Toomey


Ms. Toomey, meanwhile, said she did not get where Mr. Gaffney was coming from.

“Overall, the highlights of Mr. Augustus’ term are many,” she said. “In my mind he has exceeded expectations again and I look forward to what’s next.”

Is there anyone on the Council more useless than Kate Toomey? Why is she there? I get why Petty is there – he’s a machine picked candidate that does their bidding. But Kate Toomey? She’s just on the Council to stroke her own ego. Not once in her long tenure on the Council has she ever produced anything that could be considered an original thought. She tries to play nice-nice and remain uncontroversial and she hopes people won’t notice how useless she is. But we do. Notice she doesn’t list any of these “accomplishments.” She just says they exist and there are many of them. There is literally nothing that Ed Augustus could possibly do to get a negative evaluation from her.


Joe Petty


Mr. Petty said Mr. Augustus has led Worcester forward with “exceptional poise, strategy and vision.” “Today we are seeing the city manager guide our city through some of the most difficult final stages of projects and programs that have been years and sometimes decades in the making” the mayor said. “The future of our city is bright in no small part because of the care, attention, effort and strategic vision of our city manager.”

Is the city moving in the right direction? Of course. Is Ed Augustus the best person for the job? Without question.

Difficult projects? Do these idiots think that people in Worcester care about a hotel in Washington Square that we’ll never stay in? Don’t they get it? We just want you to fund the schools, clear the roads, clear out the riff-raff as much as possible, give the firefighters a contract, stop funding bogus non-profits with our money, and keep taxes reasonable. No one gives a shit about hotels and projects that will allegedly make Worcester the Emerald City in 10 years. No one actually believes that is going to happen. Popeye’s for everyone!!!

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Not one of these idiots besides Gaffney mentioned Mosaic, or the farce that was the Department of Justice race discussions last summer. Not one. Because those are negatives, and our leaders pretend that the negative things don’t exist. They think that Ed Augustus is their boss, and they have to kiss his ass. But little do they realize that they are actually his boss and they are allowed to be critical of him. We took over the School Committee in November of 2015. Time to take back the City Council in November of 2017. These chumps gotta go.


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22 Comment(s)
  • 48 Cedar Street
    June 29, 2017 at 8:25 am

    Kate Toomey is doing a good job of exceeding food consumption

  • RideTheLightning
    June 29, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    Why do we allow these people to even be in office aren’t we supposed to control what’s happening in our community? These people need to be called out publicly in a way that won’t allow them to feed us bullshit until were puking it out and spend our hard earned money on crack heads dope heads and illegals these days it’s fuck the working man pay the lazy pieces of shit infesting our communities to sit on their asses and either do or sell drugs And commit violent crimes while on welfare EBT etc and drive around in acuras while I’m in a 400 dollar hunk of shit busting my ass all day to make 40000 a year so the government can take 10000 of it to give to these shitbags and try to give me 800 back at the end of the year. Commonwealth my ass… wealth is not too common among the working class these days flourishes for shit bags though. But woohoo great job city management!

    • Snow Job
      June 30, 2016 at 2:05 am

      Amen, but as pissed as you are, you gotta vote. If enough of the true Silent Majority did vote, these turds would be gone. The liberal freaks DO vote in way higher numbers than the normal folks do. That’s gotta change!

  • Steven Stover
    June 29, 2016 at 10:37 pm

    You want to know what a god job this guy is doing? Just go into the Stop & Shop at the summit. Check out the price of recycling bags for trash for Worcester and West Boylston. The Worcester bags costs you 7.50 for 5 large bags. The West Boylston bags cost $10.00 for 80 large bags. The city council needs to be replaced. Pure and Simple.Please don’t take my word for this. Check it out yourself.

  • Lol
    June 29, 2016 at 8:22 pm

    Gaffney is extremely ugly

    • Snow Job
      June 30, 2016 at 2:00 am

      You like Ed.

  • Wabbitt
    June 29, 2016 at 6:13 pm

    You’re wrong when you say Toomey will never give a negative evaluation. If Fast Eddie killed and ate a baby on the city hall steps, she would immediately agree with everyone saying it was horrific. Because she doesn’t have a single original thought – she just parrots the prevailing opinion.

  • just nick
    June 29, 2016 at 5:54 pm

    Reviews need to be balanced to be realistic. The last person reported to walk on water was jesus. However, the NY Daily of those times reported the next day, that “jesus can’t swim”. The CM runs the city, not the council and the council should judge him on the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s impossible for the CM to meet or exceed expectations unless the reviewers unplowed roads, mosaic controversy and several other debacles are a good thing. damage control is part of it but exceeds expectations – hardly.

    • Ed Too Tall Jones
      June 29, 2016 at 8:02 pm

      Ive worked for the city. Every single city worker (and if not the supervisors) know where the counselors live and thier streets get plowed. Not yours or ours, but THIERS. Like it so far?

      • Ed Too Tall Jones
        June 29, 2016 at 8:23 pm

        Non-city Councillors didn’t get thier streets plowed this winter. Not a shitty job plowing – NO plowing. And the CM is responsible for that , as is that silly paul moosey. A wise man once said “you’re fired”. Thats what they city council should have done to at least moosey, if not the CM.

  • moor
    June 29, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    I can’t figure out how turtleboy does it,
    All I can smell is ripe aged bullshit when I look at those hacks in those pictures.
    It must be a new technology !!

  • Retards
    June 29, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    You don’t have to be Columbo to know Hitler wasn’t a nice guy. WTF! So George is saying it’s so obvious Augustus screwed up the plowing that even the stupidest people know the manager is a clown. I tune in to the city council meeting to hear rumors that the members have heard somewhere about some kind of problems maybe being fixed. Thanks, George. I’m always grateful to observe what happens when your two brain cells occasionally rub together.

  • Bowen Hardcase
    June 29, 2016 at 2:42 pm

    Great summary, TB! Really glad Gaffney isn’t cowering under the pressure of the rest of the council.

    Re: the evaluations, I only have this to ask; how goddamn low are the expectations for the job if this moron with all his fuckups is not only meeting expectations, but actually somehow exceeding them???

  • JayC
    June 29, 2016 at 2:36 pm

    Nothing makes my blood boil more than those useless hacks like Augustus, Petty, and smarmy Mike Moore at ribbon cutting after ribbon cutting and photo op after photo op during the middle of the day passing it off as actual work. Maybe the engineers, project managers, construction workers, and drivers who actually labored on these projects should cut the ribbon and be given the real credit.

  • Can't fight the trend
    June 29, 2016 at 2:22 pm

    It’s the year of the queer.

  • BobnMic
    June 29, 2016 at 2:12 pm

    I think when you see Kate Toomey’s picture here wearing her Worcester pin upside down it sort of says it all…

    • John Galt
      June 29, 2016 at 4:32 pm

      Great catch! But just like her view of the CM, it looks perfect from her vantage point.

  • Jay
    June 29, 2016 at 2:08 pm

    When I tell people I live in Worcester they react like I told them my dog died.

  • John
    June 29, 2016 at 1:52 pm

    Gaffney is the only one who had guts to give a true EVALUATION

  • June 29, 2016 at 1:29 pm

    Business will never thrive downtown because of shitbag people. Those shitbags will not spend money and those shitbags make people in the suburbs who have money conduct their business in the suburbs which have a much lower population of shitbags. It’s that simple and I’m not even an overpaid SJW moonlighting as an economics professor at Clark or HC.

  • kingsraisins
    June 29, 2016 at 1:29 pm

    Most of the positive things happening in the city, i.e. City Square as well as the increased financial bond rating (AAA), can be attributed to the last city manager, Mike O’Brien-Ed inherited these things.

    The type E form of government (City Manager and Council) was designed in order to avoid this precise situation, where elected councilors appoint a non qualified political friend as the city’s chief administrator. After a lengthy and costly nationwide search, this is the best we could come up with? Worcester is the second largest city in New England, and benefits from 10 colleges and universities. You’re telling me that nobody else in the entire world would be better suited at this job than a local former elected official? Like, really?

    Oh, and what do my property taxes go towards? Worcester’s A+ school system (lol), and world class snow plowing service? In all seriousness, I’m asking this question. We have one of the highest property tax rates in Central Mass, and outside of a fantastic WPD and WFD (seriously, the best), public services are meh. Streets are unpaved with potholes abound, our schools are horrible, and people get shot in the face downtown. In the meantime, my tax dollars fund organizations like Mosaic, go towards providing tax incentives to fake churches, and get funneled to civic ‘leaders’ like Sarai Rivera’s husband.

    Annnnnd that’s my rant. At least the city got the new PD chief right. If not for that, I’d be giving up hope.

    • RONZO
      June 29, 2016 at 6:32 pm

      Kings raisins.. reveal yourself I wanna write you in on the TB ticket!!!

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