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Coventry Grundle Maggots Arrested For Neglect In 8 Month Old Daughter’s Death Raised Over $5,000 Wit GoFundMe For Her Funeral 

Coventry Grundle Maggots Arrested For Neglect In 8 Month Old Daughter’s Death Raised Over $5,000 Wit GoFundMe For Her Funeral

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A Coventry couple has been charged with felony child cruelty/neglect in the death of their 8-month-old baby girl. According to Coventry police, emergency crews were called to 40 Tillinghast Road for an unresponsive infant on Nov. 19. They rushed the baby to Kent Hospital where she was pronounced dead. Police began an investigation and said they found evidence that revealed criminal neglect involving the child’s parents – Steven Gilchrist, 32, and Jocelyn Belmore, 32. The pair was arrested Tuesday and charged with one felony count of cruelty to or neglect of a child. Both are expected to be arraigned at Kent County District Court Wednesday at 2 p.m.

Human. Garbage.

Look how amazing this baby was:

What a gift from God. I know plenty of women who can’t conceive, or never got a chance to get married and have a child, who would’ve KILLED to have something so precious as Mia. I know GREAT parents who did everything for their child but still were helpless as they watched them die from cancer, or got a phone call that there had been an accident. Those poor people did everything right and through no fault of their own had their world taken from them.

Then you have these pond turds come along, create a perfectly healthy child, and then ignore her screams for help because they were too busy satisfying their own selfish “disease.”

These stories are always tough to get through as a parent, so I try to avoid them as much as possible. Because losing a child is the worst thing that could ever happen to a person.

But what pisses me off about these grundle maggots is that they’re playing the loving and grieving parents on Facebook, ever since poor Mia died less than two weeks ago. Here’s what “Mom” shared a couple days after the death before the funeral:

Yup, they’re no only playing the loving parents, they’re also begging for the highly coveted Facebook thoughts and prayers.

He’s been playing the caring father on Facebook as well, and even bought his beautiful daughter an “I love Dad” onesie:

I can’t stand these kid of Dads. The ones who put on this whole facade on Facebook by occasionally posing for a picture with their kid in order to show the world what great fathers they are. You wanna be a great Dad? Take care of your kid. Instead these lovely creatures, who no doubt have that “disease” that’s been going around, neglected their beautiful daughter to the point where her body could no longer handle it. But it’s cool, because he bought her a onesie.

Of course these savages are “engaged”:

Which means he got down on one knee and gave her a dose of Narcan.

And of course they profited off of this unspeakable tragedy when one of their friends started a Facebook GoFundMe to pay for the funeral of the child whose death they were responsible for:

They also made a regular GoFundMe where they raised $484.

They were collecting cash left and right in Coventry:

Some people pointed out that the funeral home would’ve done the services for free, so why was the fundraiser necessary? Don’t worry, Kerri Ann Colwell had an answer for that one too:

“If you never lost a baby that you gave birth to and nurtured and cared for, for just under 9 months you ca’t understand were we are coming from.” 

Oh yea, they did a great job caring for that baby. Things turned out great. Who would’ve thunk that these lovely troglodytes wouldn’t be the ideal parents:

Good thing they reproduced.

Somehow I can’t find any Google trophies on these winners. I have a hard time believing they’ve never been arrested before. Ya know, for something related to that “disease.” A lot of people are blaming DCYF, but unless DCYF had a reason to investigate them, they’d never come up on their radar. And without a bunch of Google trophies, I don’t see how they would’ve.

So for this one I not only blame the deadbeat killer parents, I also blame friends and family who enabled them by telling them what great parents they were. This is the woman who created the fundraisers:

“Auntie” walked into the child’s room EVERY MORNING, and didn’t notice that something was wrong. Didn’t notice that the child was being neglected. Didn’t notice that she was living with two addicts. These people all knew that mom and dad were junkboxes. They knew that they were completely unfit to care for a child. But they told them they were great parents anyway because it’s easier to do that then to tell people the truth.

16 Comment(s)
  • Johnny5
    November 30, 2017 at 1:24 pm

    Pieces of shit. Just look at that fucking guy. God damn these fucking losers offer nothing to society. They only make it worse. I wish they’d commit a double suicide.

  • what?
    November 29, 2017 at 10:27 pm

    From – “Police said they found three prescription bottles on a night stand where the baby’s diapers were stored. Inside were half-burnt marijuana cigarettes and Suboxone, which is used to treat opioid addiction. Two beer cans were on plastic drawers at the foot of the parents’ bed, according to detectives, and dog feces was found inside the home.”

    A comment on their FB fundraiser page: “Let’s not forget the money they need to survive since they’ll be grieving the death of their baby and not going to work…”

    I wonder if she is going to update that to “Let’s not forget the money they will need for legal expenses.”

  • Charles
    November 29, 2017 at 8:44 pm

    Busted for neglect of the baby. Looks like they got off easy on that one. Now, they ask for cash, amazing and disrespectful too. RIP.

    November 29, 2017 at 8:38 pm

    She’s had two court hearings besides the most recent killing. One was an eviction and the other was non payment of a hospital bill.

    He on the other hand has 14 court cases in his trophy case.

    Shoplifting, suspended license, obstructing police officer, domestic assault, check fraud, and disorderly conduct, etc.

    Birth dates match.

  • Jim McGovern
    November 29, 2017 at 8:27 pm

    There is no opioid crisis, the drugs are killing the druggies as intended if it only worked faster.

    Give heroin out in 5 pound bags on every street corner in every city and town.

  • Jim McGovern
    November 29, 2017 at 8:18 pm

    Better yet, executed them, hang by the neck until dead.

  • Lou P
    Lou P
    November 29, 2017 at 7:18 pm

    These two P.O.S. should be given one last dose.
    No narcan around, either.
    Be done with them, and the world will be better off.

  • Stuart P
    November 29, 2017 at 7:06 pm

    WJAR Channel 10 is reporting the baby had fentanyl in her system. What kind of sick fucks are these people? Disease my ass!

  • Adopt
    November 29, 2017 at 3:50 pm

    I was adopted at 5 months old by the best people I could have ever called mom and dad. The love was so unconditional. They couldn’t have children. And I was always told that just because I was adopted didn’t mean they loved me less because I wasn’t their “real kid” I was always told that meant they actually loved me more because they had a choice and they chose me. Their are so many families out there that would have loved that baby. It’s so sad how this ended. It wasn’t right at all. Rip baby Mia

    • Worcesterite
      November 29, 2017 at 5:44 pm

      Glad it worked out for you. I know so many people who never had a loving family.

      • Adopt
        November 29, 2017 at 5:51 pm

        Thank you. And yes I know a lot of people who would have given anything to just be part of a real family. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, both my mom and dad worked. Now I’m older and they are gone, and I realize how lucky I was that they loved me enough to give me the life I had. What we lacked in money was made up in time well spent together. Those two people were my mother and father. The only ones I ever knew, and they only ones who would ever deserve that title. I wish so many more people would adopt. It would save so many children like Mia. It’s heart breaking because so many are forgotten.

  • Chris
    November 29, 2017 at 3:33 pm

    Cute baby. Too bad it was a sad world she was brought into.

  • Jaime
    November 29, 2017 at 3:13 pm

    Omg! People would die to have that beautiful baby! If u cannot take care of her then drop her off at a hospital, church, police station etc. This is just sickening! May they rot in hell!!!

  • Nosy in Norwood
    November 29, 2017 at 2:15 pm

    A website called instant checkmate definitely shows a bunch of criminal stuff for her, no clue if that’s legitimate though

  • Please
    November 29, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    Please someone rid the world of them. Please

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