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Turn to 10: A 32-year-old Cranston man who was arrested at his own wedding reception was sentenced to six months in jail. Police said Frank Redding pleaded no contest to simple assault and battery, as well as vandalism charges, in court on Monday. Authorities said Redding got in an argument with a family member when he was outside The Pines Restaurant in North Smithfield for his wedding reception on Saturday. He was also confronted by management for drinking alcohol on the premises that has not been sold by the venue.
“At that time, he chased the staff member back into the facility, threatening to kill him,” police said. “Once inside, he could not locate the particular staff member he was looking for. He began breaking bottles and throwing chairs around the facility. He threatened to kill staff members and then assaulted another employee.”
Redding, who was previously on 11 years probation for other domestic charges, was ordered not to contact the victim. He is also no longer allowed at the restaurant. Along with jail time, Redding was ordered to pay back the restaurant for damages he caused.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the stuff fairy tales are made of. Every little girl grows up dreaming about marrying their domestic abuser in a hoodtastic ceremony ending in arrest.
So this asshat went ballistic when the venue asked him to calm down. It’s no wonder boogerbear went looney tunes right off the bat because it’s kind of his pattern of living.
He has an arrest record that only a fully functioning member of society would have. Nah, actually he is SO bad at being a criminal and can’t keep those filthy bear paws to himself.
He’s a well rounded criminal with a little bit of everything. A little B&E, substance possession, suspended driving, and a whole lot of assaults.
That last is one is an assault case involving his now wife, Samantha Hayes, resulting in a restraining order. And every time the restraining order is violated and dismissed because these two lovebirds just can’t keep their hands off each other.
I want to feel bad for this chick, I really do. I mean, the guy’s got about 2 feet and 100 lbs on her and he just shit all over her wedding day. However, the signs were there and glaringly obvious at that. This guy has been violent on more than one occasion, to her and to a multitude of other people. So it’s totally reasonable that they just keeping popping out kids between restraining orders and just a year after the last assault case, are walking down the aisle.
For the sake of the kids, shut that shit down. Growing up without a father is terrible, but I think growing up with a father who sets the example that abusing your mother is acceptable is worse.
As expected, this coward is a well-educated and admirable kinda guy. He likes to pretend that he respects his lady and apparently can’t hold his bowel movements.
Who wouldn’t want a piece of that slop pig?
As is tradition, he’s a good person who is on his way to turning his life around. His family and friends believe he’s innocent and it’s totally the facility’s fault. He dindu nuffin’, it’s all lies!
Cut him a break? I wish I had known you get a free assault pass on your wedding day.
Auntie is so upset that her sweet, angelic nephew got caught assaulting a stranger. Leave that shit for your wife, I guess.
Anyways, Franky has the next 6 months to cool down in a jail cell. I guess that’s one marriage that won’t be consummated anytime soon, but at least he gets a nice honeymoon showering with other men and taking dumps in public.
I’m sure this won’t be the last time we hear about naughty Frank and his cowardly acts of violence.
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9 Comment(s)
Lol obese cow couldn’t wait the 6 months for her hubby to get out before another scum bag was between her legs. Again. How nice for her daughters lmfao
This is why I don’t Bartend functions like this anymore. Besides the fact this douchebag is a menice to ALL of society WILL end up dead soon enough cause he’s SO tough,you DON’T bring ur own shit to function. Just cause you paid $100hor the hall rental doesn’t mean you bring soda for the kids or a fifth oh henny for boys,u buy it rom the venue. Its called revenue,which is why u pay dick for the hall. Bad enough they NEVER tip what they do buy. I used o clean up more empty outside bottles than I EVER served. Fuckin scumbags. Try renting ha ll from the VFW OR LEGION OR A CLUB anymore without 10 co-signers if ur not known.
I’d be willing to bet that we’ll be hearing about him again in 7 months. Unless a damn good prison ass-reaming calms his shit down!
If I was the wife, I’d be filing the divorce papers as soon as possible!
Victim of racist policing
This guy looks soft as shit. He has wrists and forearms of a little girl. Most photos he looks like he as a 15″ neck. Fucking embarrassing.
I’d love to see him step up against someone that *actually* goes to the gym and trains to fight.
Wait until he sees the bill from the tuxedo rental place for being 6 months overdue on the return!!
Another waste of air.
Hey Frankie Don’t forget the soap and remember not to drop it.Maybe you’ll get a conjugal visit from your fuppasloth new wife
You fuken shitforbrains turd
why do SJW not see immense value in reporting stuff like this?