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Back in August some creepmaster from Berkely was arrested for repeatedly pretending to be a Taunton cop. But he wasn’t just pretending to be a cop. He was using his fake badge to stalk an innocent woman wherever she went, and try to use his fake authority to turn her into a badge bunny by constantly trying to get in her pants. He had everything in his fake cruiser too:
You see, Kevin had spent the majority of his adult years telling people he was a former cop. He wasn’t. He was a behavioral therapist for teenagers battling depression and somehow got his hands on a DCF badge. He would flash it, telling everyone it was his old police badge, and brag about things he’s never done. He acquired cop and fire fighter friends, most of whom knew he was full of shit. He bought an SUV that was the same make and model as many of the areas police cars. He had police stickers all over it. Had a cage installed between the front and back seats. Collected handcuffs, batons, lock pick sets and two-way radios that are only allowed to be utilized by first responders. He had pushbars installed on the front of it. His front seat was littered with a tough book laptop and tons of flashlights. One of Kevin’s friends said that he has an obsession with police lights.
His nutjob wife Tammie played dumb:
But even his stepkids turned on his ass:
Shortly after that he started a GoFundMe to help him “get through a rough patch”
Well, he finally has court this week to be held accountable for his crimes of scaring the shit out of this poor woman and trying to badge his way inside her. But while court was in recess, guess what he did?
Yup. He’s pretending to be a cop while on recess from his court hearing about pretending to a cop. It’s amazing how these people NEVER learn!!
According to the victim who we spoke with yesterday,
“I was right there taking pictures and he was making it seem like he was a cop. And he had his fake cop car so he’s still impersonating a cop and still has his little tools he uses to be a creep. Bu I need the person who owns the gold car to come forward even though I heard and seen it all. It is being investigated.”
You heard her turtle riders – do you know who owns this gold car?
It’s hard to tell if that’s him in the picture, but the victim herself is a pretty reliable witness, considering she just saw him in court right before this.
If you know who owns that gold car then the DA’s office would love to speak with that person. Becuase if Carl Skinslow pretended to be a cop as a way to help him (which there’s a 99.999999% chance he did) then shithead’s going to jail.
12 Comment(s)
Arielle Davis… beautiful!!! I like her even more knowing she isn’t free my boy, on officer Kevin Cook the perv stalker. Stalking is a relative concept if the stalker is hotter than you and has a job it’s considered romance, lol.
On the other-side a chronically sick spouse and autistic kid could cause anyone to lose their mind and act-out. There are so many fun ways to lose your mind without breaking the law, stalking is a bad call Kevi! Couldn’t you just take up surfing or skydiving, gambling, nascar, running, collecting creepy porcelain dolls… something?
He knew her location at all times, time to have your mechanic check for a gps bug on the car.
Wonder if Kevi is pals with Tommy Gaughan another Taunton fantasy cop.
Someone needs tonscreen shot those Inst posts. Just posted one 4 hours ago
Show you how crazy this state can get. This mall cop will spend more time or less time in the can than maggot 125 ever did. I’m talking maggot 125 and all his jail time and the amount mall cop will get for his bull shit act.
Ok cant post links so. Look up 2015_fpiu on instagram. He’s down in southern MA. Has a YouTube channel of him flying down the highway spooking people into thinking hes a cop. Illegal tint, push bar, the works. Until laws of some kind are made for personal ownership of vehicles with certain features the whackadoos will keep lurking..
He’s the Kevin Cullen of fake cops.
Be a damned shame if, once he’s charged, somebody asks him about the missing Donald Flint, considering Cook was spotted trolling in the Taunton Depot lots the same day Flint went missing.
Just sayin’.
Holy Amanda Hindle! She’s hot. No wonder the crazy cop-wanna-be tried so hard!
This guy is the Kevin Cullen of police…except he was never a cop. But then again, Cullen isn’t much of a reporter so idk….
Meanwhile real police officers are getting murdered in the streets. Why couldn’t someone have killed him as opposed to the cop in Yarmouth?
This post is so Taunton that it hurts.
Anyone want to bet this loser went to Sean Gannon’s funeral, and has been telling people they were friends?
I was on rte 24 once and this dbag in an SUV would drive up the left lane at exactly 65 mph and then blue light anyone who got in front of him, but never really pull anybody over. Don;t think he was a cop.