All-Star Criminals

Feministo Journalist Who Ripped Boston And WEEI For Being Racist Also Bragged About Having Herpes, Not Having Sex With Her Husband Or Shaving Her Legs, And Made Up A Fake Rape Story For Twitter Points

Feministo Journalist Who Ripped Boston And WEEI For Being Racist Also Bragged About Having Herpes, Not Having Sex With Her Husband Or Shaving Her Legs, And Made Up A Fake Rape Story For Twitter Points

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This is Britni de la Cretaz:

As you can see, she’s a feministo. Not to be confused with a feminist like Turtleboy, who believes in gender equality under the law, and mutual respect towards men and women. Feministos are lonely cat women who are generally miserable people to be around because of the patriarchy. So they don’t shave their pits and they whine about the gender wage gap to feel better about themselves. But it usually just makes them more miserable.

Well apparently Britni is a freelance blogger, who recently wrote this hit piece on WEEI and racism in Boston (very original topic, I know) for a website called Here’s how she starts the article:

“Kalek Briscoe worked as a bartender in the State Street Pavilion inside Fenway Park for a decade. When he heard in May that Baltimore Orioles player Adam Jones told Boston media that a fan called him the “n-word” and threw a bag of peanuts at him while he was in center field at Fenway, Briscoe was not surprised. While he says he never personally experienced racism at the ballpark, being born and raised in Boston, he says those things “are bound to happen.””

You know you’re off to a bad start when your 3,000 word column is a black guy who has worked at Fenway for 10 years and has never seen or experienced racism. But he also said things are “bound to happen,” because that’s what Jemele Hill and Bomani Jones said would happen on ESPN. So maybe he’s got a point. Maybe.

From that point on here’s a quick summary of the rest of her poorly researched, blatantly false column:

  • Boston is racist
  • Race-baiting, unfunny SNL hack Michael Che says Boston is racist
  • Black people she talked to one time told her Boston is racist
  • The Red Sox were the last team to integrate, Tom Yawkey was racist, people were mean to Bill Russell, and there were busing riots in the 70’s
  • The Boston Police have a “well documented” history of being racist to black people because black people in Boston commit more crimes on average and thus get arrested more often
  • ESPN writer Howard Bryant says Boston is a racist city. The same Howard Bryant who was arrested for physically assaulting his wife in Buckland, MA, and then claimed the Massachusetts State Police were racist for doing so.
  • SI’s Albert Breer is racist because he wanted proof that someone called Adam Jones the n word multiple times during a Red Sox game.
  • Curt Schilling is racist, transphobic, and Islamophobic because he works for Breitbart, which is a racist website.
  • WEEI morning show hosts Kirk Minihane and Gerry Callahan are racist. Minihane because he tweeted: “Out of curiosity, did anyone at Fenway last night confirm this? Was it on social media? Any actual proof? Is it OK to ask questions?” and “Not saying it happened or it didn’t, but the rush to condemn Boston w/no proof is chilling. And, of course, the pandering is off the charts.”
  • Callahan is racist because when Dan Roche said Adam Jones should get a standing ovation at Fenway, he tweeted.“What if you think he’s making it up? Still want to stand and cheer?”
  • Kirk and Callahan recently beat out Toucher and Rich in the morning show ratings, therefore we can deduce that most Boston sports radio listeners are also racist since they enjoy listening to racists:“Offensive comments and controversy aside, these hosts are winning in the ratings, proving that there is indeed a massive audience for such bigoted rhetoric in Greater Boston.”
  • The mid-day show on WEEI is racist because Lou Merloni said he wanted to smack protesters blockading ambulances on I-93 with a bat. Plus, Lou played for the Red Sox, which is a racist team in a racist sport. Also, Glenn Ordway called Dan Roche a pandering fool on Twitter.
  • The lower rated afternoon show on WEEI (which gets killed by Felger and Mazz on the Sports Hub) is the only good show on that station because they all believed Adam Jones story, and one of them (Michael Holley) is black.
  • When SB Nation’s Charlotte Wilder wrote a lazy column about how her friends and family in Lincoln, MA weren’t Patriots anymore because Brady and Belichick probably voted for Trump, Kirk and Callahan criticized her on the air (after she wouldn’t come on to defend her column) and their “Twitter followers shot a slew of violent harassment her way.” Because “violent harassment” is a thing. Words can be violent. They can physically hurt you.
  • A former WEEI intern she interviewed said WEEI was “unlistenable” because she didn’t agree with their opinions.
  • Another anonymous former intern at WEEI says the show is racist because they interact with trolls on Twitter.
  • “Former WEEI intern Jashvina Shah was herself a victim of the hosts’ and listeners’ ire” because people said mean things to her on Twitter after sharing a stupid opinion about Tom Brady being a racist. Then Kirk Minihane suggested she wasn’t cut out for this line of work since dealing with twitter trolls is part of the job. Which is true. And the truth is hate speech.
  • The Red Sox are racist since WEEI has broadcasting rights for their games.
  • Jerry Remy is racist because he thinks Japanese pitchers should learn English so they don’t slow the game down so much with 20 minute mound visits that require a translater.
  • Cumberland Farms, the 99 Restaurants, Shaw’s/Star Market, and Uber are all racist for advertising on WEEI.
  • Jackie Bradley Jr. is an Uncle Tom sellout because he’s black but said you “can’t generalize a whole city” because Adam Jones was the only one in a stadium of 38,000 people who heard a fan yelling the n word at him.

Look, I’m a WEEI guy for the most part. I do like the Sports Hub, it’s juts a totally different product. Toucher and Rich are funny and entertaining. They have a decent show. I’m just more drawn to controversy and radio hosts who aren’t afraid to ask tough questions, speak honestly, and don’t care who they are offending. That’s what Kirk and Callahan do. Callahan is the conservative, Kirk is the middle of the road guy who hates everyone, and Trenni/Reimer/Tomase are the “I’m with her” resisters. It’s really balanced actually.  It’s the best show on the radio.

Mid-day I can go either way. Zo and Bertrand is a great show. I like Beetle, he makes good points, and Zo is the man. But Framingham Lou, Ordway, and Christian Fauria once again aren’t afraid to get into topics that 98.5 clearly isn’t interested in broaching.

In the afternoon I’ll take Felger and Mazz any day of the week over Ned Flanders (Dale Arnold) and crew. Rich Keefe has been a nice addition, but Michael Holley is just too blah. Felger is a huge pain in the ass sometimes, but he’s a great troll and makes good points from time to time. Mazz is only useful as the dopey sidekick who does funny impressions. He offers nothing insightful at all.

Anyway, back to Britni de la Cretaz. She’s the most insane feministo we’ve EVER seen. Here’s a quick review of some of her finest works:

Yup. She wrote a column called “Why I Stopped Shaving My Legs” for Cosmo. Because we all kind of assumed she didn’t shave her legs, but we didn’t know WHY until now. Turns out it was because she was lazy, and finally realized that “I had internalized these arbitrary, patriarchal beauty standards.” So why shave your legs? Fight the patriarchy instead by being disgusting. That will show them. I fight feminism by having a sweaty grundle at all times. By shaving her legs she was “letting the patriarchy win.” And the patriarchy can never win. Ever.

Here’s another article she wrote for Buzzfeed, entitled, “My herpes doesn’t bother me. Why should it bother you?”

She explains how she went to Planned Parenthood and a government subsidized nurse told her she has herpes. But she was cool with it because she “was always pretty sure I’d end up with herpes eventually.” Very normal. Oh, and she’s “not worried about rejection, because anyone who would reject me based on it isn’t worth my time.” Because lots of normal guys find out a chick has herpes and takes her to the bone zone anyway.

She doesn’t know who gave her herpes but it was probably her ex-boyfriend because, “We didn’t use condoms, but even if we had, it wouldn’t have protected me from his cold sore transferring to my vulva.” Because nothing says “gender equality” like sharing a story about how you got herpes from a warm tongue bath. Yay feminism!

It also could’ve been “one of the many people I hooked up with in a blackout, people whose names I’ll never remember, whose faces are just a blur.” Because she’s an empowered woman and she’ll play bury the broomstick raw dog with as many strangers as possible and let you know about it. Yay equality!!

Then there’s this article she wrote for Cosmo, entitled, “I won’t have sex with my husband just to keep him happy“:

As if anyone could ever be happy having sex with this:

She starts off by explaining the many reasons she’s had sex with so many people, including, “I’ve had sex because I wanted drugs from someone.” Because nothing says “woman’s equality” like having sex in exchange for drugs, and then writing about it in Cosmo.

She also let the world know that, “The first time I had anal sex, I cried through the whole thing.” Because lots of men publish articles in popular magazines, talking about the most recent chick who got the balogna baton in the browneye, therefore women should do the same. According to her though, this was rape because she “didn’t know how to consent,” because she “didn’t know she could say no.”

Now that she’s had all that anal, unprotected herpes sex with guys she doesn’t know the names of, she’s decided that the one guy who doesn’t deserve sex with her is the guy who actually agreed to marry her. But he supports her decision because when you don’t have a dick anyway, it’s not a big deal when your wife won’t have sex with you.

Most recently when Rep. Steve Scalise was shot, she decided that would be a good time to point out that he basically deserved to get shot:

Here’s some fun things this rational, strong, liberated former prisoner of the patriarchy has tweeted:

Because nothing is more important than finding men who think they’re women, and have been discriminated against in the workplace because their manly body hair cost them a job.

Oh, and then there’s this:

White men are the worst!!! Unless they’re eating shrimp cocktails out of her hoo-hoo after she hasn’t shaved her legs in four months.

Then she dropped this bomb in May:

Ya got that? She was raped. While being married to her husband. Yet she never reported it. And we can’t question this random anecdote because it’s sexist to question an obviously deranged lunatic’s unverified claim on Twitter that she was raped. Of course she only brought this up now because she’s trying to make a political point – if Republicans pass the healthcare bill they want, people who get raped can’t go to the hospital anymore. This tweet is about as honest as her story about Boston being a racist city. She’s yet another allegedly feminist woman who hurts REAL victims of rape, by crying wolf for attention and pity points on Twitter. We asked her on Twitter who the rapist was so we could call him out. She responded by blocking us. In other words, she knew a blog was coming.

It’s OK though, because she’s one of the “good ones.” Just check out this virtue signaling on the Facebook machine:

Ya got that white people? If you’re not posting “I believe that Black lives matter” on Facebook, you’re not fixing racism, or dismantling white supremacist cishetero patriarchy. She’s helping!!

“If you’re white like me.” But your last name is “de la Cretaz.” Doesn’t sound very white. Oh, that’s right, you took your husband’s last name. The exact opposite of what feministos are trained to do. Weird, because she adopted every other aspect of deranged feminism. The only one she ignored was taking her husband’s last name, which I’m sure has NOTHING to do with the fact that his last name makes her sound ethnic, instead of sounding like a basic white chick.

She also shares pictures of herself breastfeeding:

Because this is liberating too. Look, I have zero problem with breast feeding in public. I think it’s wonderful. But people like Britni do it just for the shock value. I mean, think how much of a narcissist you would have to be to be breast feeding your child and say, “I better take a selfie of this and put it on Facebook, just to trigger the patriarchy.”

Anyway, people like her are only good for one thing – entertainment. They just can’t stop doing the things that got Donald Trump elected President in the first place. Boston is not a “racist city,” because racist cities aren’t a thing. Racist people are. And no studies or data have shown that Boston has a higher percentage of a racist population than any other city. The only “evidence” they have are random, often unconfirmed anecdotes from the last 75 years. But pretending that racism is rampant in Boston gives people like Britni de la Cretaz jobs. So they keep repeating it anyway.


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32 Comment(s)
  • September 2, 2017 at 5:32 pm

    Yesterday, while I was at work, my sister stole my iPad and tested to see if it
    can survive a twenty five foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is now
    broken and she has 83 views. I know this is
    entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!

  • Stan
    July 25, 2017 at 4:41 pm

    You sound triggered and mad about someone’s personal life, Turtleboy

  • Alma
    July 24, 2017 at 1:58 pm

    I don’t have a Facebook page, but I will create one immediately so I can post “I believe that black lives matter” so I can be better than other people and please Britni. Also, I’m a brainless twit who can’t think for herself, and I do stupid things to emulate ugly bitter feminists.

  • White Nationalist Turtle Rider
    July 24, 2017 at 10:33 am


  • Publius
    July 23, 2017 at 10:35 pm

    Another rea son DJT was elected.

  • Mike
    July 23, 2017 at 4:43 pm

    To be fair, curt Schilling is a complete waste of air. One for fifty on points ain’t bad for this kind of human dumpster fire.

  • Chip Striker
    July 23, 2017 at 3:13 pm

    I embrace the fact that I’m a racist and certainly don’t mind being called one.

  • True Reality Speaks
    True Reality Speaks
    July 23, 2017 at 2:02 pm

    Can someone explain to me how roughly half the US population now suffers from brain damage an/or mental illness?

    Serious question.

  • Don
    July 23, 2017 at 12:22 pm

    Wow. Quite the childish temper-tantrum ya got there. Have you ever thought that maybe all that undirected hate and ignorance is why you never get laid? ‘Cuz it probably is.

  • Elizabeth Warren
    July 23, 2017 at 11:14 am

    Great article because it touches on so many points;

    The twisted narcissism of the progressive millennial social media bloggers who paint themselves as a hero fighting the system…when actually they are unemployed slugs of below average intellect.

    Adam Jones flat out lied! No one at Fenway called him the N word or threw a bag of peanuts at him. They talked to everyone, it didn’t happen.

    It points out that for progressive a lie that fits their fantasy world view is more important than the truth for them. Made up stories of fictions hate crimes are applauded. Taking a picture of a racist note that they wrote and claim they found is proof to them that they are right. The media has no problem reporting this fiction as fact and claim it is racist to point out the truth.

    Only turtle boy and a few others have the guts to actually publish the truth.

  • Haystack
    July 23, 2017 at 10:44 am

    Angry ugly Skank-a-saurus Rex

    • Sexual Chocolate
      July 23, 2017 at 10:53 am

      Herp-a-saurus Rex.

  • Sexual Chocolate
    July 23, 2017 at 10:42 am

    Toucher and Rich stink. Unfunny show where they laugh at their own lame inside jokes and they know nothing about sports.

    I love Gerry, but Minihane’s act is getting really old. The manufactured controversy between him and Reimer is boring. I miss Dino.

    This chick is something else. Excellent point how she banged a ton of guys, got the herp, now won’t sleep with her husband, who’s the one stuck with her. He must be a limp wristed cuck beta male with no self esteem.

    • Big Hands
      July 23, 2017 at 12:22 pm

      So many unfunny radio shows where they laugh at their own lame jokes as you pointed out. Sports talk is made up of some of the least talented people, shoot from the hip, bad jokes, obsessed with themselves. Beating a dead horse day after day and arguing with callers where the host sounds like their on redbull and booze, rapid fire angry blah blah.

      Try finding a non sports radio show in the morning, everybody is doing the morning zoo format 3 or 4 people talking over each other, laughing at boring jokes, talking about themselves ad-nauseum. Just when it gets interesting…. radio guy changes the topic to himself blah blah blah blah for 45 seconds all interest is lost, cue the playlist.

      Bring back BCN!

      • Dildo Baggins
        July 26, 2017 at 7:43 pm

        Minehane is the best thing to happen to Boston Sports Radio since Felder was on the old Big Show.

    • Kevins 9 Iron
      kevi packs a mean 9 iron
      July 23, 2017 at 8:33 pm

      The whole remer thing just sucks. I hate the reality radio part of the show. So contrived.

      • Jafreese
        July 24, 2017 at 6:38 am

        T&R roasted a caller on Friday who was dumping on them about the ratings. They were saying that he must work for weei because the month (June) of the ratings weren’t public knowledge. That is total bs, a quick google search of the ratings clearly states it.

  • They call me Ponch
    July 23, 2017 at 10:15 am

    “You found me beautiful once”

    “Honey, you got reeeeal ugly”

  • Harry Snapperorgans
    July 23, 2017 at 9:56 am

    The face of the gonorrea epidemic.

  • Rick Flair
    July 23, 2017 at 9:49 am

    Britni de la Cretin has the face sag of a 70 year old.

    Her words say one thing supporting every wacky liberal cause.

    Her actions say another, sex sex sex with many men, anal sex, sex for drugs, breastfeeding as an excuse to post pics of her breasts on the internet, her breast does look good but that may be due to the fullness from lactation.

    She’s a nympho who loves cock and risky encounters so much she feels guilty and embraces angry feminism and liberalism on the surface.

    I Wouldn’t be surprised if she tries stripping, swinging, prostitution or porn as “research” for an “important article” and her cuckold husband supported her decision. I guarantee she cheats on her husband and all former boyfriends.

    She withholds sex from her cuckold husband because she can only fully enjoy sex with strangers or more accurately without an emotional connection. Classic Nympho/Borderline Personality Disorder among other things.

  • livesinlowell
    July 23, 2017 at 9:27 am

    Internet lawsuit pending and better start digging another plot in the TBS graveyard.

  • bigdaddy
    Bill Clinton
    July 23, 2017 at 9:27 am

    Dont worry Even I dont want to fuck you

  • Gina
    July 23, 2017 at 8:16 am

    She TEXTS her husband to apologize for going to the hospital because she was raped? You mean she doesn’t call her husband screaming hysterically to tell him that she’s just been raped? And that I’m at the hospital and please come here and take care of me and hold me and hold my hand and sit with me while I go through all these horrible tests and police interviews now? I mean she already has herpes so they don’t have to check for that.. and I’m sure she insisted on having that baby vaginally even though it’s dangerous for a person with herpes to give birth that way because take it transfer to the baby and all kind of bad things could happen but hey that’s not her problem.

    What a doosh

    • wtf
      July 23, 2017 at 3:23 pm

      I was trying to figure this one out as well. I suspect that current debates on the Affordable Care Act made her hypothesize that her going to the hospital (in the past) will have some sort of repercussion on her if ACA if repealed/amended…

      So, in the midst of this chain of irrational and woe-is-me “what if” thinking, she decided to be super-dramatic and apologize in advance to her husband for something that may never happen. Of course, in order to ratchet it up more, she must also tweet it out to her Twitter followers, because these days, cohesive logic has no place.

  • Hughbo Mont
    July 23, 2017 at 5:49 am

    TB needs to do a blog on the husband. He has to be a gem, too.

    • Irish Curse
      July 23, 2017 at 6:49 am

      her “husband” likely has two X chromosomes like she does. broads like this are always lesbians, because the thought of some guy’s love missile triggers them to curl up into a fetal position in their safe space.

      if you mean the child’s “daddy”, he’s some anonymous donor at the IVF clinic’s sperm bank.

      • Hughbo Mont
        July 23, 2017 at 9:32 am

        Good point. I’m obviously behind on my diversity training.

  • Wabbitt
    July 23, 2017 at 5:09 am

    Spelling your name Britni might be the most basic white girl thing I’ve ever seen.

    And… fuck, I almost puked at the thought of some poor bastard eating her box lunch. She doesn’t shave her legs – her snatch probably hasn’t seen a razor since Reagan still had all of his marbles.

    • Kevins 9 Iron
      kevi packs a mean 9 iron
      July 23, 2017 at 8:29 pm

      I believe the term is winter bush.

  • Rob
    July 23, 2017 at 4:32 am

    Good stuff, nice article, she sounds a bit radical. I very much enjoyed your mocking tone, well done.

  • Wtf
    July 23, 2017 at 12:52 am

    This is the same person who Tweeted “The outrage over @TeenVogue’s guide to anal sex reminded me to renew my subscription.”

    Sad…just, sad.

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