Social Justice Warriors

Fresh Off The Westfield State Hoax, Curry College And Acton-Boxborough Have Seemed To Jump On Their Bandwagon

Fresh Off The Westfield State Hoax, Curry College And Acton-Boxborough Have Seemed To Jump On Their Bandwagon

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WHDH: ACTON, MA (WHDH) – A Massachusetts high school has launched an investigation after a 15-year-old student says she found a racially charged note in one of her textbooks. The mother of the Acton-Boxborough Regional High student told 7News that her daughter discovered the note on Monday night after a discussion in class about President Donald Trump and the recent protests during the national anthem in the NFL. The mother says she believes her daughter was targeted. Other parents and students in the school say they are shocked to hear about the note, which contained a racial slur and a demand that the student “get out” of the community. “I was hoping that this town was a little more tolerant and accepting of everyone,” said parent Debbie Brissenden. “I am so surprised that it happened here at AB, so regardless of when it happened, it is something that needs to be addressed,” senior Samantha Friborg said. The school reported the incident to Acton Police, who are now assisting with the investigation.

It was only a matter of time until more people jumped onto the Westfield State bandwagon. In the same day, both Acton-Boxborough High School and Curry College came out with more probable fake racism. I wish I could say I’m surprised but I’m not. Once again, no leads on any suspect. A note stuffed in a textbook? C’mon people, you have to come up with a better story than that. Also, if this happened in a classroom, wouldn’t it be pretty easy to pick the pool of possible perpetrators? How many of these stories are people going to eat up until it finally clicks??

Get a load of Debbie

“I was hoping that this town was a little more tolerant and accepting of everyone,” said parent Debbie Brissenden.”

Yeah, the town is racist because some random note was found in one person’s textbook, and there’s no leads on who did it. Seems legit Debbie. Debbie also went completely off topic on in this interview and randomly stated “my kids are friends with everyone.” Cool story Debbie, what a day for her.

From Adam Jones, to Westfield, the SUNY Albany Lie, to Clark University  you would think that people would have started to catch on by now. It’s nuts that this gets crazy media attention and “outrage” but a Bridgewater State professor can call people who voted for Trump the KKK, and say students who voted for Trump aren’t welcome in his class, and these same people don’t bat an eye.

WHDH: Officials at Curry College opened an investigation after several hateful messages were found on-campus. In a letter on the university’s private portal, officials said they received three reports Tuesday of “alleged bias incidents.” The school said someone slipped a note under a student’s dorm room door at the 866 Brush Hill residence hall with a derogatory term for sexual orientation. The school said the person then went into the room and wrote similar messages inside on a mirror. A second student’s dry-erase board was also vandalized with slurs about sexual orientation.

“It’s just not right,” said junior Jessica Giamattei. “We’re a community and we need to come together as one.”

The school said the third incident happened in the parking lot outside Bell Hall, where a female student found a racist note left on her car. “The girl that this happened to, she came into class, she was all upset,” said sophomore Erica Ulrich. She told 7News she feels that Curry should be doing more to inform students about these incidents. “They’re not trying to cover it up but they’re not letting us know the details,” said Ulrich. The school said Milton Police are also helping with the investigation.

“They’re not trying to cover it up but they’re not letting us know the details.” That’s a strange way to describe an investigation on a so-called pressing issue. Even Westfield and Clark put out statements on their Facebook pages about the incidents. Curry hasn’t said a peep about it, or even commented on this article by WHDH. I didn’t think it could get worse than Westfield but this might be. Where the fuck are all these notes? What do they say? No pics? In the Curry case, the actual note, or what they said haven’t even been shown. The student wasn’t even named or commented on it, but Ulrich and Giamattei have no problem piggybacking on all of the clout. Wouldn’t shock me if they plotted the whole thing. Also wouldn’t shock me if Curry is basically trying to bury it because they know it has too much bullshit in it.

The school said the person then went into the room and wrote similar messages inside on a mirror. A second student’s dry-erase board was also vandalized with slurs about sexual orientation.

Ok, Curry College has an enrollment of 4,700 students. But, somehow a student went directly into this dorm room and wrote “slurs” about their sexual orientation on mirror’s and dry erase boards, and went undetected? Keep in mind, Curry is a small private school, these dorms are probably a couple feet apart across an entire hall, and this phantom vandal went undetected? Not to mention this student left their dorm unlocked while they were gone? This story has more holes than Bin Laden after Seal Team Six got him.

Let’s check out the scholarly Facebook comments from the fake outrage:


How dare you question an alleged incident that has a ton of flaws!  You’re a racist for questioning! You disgusting people! Listen Patty, people don’t question these things unless they have giant holes in them. Also, why do people relentlessly defend these stories as true right away even though there’s no actual evidence? Don’t you want them to not be real? Oh right, because it fits their agenda. They want this shit to happen so they can somehow turn it on Trump. Boom. Patty seems like an awkward person, who posts their profile pic as their pool? Weird.

This should be the last possible reason for second guessing Curry. Something tells me the $55,000 a year for attendance should be the red flag there. If you want to spend that much money a year, just go to BC. At least there you’re paying the same money and you get to watch your football team get their teeth kicked in against future NFL players, not just D3 guys. Just saying.

I think I lost brain cells reading that thread. Something tells me the issue of suicide has nothing to do with what Jon Walker is saying on a Facebook post about “Racist” notes. “Thin skinned douche lagoons” is incredible by the way, wouldn’t shock me if Walker rides the turtle.

People are now starting to see a trend:

Just like every other stupid trend, a lot of the BS is starting to surface – three strikes and you’re out!

Overall, the jury is still out on these two stories, but there’s no incriminating evidence to support any claims from both of these stories, other than one note stuffed in a textbook. I’m not saying that racism doesn’t exist, it’s still an issue that needs to be worked on. But, I don’t care what the implications are, if it’s bullshit, it’s bullshit. Call a spade, a spade. By the way, creating fake racism stories to advance your agenda only hurts the people who experience real racism. We are in the day and age where everyone is looking for the sympathy clout. Westfield and SUNY Albany basically held a fucking vigil for it. SJW’s are taking notes so they can get more brownie points from twitter and possibly get an interview from a news station that gets 100 views. This is the kind of shit that resulted in Trump’s election, the double standard between the mainstream media, and the bullshit from SJW’s. Everyone was sick of it.



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9 Comment(s)
  • They call me Ponch
    September 30, 2017 at 7:06 pm

    This one looks like a chic’s handwriting too.

    Broads are devious.

    • Wabbitt
      September 30, 2017 at 7:20 pm

      And in a pink pen. Bet I can guess what color she uses…

  • The Rant Queen
    September 29, 2017 at 7:39 pm

    Everyone’s sick of the bullshit, but it’s getting worse every day. Smh.

  • September 29, 2017 at 7:23 pm

    Did you really say “call a spade a spade”?

    • True Reality Speaks
      True Reality Speaks
      September 30, 2017 at 10:32 am

      You’re a moron if you don’t know what that means. Or just willfully ignorant. Probably both.

      Why do you libs WANT there to be racism in everything? Chew on that, nitwit.

    • Wabbitt
      September 30, 2017 at 7:19 pm

      He also said brownie. You going to search for racism in little chocolate cakes, too?

  • Mike
    September 29, 2017 at 3:51 pm

    I can totally see a person leaving a “racist” note someplace, not because they are racist, but because OMG people lose their minds and that’s hysterical. More people should leave notes, nooses or bananas around college campuses. Real subtle so as not to get caught. Overwhelm administrators until they either bankrupt the school trying to build safe spaces or say enough is enough and require actual harm in order to tie up resources to investigate. Honestly, the police will eventually stop spending time investigating every toilet wall swastika, every noose laying on the ground, and every anonymous note found after awhile.

  • Publius
    September 29, 2017 at 3:21 pm

    More fake racism. And people and media still fall for it.

  • John Galt
    September 29, 2017 at 2:13 pm

    If your strongest evidence of racism today exists as fake notes on whiteboards, I’d say that racism is licked!

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