Dozens of turtle riders have helped us identify the second street tough who terrorized a West Warwick neighborhood and left a young man’s lifeless body lying in the road.
His name is Christian Bourdon, and has has even more Google trophies than the other street tough who drives around in a truck without license plates, possibly because his license is always suspended.
Both Christian and his fiance Ciera Lacerda don’t like to pay their rent, which leads to the occasional eviction here and there.
Remember when she initially told the woman who filmed her “fiance” that she was gonna dump him over it?
That may be a long term result of her having to take him to court to pay child support.
I for one am shocked that her boycott of Walmart didn’t bring the company to its knees.
She’s married to him now? Maybe her and Bristol Blarney have the same anniversary.
The occasional domestic violence or simple assault charge.
Just like captain dick cheese, he also drives around with a suspended license.
He has multiple DUI’s.
Including a bad one in 2014 that made the papers.
Police have identified two men were seriously injured when their vehicle struck a utility pole on East Avenue shortly after midnight Friday. The driver, Christian Bourdon, 27, of Central Street, West Warwick, was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, resulting in serious injury, refusal to submit to a chemical test and operating with a suspended license. The passenger in the vehicle is identified as Thomas Caparco, 39, of Chapman’s Ave. in Warwick. Warwick police said Bourdon was traveling west on East Avenue when he failed to navigate a turn, crossed the center line and struck a utility pole in the area of 770 East Ave., as he approached the East Avenue bridge. Both occupants were transported to Rhode Island Hospital with serious injuries and at last check were still listed in serious condition. The Traffic Division’s Accident Reconstruction Team is investigating the accident. Police said additional charges may include driving while intoxicated resulting in serious bodily injury (felony) and will be filed against Bourdon pending toxicology results.
Pretty sad when you and your buddy make it onto Turtleboy, and the guy who’s only been arrested 7 times for driving with a suspended license is somehow the more qualified to be behind the wheel.
Anyway, he can add a couple more Google trophies to his cabinet after the incident this week for simple A&B and disorderly conduct.
Probably should’ve just gone home after they kicked the shit out of that kid instead of coming back.
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77 Comment(s)
Only fags #rollcoal.
Biggest surprise is that his Johnny Cash T-shirt isn’t the one with Cash flipping the bird. Johnny Cash would be sad to find he’s become an icon among the douche community.
If the NFL is cancrlled does Tom Brady get to keep the 30 million for not playing this year.
I wanted to see Tommy win with the bucs and this virus really sucks
Y’all need to shut the fuck up that’s my fucking dad so allow me to buy you a dildo and give you one last chance to take back what you said and if not You can go fuck yourself.
Bo and Luke Douche Must really enjoy the prison sex
“Lifeless Body”?!
Very ratchet to open a story with a huge exaggeration.
Keep up the good work:)
I like his sneakers.
I like your warm asshole
Paws off gerbil he is mine all mine
God Dammit
Fuck you both. I got dibs…*squeak
Its back on!! I will resume shuttle rides around town tonight
from 10:00-3:00.No need for masks.My SUV is squeaky clean
just like my home. #GRLPWR
I see Ciera and my nana shop in the same bathing suit secton.
What we all thinking!!
Government chipping away at American freedoms everyday.
Congress going to track you by your cell. Fauci will make real.Americsns carry papers.
Can we just eliminate white people already?
Even the gooks cant stand blacks. China is afraid globalization is coming to their homogeneous land.
I owned a Olds cuntless Cieria. It was a piece of shit, just like her.
Hey Uncle Turtleboy, do a segment about this motherfucking freak
That picture of him striding along in those fucking shoes is hilarious.
Skinny jeans are worse than flat brimmed Bulls hats
I bet this faggot has a Disney varsity jacket
I am officially stating that the covid virus is racist and kills black folks just be cause they are black. They are sittin sitting there minding their business and they dindu nothin and the virus kills them because they are black and its all evil whiteys fault. Heart disease cancer obesity and diabetic blacks die from the virus and only the virus. We saw blacks and hispanics were voting for Trump and we need them back on the democratic plantation. They will fall for the racist virus narrative and bote Dem its that simple.
Funny thing is we can call this a black disease but to be politically correct we wont call aids a gay disease. You see aids was only affecting gays in the 70s and 80s. Gays didnt like that aids was and still is promarily a gay disease. The general public didnt care that sodomites were dying from aids. So the gay community hatched a plan to infiltrate the blood supply by sharing needles and taking the Red Cross to court so they could infect the blood supply. Now we say see heterosexuals get aids like everyone else but if you are not gay dont inject drugs and dont have a bisexual partner or a questionable blood transfusion, you will never get aids . It is a gay disease but we wont call it that. The wuhan virus is a chinese virus but we will call it racist covid 19. Anyone who disagrees will be branded a racist
Now go down to chinatown and get some chicken wings to go.
Wash it down with a 40 ounce and if the black surgeon says dont drink alcohol call him racist.
Remember stay home be safe while we destroy the ecconomy due to this racist whiteman virus.
not on anything, my only point is, you act like this is YOUR BLOG, it isn’t, although that might leave you fucking devastated. Comment on the story or go away and rant somewhere else, any chance you can fucking figure that out? Stay on topic, or sit down and shut up, pretty fucking simple.
They took your straight jacket off and youusedyour free time to lash out. Not a good move. I let your therapist know and he assured me that your medication would be doubled and you would be put back in your cage.
The Sioux name for Ciera is “Buffalo Woman With Thighs Like Tepee Poles”
Go back and read the story cum-stain, this isn’t a story about the virus.
Shitstain, this story is whatever I say it should be about.
Perhaps with your one brain cell, you were not able to recognize there are more compelling issues to blog about.
That may be true, but not in the middle if this story ya fuckin douchebag
Cocksucker, no one cares what an aids infected cum guzzling shitstain like you thinks.
You dont enforce the rules for the city. I do! Ok cum breath.
You must be a real fucking dickhead in person.
Is that the mantra you repeat each day to build your esteem as you look in the mirror.?
Try this whatever
You should never be confused as to what you are and what you have to offer the world. SHIT
lose the hardo routine, it’s boring, sit down and shut up
What drugs are you on?
You sound like an angry uptight faggot.
Look up thisisbillgates on Instagram and get a clue sheep! Bahhhhhh bahhhh! Depopulation in full effect. First create the virus then create the vaccine! $$$$ for them, death for you! What awesome business model! #fuckbillgates #filmyourhospital #vaccineskill #wakeup #fuckyourvaccines
Could you please enlighten us, as to what this has to do with the story to which you replied? What a fucking retard
To wake you the fuck up sheep bahhhh bahhhh
Imagine the weight she’s going to put on year after year for the next decade, she’ll be pushing 300 by the time she’s 40 no doubt.
PLNT great day trading stock due to the pandemic.
2 great tuns 2 weeks in a row
First run fron 23 to 52 within 5 days. 2nd run from 36 to 52 within 4 days.
Love her fat girl swim suit. She looks like a lard assed old bitch. You can tell a lot about a person by looking at what they lay with. She looks like a draft animal. Christian is living his best life, which sucks for him. He has to whisper ” I love you Tubby” every night.
An update on my rehab
I’m still in rehab but I’m cured of the wild turkey I’m just addicted to benzodiazepines
I’ve also started to enjoy being corn holed by my big sweaty black nurses aid Jamaal the lawn jockey
Pray for me
I’ve heard Ciera likes to give hummers. A small percentage of chicks actually do. I dated one like that years ago. She would literally whip my sausage out without my even asking. Let’s just say that jaw of hers got a good workout for the year we dated.
The best blow jib I ever had was from your mother
She’d always start me off with a rim job
Casey please don’t tell the people about me smearing Hormel corned beef hash on my privates and going to the dog park for some K9 loving. German Shepherds can be so attentive.
I’m confused. These 2 share the same fiancé?
I’m surprised he’s that old. With the clean shave, I thought he was just some 22 year old hardo with a truck. Immature but has time to grow out of it. But pulling this shit in ur 30s? Woof
“Which one is your fiancé?”
“The adult wearing the cartoon shirt and cargo shorts”
33 yrs old, and still wearing the ball cap on backwards (immature) getting in fights (to prove manliness) arrest record 1/2mile long (proves long-lasting stupidity) won’t pay child support (total loser) can’t hold down a job (see previous examples)
Is there anything this POS does that leads us to believe he will be a productive citizen at some point in his up-to-now useless existence ?
His corpse will make good fertilizer some day. Other than that, nope.
The only thing missing from the story was a bottle of henny
And a Chicago Bulls flat brimmed hat
And a body laying lifeless in the road.
Drag Queen Story Hour has been suspended due to the virus. I implore everyone to write your legislators and demand that our beautiful queens get back to the business of serving our communities.
Can’t you pass a law demanding fathers dress up in drag to tell their kids bedtime stories???
No matter what color of skin,if your a scumbag ,your a scumbag.all these fucksticks need a wake up call.and it’s coming,this (virus) was just test.next time it will be rounding up people for fema camps
possesive pronoun: your; possesive pronoun: Your; determiner: Your
belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
“Is this your vibrating butt plug?”
How to Use You’re in a Sentence
You’re definition. You’re is a contraction for you are. It is a possessive adjective that modifies a noun.
“You’re a fucking moron “
Hey you ,ya you ,Felix unger ,you seem a little anal about spelling,bet you got your ass kick a lot in grammar school
Hey you ,ya you ,Felix unger ,you seem a little anal about spelling,bet you got your ass kick a lot in grammar school
shut uo you fucking idiot
How much for the Sponge Bob boots?
I just made my kids watch me eat fast food.They got none.
My buddy who is a car salesmen got a blowjob from Ciera couple years ago. He bragged about it to me and I was like dude did you have to return the favor on that whale? He said no. I hope that’s true. I can’t imagine how bad fat chicks pussies stink, so much more porous skin stretch secreting body fluids, I’m about to puke typing this.
Anyway, I hope Christian and Joshue get the room temperature challenge.
I love his taste in footwear!
Funny, you’d think there would be at least one or two GoFundMe accounts in this story.
this guy is a cornhole child, a sperm covered turd raised stupid. it’s obvious.
his fiancé, on the other hand, had to sue him for child support and then chose to marry him? or pretends to be married (i didn’t realize how rampant that was). these are some of the ratchet acts that make a person feel as though we are fucked, as a species.
Illogical. Not going to get a slap on the wrist this time.
Will be depending on shuttle rides around West Warwhack
from Amanda Sawyer when the dust settles.
A couple of douche canoes
‘Probably should’ve just gone home after they kicked the shit out of that kid instead of coming back.’
Yup. Also, his buddy Joshua probably shouldn’t have posted a self-incriminating pic of it on facebook.
His girlfriend blew my buddy a couple months ago. Kid still has no idea with his kid in the next room over
These Coal Rollin joker’s love the pig bitches… Classic redneck behavior right here in War Wack
White trash
Don’t be such a bitch , Toodles
Amen Bernie. Real creeps drive a Prius.
Why is everyone wearing COVAIDS masks? It just makes u look like a sketch case.
fat chicks are wearing them because then they can wear yoga pants displaying their gunts and ginormous asses without revealing their hideous faces, fat fucking cunts
I was reading this while sipping on some whiskey and I almost spit puked it all up cuz I lol’d. Nice post.
Seeing a lot of nogs wearing them. Hey, if it keeps those worthless porch monkeys away I’m all for it.