Check out this winner featured on the Webster Police Facebook page yesterday.
If Webduh had a face.
He’s not even from Webster, but was attracted to it like a maggot on a rotting junkie corpse. That neckbeard looks like a pubic chia pet. His face reminds me of one of those things Mario jump on in 1-1.
He’s actually from Quinebaug, CT, the most gangsta part of Woodstock, CT, where egg theft is at an all time high.
That’s where he earned the most legendary white boy street name of all time.
OG Reckless!! That might be my favorite white boy street name since Quincy introduced us to Baby Gangsta.
Eat your hart out Baby G.
I gotta be honest – I had no idea Dodge Neons were still a thing until I saw this post. But if I knew they were a thing, I would definitely expect them to be driven by a guy named OG Reckless. I’ll give one thing – he lived up to his name. You can fly on route 16 between Douglas and Webster, but carrying around a replica gun and trying to drive into cops at Mapfre Insurance is a great way to become gringo Freddie Gray. Just sayin.
Based on his Facebook likes it appears as if OG Check-less is an aspiring young rapper.
And you can’t start a rap career without a felony under your belt, so he’s well on his way to Youtube stardom.
Because this arrest was posted on the Webster Police Facebook page it necessitated a plethora of hoodbooger-enabling commentary from the peanut gallery.
Shut the fuck up Chuck. Not a single person reading your comment believes anyone in that picture has ever done anything that compares to leading the cops on a two town high speed chase in which you tried and failed to run over a police officer in a Dodge Neon. You’re no OG Reckless. More like OG Feckless Cunt. We get it though – back in your day everyone was grizzled and we all broke the law but ended up turning out to be just fine. Keep telling yourself that this is your reality.
Then there was this:
Oh fuck off Gretchen.
Take your liberal, white guilt propaganda bullshit and tell someone who gives a shit. No, I don’t care if he gets “caught up in the system.” I could give zero total fucks about the prospect of him sitting in jail forever. He’s 20 years old. This is who he is now. He doesn’t need help because he doesn’t want help. He wants to be an asshole and endanger the lives of others. And people like you who preach this bullshit are the reason violent offenders continue to reoffend when they should be in prison.
Turns out Jennifer’s not a fan of the Jews either.
Yea, she doesn’t hate ALL the Jews. Just the ones in finance.
Finally there was this crotch nugget who couldn’t stop posting.
Dog filter. Shocking.
Newsflash Jackoff Mercado – expressing disgust about violent criminals isn’t “cyber bullying,” and free speech will never be illegal (except in pagan Europe). No, police department’s shouldn’t ban public commentary because people are rightfully making fun of your boyfriend’s pubic neckbeard. He’s not “fighting demons” either. He’s just human scum. That’s really all there is to it.
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50 Comment(s)
he’s a literal rapist lmao. the fact that people are defending this kind of behavior is disgusting. not to mention the fact that people are acting as though having mommy issues is an excuse to act out like this. how many people do y’all know have some kind of childhood trauma and aren’t out raping people and getting in trouble with the police?
I can’t believe what bleeding fucking hearts will excuse just due to ‘youthful indiscretion’. Fuck all of them. We’ll see what tune Jennifer Galligans’ family will sing if she got killed by this fuckstick in a drunk driving accident.
The future of America is right there in his picture. Highly intelligent, hard working, takes care of family and friends. Yeah, that’s exactly what his buddies will cry into the news cameras when this kid gets a pop to the head some day…
If this dude ends up in jail he is most definitely going to be jumping on springs. while screaming to the brothas. Not by the pubes of my chinny chin chin, Not by the pubes of my shiny chin chin! They would turn this wigga wangsta out and trick him for a few coffee balls.
Let me know when Facebook destroys Coronavirus by setting profile pics to the Chinese flag.
Amanda Sawyer is back out trash barrel diving this weekend in Warwick.
I stand with Jennifer Galligan. Isaiah should be exonerated on all charges and set free. He just made a mistake. I also agree with Jennifer on Jew Banksters.
….he’s literally a rapist that deserves to rot in jail but ok
He got his name OG Reckless because of his affinity for bareback gay sex. He keeps it real by turning his bowels into a sperm basin.
O.G. Twink
Jac Mercado… would!
Love your eyebrows Jac. I hope you’re at least 18.
I agree, Finn. Eat your heart out Brooke Shields, these brows are thick just like dat ass.
What’s the over/under on the number of brown babies that the dog filter girl will pop out? Vegas is starting low at 2.5.
Too bad he didn’t pull out and point that replica at the police or me
Eight in the brain then six more into his dead body.
Another day another wigga….
Yes my brother is stupid and doesn’t think before doing things but we love him so please don’t say that you will shoot him or do him any harm I love him and I don’t want to find out that he’s dead how would you feel if it was your brother, father, son, or any family member you can hate on him all you want but I beg of you to not say that you will bring him any harm at all
Thank you and have a great day
OG RECKLESS !!!!!! OMG WTF!!!!!! It should be OG ASS CLOWN!!!! anthor white rapper who has the body of a 10 year old girl, really you can’t make this shit up!!! Fake gun, fake jewelry, atleast hes 100 % real when it comes to being lil white bitch, don’t worry OG RECKLESS if you end up in Walpole or Shirley Max don’t try sitting at the Southie or Charlestown table go right to the brother’s table and tell them your hood name is OG RECKLESS and your an aspiring white rapper and gang banger, you will be all set and if that doesn’t work tell them you and that 10 year old lil girl body of yours luvs sucking big black cock Good luck OG, your gone to need it
What trailer park does he live in? And why isn’t Bristol Ct. his homey town?
Someone needs to slap the parents of this shitbird,then put this little pencil necked mommies boy to bed with no dessert.if your kids are assholes ,chances are mom or dad are even bigger asswipes
I need a black cock in my ass
The negroes in prison will like his chin whiskers
They’ll wipe thier dick off on it after they cum in his mouth
from silver to red in 60 seconds, i didn’t think Neons could go 80 mph…
the gun was a replica and so were these gangsters, one-day banksters, and all this because OG is fighting the demon that he can’t grow a beard.
This isn’t even remotely interesting.
Stop reading then.
And do the rest of us a massive favour by fucking yourself right off. Thanks in advance.
IDGAF. Super Mario 1 was the greatest 2 button game of all time. But now I have the fucking song stuck in my head.
Slow news day?
Soon to be OG Wrecked-Ass can’t be all bad. Didn’t see a pic of him wearing a Bulls cap
At least that chick has actual, human eyebrows. These painted-on things freak me the f**k out.
The only thing more pathetic than a Dodge Neon is a Plymouth Neon.
A Geo Metro, maybe
Dodge Neon/Plymouth Neon are the same. It’s a pathetic car no matter what ya call it though.
Yes, I’m aware. Plymouth is still more pathetic than Dodge, especially since it no longer exists.
I will be offering shuttle rides around Warwick tonight.10:00-2:00
Want some Shuttle cock???
Isaiah Rock likes the cock he takes in the mouth and azz every hour of the tick tock clock.
What a loser
His supporters are losers too
This blog has lost its way. Yay some loser did some loser stuff. The content has gone down hill. The drama with Bristol is just as lame. Pull up Unc because this blog is imploding.
Hate to say but I agree.
I hate to admit it, but I agree.
I remember when TBS had many bloggers (some good, some bad). We had our pick of blogs. Now it is down to Unc. I wonder what happened to the rest of them? Did they quit, were they fired? Me thinks Unc should write a blog titled, “What happened to all my bloggers.”
It’s always been this lame.
Seems as though the old formula was “public figures acting ratchet,” and was far more interesting.
Yet every one of you assholes comes here every day. I don’t get you people.
Because we keep hoping…
The “formula” has allways been to to embarrass and shame shitbags from doing shitbag things. In Hope’s that it scares them straight. You would know that if you have been here longer than 3 days. The only problem is young people today have no shame! Like OG DumbDumb here. He is probably happy to be in Turtleboy because he is just that far gone. Some just cannot be helped.
I will walk a mile in his shoes, that way, when I get a mile away, I’ll have his fucking shoes LOL
Ratchets are every color of the rainbow. Hey, that could be a new tv show ‘Ratchet Rainbow’.
God bless him. Stand up Chuck. Oh, what am I saying.
Well jac tell
Us about his parents !! Tell
Us about your parents !! Tell
Us about your MOM.