This is Xavier Marrero of the fine Metropolis that is New Bedford, Massachusetts. Mr. Marrero is clearly an upstanding and scholarly young man – as is reflected by his eloquent word craft. See below.
In addition to writing like a young Charles Dickens while quantifying his FACKS for all his (insert word that does not rightfully belong to him here), Mr. Marrero also wears only the finest garments and head gear available,
Imbibes only the classiest libations known to mankind,
And takes great care to keep a healthy and sound mind so as to be the most productive member of society possible.
He’s also quiet the accomplished and focused career man.
Clearly this successful young fellow is going places, ladies and gentlemen. So imagine my shock and horror to see that when a relative of Mr. Marrero was unfortunately detained and charged by the New Bedford police…..
The place he ended up going was jail, right along with his shitbag cousin, for going far too hard to “free the real”.
“A man was arrested at the Ash Street Jail late Sunday night after allegedly berating corrections officers, New Bedford police officers and interfering with jail operations.
Two New Bedford police officers were transporting Alberto Marrero to Ash Street Jail around 11:45 p.m. Sunday night. When Ash Street Jail staff opened the security gate to let the New Bedford police cruiser inside, Xavier Marrero (a relative of Alberto Marrero) reportedly entered the sally port and positioned himself under the security door to prevent it from closing. When Admissions Control Officer Omaida Montanez ordered Xavier Marrero to exit the area and back away from the security gate, he allegedly refused to leave and began yelling expletives at Officer Montanez and the New Bedford police officers. The New Bedford police officers got out of their cruiser and approached Xavier Marrero, who finally backed out of the sally port, allowing the door to close and the area to be secure.
After Alberto Marrero was secured inside an admissions cell, New Bedford police officers exited the facility and arrested 23-year old Xavier Marrero and is charging him with disorderly conduct. Xavier Marrero of New Bedford was taken into custody by the New Bedford Police Department, who returned him to the Ash Street Jail as an inmate around 12:30 a.m. Monday morning.”
This guy went so ham on officers for arresting his cousin that he was taken in, too? Surely you jest. He looks so responsible, intelligent and respectful.
You’d have to be Ms. Cleo to see something like this happening! Inconceivable! What kind of witchcraft is this?
I just don’t believe it.
26 Comment(s)
Why doesn’t this Renaissance Man have a rap video or two available for the public to drool over? I was certain it would be in the next frame as I scrolled down the page. Unimpressive resume without one. Get with the program, kid.
Nevertheless, Moe, Larry, and Curley would have liked this — kid walks past jail door and the jail sucks him in. When robots run everything this will be more common; watch out.
what a fucking faggot
If there are any black turtle riders out there:
please beat this cracker senseless.
Its a filthy spic
Oh shit. One if those sneaky light skinned spics. Good eye
You know what the worst part of this is? The fact that the rest of us are supporting this assclown. And now we can pick up the public defenders tab also
Every single time, you have me convinced TB!
If I ever become this gay I give all permission to park a bullet in my brain pan.
You see dat my boi be drinkin henney and smokin blunts all provided for him by da evil whitemens who be tryin to kill him. Dats why my boi has a freeway by his crib cause da man tryin to pollute da hood. Its bad enough dat he cant get to work on time cause da bus ser ice in da hood aint so good.
Can facebook protect my boi from police lies.
That pic of him sucking on a fat joint is the same look he gives sucking on his homies fat cock !
What a fanook !
This little pussy is gonna make someone a nice “wife” in prison. He will definitely enjoy it.
Prison? For a disorderly conduct charge?
Some chick is in a relationship ans fucks that guy?! He works at a mobil and acts hard. man some women are so desparate
I will never understand how someone thinks fucking with the police is ever going to have a positive outcome. Maybe Josh and friends should audit there next
Obviously he’s just trying to build up his “street cred”. The more Google trophies the better.
A rap sheet’s a rap sheet…….fuck it if it’s only for disorderly!!
They say Worcester is the heart of the commonwealth then New Bedford is definitely the anus
and a prolapsed anus, at that!
Can you have a ratchet to English translation for those posts? i didnt understand any of it
If I was black I would smack the N-word right out of this kids fucking mouth little white puke White mamas boys like them should not say it ever. I don’t think anybody should say it but especially this little fuck.
Spics have no business in white society
I’m ok with them down in New Bedford Fall River and other shitholes like that
Places no self respecting white person would venture
Lawrence is ultimate spicville
not big on the whole rap shit…
it’s horrific mostly…
but what is up with these dudes and their smoke exhales?
is it supposed to be tough…sexual? I am thinking it screams…”hey..look at my mouth”…
are these “gangsta’s” all closeted?
and why the Bulls? I hate these fads that the hip hop fuckwads start..
New Beige much more better then Fall Rieve.
Just another member of the Hispanic crime wave polluting America.
Glad their families moved here to help better the American society.
Maybe he will recover.
Like you did.