Insane Video: Scituate Skagbag’s Afternoon Cohasset Booze Cruise Ends With Her Smashing Into Car In Other Lane
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Check out this story from the Cohasset Police Department:
You gotta watch this video:
I see someone’s graduated from the Ted Kennedy driving school. She was doing the south shore shuffle all over the road
Next thing you know…….SMASH!!
That’s not good.
It’s amazing that no one was hurt during this. And by the looks of Laura Farrell
I think it’s safe to say this wasn’t her first afternoon booze and drive session. That right there is the face of a woman whose average Tuesday begins with four Narragansetts, two shots of scotch, three losing Keno tickets, and half a pack of Parliament Lights. I’d still take her to manage my team in a tie game in the 8th inning over John Farrell though. Just sayin.
There’s drunk driving, and then there’s what happened in that video. That’s like a whole nother level of drunk driving. Sometimes when people are wasted behind the wheel you see them straddling the double yellows and moving around too much in their lane. But this was frat party drunk. She wasn’t even attempting to stay in her lane.
The 69 year old Brookline woman she hit is lucky to be alive. But instead of just blaming the drunk driver, all these Monday morning quarterbacks are blaming the people filming it:
Oh, get over yourselves. Hey morons – watch the video. They do call 911. And if they had called 911 three minutes earlier, nothing would’ve changed. That lady was on a mission to relive her Whalom Park bumper car memories, and there isn’t a thing the cops could’ve done about it. They certainly wouldn’t have found them in the amount of time that transpired. Just more idiots who think they have all the answers and get off on blaming the whistle blowers instead of the assholes who actually committed the crime.
Anyway, in the least surprising news ever she didn’t show up for court today and there’s an arrest warrant out for her arrest. She could be anywhere. Odds are whichever bar is serving dollar drafts right now is calling her name like the Sirens.
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3 Comment(s)
She’s a good person.
You sure that’s a woman? Looks like a tranny to me.
I hate people that make comments like that.