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Last week we published this blog about a Cranston rapper name John “Mack Sauce” McEvoy, who recently was released from jail and has been parading his 17 year old slave/girlfriend around on a leash while drinking vodka and posting it on the Internet for the world to see.
Well, after that blog the Cranston PD started keeping a close eye on him, and it appears as if Jackoff Sauce is going back to the can…..
A Cranston man was charged with assaulting a police officer as authorities were trying to respond to online posts involving a teenage girl being led around on a leash. John “Mack Sauce” McEvoy, 25, of 143 Beckwith Street, was pepper-sprayed by police in the incident on Aug. 2 that followed widespread concerns online about the videos and images.
According to an arrest report, the Department of Children, Youth and Families had contacted police about several online posts showing McEvoy and a 17-year-old girl who had been in DCYF custody. The videos and images showed the girl drinking liquid from a bottle with a vodka label, and also showed McEvoy walking around the neighborhood with the girl on a leash, the report said. The posts also showed images of the girl in her underwear and bra with McEvoy, police said.
DCYF wanted to take custody of the girl, who they believed was with McEvoy, police said. McEvoy had been released from the Adult Correctional Institutions just a few days earlier on a several-month sentence for violating home confinement on a controlled substance possession charge, police said.
“Several online posts.” Translation – DCYF rides the turtle. They’d almost be negligent if they didn’t at this point.
Here’s how the cops got him……
On Aug. 2, police sat in an unmarked vehicle and watched the home. A detective saw McEvoy leave toward a nearby school, where he met with someone and did something that appeared consistent with a drug transaction, police said. When McEvoy got back, the detective approached him, police said. McEvoy tried to conceal something in his hand and refused to comply, police said. The detective grabbed his arm, meeting “hard resistance as he began to forcefully pull me” during a struggle on the porch, the detective said. McEvoy pushed the detective with both hands, knocking him into a weight bench, police said. The detective pepper-sprayed him for three seconds in the face, making McEvoy pull away and land against a front window, which broke, police said. Another officer helped the detective control McEvoy and put him in handcuffs.
Of course Jackoff Sauce is a drug dealer too. Always a good idea when you’re into the illegal sale of narcotics to make yourself visible to the police by turning your 17 year old girlfriend into a sex slave. That was smart.
After the blog came out and the cops started watching him, this dumb shit mother fucker wisely posted pictures of himself covered in cash that could only come from one thing.
Selling really shitty weed to slugpumps.
They can’t arrest him for the stuff in the video though….
Col. Michael Winquist, chief of the Cranston Police Department, said McEvoy was charged only with resisting arrest and assaulting an officer, and not related to the online posts, because the girl told police she wasn’t being held against her will, and they couldn’t prove the liquid she was drinking was alcohol.
“Although the videos posted on social media were disturbing, we appreciate the members of the public who alerted us,” Winquist said in an email. “Based on our investigation, which include locating an[d] interviewing the juvenile, no criminal charges could be filed specific to the activities observed in the videos.”
Winquist said DCYF located the juvenile, who lives with a relative, and she “is safe and being monitored by DCYF.” McEvoy pleaded not guilty to resisting arrest, simple assault and obstructing an officer, all misdemeanors, according to court records.
What I wanna know is, who are these relatives that are allowing this? Granted, it’s not illegal so there’s nothing that can be done. And a year from now she’ll be an 18 year old walking bag of AIDS. But for now the family can still put a stop to this. Yet they choose to allow it to continue. Awesome parenting right there.
Anyway, Jackoff Sauce is apparently quite proud of his recent arrests. He posted his interview on the news on his Facebook page, in which he came out topless and told them that he’s not a pedophile (even though he’s totally a pedophile):
He also posted his court docket…
And links to news of his recent arrest….
I almost don’t even wanna write about him because he clearly loves the attention. But he’s just too much of a bag of flaccid penises not to….
It’s kind of sad what he’s doing to this girl. I mean, just look at how fucked up she is here….
Her family is basically allowing her to be sexually abused and drugged by this animal.
But by this time next year she’ll be an 18 year old adult and then no one will give a shit about her. When he eventually goes to prison she’ll be getting tagteamed by whoever the next set of chudstuffers to throw some zanny bars at her while Jackoff Sauce is in the can playing hide the kilbasa with Kyle Kennedy.
19 Comment(s)
Poor girl.
She’s damaged goods, no matter what happens to her from here on out.
Yet another that will seek out the most screwed up, abusive hoodrats to cling to.
Very sad yet all too common case.
I hope Mack Sauce gets punched in the leather cheerio so many times that he pukes up spunk.
Then he’ll be the notorious Sack Sauce.
where is the evidence he is a pedophile? #fakeblog
Hopefully this kid has enough brain power to make this chick swallow a plan b every time he bones her. Better yet lets hope she has an iud. The last thing we all need is her getting pregnant.
She’s chubby, below average looking and she actually looks like she is mildly retarded
He’ll be in the can and she’ll probably be found dead in an alley in some shit neighborhood from an OD.
Darwin rocks!
She’s with this dickwad moron the retardation is more than mild.
Check her rancid hole.
This douche prolly gave her da clap.
He is smaller than Marky Mark whose only 5ft 2
This punk must be sub 5Ft.
If you do bicep curls all day you might look 4ft 11
4’12” at most
4ft 12in plus 3 inch heels and he could be Marky Mark.
It’s too bad that our wonderful Federal Internal Revenue Service doesn’t take notice of all this illegally-obtained income. After all, they’re the guys who got Al Capone! Perhaps the RI Revenue people should be notified of this illegal income.
Notice his video posts are labeled MacKKK.
I wonder if this guy is part of that team? Surely no one is that dense. RIght?
I know of only one entity that ever used those initials in the US without the US meaning,
Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch which after they were bought out was changed to Siemens Turbomachinery Equipment GmbH. Siemens didn’t want to deal with the initials.
Another company I believe English (maybe Irish) bought it in 2017 and renamed it back to Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch. I guess they figure we aren’t the klan and we aren’t americans. Fuck it.
What’s MacKKKs excuse?
How edgy.
Ice Cube had an album called AmeriKKKas Most Wanted.
Yeah, but at least that had a context in that a black man thinks whites are racist.
I’m not giving this chowder head the benefit of the doubt. Naming yourself with KKK is just weird.
I have no clue where/what social media platform the videos were on because some screenshots have 1 k and others have 3 ks.
It may be that the social media platform with the 1 k said to him that kkk isn’t going to happen.
some people are screaming for a meeting with Lucille
Like a said earlier, the girl is getting too old for him. He will trade her in for an younger, dumber (if that’s possible), version of herself. Unfortunately, she is probably an alcoholic and drug addict by now. She’s already fallen within the cracks of any government agency that could have stepped in to help her. She will be dead before she’s 25. I honestly feel bad for her.
I hope he falls in a puddle of stomach cancer and dies slowly. Oh, and I hope his prison purse is exploited half as much as he’s exploited her ass when he goes back to jail.
Nothing good came out of this news story (it would have if he actually fell thru the glass window and was impaled by an iron gate — but that just happens in the movies).
Pedophilia applies to prepubescent children. Just FYI.
“He also posted his court docket…”
Captain: What we’ve got here is… failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it… well, he gets it. I don’t like it any more than you men.
Best movie, eva!
Im not certain which is worse, extreme stupidity or narcissism. This halfwit has plenty of both of these traits.
Getting pepper sprayed means resisting arrest gets added on and the fact that he got sprayed is just icing on the cake. Sometimes the universe gets it right. And philosophical bent aside, I hope his ass gets used like Jenna Jameson’s clam by the most violent sex starved prisoners until he bleeds so much from it he needs a transfusion.