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33 Comment(s)
This sicko is just a small part of these perverts, pedophiles, child molesters of a larger group that suck little boys dicks, and love to fuck them up the ass. I believe this piece of shit is part of a group that the Town of Ware Postmaster is heavily involved with. If this dick licker ever gets called out regarding his sucking little boys cocks he becomes boisterous and threatening in an attempt to intimidate anyone that questions him. After all he would lose his Postmaster job in Ware and might even see some jail time. I’m sure it won’t be long before he gets taken down by the law, he will suck or fuck the wrong little boy and it will get back to the parents.
Top or bottom?
Oh big surprise, it’s just another gay man molesting kids in your taxpayer funded public schools. Oh and we’re forced to worship this “community”.
So a High School teacher put on unpaid leave for kid touching, finally a story you have experience with.
Ignore this idiot
Homos rape kids.
Lol not so fast bro. I’ve had my fist in a coked up 12 year old girl and I’m as straight as they come.
Hahaha my comment is awaiting moderation now hahah told you mr free speech my ass
Cut this pedo faggots balls and dick off and and while he is bleeding out, beat him with a chain.
chuck this homo off the top of a building asap!
if you have a facebook that you update every day its a 95% chance your a pedo rapist.
So the story is supposed to be about a pedophile teacher. We get very little info on the guy before you go on a rant about masking children…reporter….journalist…hahahahaha
I wonder if this pedo faggot is friends with that pedo faggot who covers himself in PB&J
Almost the exact same thing happened to my husband, which is why I married him! It’s also why I support the full and complete legalization of all rape, including child rape.
I also saw recently that a fag and his fag husband were having sex with their 2 year old son and to top it off they were pimping out the son to other men and taking the son out of the country to do so as well
All gays should be no where near kids and they should all be hung
I’d like to point out that a faggot turned him into the FBI when he tried to recruit him to help him rape his students by showing the unnnamed faggot a video.
Thomas spent time with a minor and something happened, nothing more. This is the new normal. By now you homophobes should be used to men marrying each other, adopting children, and being alone and having a little fun with your own children. The hate, homophobia and bullying on this site needs to stop! smh
Wow it amazes me how many gay dudes get caught diddling kids
Most gays have been diddled as kids and when they get older the cycle repeats it self it’s almost like there is an epidemic of gay anal molestation going around
But yayy we must all support men ejaculating into the anuses of other men because democracy it’s our greatest strength
Now I’m not saying all child rippers are gay what I’m saying is all gays are child rippers
As soon as one of the fed boys find out why this limp wristed child ripper in in club fed hes going to be killed and rightfully so
He probably wont make it to trial which is great and I cant wait to hear that headline
You know what another act of child abuse is its letting gays into the classrooms
These people dont want to teach your kids they want to stick their aids infected dicks in your kids asses
As we can see time and time again gays can not be trusted around children just like the trannies that read books at the library they are known and most often convicted and registered child rippers
If any fag wants to be around kids that bad it’s not because they care about your kids its because they want to groom them into gay forced anal sex
No wonder why so many politicians advocate for gays its because they them self want to rip your kids and normalize it to escape their crimes
Parents should not put their kids into a school who hires flags as teachers no parent should let their children be around fags in general
They gays are coming for the anuses of your kids and they have admitted as much in that gay mens sing song out of San Fran
Love to see some statistics on the number of gay pedophiles versus heterosexual pedophiles.
Of course there are both types, but I’d bet the gays outnumber them 3 to 1.
That depends Trips
Are we including heterosexual woman who are also molesting children also
Because there is a huge uptick in heterosexual woman teachers who are also molesting children
I’ll bet 99% of those ‘trying to hang onto their lost youth by fucking young students’ women are liberals.
Bets anyone?
I saw CNN today, oh boy
The Taliban Army had just won the war
Biden took no questions, he turned away
Don Lemon praised him, he’s so fucking gay
Roll up
Roll up for the
Woke Biden Mystery Tour!
The Woke Biden mystery tour is coming to take America away
Coming to take it away!
The woke Biden mystery tour is supported by weirdos and gays!
Supported by weirdos and gays!
If there were a time machine and the libs went back knowing what they know today
They’d all still vote the same way!
They’re are cra zayyyy!
We all live in a Yellow Subterfuge Kleptocracy!
A Yellow Subterfuge Kleptocracy!
A Yellow Subterfuge Kleptocracy!
Living is easy with eyes closed
That’s what all the liberals do
Reality is too much for them to handle or to take at all
Thanks to them we will all fucking fall
Let me make you woke
because we’re going to
The Frontal lobotomy Clinic
No longer be a cynic
As you can be woke as well
IQ’s under 50 forever!!
We’re General Milley’s Bleeding Hearts Club Band
We hope you will ignore the show
We’re General Milley’s Bleeding Hearts Club Band
Just read Ibram X. Kendi, yo!
We cannot wait to he gets down here….Jeffery Dahmer is sporting a 10 incer and is getting first crack at him.
Ah. A pedophile cupcake boy with images of prepubescent boys on his computer. Who would have ever guessed?
At least his daughters are safe in his presence. Wonder is she still sports that ‘I love my Gay Dads’ t shirt?
Nice job by the ‘woke’ adoption agency.
I’m sure he’ll be a hit in prison. Hope he has a will.
Big Black Bubba with his Big Black Dick will be opening up his anal cavity so large that he will have to stuff a rag in it to keep it from leaking…and like a car with the gas cap missing and a rag stuffed in there, that’s where he will be.
Homosexuals deserve the rope. They are all pedophiles.
Weird that TB is criticizing the woketards for labeling everyone a huwhyt supremacist when TB labeled his comment section as full of holohoax joke makers.
Regardless, diddlers should be castrated after first offense, no exceptions. Also, LGBTHIV+ are diddler enabler/apologists.
Send this sick faggot to Kabul
Hang the n!gger Michael Byrd , the capitol cop who murdered Ashli Babbit