Mayor Of Trash Covered Worcester Condemning Trump For Leaving Paris Agreement And Vowing To Invest In Green Technology Is LOL Funny
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Last week President Trump upset a lot of people when he withdrew from the Paris Climate agreement. I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t even bother researching the topic. The whole thing bores me. All I know is, conservatives are all about it, liberals hate it because they think Trump just destroyed the planet, and they all have the memes to prove it. I’m more interested in the hypocrisy I saw out of Worcester Mayor Joe Petty and his boy toy City Manager Fast Eddy Augustus. From Worcester Magazine:
City officials are not on board with President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate deal. In a statement released Friday afternoon, Mayor Joe Petty and City Manager Ed Augustus Jr. doubled down on commitments to invest in green technology and clean energy.
“As our federal government retreats from its responsibility as steward of our environment, it is vitally important for state and municipal governments to uphold our commitment to the future of our planet,” said Petty. “If the president doesn’t want to do it, we will,” said Petty.
The city has invested in more efficient HVAC units in its buildings, put solar panels on roofs and in parking lots, swapped light bulbs in the DCU Center and in streetlights for LEDS, and built a large solar farm on the former Greenwood Street landfill.
“We’re already making investments in green technology and initiatives that will pay off for both taxpayers and the environment,” said Augustus. “The job of governing is often about balancing competing interests, but the beauty of these green energy initiatives is they help protect the environment, save money, and improve the city’s performance for our residents.”
So let me get this straight. Mayor Puddy is concerned about our “commitment to the future of our planet.” And if the President isn’t going to take care of the planet, than “we will.” As in Worcester. Ya got that? Worcester is going to save the planet. And we’re going to do that by “making investments in green technology and initiatives that will pay off for both taxpayers and the environment.”
Hey Puddy, here’s an idea if you want to make an “investment in green technology” – invest in some of these:
Because every time there’s a slight breeze on recycling day, this is what the streets of Worcester look like:
It’s just so hypocritical you can’t help but laugh at it. Worcester looks like shit. This isn’t me being cynical. It’s an absolute sty. There is trash EVERYWHERE that doesn’t get cleaned up. The fact that our leaders think we give a shit that they installed some solar panels and more energy efficient HVAC units shows how out of touch they are. What’s that gonna do? Save the polar bears? How freaking stupid do you have to be to believe that Worcester, this little city in a little state in a country that makes up just 5% of the world’s population, has the power to save this insanely gigantic planet by installing solar panels?
Hey, here’s an idea if you care about the environment so much – stop investing in all this worthless crap, and start paying people to go around and pick up trash. Because we took a little slum sociable today to document the current state of the city while our leaders lecture us about protecting the planet. Join us….
So the sidewalks in most neighborhoods on the wrong side of Park Avenue are basically trash receptacles for soiled clothing
Discarded luggage
Chairs that have been converted to Dunkin Donuts coozies
Urine soaked mattresses
Plastic bags
General filth
And trash heaps of broken dreams
The parking lots at pretty much any plaza have crud all over them
The few green spots where people actually take care of their lawn on busy streets seem to attract more trash than any others
Then there’s the parks. Here’s Crompton Park, where the first thing you’re greeted by is an empty beer bottle
Obviously NO ONE is paid to clear out the trash cans on a daily basis, so the locals just kind of improvise:
And when they run out of room they throw their two liters and water bottles on the grass
There are RIP memorials in the middle of the park, because apparently these people have a permit to honor their fallen like they died invading Okinawa
Oh, and the memorials themselves have turned into impromptu trash bins as well
The basketball court is covered in shit
As are the benches
And remember when we did that blog a couple years ago, showing what people see when they drive through Worcester on 290?
Yea we went back to that same exact location today to see if Mayor Puddy bothered trying to clean it up. Looks like the “green initiative” isn’t going too well on Vernon Hill:
It’s the same way it was two years ago, except now there’s a guy with an iPhone who lives there and the disgusting looking weeds have grown so much that they cover it up from a distance. Nevertheless, it’s all still there, and it’s all still terrible for our planet. But yea, tell me more about how concerned our leaders are about the environment. Let’s vote these jokers out in November. Petty is a disgrace and an embarrassment. Jump on the Gaffney train and vote for him for mayor, and his wife Coreen City Councilor in District 4, as well as Paul Franco in District 5. Take your city back.
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15 Comment(s)
I’ll bet Vernon Hill is a good place to play my favorite drinking game.
Go for a walk and take a shot every time you see an empty nip bottle in the ground. If you play that here in Webster you’ll have alcohol poisoning by the time you get to Price Chopper.
This blog has nothing to do with trash pickup, a climate treaty, or messy streets. This is a sponsored blog/hit-piece, plain and simple. TB has turned into everything he rallies against, a Sheep! ESPN, Barstool, Deadspin ring a bell? Never thought I would see you pander to this extent, Pathetic!
The Paris climate treaty would have been similar to the ever-increasing gas tax that got repealed, thanks to the “Tank the Gas Tax” ballot question. Read somewhere that America has already paid in $1 billion, and every 5 years the US contribution would have increased. By the year 2100, we would have pumped $100 TRILLION into third-world hellholes, for a global temperature reduction of just 1/3 of a degree.
Went to play kickball at Crompton park. First thing I see when stepping out: a used blue condom on the ground. After playing for a few weeks we also found broken bottles by the Memorial and had to pause the game to dispose of a needle right in the middle of the field. Too bad as the kickball crew seems to treat the place with respect but man that place is sketchy.
I’m shocked!
I didn’t think any of the welfare crowd on Vernon Hill knew how to use a condom!
How old is our planet? 4 Billion years or so? How many times has it gone through ice ages, hot spells, dry spells? And these morons actually believe that around two hundred years of industrial history has the planet on the verge of being destroyed beyond repair. I’m all for cleaning up the mess, but holding us to higher standards while taking billions of dollars from taxpayers will do NOTHING but turn us into a giant ATM for the rest of the world! I thought President Obama solved all this shit when he claimed “This is the moment when our planet begins to heal and the ocean waters begin to recede”. The headline for this story should read ” Petty says anything to score political points with Eco-Warriors and dipshit progressives”.
Have the refugees put themselves to use and have them clean up the shit. Just sayin………
Great idea!
This was hilarious! I live 45 minutes outside the city but work in the area everyday. I’m beyond grateful that I don’t have to raise my family in Worcester, which is sad to say. Worcester used to be a proud city, but PC idiots like the current mayor have destroyed any reason for pride.
Ever notice the trash heap in the median of the bridge as you head east on I290 over Lake Quinsigamond? Looks like it is waist deep and hasn’t been picked up in years, and is DISGUSTING. If not for the traffic buzzing by on both sides, there would clearly be a population of rats and gulls living there.
Meanwhile, back at the Worcester House of Country Clubs, inmates sit around playing cards instead of getting some work handed to them.
Well in memory of my father who would pickup trash in front of his house I will burn vernon hill and gbv in effigy.
He wouldn’t even have to pay someone to clean that mess up, I’m sure Worcester has enough people who owe community service they could get it done in a day.
Don’t go fantasizing about community service actually having a positive impact on the community. We both know that it is all a lie and the people that do community service probably spend an average of 5% of that time doing something meaningful, only to get credit for 100%.
^ Sounds about right.
It’s disgusting how disrespectful people are. You could get this all cleaned up and it would change nothing, filthy a week later. People don’t give a flying fuck, not their problem in their eyes. I’m just going to raise my kids the best I can and to have a little respect for this world.