Who remembers this picture?
It happened two years ago in Bridgwater after a Brockton dad intentionally misrepresented a trip to his daughter’s classroom from Plymouth Plantation re-enactors. The professionally butthurt race baiting queefs like Monica Cannon-Grant organized a rage mob that harassed the school relentlessly to demand the teacher be fired.
Except it wasn’t a teacher, it was someone brought in to teach kids about how people lived in Plymouth Plantation. And one of the ways was putting kids on walking tethers. Then again facts usually don’t matter to a race baiting rage mob led by an unemployed scam artist whose ability to make money is dependent on people murdering each other in Boston.
Well, the Bridgewater-Raynahm School District is once again under attack by a Facebook mob, albeit a smaller one.
Rule #1 of the interwebz – don’t trust anyone who ends a post with “help me make this go viral.”
Rule #2 of the interwebz- don’t trust anyone who uses the word “microaggression” and isn’t mocking the kind of people who use the word “microaggression.”
Our latest victim is upset because she sent her semen demon to school and with a backpack that her teacher said smelt like cat piss. The principal must’ve concurred so they made the girl put all her shit in a trashbag, because clearly it must’ve smelt like the Fall River Guttermuppet’s stench trench at low tide.
Yet she says the nurse told her nothing smelt wrong with the bag (sure thing) so obviously then her child is being “tormented” and attacked because she is a student of color, and this entire episode was one giant microaggression.
Because I’m sure they did this because they’re all a bunch of meanie racists, and not because she sends her kid to school reeking of cat piss.
And look who the rage mob started tagging.
Michelle freaking Dubois. The same woman who demanded that the Thomas Hooker entrance at the Statehouse be changed because his last name is offensive to women. I wish I was making that up.
If you’re tagging her you might as well start tagging Talcum X, because you are full of shit.
Momma Microaggression said she contacted the NAACP and she’s hiring an attorney.
And she’s gonna sue them for what? Sending her kid’s belongings home in a trash bag because she smelt like Garfield’s litterbox? It’s gonna be wicked easy proving what it smelt like based on showing that picture too, assuming that it’s a scratch and sniff.
Looks like the local Brockton NAACP has her back.
“A child does not get sent home because a back pack has an odor.”
You’re right Tony, they don’t. Because she wasn’t sent home at all. Read the Goddamn post – her crotch fruit came home on a bus. Kids who get sent home from school early don’t take the school bus. They’re not Ubers. But yea, call the state, file a complaint, keep your urine soaked trash bag as “evidence” (probably were planning on doing that anyway), and get her some counseling for the trauma of living in a house that causes her to go to school with a backpack smelling like cat piss. Listen to Tony, he did really well when he ran for office in 2015
and 2019.
He got 89 votes out of thousands of ballots cast. Do you understand how hard it is to get that little? Just having your name on the ballot means some people who have no idea who you are will check off the box next to your name because….fuck it. He couldn’t even get the fuck it vote.
And finally after consulting with failed politicians and other blindly outraged idiots they decided to go for the mainstream media too.
Because they know what we know – the mainstream media won’t investigate this, and is always looking for a way to get cheap clicks with imaginary racism.
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77 Comment(s)
Can someone PLEASE SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT? This little girl was NOT sent to the nurse BY HER TEACHER. She was sent by another teacher across the hall. TURTLE BOY please follow up and clear this teacher who had NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!
Another example of the negroes low IQ and lack of self control
Not to mention the shit holes their neighborhoods are
Yet they wonder why white people flee when they move in
Silly negroes
FYI….The girl’s teacher is NOT THE TEACHER who sent her to the nurse. It was another teacher who works in the same hallway. So now this false accusation is crucifying the wrong teacher. This disgusts me. In addition, the mother never even called the teacher to ask for the details. She assumed it was the classroom teacher and she ASSUMED wrong. I feel bad for the teacher getting the negative exposure on social media. Enough is enough. Get the facts straight before making your case on social media.
i reckon Mammy marked the backpack as a part of her territory, having taken a golden shower squat, her bladder full of Hennessy as she spent a penny on her daughter, Urinelle.
The only animals one should have in their house should be dead ones…covered in salt, pepper, garlic, maybe some horseradish (fresh, of course), and whatever else is suitable for the dead animal youre consuming. Animals (some humans included) are filthy and belong where they were meant to live…outside.
How did these idiots complain and otherwise expose themselves to the world as the morons they are before there was Facebook? Answer, they largely didn’t. Whenever I see an article like this one I understand why Mark Zuckerberg is among the wealthiest people on earth.
Also, she looks exactly like a white woman wearing black face. Are we sure she is not a relative of Rachel Dolezal?
I see her white ass
Tony Branch ran for a position with the school board? The same guy that says “The child was sent home for a specific reason to embarrass her and to cause trauma to create permanent discomfort in her academic experience”? They guy that got all this from a post about a child with a stinky backpack wanted an elected position with the school board? My God, Brockton is doomed!
This fucking niggress looks like she just swung down out of a tree by her tail
Anyone one here commenting that is 33 or older. You must own a car, house, and have a wife/live-in girlfriend. You NEED AT LEAST 2 out of those 3. By age 40 you NEED ALL 3.
Because you see, catpiss is for grass or dirt. Not rugs, clothes, kitchen floors, couches, and bags. But catpiss is classy compared to a man or woman that doesn’t have those 3 things by the time they are 40. Catpiss is doing better than you. Catpiss is a success story.
Someone’s mama got a dense thudding fecal bomb on her head like it’s a damn beret. Funnest pic you can see. Damn ol Biddy had a sweetnose.
The rambling of insanity. You are a sick fuck
So, if I order a “white pizza” you know, pizza without the tomato sauce, am I & the pizza both racist???
Wait until one of these fuck sticks realizes there’s a racist pizza out there causing irreparable trauma.
ALL of these people have no shame.
They will claim the “white pizza” was made with more care, better ingredients, and sold at a lesser price than the non-white pizza. They will claim the white pizza is featured on the menu whereas the black pizza or brown pizza is not. ”People should be able to eat pizza that looks like them!”
Killing myself laughing at
“People should be able to eat pizza that looks like them”
Hope they enjoy that burned pizza
conservative Republicans want you to be successful.
We don’t want the crime, the violence, the poor neighborhoods that are exploited by thugs..
We don’t want to pay for social programs- hence we want you to get jobs and careers so that you will actually reduce the tax burden by paying in to the system-not draining it dry.
We want you to make money!!!!! By working-not selling dope
We are benefitted as a society if you actually do better as a whole…
You know who wants you to stay where you are…
people who rely upon large government to make their living…
people who like spending everyones money…
they needs a portion of the society to actually fail in order for them to justify their polices…
Blacks-your real enemy is not republican conservatives…it makes no sense for us to be,..
Liberal, marxist, socialist, democrats are the ones who don’t give two shits whether you succeed or not..
it’s better for them if you don’t
Blacks have a perpetual childlike mentality. 40, 50 year old men dressed like teenagers riding around on a BMX bike, still trying to be a “rapper”. Still hustling on the street. Refusing to grow up, refusing to take responsibility for their actions, running around like a hornet teenager with the entire world ahead of them. Government assistance is just like an allowance for people trapped in childhood. But when I was a kid I had to mow the lawn and take out the trash for my alliance. Just wait until they get their 7 figure repetitions checks. Invest in shiny things now, the price will go way up.
Target was harassed until they took all black pumpkins for sale of the shelves because black pumpkins are racist.
Why is she holding it like that if it doesn’t smell of cat piss?
i had the exact same thought!
The monkey mind doesnt think things thru.
not the term…
the constant use of it within our society.
when it simply just does not apply anymore.
Even though applications to college by blacks is still low,
colleges and universities are lowering many of their requirements for admission to gain. more “diverse” campus…
so lib institutions WANT them in the door, yet they still are not showing up.
So education is no longer just the white man’s domain.
We have had a black president (mulatto-but still)
a black sec of state-a black general who was revered..
black doctors, black police men, black attorneys…
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is on every Nova program..
My wife works upper management- know who her CEO is? a black women…
This is not 18 fucking 66….you want to be successful blacks?
you can be. You will be ostracized by the black community for it…
because you won’t be “ghetto” anymore…
but for the love of christ…you are not OPPRESSED!!!!!!
the only racism that you feel is in your mind….
Sounds spot on to me
Cat piss still smells better than your typical reggiN (spelling stays).
Get Fucked,
Are you still here? Are you going to post a fake supporting comment from your other screen name, Dick Scratcher? Haven’t you been humiliated enough?
Reading your posts is like listening to the bleeting lemmings whining about impeachment. Both are irrelevant, and like the Left you’re too dim to realize you’ve jumped the shark and everyone’s mocking you.
Hey guys!
What did I miss?
“Cat piss still smells better than your typical reggiN (spelling stays).”
Yikes, you’re *definitely* lost now. You’d be embarrassed if you *saw* me and then think I would use that word. Nice try though.
And the other idiot – using the same email address (yes, I can see it) :
“Reading your posts is [music to my ears]. .. you’re too dim to realize you’ve jumped the shark and everyone’s mocking you.”
I didn’t realize there was a shark to jump. I’m honored.
However, I’m not going anywhere. Mad? Go ask your mom for hugs (mouth hugs). She is loves a good face-tunneling and finishes with a nice victory swipe.
Suck my (huge) dick.
Get Fucked,
I wonder if this chick found time to do a load of wash while bitching about microaggressions..
ain’t nobody got time for that
You know how we can tell that the backpack smelled like cat piss. The shitty parent looking for attention never said “I don’t have a cat”. She sent her kid to school where everyone else sends their kids to learn with a dirty nasty backpack and she wants to blame the school. This isn’t racism, this is poor parenting and blaming everyone but herself. News flash princess you are failing as a parent and have made your kid look foolish and brought all this attention to your kid that you’re supposed to protect. Shame on you
Catpiss is cocksucker’s cola. Catshit is Queer’s cuisine and Faggot food. If catlady cant understand that normal people don’t want catshit and piss on them, get her crrotchfruit tfoh.
wishes you were finn,
guessing ur josh or his boyfriend.
I can tell by your lack of writing skills.
Was that ol Biddy that we watched drink the Catcrapuchino? We couldn’t find a blender, remember? Thank you swiss army knife.
Mom totally appropriated that PAWG.
Looked good, though!
You branch into so many different stories that my head is now spinning like LInda Blairs’ on The Exorcist! Where were we?
South Park had an episode on cat piss, It was hilarious.
Great homage to the “Heavy Metal” movie.
There’s Y with the clip!
And FUCK whoever downvoted my prior comment.
The terrible mom, who was profiled in this blog, is all over every comment, smashing the dislike button.
Hey Mom, get off social media and provide for your children. You’re a disgrace!
Here kitty kitty kitty kitty. Rub your pissy fur and shitty ass fur all over my stuff. Such fun!! Shed some fleas up into the air to float into my mouth and onto the dinner table. Yum. Here kitty kitty kitty kitty.
It wasn’t cat piss
The mother accidentally put a pair of her under pants in the back pack
The stench was the mother’s snatch
can you imagine the ammonia smell in her house? this house should be investigated by dcyf or whatever state child agency there is. imagine how much cat hair is everything they are eating. help the child out of that house.
Yup that was cat piss. I did it. I can’t stand the smell of those people….
when I was in 2nd grade in 2004 my teacher literally went into the coat room to get a back pack to use in the rehearsal for our school play. Out of 18 kids she happened to pick my backpack. I panicked. I had 4 rotten bananas in there a clutter of old homework cookie crumbs everywhere and at the bottom of the bag the titanic book that i owed mrs Jones for the past 7 months. She opened it and said omg what is going on here. She then lifted the bag upside down and poured EVERYTHING out. Everyone is class was like oh shit Rob is A GRUB!! The teacher then said Who’s backpack is this??? I responded it’s mine mrs Jones I’m very unorganized and lazy and I don’t ever clean it. She said ok well here’s my titanic book back thank you. I was embarrassed and I felt like it was an illegal search lol but I didint care because I was a kid and I was very sensitive but the second I got home what did I do? I did my homework played my video games and pretty much forgot about it. These days that just doesn’t happen. People want to hurt people weather it’s emotionally socially or physically. I went home and I told my mom but she brushed it off and told me it was alright I’ll cook you some dinner. Moms can’t do that these days. They need vengeance they taste blood and what better way to get it done than the good ol Facebook machine. Please make this go viral? Why don’t you get over it and wash your kids clothes. Everyone wants to be viral famous or noticed, it feeds egos and it’s fucking gross to be honest. my teacher embarrassed the fuck out of me!! Some teachers made me cry all the time!! But guess what they’re underpaid and dealing with snots like us so we deserved it. Get the fuck over it and delete your Facebook. It’s a false reality and used to target and humiliate people. I miss the days before social media man. I really do.
u put 2 much time into that my son. people do what they do and the news and internet gossip is for the people that don’t have nuttin to do. if it captivates your mind to this extent, you need to realize that to other folks, it’s a sliver of their life. You know that so it’s a terrible thing for your ego. Seek help.
fin fan sucks
nice try – not fin
not only did she have to deal with that ..
she gets to go home and hear her mother fill her head with ideas of “victimhood”
that every event in her life that does not turn out well is somehow part of the “white mans conspiracy”
another generation of blacks with no accountability….
no logic. no perspective. no rational thought.
just programmed enough to be useful for their real “masters”
the white guilt liberal left ..
feel bad that she is probably already lost…
Another narcissistic Mother who loves selfies and wants to add excitement to her meaningless existence. Facebook is just ur place! Post whatever you want and people will stand by ur side and fuck up whoever is on the other end without even putting actual thought into the situation. Purely going off of what your side of the story was. There is always 2 sides you fuckin sheep!! Moms of fuckin Facebook are cancer!! Esp the race baiting black ones. Please make this go viral…lmfao you Fuckin lame ass nappy haired clown. This is your 15 minutes of fame you fuckin race baiting Chump Ur kid smelled like cat piss but you didn’t smell it cause ur upper lip happened to smell like dog shit. Clean ur house and wash your kids clothes. Lame ass Facebook using drama seeking loser.
The mom and her friends all look like they smell like cat piss they probably eat litter box sandwiches for lunch. Douch canoes, one and all
hmmmm…appears we have someone involved with the feline urine on here now..
look at how fast the downvotes have popped up.
is it the breeder or one her breeder friends?
as Varg would say…”lets find out”….
Are washing machine now racist?
Ahhhhhahaha my washer & dryer are both white. Does that mean I’m a white supremacist & nobody told me???
Q- What do you need in your life?
A- Someone’s shit to look at and smell.
Q- Have you considered a baby? They shit a lot.
A- I can’t.
Q- A cat will shit in a box right next to you.
A- Sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and not for the better.
Now any moron can air there hysterically dimwitted agendas and grievances.
And with the left controlling most of SM-this is what it has become.
Remember the good old days when it was “work” to get your opinion to the masses?
A nice “letter to the editor”?
the great unwashed never really bothered to pen anything-they didn’t read the papers.
So you actually had to have initiative, a brain, pen, paper, envelope and stamp.
Do you think Aunt Jemima would have ever wrote a letter to anyone about this and actually followed through to the mailbox?
You never really know how moronic your neighbors were, or your kid’s teachers, the idiot you worked with.
Even the early days of the internet-when no one posted their identities online…
You could pretend the marxist lived in Idaho, not two blocks down.
The glory days of before the internet. When being smart meant reading a book now and again and not relying a web page for the “condensed” version.
I’m gonna call this one right now and say this backpack that smelled like piss will be completely cleaned and doused with perfume when they present it as evidence. The sad thing is, this smelly bag is all the fault of the parents (is there a dad in the picture or is this another Guttermuppet that got hosed down by some gangbanger?). This mom has a lot to answer for here.
It’s important these school administrators protect their staff for doing the right thing and not caving to the BLM crowd that make up shit on a daily basis.
Also, easy to see this bitch wants attention when she tells everyone to make it go viral.
“Is there a dad in the picture?”
Demographics would indicate the answer is “no.”
are victims of domestic abuse more than white women, or any other race in this country..
so mom has probably been smacked around a bit too…
but I am sure racism impacts her life more than being physically abused…
and I am sure that whitey is to blamed for that as well.
That reinforces the myriad studies and reports that clearly illustrate the fact that the black man is the most violent creature on this planet.
Numbers. Don’t. Lie.
When families live in squalor they always have cats. “Houses of Horrors” that are featured in the news with malnourished, filthy, decaying human and animal carcasses….always cats. They can’t take care of themselves, so they lazy loaf off of a cat. The school was right to admonish for stinking up the place with cat piss. This country is so messed up in its ways it honestly befuddles me. Want to end this insanity? Easy peasy, humans shouldn’t own “pets”. It’s disgusting.
Her microaggressions are an attempt to lynch the white man.
It wasn’t cat urine; it was monkey piss.
Since the mother isn’t letting it go, perhaps DCF should be called to check on the house. I bet it’s a disgusting mess.
i can still remember the first and last names of the pissy smelling kids from my elementary. the ones that pissed the bed and then just changed their clothes instead of showering.
this school was probably trying to save the poor girl the humiliation of stinking all day and being remembered years later for it.
this isn’t a black, racism thing at all.
Shit like this happens.
True story. I had a vicious ass head cold my sophomore year-I would have stayed home but had a project needed to present.
I couldn’t smell a thing. So the morning, I took some meds, grabbed my duffel bag and started my 4 mile winter trek to school (this was the backwoods of NH in the 80’s fucking brutal hills, and the school didn’t; send a bus-not enough kids on the route. Fucking today,, I am sure they provide one for these snowflakes. But I digress)
get to school, my bf tells me my bag smells of cat piss!
My mothers fucking cat pissed in my bag!!!!!!!!!
So I raced to the locker room and grabbed some soap and washed the thing the best I could and stuffed it an empty gym locker and buried it behind towels until the end of the day.
Fucking cat ruined my already shitty day.
Shit happens. Piss happens.
No need to call Al Sharpton over it.
I know a family member who has had the same issue with their cats.
One of the cats sprays the 12 year old kids backpack when ever it is left laying around and the kid doesn’t hang it up.
They have spare backpacks in the event this happens since it has occurred several times.
The last time it happened they were at work and the kid was to lazy to switch the backpack out for a clean one, this resulted in him being sent to the nurse at school and the parents being called.
They were embarrassed but the kid who is Caucasian by the way didn’t care.
This has happened a couple of more times since the first offence and the Nurse has threatened them with DCF.
The point here is working parents sometimes leave before the kid gets on the bus and Older kids need to take some responsibility.
I don’t know if this woman supervises her daughter and is home to make sure the kid doesn’t leave for school smelling like a zoo animal?
I doubt she works given all the Free time she has to Race bait but if she does than the child should know if it stinks leave it home.
This isn’t a Race issue it’s a Lazy issue, kids need to be taught from an Early age to take some responsibility for Hygiene and their appearance this helps prepare them for the rest of their lives.
Regardless of age the kid can use her sense of smell and know better than to take a smelly backpack to school.
Ugh, this is not racism. This also happened almost 20 years ago in my H.S. only instead of a backpack, it was a girl’s jacket. It smelled of cat pee so badly that it stunk up several hallways and corridors. One of the teachers locked the coat in a closet and gave it back to her at the end of the day, followed by a guidance councilor calling her parent/guardian to speak with them on the issue. It was an interruption to the other students learning environment, and nobody went crying or complaining about how it was handled, and the issue got resolved. People just want to look for outrage these days.
Spend more time doing laundry and cleaning your house rather being online 24/7 and posting selfies.
Nothing to do with race – everything to do with being a filthy pig who neglects her house to spend more time on social media.
Get Fucked,
Always somethin’ w’ POC. That being said mom’s pretty cute, I’d luv to throw one in her. Frankie da Rizz
Cuntface AOC is upset because the Joker danced on stairs in the Bronx. She chased away Amazon jobs too becsuse let da hood be da hood. Oppressed reppressed and depressed is da only way a cunt like her gets elected. Bitch wants joyless people
Das so racissssssssss!!!
Was the cat black? That would be racism.
Never cross da path of a BLACK CAT.
I have a black cat. He has black fur, but he has white skin. But to speak on this whole issue, car pee has a awful smell that is very hard to get rid of and is extremely strong. It’s a disgusting smell. And it’s usually from a male cat that hasn’t been neutered so they spray, or it’s from a nasty litter box that is not cleaned daily. Either way when you live in a house that stinks of cat pee, you can’t smell it like everyone else can. The smell gets into everything! Cat pee homes are really gross.
Cat* not Car 🙁 auto correct sucks sometimes