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This is the most New Bedford thing these eyes have ever seen.
What were the odds the dog breeder selling raffle tickets for a bunch of pups that Rover shot out of her stench trench would have chosen pit bulls of all breeds? That was a trick question. The answer is 5,000%.
Do you understand the level of ratchetry one must obtain in order to enter a pit bull lottery on Facebook? These aren’t people willing to pay $2,500 for a dog. They’re people with $25 and a dream. A really grimy dream. Anyone from New Bedford who wants to win a pit bull in an online raffle is almost guaranteed to have multiple Google trophies, a flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hat, and at least 2 appearances on Turtleboy.
I have no idea if selling dogs on Facebook is illegal, but it should probably be regulated. The ASPCA warns people not to buy dogs online. If you can’t sell guns on Facebook then you shouldn’t be able to make pit bulls fuck each other so you can sell their offspring to random people. Because the fact of the matter is that pit bulls get a bad name because hoodboogers everywhere treat them like accessories. It’s all part of the ghetto package. And when these people get them they’re not buying them to have cute dogs to walk at the park. They’re getting pit bulls to turn them into the dog version of themselves. And when these animals are raised to fight and be vicious they can be dangerous. A lot more dangerous than a gun.
Either way, the raffle aspect of this is completely illegal.
You think this spunk dumpster got a permit for her Facebook raffle?
You think she’s vetting who is entering her raffle? She sometimes tags a bunch of people when she shares it, and she shares it pretty much every day.
All you need to do is look at the list of people she’s tagged and you’ll find no shortage of dog filters, pit bulls, and chains.
This is who she wants the pit bulls to end up in the hands of. Nuff said.
She’s also selling her dog’s dirty dick for your bitch if you wanna sell your own puppies. And she accepts layaway!
Payment plan for your dog to get plowed. Sounds legit.
Turns out she was initially just planning on selling the dogs, but since so many people wanted them she decided to hold a hoodrat sweepstakes on Facebook instead.
We inquired about entering the raffle and were quickly blocked, which only further suggest that this skankwaffle is up to no good. Either way, I’ll bet next month’s food stamps that she’s not licensed to do this, and she certainly isn’t reporting the income or obtaining a permit to conduct a raffle on Facebook.
27 Comment(s)
Walmart payments!!!!!!!
this tomfoolery is the next judge judy episode and those titties look like 2 loaves of sour dough
fuck those are some big titties.
theyre saggy baggies bro. My cousin was hittin that shyt for a while. Them knockers sqing around like a coke can in a sock. She gives some decent fellatiooo though. Gobbles the smore batter like a ethiopian with a single juice pak. Guess the doggie style can be pretty nasty though, gets to sweating and the ass grease can start stinking up pretty quickly. Was told, best to always coax into a starter shower, make up some excuse like it rained puke or something before getting to the house. Also, watch your wallet. He didnt qualify it, just said watch it. And what ever you do, do not fall asleep around her. ?????
What did one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob?
If we don’t get support soon, people will think we’re nuts.
Big question is what’s that right in the middle of those fun bags?
Answer, her belly button.
She has those big saggy to your belly button tits. Nice big boobs are ones that can pass the pencil test. She couldn’t pass that ten years ago.
Judging by the second photo I can guess why she takes photos with her mouth closed.
I get the feeling the inside of her mouth looks like the fucking Batcave
I’d plow her, but she’d have to keep her mouth shut and not expect to be kissed
Need to see more of the rackasoraus before I can evaluate yay or nay
First of all let’s clear up the fact not all people with tattoos, especially women.. Having low self esteem. I am a proud owner of quite the collection of tattoos, and piercings, embrace my uniqueness, the fact most ask if I worship Satan.. Fact: He worships me, now that’s cleared up.. I personally would A. Call The local dog officer, B. Make sure this scumfuck and all who entered this “Raffle” Be arrested for buying from a knowing underground dog breeder.. ABKC paperwork? New to me!! It’s always been AKC… American Kennel Club which you need to be an APPROVED member of, a valid breeder, licensed, recommendations, from Kennel Clubs, Society’s, The City/State..which is out of this one’s league of social status, financial status, any status. C.I won’t even consider buying from a licensed breeder, when Adopting a dog from a shelter is soo much more rewarding, especially a pit bull, which are in the RIGHT hands of owners are huge babies and goofy lil waggle butts. TurtleBoy this is your best exposed ever! I say expose her more, for the fact she’s nothing but a basic ghetto bitch looking for a quick dollar for only the God’s know why.. Baby food? Diapers? Wipes? Cocaine? Fentanyl? A bit of the ole ultra violence Heroin to Ludwig Van? Hell my friend from New Hampshire shared this and I read it through him!! So kudos guys, you made it down through New Hampshire haha.. makes me feel like river dancing!! I kind of feel a maniacal bond of utmost brutality.. Except my freezers are empty and I need to refill
Great Bolshy Yarblockos!
“A bit of the ole ultra violence Heroin to Ludwig Van”
I viddyed her teethy-weeths, real horror show!
First of all, it already has been cleared up, tattoos for the most part are shit and the people who sport them are definitely 100% 100% pieces of shit. Im not talking the small tats here and there, who cares. The fucking sleeves, ones on your hands, face, neck, behind your ears, etc. Get the fuck outta here with that shit and your stupid, welfare looking piercings and LOL big circle jerks through your ear lobes!
I’d throw her a hundred a day for 25 days if she’d stay naked in my house and let me have my way with her 3 times a day. On second thought, maybe 50 a day.
Tattoos. Every time I see a girl with tats, first thing I know is she has a low self esteem. I know she swallows. I know she does anal.
Prove me wrong. You can’t, because it’s 1000% true.
No need to swallow. I’d be throwing mad ropes on her mug. Her eyes would be stuck shut.
I just did I’m proud to be unique, myself, not a follower, embrace my weirdness, my fellow freaks as we are called by lame boring people who judge those who don’t bow down to sheep.. I will Prey for you!!
I hate myself. Would.
Mama mia! Her real money makers are in her shirt.
¡Ay, caramba!
Those glands could cure world hunger!
Forget the dog, the real puppies are what she is hiding under that sweater.
At first glance, I thought they looked like a nice pair of sweater puppies, but after a closer look, realized they’re just fat and vainy.
Dumpster rat. Those dogs don’t stand a chance in life. They will be trained to be downright vicious by all the moon crickets and Brasilero Cowboys… She would be good to give a spanking across my knee to…
Forget about the dogs, id buy a $25 raffle to dump my spunk in her
I guarantee she is going to pull a Greg Bates and already knows who will “win” this “raffle.”
Look at this!
Can someone tell Animal Control or the local PD o stop this from happening?
Someone has to stop this from happening! Paying $2500 for a dog would be incentive for someone to take good care of it……but here she’s giving this pittie to someone who is not even vetted for $25?
This is likely to end badly for this poor puppy…..
Who can stop it?
My thoughts exactly. This poor pup could end with anyone. And we all know this world is full of awful people who love to hurt things without a voice. The MSPCA should be made aware of this and intervene before something really bad
happens to this puppy. A few years ago our dog Shelby who is a Akita gave birth to six pure bread Akita pups. I had people interested in these puppies before they were every born. Once born, I made my choice of who the puppies should go with. I wanted them to be in home with children to play with them, a back yard and I wanted to know they had the means to take care of the puppy. And I also made sure they knew at any point if they couldn’t keep the puppy any longer for any reason at all. Please give the puppy back no questions asked. We had a contract typed up. And every person who got one of my Shelby girls pups, take amazing care of them and still send me pics to this day of them. When you “auction” a dog off that means anyone gets it. A animal abusers, a person who can’t take of themself never mind a puppy. Before turning a puppy, a damn baby over to a stranger cause they won the 25$ raffle you should know about them and I highly doubt that is happening. She is sending this puppy to have god knows what kind of life. I pray where it goes the people love it and feed it and show it attention. I hope it doesn’t get beat, kicked, starved, made to fight other dogs. Or something else that’s awful that sick people do to animals. It’s crazy to me to just hand a puppy over to anyone who has luck that day and 25$. It’s wrong.