All-Star Criminals

Pill Poppin Fetus Farmer Put Her 4 Starving Crotch Fruits In Cages, Posted Loving Family Pictures On Facebook, Got Busted After Cutting Sperm Donor’s Face Like A Hellen Keller Pizza


SourceNorth Texas deputies discovered four young children in a “state of neglect,” apparently malnourished and covered in feces and urine, living in an outbuilding in rural Wise County Tuesday. Two of the children, deputies say, were being held inside a small locked dog kennel. Their mother and the father to one of the four children, now face child endangerment charges. Wise County Sheriff’s deputies were called to a domestic incident at a residence described by sheriff’s deputies as a barn house, or a metal, shop-type outbuilding near County Road 4930 at about 7:15 a.m. Deputies arrived to find a man, identified by police as 24-year-old Andrew Joseph Fabila, with a number of scratches on his face. While talking with Fabilia and his partner, 24-year-old Paige Harkings, deputies reported hearing the voices of children coming from a makeshift living space inside the outbuilding. Craig Johnson, Chief Deputy of the Wise County Sheriff’s Office, said deputies then found four children, ages 5, 4, 3 and 1, inside what deputies described as “filthy” and “cluttered” living conditions. 

Investigators said the children all share the same mother and that Fabila is the father to only one of them. The older two were found locked in a single, wired, 3-by-3 foot dog kennel, one on a blanket and another on a small toddler bed; the other two were only partially clothed and all of the children were unkempt and in a “state of neglect.” Wise County Sheriff Lane Akin said when deputies found them, all of the children were hungry and thirsty and that “there was plenty of food inside the barn but the refrigerator and the cabinets had been locked so the kids could not get in to get food.”

“There was a refrigerator in the residence, but it had three straps on it that served as locking devices to keep people out. In dealing with children … they were positioned in a manner where those small children would not have access,” Johnson said.

Fabila was treated at the Wise Regional Hospital in Decatur and then joined Harkings at the Wise County Jail where they were each booked on four counts of child endangerment. Harkings was also charged with aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury for the lacerations on Fabila’s face. A bond amount has not been set and it’s not clear if either Fabila or Harkings have obtained an attorney. Child Protective Services confirmed to NBC 5 they have had previous contact with the parents at a different address and that they’re investigating this latest incident. CPS said Tuesday afternoon that the children were being released from the hospital and will be placed into foster care. 

You gotta wonder how many kids are living like this in this country. The only reason these garbage pail skidz got caught was because they got into a domestic dispute and she cut his face up. Now he looks like Helen Keller’s pizza. You’d think that if you had a bunch of kids in cages in your house that you’d try to keep a low profile. Not these DCF darlings though. They just couldn’t resist cutting each other up, drawing attention to their shanty, and then inadvertently liberating their children.

Here’s the fucked up part – just like the Blackstone House of Horrors Mom, Paige Harkings played the loving mother on Facebook. She’s got pictures of her raw dog participation trophies everywhere.

What’s really twisted is that the kids were starving, but the parents weren’t. And to make matters worse there was plenty of food in the house, it was just locked up. Think of how awful that is for a starving child to know there’s food right in front of them, but the people who are supposed to be looking out for them are intentionally depriving them of it. Then she has the audacity to post this:

Fuck off. It’s that simple.

Oh, and does anyone doubt that an unmarried mother of four was on food stamps? Anyone? The taxpayers were giving her money for groceries BECAUSE she has kids, and she was using that solely for herself while her children starved and lived in cages.

This was freaky:

This is ironic.

As was this……

Yup. Just like Erika Murray she was actively posting about missing or abused children and pretending to care about their well being while her own children were being starved and put into cages.

Then again, this is what we’re dealing with:

A herpes sentagraph who freely admits that “I won’t touch X I wont touch dope I will do pill n weed.” Because being a pill popping fetus farmer is OK as long as you don’t do ecstasy.

This is the only accurate thing she ever posted on Facebook.

Karma’s coming for you skank.

Here’s my question – why isn’t this a political issue? You hear politicians whining about putting kids in “cages” and separating them from their parents after illegally crossing an international border, but you never hear a word about the epidemic of abusive parents that live within our borders. Why are the kids from Honduras and Mexico the only ones that society cares about? No matter what state you’re in it seems like DCF constantly misses obvious red flags like this on the regular. But yet I don’t hear a word from politicians on either side of the aisle about reforming this broken system. Maybe they should.


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13 Comment(s)
  • M
    March 13, 2020 at 1:24 am

    “Now he looks like Helen Keller’s pizza.”
    Hahahaha classic

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    February 14, 2019 at 11:25 am


    Oh wait.

  • Judge Wilby Turgid-Underrobe
    February 14, 2019 at 12:36 am

    Sentence them to starvation for 60 days and then hanging until dead.
    Let them stand on tip toe with the rope taut till their strength gives out in their weakened state, then they can thrash and strangle for a while.
    Put up pics of the kids in their cage so that’s the last thing they see as the world fades to black.

    • Send em to hell
      February 14, 2019 at 3:54 pm

      Anyone who hurts a child should go out that way. Perfect description, only thing I would add is broken glass under their feet. Otherwise perfect way for them to die

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    February 13, 2019 at 4:49 pm

    fucking burn them with fire

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    February 13, 2019 at 2:39 pm

    I’ll get that solemn look off your face baby, just prior to man-glueing your eyes shut

  • Sausagewallet
    February 13, 2019 at 1:03 pm

    Is this the headline of the Century?
    My opinion, Yes

    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      February 13, 2019 at 2:41 pm

      A Helen Keller pizza

      Where do they get this great shit!

  • Y
    February 13, 2019 at 11:49 am

    Build the wall and crime will fall.
    A wall certainly would’ve stopped this evil dick head’s family.
    His FB posts show they crossed illegally.
    They both have 3-4 FB pages each.
    Deport them all!!
    Give her a Kevorkian sentence.

  • Travis Rearick
    Wishing you a good day, and good mental health
    February 13, 2019 at 11:18 am

    So many of this country’s problems could be solved with forced sterilization and/or institutionalization. I know the latter is still a thing but clearly not utilized enough anymore.

  • vic1
    February 13, 2019 at 11:14 am

    I don’t understand. is she an illegal? Will the wall stop her?

    • Bat Mitzvah
      February 13, 2019 at 11:25 am

      A wall might have stopped him. A prison cell will stop them both. Understand now?

    • Big Wick
      February 13, 2019 at 11:36 am

      Given her name, doubtful (the guy, maybe). Even though it’s Texas. Serious scum here. And such a command of the written language. It’s sad that even if she’s convicted of some sort of abuse, she’ll be out in a few years. Tie those tubes. SMH.

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