This happened last month in Springfield and I never got around to blogging about it because of life and whatnot, but it’s better late than never. And this woman deserves to be Turtleboy famous more than anyone.
I apologize for our tardiness on this one fam.
You expect and deserve more from us.
Stabbing a ho because the dirty dick you’re fighting over chose her over you isn’t normally something we’d blog about since it’s just another Tuesday afternoon in Springfield. But this crazy cuntasaurus kicked over the Goddamn baby stroller with the freshly fired out poon polyp inside. And one fact that Masslive forgot to point out…..
Was that she’s got a crotch fruit up the spout too.
There’s not really much that needs to be said here. I just couldn’t live with the fact that a pregnant poundcake could kick over a baby carriage with a semen demon inside of it and not end up on Turtleboy.
Don’t worry though, she’s only 18, so her criminal record for the teen years somehow won’t factor into her sentencing, and she’ll probably be out before she can fire that fuck nugget out of her baby cannon. Fuck you and the cock goblin who named you Nyarilyn.
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31 Comment(s)
Them tittays gonna be cleaning the floor before she’s of drinking age at this rate. Yiikes.
I have been sitting here trying to figure out how the fuck her name is pronounced. O_o
What is it about Springfield that gravity works harder only on tiddies?
Someone needs to tell her that Glade isn’t a deodorant.
Isn’t it Attempted Murder when you stab someone? I wonder if a woman will even get jail time for a stabbing in 2019 America…
That first name is painful to the ears and eyes.
I wonder if she’s related to the Cotto twins from Springfield. The Cotto twins and another new American shot a person in a pickup truck the other night on I 91 in Springfield. The glock gun was stolen of course. One Hugh problem for the new Americans was that a police car was behind them. I would love to know if they knew the pickup truck person or was it road rage. The pickup truck person is in a coma.
Pig… Big old Pig Bitch! And she looks like she smells like a Pig Bitch too
Just brown people doing brown people things. Nothing to see here.
That is one disgusting looking spic. Bet her clam smells like goya blackbeans
Spic Tormentor is the best name.
The bitch is pure evil. No excuse on this one.. Needs to do at least 5 years or more in Framingham.. Wait til they hear this story too..
Wow, those two selfies, from glam to ham..
DCF needs to start claiming babies before they are born. Just have the doctor deliver this baby, wrap it up and hand it off to a case worker in the delivery room.
I want to see what the dad looks like (and his criminal record too).
Good luck finding the sperminator. He gone.
Even in her mugshot she has the ‘duck lips’ (aka DSLs). I guess after taking so many selfies with DLs they just stay in that form. She looks like the Debbie Wasserman Schultz of the beaner world.
Why is she so sweaty and greasy looking? And what is wrong with her GD lips!! Id slap those lips right off her face. Even if we were friends id pour bleach in my eyes before ever having to look at her again.
I can smell the salami and empanadas from here.
Resort Activities Director! What’s on the schedule for today?
Still trying to figure out what this means.
This b**** probably sweat it out being on turtleboy 4 weeks, then boom she’s famous that’s f****** funny I’m glad you waited to post!!!
Remember Guys, get out and vote today!
Personally, I won’t vote for anyone with a D next to their name; they’re all complicit in child grooming/open borders.
Vote Red!
These overblown charges need to be dropped! The victim and the baby are fine! Nyarilyn is a person of color! And a woman! And I assume, a democrat! Cut her some slack!
If she was in a pile on the floor with steam coming off of her she couldn’t look more like steaming shit savage. Thank you Teddy Kennedy!
Subhuman shit.
But wait !!
Let’s celebrate diversity !
she has forsaken her right as a parent.
After reading that headline. Or story-
“What if this is as good as it gets….”
Melvin Udall
Bitch gonna be able to shit out 5 or 6 more welfare dependents.
Her sentence needs to be having her tubes tied in order to cut down on future hoodrats.