Raynham Spunk Depository Hoodrat Delivers Gun To Felon Chudstuffer Baby Daddy Right After He’s Released From Prison, Ignores Her Own Facebook Wisdom
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Taunton Gazette: Two men and a woman are being held in connection with the armed robbery Tuesday morning of a 20-year-old Taunton man. Police say the victim appeared shaken and out of breath when he walked into the police station lobby shortly before 1 a.m. with a wound to his lip and mouth. The man told police he’d been robbed by two men he considered to be his friends, one of whom allegedly pistol whipped him and shoved a loaded handgun into his mouth. The suspect charged with shoving the gun into the victim’s mouth is identified as 20-year-old Reginald L. Jenkins, 17 Greylock Ave.
Devin Michael Shiverdecker, 21, 4 Mador Ave., also was held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing, which could result in his being held without bail for up to 120 days. Shiverdecker previously was sentenced to two and a half years in prison after being arrested in 2013 at the age of 17 for attempted murder, after police say he stabbed another 17-year-old boy in the gut. That charge was later reduced in Fall River Superior Court to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
Amanda C. McGrail, 25, last known address 4 Mador Ave., is being held on $1,000 bail. She’s charged with accessory before the fact for allegedly furnishing the gun. The alleged victim told cops he was hanging out at a friend’s house on West Britannia Street late Monday night. At some point, he said, Shiverdecker showed up and suggested visiting Jenkins at his Greylock Avenue residence. Before leaving, however, the victim told police he overheard Shiverdecker call McGrail and tell her to drive over and give him something, which police say turned out to be a gun inside a handbag.
After McGrail handed off the handbag and left, police said, Shiverdecker and the victim allegedly took a cab to Greylock Avenue, where Jenkins and a man he called his “cousin” were on a couch in the garage, which had been converted into a living space. After Shiverdecker allegedly removed a large black-and-silver gun from the handbag, both he and Jenkins began berating the victim and accused him of posting about them on social media. Jenkins allegedly pointed the unloaded gun and threatened the victim, who at first thought he was kidding, police said.
Jenkins allegedly then inserted a loaded magazine into the gun sending a bullet into the chamber and pointed it at the terrified victim, police said. While the victim pleaded for his life, police said, Shiverdecker pulled out a knife, held it close to the victim and allegedly threatened to stab him in the stomach if he didn’t empty his pockets. It was then, police said, that Jenkins allegedly “forcibly pushed the firearm into (his) mouth, striking both lips.”
Before we go any further we need to address the elephant in the room. What the hell is this?
We cover fucked up people for a living. People who sell their kids on Craig’s List. People’s whose fupas have grown their own fupas. But I have never seen anything as rachtacular as this thing. How do you even get like that? He grew out the back of his head for the sole purposes of painting it bright red. Then he let the pube farm on his face grown into a bootleg neckbeard. I’ve just never, ever seen anyone quite this remarkable. I could stare at him all day.
Now that we got that out the way, wait until you see the trail of queefstains these hoodboogers left behind.
Let’s start with the guy who put a loaded gun in someone’s mouth for talking shit on Facebook – Reggie Jenkins. Here’s what he decided to post right before committing a felony:
I speak fluent hoodbooger, and I still have no idea what that means. Finna just say fuck it 100 emoji? That wouldn’t even make any sense in an emoji ebonics class. But apparently what we’re supposed to take out of this is, “I’m gonna go to my friend’s house with a loaded, unregistered handgun, and use it to rob someone of $120 because I’m triggered about the mean things he wrote on Facebook.” The 100 emoji is just punctuation.
Yea, that’s definitely worth going to jail for. Definitely.
Then there’s 21 year old Devin Shiverdecker. This Ronald McDonald mother fucker JUST got out of jail for attempted fucking murder. Ya see, shitdick decided to stab someone when he was 17 for what else? – talking shit. The year before when he was 16 he was arrested for dealing drugs. Then two years later he was shot. Unfortunately for society, he survived.
Naturally the moment he got out of the can he picked up right where he left off – being a useless maggot who serves no purpose in a civilized society. Nevertheless he always keeps it 100:
Champion. The official brand of the Goodwill Fashion Show.
Guess who his favorite sportball team is…..
I know, I’m jus as shocked as you are.
He’s a big fan of the middle finger selfie:
He fancies himself as some sort of baller/gangster. And as you can see from the mattress on the floor and loose wires on the walls, things are going great!!
He’s basically a chick who takes duckfaced bathroom selfies in his free time.
His commentary on this picture might as well be in Swahili:
“Yu already (finger emoji, gun emoji) ima have to uncle murder or french this (microphone emoji) shit my ni55a.”
Your guess is as good as mine. I don’t speak this particular dialect of Tauntonese. Either way, I’m sure it’s really important to commemorate this bathroom selfie with whatever it is he attempted to say there.
He proudly displays pictures of himself in court like it’s some sort of badge of honor:
He reproduced:
Which is awful, but at least he’ll spend the majority of his life incarcerated so this poor child won’t have to know what a waste of space the small dicked sperm donor is who created him.
Then there’s the chick who thought it would be wise to deliver the gun to the the guy she allows to stick his womb broom inside her penis fly trap. The same guy who recently was released from prison for attempted murder. The same guy who is the father of her child, and will be put away if he gets arrested again. Amanda McGrail is from the mean streets of Raynham, and for some reason looked at this guy right here:
And said to herself, “I’d like to let see what he feels like raw dog.”
Since she’s so hood from her days growing up in a Raynham cul-de-sac, she’s naturally obsessed with shooters:
She lives life by a strict code:
True that girl. And take a wild guess how she makes that money…..
Now that her money maker is back in the can, it looks like her favorite Biggie song is about to be “Going back to backpage.”
Nah, but I think we can all agree she’s a stripper. And from the looks of it you can pick her up in a shopping cart and take her home for a lap dance.
It’s not delivery, it’s Dewhoreno!
Too bad she’s pretty hot too. If she was somewhat normal she could be a trophy wife for an investment banker. Instead she’s just a meat wallet for this thing:
Last year when this chudstuffer was sitting in a cell she went all “free mah boi” with a commemorative drawing:
Don’t worry Devin, while you’re in the can these guys will be holding it down for you:
And by “holding it down” I mean tag teaming her.
Raw dog.
On video.
Money shot goes right here:
But of course they already know that.
She’s surprisingly not a fan of court
even though a hot date for her in the future will often begin with a court summons.
Sometimes these lovebirds hack each other’s accounts and write sweet nothings to one another in broken Tauntonese:
Don’t worry babe, he’s still laying the pipe for you.
Here’s the best part. A couple days before the incident she posted this:
“You become a dumb n word when you risk losing your family and your freedom to prove to a dumb n word that you a real n word.”
In other words, you’re an idiot if you risk giving up your family and staying out of jail in order to prove to the world that you’re a gun toting hardo. Naturally three days later she hand delivered a gun to her felon baby daddy so he could use it to rob someone who talked shit on Facebook.
Then she posted this the day of the crime:
“A troubled n word just needs a good shorty to pick him up.”
And what does a good shorty do to pick up her troubled n word? Deliver him a gun so he can commit a felony shortly after being released from prison for a violent attempted murder.
The fucked up part about this is that there’s a child involved in this. As funny as it is to make fun of these career losers, the kid shouldn’t be anywhere near these hoodrat heroes. The mother is a selfish cuntmuffin who puts her desire for gangsta mushroom tip over the well being of her child. The father is a violent felon who will likely not live past the age of 26. The state should immediately take the child from them and never, ever, ever let them see her again.
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18 Comment(s)
Shiverdecker seen him on a episode of new Mexico lock up must be his hero…fact
She’s not bad looking if you can get past all of the shitty tattoos. I don’t know about trophy wife for an investment banker, though. Maybe for the assistant manager of a Stop & Shop.
He looks like the Heat Miser.
Would. Definitely would. As long as I could pay for her to leave afterwards.
You wouldnt need to worry about that. You’ll likely wake up with your credit cards and cash missing.
That shopping cart photo is fodder for a TBS caption contest!
PS – Devin, duckface selfie, shirtless with white athletic shorts, is GAF.
Question – Will they take child support out of his prison wages and/or canteen fund?
apple never falls far from the tree. check out her mugshot, tells you everything you need to know. she gets along just fine in the can I’m sure. am i right hon?? her life is just a continuation of countless pathology. drama is her middle name. pain and misery for everyone around her is her stock in trade. just endless trouble. sorry but you are dreaming stunt if you think you’ll ever see this at the philharmonic even if it was free vicodin and cough syrup night.
No it’s a stupid filter app.. Can add eye color, eyelashes you can even chose what eyebrow shape you want
Is the dumpster wearing colored contacts?
Nice to see my money wasted.
No really. Sterilization needs to be a thing for people like this, who continue to threaten and try to kill other people. That man should not be allowed near that child because DCF would have been involved the second he was arrested, but I’m going to guess they either werent called or they are involved and just arent doing their jobs because…Idk the baby may have been drug addicted at birth, that’s my guess.
The side eye on that street clown is so smug I wanted to smack his mug through my laptop screen. Just a bunch of pansy ass losers who can’t fight one on one and cant fight without a weapon. Oh hey clown boy, if you ever learn to read and you see this, you’re a terrible father. You’re a walking pile of trash that needs to go into the incinerator. You don’t love that child, you love yourself and you love violence. That’s no role model for any child and I hope that kid is taken away as soon as possible.
Backpage bitch is just another broad who doesn’t respect herself. And has kids to trap men
(too bad the men she chooses to trap don’t have a conscience.) into staying with her. Another shitty mom who neglects her baby in real life but posts about much she loves them and would do anything for them, the same shitty mom who shares “Mother’s Are…” memes. Blah blah blah. Nothing new here.
She’s a wannabe gangsta’s ho and nothing more. She has no life goals, other than to be that hoodrat skank with 10 kids running wild everywhere they go, terrorizing neighborhoods/stores, collecting welfare/SSI. Every kid will have a different father, who are either dead before their respective child is born, or ends up rotting in jail. Big dreams there, lady! And somehow she’ll still find the time and energy to go meeting guys in motel rooms, to make money for partying and bail for her current jailhouse troll.
No self esteem, which explains the 10lb of makeup on her face, and her incessant need to make her tits look big and show as much skin as possible. Pretty sure every man in her city has already seen her naked, why bother covering up for photos now?
Never understand these women, especially those that do have underlying beauty. This chick is neither grossly overweight or hideously unattractive due to substance abuse which you normally find in hoodrats. With tasteful makeup she probably would have an exotic look her her, and she’s got a great body still which will attract attention from men.
All this girl has to do is clean herself up, get rid of the ghetto tats, and start attending the philharmonic or theater, socialize a bit, and in no time at all she’d easily land a successful, weathly mid-40’s male who would gladly keep her outfitted in the latest Coach handbags and Kate Spade footwear, in exchange for frequent, uninhibited sex.
Instead, for reasons which remain unknown to me, these women seem to gravitate towards these no-future loser low-rung drug dealers or wannabe rappers. I guess Dallas Lynn was correct when he developed Ladder Theory a few decades ago.
One guy is Ghetto Box the clown. The other guy looks like a fruit with his kissy face and his 8 year old boys body.
The girl looks like she could actually be pretty if she not want to go for the “I wanna be in the hood and bang losers with no future” look
There’s nothing I like more than reading these stories with my morning coffee here at 5:30 AM, so I can see whose EBT cards, Section 8, and heating assistance I’m about to go pay for.
It’s like getting one of those letters with the photo from the starving African kids you give 75-cents a day to, after you call that 1-800 number for the televangelist swindlers.
she’s hot as fucking fuck
James Franco + Ronald McDonald × Taunton = Epic Mugshot
inspired by the aurora colorado movie theatre shooter
It’s no delivery, it’s Dewhoreno! Forget Peyton Manning! I’m getting this whore for my next ad campaign!