Social Justice Warriors

Right On Cue: Mayor Joe Petty Announces Boycott Of Chick-fil-A Because Of Gay Marriage While Supporting Hillary Clinton Who Has Opposed Gay Marriage Pretty Much Her Whole Life

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The other day when we wrote about the Chick-Fil-A coming to Worcester we pointed out how any minute Jumpin’ Joe Petty would be announcing to the world that he ain’t going there because he supports gay marriage:

“Here’s my question – how long until Jumpin’ Joe Petty and Jim McGovern voice their opposition to this? Those two NEVER miss an opportunity to score some SJW points.”

Then right on cue he made his announcement to Dianne Williamson today:

“I’m strongly opposed to the money he used to fight gay marriage,” said Petty, referring to Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy. “I’m supportive of marriage equality. So I plan on not going there, correct.”

So let me get this straight. Joe Petty “strongly opposes” giving money to ANY institution that has gone on record in opposition to gay marriage? Is that right Joe? Well here’s some stuff he posted on his Facebook page a couple weeks ago:

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Interesting. Stumping for Hillary Clinton. Here’s what Hillary Clinton said about gay marriage while speaking about the Defense of Marriage Act in 2004 when she was a US Senator:

“I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, a sacred bond between a man and a woman.”

Here’s some more facts from the notoriously unbiased, which assesses the truthfulness of things that political candidates say:

In 2007, all the presidential contenders except for longshot candidates — both Democrats and GOP — were against same-sex marriage, the New York Times reported. So were the majority of Americans, polls showed.

As polls showed that a majority of Americans supported same-sex marriage, Clinton’s views changed, too. She announced her support for same-sex marriage in March 2013. It’s up to voters to decide how they feel about her changed stance, but on same-sex marriage we give Clinton a Full Flop.


Oh, I see. So Petty will be boycotting Chick-Fil-A (because we really give a shit where he’s eating lunch) because they once came out in opposition to gay marriage. But yet he has been and continues to support a presidential candidate who has actively used her power and influence to oppose gay marriage on several occasions. Then when Maclemore won his Grammy and she looked around and realized that gay marriage was cool now, she suddenly supports it. Makes sense.

Obviously this makes Joe Petty a HUGE fraud. And what he’ll most likely say is that Hillary Clinton came around on the issue, so now it’s OK to support her. But yet here is a list of congressional endorsements from the 2008 Democratic primary:

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You’ll notice that Jim McGovern supported Hillary then, even though her stance on gay marriage couldn’t have been more clear – she was against it. And as you know Jim McGovern = Joe Petty. Because Joe Petty does not possess the ability to come up with an opinion that has not had the full blessing of Jim McGovern. That’s how a crime family works. More awesome leadership from up top.

The purpose of a boycott is to run a business out of business. And here we have our mayor actively encouraging people NOT to do business at a new business. Because apparently our leaders are opposed to economic expansion. They’d much rather have a vacant building, not paying property or business taxes, than a thriving one making delicious chicken. Ya know, because of gay marriage and all.

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It’s weird because just a few months ago Jumpin Joe and Ti-ti Ho were cutting the ribbons and posing for pictures at Popeye’s like it was prom night:

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The picture of the woman’s face next to Petty is still one of the most Joe Petty things I’ve ever seen:

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That face sums up the feelings of pretty much anyone who has ever come in contact with Joe Petty.

And honestly, based on some of the pictures Jumpin Joe has been putting up on Facebook lately, he’s better off staying away from fried chicken joints:


Oh sweet Jesus. Is that guy in the background having an orgasm?

In Dianne’s article today she quoted several people from her Facebook page, even though the Turtlegram’s editor Karen Webber has explicitly made it clear that Facebook is NOT a valid source of information. It’s the reason she wouldn’t publish Dianne’s column about Mosaic, because she wanted to use this Facebook post from Brenda Jenkins’ son Robert Alston:


Anyway, here’s some things that were posted on Dianne’s page:

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There is no place in Worcester for an establishment that openly opposes freedoms that are LEGAL in the State of Massachusetts.”

Well, I guess that means people are no longer allowed to support pro-life causes, since abortion is legal in Massachusetts as well. Oh yea, and gun control groups are banned too. Because guns are legal in Massachusetts. As a matter of fact the only businesses that are allowed to open in Massachusetts are ones that have filled out surveys about their political beliefs and align with Gail Cosky 110%!!

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Because we were all wondering where the 10th place finisher in the most recent City Council election would NOT be eating chicken sandwiches.

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Yea, our city should never allow people who have opposed gay rights in our city. For instance, Bill Clinton has been to Worcester a million times before and is greeted like a conquering hero. And he has always supported gay rights. Unless you’re a gay guy in the military. Then you have to shut the fuck up and stay in the closet.

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And known repeat criminal offender Kevin Ksen had his say as well:

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Yea, we need a fascist like Tom Menino running our city, instead some lardo like Joe Petty who only boycotts a restaurant when he should be banning it!!

Seriously though, is there anything more self righteous than announcing that you’re going to boycott a business? As if anyone gives a shit where you will NOT be eating. And what these morons haven’t figured out yet is that all these boycotts do is make the company they are opposing MORE popular. Remember what was happening a year ago at this time?

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Since then our audience has increased five fold, we’ve brought on new writers, and we’re regular guests on the Hillman morning show, Bax and O’Brien morning show, and 100.1 FM the Pike. So as you can see, social justice warrior boycotts are HIGLY effective in Worcester.


It all comes back to the Trump factor. We are not a blog that endorses Donald Trump or thinks he is some kind of savior for America. But what Trump has shown the American public is that the more you boycott someone or something, and the more you tell other people that they are “hateful” for supporting that thing, the more they wanna do it. The hippies have made Trump popular, and if they keep this up they will make Chick-fil-A a thriving business in Worcester for years to come.


We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.


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23 Comment(s)
  • BobnMic
    March 26, 2016 at 12:51 pm

    He really does look a little creepy doesn’t he? He reminds me of Pvt. Gomer Pyle (Vincent D’Onofrio) in Full Metal Jacket. Bathroom (head) suicide scene, “Hello Joker”…

  • Eric
    March 24, 2016 at 11:21 pm

    1. I keep seeing the same video of Hillary Clinton either lying or flopping about 8 times and it makes me resent her more and more everything I see it. She is the epitome of a lying politician. I know. I know all politicians are liars. But this sack of crap cannot be more blatant with it. It really really pisses me off.
    2. LGBTQI? I swear someone just keeps adding letters on the goddamn end of it . Next year it will be LGBTQILMNOP. I’m gonna guess q is queer? Wtf is the difference. And I have no guess for what I is. I’ll Google it.

    • Eric
      March 24, 2016 at 11:22 pm

      Every time*

  • Wormtown Refugee
    March 24, 2016 at 10:17 pm

    1. Bill Clinton pushed for and signed the so called Defense of Marriage Act. When the winds changed, so did his wife. The Clintons were always anti-gay….until they weren’t. Liberal bullshit.

    2. The Cathy family built a business from scratch that employs people, pays taxes, does not make employees work on Sunday. What has Joe Petty ever built, what has he ever contributed to society?

    3. Eddie Augustus must be feeling a bit bunched up in his tighty whiteys.

    Petty (who looks ever more creepily like that Easter Bunny at the Auburn Mall….) and Cuba Jim McGovern are parasites, using plantation politics to take, drain, suck out resources, and hypocritically buttfuck the actual working man and woman. You know, the ACTUAL taxpayers.

    But in the end the single, simple, biggest question remains: why the fuck would anyone, ever, open a franchise or a business of any kind in this sorry ass city? Really, why? When your “mayor” is an a-hole like this, with zero understating of how the private sector actually works and how it actually pays for your sorry ass parasitic life, etc., who needs it?

    Worcester circling the drain, with Joe at the throttle.


  • Devils Mouthpiece
    March 24, 2016 at 7:16 pm

    That picture just cracks me up. He looks so out of place. Some folks you call a doofus just because it’s just a description you visualize. He looks the part….

  • Del Griffith
    March 24, 2016 at 7:12 pm

    TB, liberal democrats evolve and are nuanced, only conservatives flip-flop. Just ask any journalist

  • BlackandWhite
    March 24, 2016 at 5:48 pm

    Do a search on YouTube for

    “Antoine Dodson Chick Fil A”

  • Realist
    March 24, 2016 at 4:28 pm

    Here we go again, another non-story with a purposeful political slant!

  • Seriously what
    March 24, 2016 at 4:11 pm

    “notoriously unbiased” Politifact? Is that a joke?

  • Boss Tweed
    March 24, 2016 at 4:07 pm

    Joe Petty has been boycotting the Gym and Work. He has not been seen at either place in awhile.

  • Steven Stover
    March 24, 2016 at 3:57 pm

    I like chicken and girls.

    • Practical
      March 26, 2016 at 10:55 pm

      Well, so does my aunt, so……..

      • Saul
        March 27, 2016 at 2:39 pm

        Ummm, that’s not your “aunt” …..

  • Stand by tasty chicken
    March 24, 2016 at 3:52 pm

    I really * do * care one way or another. I * will* eat there because there are no better (chicken) places closer. I used to drive to the Burlington Mall just to try their tasty chickens and waffle fries; there I said it. And some of my gay friends admit that Chick Fill A make a mean chicken sandwich. Not everyone who works or attends Chick Fill A hates gay people or supports any political conundrums that create all this disharmony in society. That’s like someone generally hating the United States and what it has to offer overall just because there are a few bad laws or a few insane groups within its construct. If you’re one of these self righteous boy-cotters, stop labeling everyone else that simply just likes their sandwiches as ‘bigots’. Your generalizations have some gaping holes, and so does your resilience to accept people with differing opinions. But please: Joe Petty has got to be the biggest fraud this side of Tatnuck. I would love to see how he explains his contradicting comments.

  • Rational person
    March 24, 2016 at 3:42 pm

    It sounds to me as though Dianne ASKED him about his feelings in regards to Chick – fil -A and he told her. He’s not calling for a boycott of the restaurant. He’s just simply stating that HE won’t be eating there.

    Another non-story, TB?

    • Butthurt Bernie
      March 25, 2016 at 11:06 am

      He eats at The Pickle Barrel. I think him and Tim Murray favor the sausage diet.

      • The Truth
        March 27, 2016 at 12:58 pm

        The comment of the decade, BB!

  • Chris
    March 24, 2016 at 3:42 pm

    What you will not go there awesome!!!! That mean s one less person in those damn long lines. Humm now that i think about it i may take a ride to the one in Westboro tonight.

    • Ralphie
      March 24, 2016 at 5:51 pm

      I’ll only eat there BECAUSE of thier political views.

  • LOB
    March 24, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    Typical Liberal DemocRAT

  • fordsnharleys
    March 24, 2016 at 3:15 pm

    Menino banned Chick Fill A but was buried in the Catholic church. Do you see the hypocrisy here? I really do not care one way or another. I won’t eat there because there are better places closer. But if someone insisted on going it would not be the end of the world.

    • JoeMomma
      March 24, 2016 at 4:19 pm

      Mumbles never “banned” Chick Fill A he just said were not welcome. They could have lawyered up and opened anytime they desired. The city would have made them jump thru hoops for permits but he had no legal right to deny them, he was just lucky Chick Fill A said screw it.

    • Chicken Little
      March 24, 2016 at 5:49 pm

      This is like Mayor Carmine DiPatsy of Animal House: “Youse wants to use my town youse gots to pay me”.

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