This is Peter Theriault and his wife, Ashley.
They look like nice, wholesome, normal people. Then again, I can think of another couple I’ve written about in the past who looked pretty decent at first glance, too….
How’s jail by the way, Dennis?
….So I think we know where this is headed.
Much like other fine “deposit and ditch” scammers featured on Turtleboy before him, Peter has quite the digital footprint of scumfuckery left behind in his wake. His reviews are obviously stellar,
And so far I’ve found evidence of 5 civil judgments against him, and, as the legal business owner and apparent accomplice, Ashley as well, presumably.
Some of those are a little blurry. But if you’re keeping score at home, that’s a total of $40,611. And from the looks of it, he owes more than that, with the loads of unhappy customers he has effectively robbed along the way. All I had to do was look down a post, and there they all were.
Doesn’t leave a lot of room for doubt, but wait….there’s more!
And it’s not a shamwow.
The Theriaults recently ripped off an investor for hundreds of thousands of dollars on a property flip that just never happened. In his own words:
The TL;DR is, Sneaky Pete took a ton of money in deposits, never did the work, made a ton of excuses in between just flat-out disappearances,
And ultimately blew the project’s $400k budget with little to show, on top of fraudulent using the client’s card for his own purchases.
And Pete doesn’t just screw over his customers, he screws over his coworkers as well, as this affidavit written by a former business partner details.
“Met Peter in late November 2017 when I took a job as an employee of a remodeling company in Beverly, MA. Pete had started at the company a few weeks before. Pete and worked together on a few different projects there. Pete left the company in or around February of 2018. According to him he quit, according to them he was terminated. There was an altercation and the police were called. I never got the full story from the company’s side.”
And for some reason this guy decided it would be smart to get into business with Pete, and that’s when the fun began for him, too.
“Early on Pete showed signs of unreliability, no-showing on jobs, not following through. He handled the finances. I didn’t have access to our account or money. Pete and I agreed to take only survival money for ourselves, intending to build a larger business. It was clear Pete was using a lot more of the money than I was getting.
We had contracted work with three customers who called me for projects and I of course brought in Pete. Very quickly Pete was being referred a lot of work from an acquaintance of his in Peabody and he spent most of his time looking at, and pricing, and taking deposits on jobs that we couldn’t even get to any time soon. He was always thrilled and excited to tell me of deposits that he’s taken. On several occasions I told him that deposits shouldn’t make him so happy because we are now responsible for holding someone else’s money. Pete priced a counter top project for a customer in Belmont who called me. The counter fabricator charged us $3,800 and he gave the customer a price of $7,800, taking a $4,000 deposit which he told me he used to pay for the counter tops in full up front when only a 50% deposit was necessary. He gave me an install date of Friday July 13. The day before the install was scheduled the customer texted both myself and Pete asking our arrival time on Friday. I let Pete respond since he was dealing with his fabricator. When Pete didn’t respond I went to the fabricator and asked the manager what time the install was scheduled for. She said the install wasn’t scheduled at all because Pete hadn’t given even the 50% required deposit. This was when I finally had verifiable proof that Pete was lying to me as I had suspected many times. Sitting at the manager’s desk with her, hashing out the details, Pete called her and tried getting angry with her at first before realizing she wasn’t having it. He turned apologetic and told her he would bring a deposit in that afternoon and that he needed the counter tops fabricated ASAP. After she hung up she Googled his name out of curiosity and found his mug shot with an article describing Pete as the “Somersworth Stalker” detailing his record of multiple counts of stalking, breaking restraining orders, and witness tampering. At this point I have three customers under contract with deposits that Pete had taken and I needed to be sure these [sic] contracts are fulfilled.”
Yup. You read that right – Somersworth Stalker. And by “multiple counts,” he means 58, to be exact.
“A man with addresses in both Somersworth and Massachusetts is charged with 58 crimes alleging he stalked a woman and violated no-contact orders, including while under court-ordered electronic surveillance.
Peter J. Theriault, 37, was arrested last week for 18 stalking charges, 23 counts of violating a protective order and 17 charges alleging he breached bail conditions. Court records cite him as having addresses at 29 Evans Road in Peabody, Massachusetts, and 15 Turgeon Lane in Somersworth.
According to an affidavit by Portsmouth police detective Kristyn Bernier, Theriault was on bail at the time of his April 6 arrest for breaching bail, violating a no-contact order, stalking and witness tampering. For those charges, Bernier wrote to the court, Theriault was twice released through a county pre-trial supervision program and both times he violated conditions. The detective’s affidavit states that in January he was released through the electronic bracelet program.
Theriault is alleged to have violated conditions of bail for domestic violence charges by contacting his alleged victim, including while she was hospitalized, “as well as the numerous incidences occurring while he was on a monitoring bracelet” through the county, Bernier wrote to the court. The detective alleges Theriault made a “voluminous number of phone calls” to the alleged victim which “show continued disregard for” court orders and pose a danger to her.
When he learned there was a warrant for his arrest, Theriault phoned his alleged victim to confront and blame her, Bernier’s affidavit states.
“He has also directed family members and friends to pass on messages about his status, despite this also being prohibited by the conditions of bail,” the affidavit states. “The totality of Theriault’s actions between October 2016 and January 2017 and his (perseverance) regarding the victim and inability to adhere to conditions of bail and a no contact order pose a risk to the community.” “
His last arrest was in 2017, how is he even out of jail, for fuck sake? What a miscarriage of justice – this guy is clearly a career criminal piece of scum. The truth is, you can shine up a steaming pile of shit as much as you want,
It’s still going to be a turd.
If you or anyone you know has been scammed by this douche canoe, email me at bristolturtlechick@gmail.com. Let’s put this guy on blast until he has nowhere to turn.
30 Comment(s)
Here’s a possible new address for Peter, 113 Dodge St., Apt S1, Beverly Mass. 01915.
Hope the cops are monitoring this page, b/c this guy belongs behind bars. Owes us $5000.
This guy has some how been able to find ways around being exposed or at least been able to prolong it. The company is in his wifes name. She does “payroll ” lol They even convinced her own brother to come work for them, pack up from Maine and completely relocate to Beverly. Last i heard he wasn’t getting paid either. I spoke to him myself personally many times. The guy would legit tell you the earth is square & convince himself the same. Pure bs evey word that comes from his mouth⚰⚖
Ex wife is a smoke show …. this one has a big rack but no brains, looks like she stuffs nuts in her cheeks for dayzzz .His first wife is banging, smart took all three kids and booted his ass.. he don’t do anything for those kids. His MA’ should be proud Look it up brotha… might wanna get a good story from her!
Somersworth is a smaller, shittier version of Rochester. I’m surprised a dick of this magnitude claims Slumersworth as his domain. He needs to move it on up and move to Lawrence.
You know how you know Pete Theriault is a piece of shit con-man? Up in NH, he tried to sell us some air tools that he obviously stole from a site from the back of a metallic orange 2009 Hummer H2 with “TAPOUT” and “Salt Life” window decals. No way was I buying hot from a dude blasting Creed and Linkin Park in between EDM on the bluetooth with a fucking healing crystal dangling from the rear view. We broke his balls about his clown car, but I don’t think it registered with this dummy. These obvious red flags that should alert anybody that they’re dealing with a poor man’s sociopath. He lies about everything. Did I mention he strictly wears assorted wifebeaters to show of his tribal ink and bitch tits? He’s a walking, breathing, thieving, stealing testimony to the terrible tastes of the late 2000’s.
Ashley will enjoy time in jail getting banged by a chick while hustling for cocaine. Cocheads for days
The wife has a killer rack. Too bad she got that wonky eye.
Why do so many people refuse to check out a contractor to make sure they’re not a crooked scum bag before handing them their money? Is it masochism run amok? In this day and age when even grandma has a computer and phone to do even the most basic background check you almost have to chalk it up to sheer laziness.
I agree. I went overboard, borderline crazy, and I vetted 6-7 contractors when I gutted my condo (kitchen, living room and bathroom).
I had one guy tell me he only came because he thought my fiancée worked for the mayor and he thought we could do each other favors (he wasn’t hired).
I had another guy tell me he only answered my request because he had the same last name as my fiancée.
I had another guy quote me $75K (for labor only), and I would have to use his vendors (materials not included in quote).
Multiple contractors told me that we’d have to use their vendors [contractors usually get a discount or kickback (which you don’t see)].
All said and done, it ran about $55K for everything (work & materials).
Do your research. Source your own materials.
Let’s blame the victim unhandy, he was a referral!!
Ashley is definitely a legitimate MILF. You have a future on Pornhub darlin. A very bright future. Seize the opportunity…
He defrauded me too! I go hard @ 45 man. Hard.
Well, this guy could clearly afford a new garage door from Garage Doors Plus in Quincy if he wanted to.
The only deposit I would make would be a large sticky one inside Smashley’s mouth ….
From the guy that posted it on FB to now, you only have one side of the story… The most recent “ripoff” that Kevin is claiming is completely bull. Kevin is attempting to get him for fraud which is non-existent. Nice journalism, you could of at least done some research before just taking what some pissed off guy on FB wrote. Some comments and facebook messages are not concrete evidence, and to speak such slander on people and business without proper research. It’s easy to find documents that explain that there was a court case but not the outcome. Bravo on this “masterpiece” of an article offering misleading defamatory claims towards him and his wife.
A judgement is the outcome. How ya doing, Ashely and Pete?
You should definitely sue for deformation and label.
They’ll need signed afterdavids to get the ball rolling.
Let me guess Pete, you have the “REAL” story?!
Lol REALLY?? I dealt with him. Would you my side? I am a unbiased 3rd party that has NOTHING to gain by telling REAL NEWS about this loser & his low class whore
i’m sure any assets are not in their names so victims will have nothing to attach a lien on. scum is embarrassed to be associated with them.
he sucks black cock like Randall Guy the ass pirate
He outed my ‘friend’ Tony of 3,500.00 to fix some stuff at his Ma’s house; we caught up with this watermelon several weeks ago and buried him in the pine barrens.
Unfortunately nothing will happen to this pos regarding all the money he stole. I feel bad for the people he screwed but don’t give ANYONE a deposit for contracting. Pay for all the materials yourself and pay for the work as its completed. Its sad but there are so many scumbags out there who screw people and I am a contractor myself.
I thought I recognized you! I gave you a plate of corn muffins back in 1947 to paint my chicken coop and you never did it!
Are you sure they weren’t sausages?
– Abe Froman
Those muffins were lousy!
No worries Pete. I’m sure Ashley will find a guy to keep her warm and comfy while you’re in the can