SJW Message TB, Calls Us Racist, Challenges Us To Debate On Facebook Live, We Accept, She Demands Money And Chickens Out When We Tell Her No
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This is Jay Jackson, from Braintree:
She is a self-described, “unapologetic QUEEN,” armed with an associates degree from Bunker Hill Community College – the Harvard of Charlestown.
Well apparently she recently discovered the turtle, and low and behold she believes we are racist. So she challenged us to a debate in our inbox:
Fuck it, we’ll do it. We love defending our opinions because we’re so right all the time. It’s like going into a fight 100 pounds bigger than your opponent. Jay Jackson apparently thinks the words we use to describe the local boobs we write about are racist. At least when they’re black. Not when they’re white though:
But there was a catch – she demanded compensation:
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! Now we’ve seen it all. Look Jay, we’ll roast you with facts in front of an audience, no problem. But if you think we’re gonna pay you to be added to the Turtleboy graveyard you are sadly mistaken.
More importantly, if we debated on Facebook Live (which we were all about) we wouldn’t make money off it. Because we don’t own Facebook. We own Turtleboy Sports. We made money when people click on our website. When people watch our Facebook Live show we don’t make money – Mark Zuckerberg does. So we let her know this:
Last September we conducted a scientific study to determine if Turtleboy was racist. Did we pick on people of color disproportionately? Were we giving whitey a pass? To find out we looked through the last 108 blogs and categorized the antagonists by race. Here was the racial demographic breakdown:
White: 71
Black: 22
Latino: 11
Other: 4
In conclusion Turtleboy is in fact racist……against white people.
Nevertheless she persisted about her demands for 50% of imaginary revenue that Mark Zuckerberg would be making on our Facebook Live debate:
Oh right, she’d be bringing attention to us. Not the other way around. Because apparently she has over 100,000 combined followers on social media. She brings more to the table in this relationship. We should be the ones paying her. Definitely.
Honestly the level of her stupidity had us licking our chops though. This was gonna be easier than we thought. Obviously this chick was way, way out of her league. It would’ve been a great show watching the lamb come to slaughter. So we tried to show her the light, but she just wasn’t getting it:
We tried showing her the Sweet 16 from Turtleboy Ratchet Madness. These are the 16 creatures turtle riders chose as the most ratchet of them all in Turtleboy history. Here they were in all their glory:
The only black person on that list was Robert “Boo Shameek” Alston, and he didn’t even make the Final 4. This chick was in way over her head. That’s why she had to play the “you’re mentally unstable” card and run for the hills:
Give me a break Jay. You’re from friggin Braintree. The most diversity in your town is Baby Gangsta
At least I actually grew up in Worcester and interacted with a diverse community on a daily basis. You’re a rich chick who grew up in the Tree and still ended up at Bunker Hill CC. Fail.
Make no doubt about it though, we would’ve gladly done it for free, and she would’ve gotten publicity she couldn’t afford to pay for. She’d be a hero in the SJW community overnight. But Turtleboy is principled and enjoys defending his points of view. Yes, we make money off this now. But we built our brand by doing it for free for a long, long time.
Not Jay though. She has no principles. She has no good points to make. She just saw a cash cow and tried to get a piece of that sweet potato pie:
Why are the dumbest people always drawn to us? How many times have we explained that the blog is an entirely different entity than Facebook Live? Turtleboy Jr. can understand this. She can’t.
But she wanted to let us know that we had no idea “how real this debate can get” because she is “unapologetic”:
Boom. Turtle wins again. The invitation stands for anyone else like this – we’d love to have a turtle debate on Facebook Live. There is an open invitation to ANYONE who has ever been featured on a Turtleboy blog to come on and defend themselves on our award winning show. We’d also do a debate on pretty much any controversial topic, because it’s easy to debate when you’re always right. See ya tomorrow night at 10 PM. Will Jay show up, or is she only in it for the money?
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43 Comment(s)
Thank you, I have recently been looking for info about this subject for ages
and yours is the best I’ve discovered till now. However,
what about the conclusion? Are you certain in regards
to the source?
I am actually glad to glance at this weblog posts which includes tons
of useful information, thanks for providing these statistics.
It would be interesting to hear her views on Black Lies Matter…it might shed some light on this mental illness.
what a shit stick!
probably doesn’t even know what it means to be black
female uncle tom sell out
Get a job Jay and some pride.
If I was John Malkovich, I would scream “FUCKING MORON!” at these people, every time they sent a message challenging TBS.
At least she can punctuate.
Should have taken her up on her offer. Finding a hyper aggressive, gold digging, angry black female that needs to give her opinion on something she knows nothing about, but pretends like she does, and wants to yell over and railroad you to make said opinion, before turning violent on you…. I’m sure she’s was very unique…..definitely.
Do Fox, NBC and CNN guests get percentages of advertising revenues when they appear on those networks? NO! What a dumbass
they do get paid for their contribution so I get her point
I know this girl. She has sold drugs and also buys them on the regular
Your a fuckin liar and shouldn’t throw false accusations on people because your mad her words got to you.
Really? I can prove it. How bout that? Don’t make me
Can you breathe out of that appendage where your nose is supposed to be? Is that why you have those whacky eyebrows on, to draw attention away from that gorilla nose? And that forehead has enough real estate to fit another snorkel on. I bet you smell like feet.
There are a lot of imbeciles in the world who do not understand the technology they use. My guess is she views TBS on Facebook and has never visited TBS.COM, that’s why she’s thicker than a Fribble with 3 extra black scoops of ice milk. (and no, you dumbass, that’s not a racist comment — the ice cream scoops at friendly’s are color-coded — red, green and black, and they use the black one to make fribbles) when it comes to the difference.
Dear, White folks of European or Scandinavian descent are responsible for western civilization and values. Those who originate from sub Saharan Africa, Middle east, southeast Asia, South and Central America, and the Carribean are responsible for third world savagry, violence, and a lot of litter.
TBS wins again, tired of winning yet? Nope neither is Trump.
(she states she has extreme points of view, more extreme than TBS and doesn’t hold back)
That’s nothing new with the welfare class, she would fit right in down in Georgia.
Wow, she’s got some moves, all right. Kind of like Al Sharpton meets 419 Fraud. Wonder who’s pimping her out.
1. I’m interested in debating you… on ideas. [“Bait the Hook”]
2. But I want my cut of the revenue. To save time, I’ll write up a contract. [“Getting to Yes”]
3. What, you won’t pay me for the time I spend with you? You’re selfish and unstable. And a racist.
4. Well, that’s it, we have nothing more to discuss, I’m out of here! [“Pull Back, Make Him Chase You”]
5. Rinse, repeat.
I see the future and it’s wearing 5-inch spike heels, fishnets and Frederick’s of Hollywood.
She wants reparations!
This is what is considered social justice.
Please do not send her to our headquarters at
48 Cedar Street
Fitchburg ma 01420
Who does she think she is? SHE approaches you and then acts like you should owe her money. If she wants to debate you, it’s because she already feels like she has something to gain from doing so. It’s laughable. She’s a nobody. A common fool. Yet, she acts like her mindless chatter is worth compensation? Bitch, please. These so-called “queens” need to get over themselves. Do they not realize there’s nowhere in the world where every woman is a damn queen? My niece learned to grow out of the princess phase when she was 7 for fuck’s sake.
“approaches you and then acts like you should owe her money”
That is every person receiving government “assistance”, every f’ing one acts this way.
YESSSSS! Why is this so fucking accurate?!?
Don’t you love the “Unapologetic” thing, too? Lmao. Go to twitter and look up how many “Unapologetic” Anon accounts there are. Notice how they all tweet the same recycled bullshit and rip off the more popular anons? Yeah, that’s exactly what this moron is. A wannabe, a rip off, and an entitled, money hungry, whack job, to boot. I’m sure she’ll be made famous in the near future, complete with her own “reality” show and clothing line. Because nobody wants to see actual talented people become famous, in America. We want the most horrible types of people to idolize!
She learned quickly, a lot from the affirmative action ride she took of course. The bottom line is money as usual.
Social Justice seems rare when minorities murder.
Simply pointing out these cases make you a racist to many people.
Truth is the enemy of SJW’s and the msm.
Still not seeing the social justice. How did the social justice work out for the white Milton kids?
Where was the social justice for these two.
Turtleboy would easily destroy with this chick in a debate with FACKS.
However, if in fact the facebook live debate video ends up on the blog website then it would generate money so she does have a point about money being made off the debate. Sadly this just makes her another SJW race baiter for commission like jessie jackson or al sharpton.
Knoxville Tn. A story that was ignored.
This disgusting display of savagery is actually acceptable to these people that stay in their “hoods” and never add any new genetics to their gene pools. Like moslems, they inbreed more than the average person knows about. While first cousin and brother/sister marriages are common place in the Middle East with the moslems, africants in the hood have no idea who their daddies are, and most times end up breeding with their own half siblings because no one wants to leave their comfort zone and venture away from their shitty little neighborhoods. And just like the moslems there’s a higher incest rate with men on children, the only difference is it isn’t talked about at all. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong, there’s more than enough information and proof out there and even blacks that have gotten away from this will tell you it happens and it’s common place for these disgusting acts to happen. There’s actual a few movies that hint at it but nobody was smart enough to put two and two together unless they knew it happened. Anyone wanna guess the biggest one that shows this reality?
“She demanded money and chickens”
Love that sentence, hell I’d buy her a bucket of Popeyes with a big gulp, if it got her on the air.
Irony is I do love fried chicken and I also love watermellon, most people do, why is that considered racist? I also put mayonnaise on everything, don’t give a fuck what other people think. Mayo makes everything better, ask any Frenchy.
Jay, I’m passionate about this race issue as well, however I’m on the other side. Let’s debate.
Can you name me one neighborhood in America that was once mostly white and is now mostly black that has improved?
That’s the whole country, and there are quite a few of them.
I anxiously await your answer.
Africans act the same in Italy as African Americans here, same results. Couldn’t find improvement.
If France allows citizens to own guns or carry concealed, as a result of the African immigrants violence that may constitute improvement.
Can’t find any improvement anywhere in the world, this is France.
He waited way too long. Any one of 3 or more of these animals could have reached him even if he had shot one or two, the rest of the group would have followed taken his gun, finished him then hunted down the other whites running for their lives.
Wow, the Huxtables was all BS, just realized that.
Spot on. Niggers ruin EVERYTHING.
You sure that’s a female. Looks like a dude with weave that Maxine Waters would wear.
Can’t fix stupid.