Social Justice Warriors

Swampscott Altar Toy Followed By Politicians And Media Tweets That Racist Yankees Fans Were Yelling “Confrim Kavanaugh” At Red Sox Playoff Game, Deletes Tweet After Turtleboy Calls Him Out On It

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This is Jonathan Berk from Swampscott:

He is a director at Patron City, a crowdfunding website. He also has a degree in journalism, and a JD from New England Law:

He was at the Red Sox playoff game last night, live tweeting some pictures and videos from his seats behind one of the terrible load bearing poles at Fenway Park that seem to always be right in front of you when you don’t spend $300 on tickets.

Now, usually social justice warriors try to make Boston fans look like racists in order to fuel the ridiculous false narrative that we have the most racist fans in America. But Jonathan Berk took a different approach – he tried to make Yankee fans look racist:

First of all, this never happened. Obviously. He took pictures and videos throughout the entire game (all of which have now been deleted), but he didn’t think to take a picture or record a video of the two white nationalist Yankee fans yelling “confirm Kavanaugh.” Instead he asked Fenway Park security to get security footage of the two racist Yankees fans:

Obviously what this chud was trying to do was make it seem like people who support the principle of innocent until proven guilty are all white nationalists. And Yankee fans too. They’re way more racist than Red Sox fans.

Not coincidentally this was his last tweet today:

Oh look, he’s trying to replace Susan Collins after she had the audacity to think independently as a woman and offer a 45 minute reasoned argument as to why she was choosing to confirm a qualified SCOTUS Justice. The irony of a so called male feminist trying to destroy a woman because she didn’t blindly go along with his witch hunt is off the charts.

This isn’t a harmless lie. Look who else he tagged in that:

WBZ and a Boston news Twitter account with 65,000 followers. He was intentionally trying to get the media to run with his blatantly fake news. How do we know it’s fake? Well, we already addressed some of the reasons above. But then there’s the fact that he has deleted all of these tweets since we called him out for it on Twitter. If it really happened, and he was really looking for these two racist Yankee fans, then why would he take it down?

It’s also dangerous because look at some of the people who follow him:

David E. Wade from WBZ (perhaps why he tagged WBZ), Shirley Leung from the Boston Globe, radical race-baiting candidate for Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins, and insane Somerville SJW Mayor Joe Curtatone. Rollins is funded by anti-police race baiter Shaun King, and wants to stop prosecuting violent criminals. Leung uses her position as editor at the Globe to harass WEEI advertisers because she thinks Kirk and Callahan are racists. David Wade used to follow Turtleboy on Twitter and was a loyal turtle rider, until we called him out for falling for this fake news free lunch story in Framingham, and he subsequently blocked us.

What do all of them have in common? They’re all the kind of people who would instantly believe a story like his because it fits their agenda that Fenway Park is a haven for racists. Jonathan Berk knew this, and he wasn’t happy about the way the Kavanaugh vote ended up. He also doesn’t like Yankee fans. So he figured, why not kill two birds with one stone here? And he tweeted out that Yankees fans are Kavanaugh supporters, and thus have a tendency to flash white nationalist signs to everyone around them while yelling political slogans at playoff baseball games.

This is what he expected people to believe. But he knew it could work because he knew that people like Curtatone, Leung, Wade, and Rollins are the types of people who want stories like this to be true. It’s why so many people believed Adam Jones’ obvious lie that Red Sox fans called him the n word in a game last year. Something that we thoroughly debunked by proving that the 17 year old alleging this made it all up.

Creating racial division when there is none doesn’t make Jonathan Berk a good person. It actually makes him a terrible person. Jonathan Berk’s lie hurts black people. It might make them less likely to attend a game, since there’s so many white nationalists there. It hurts Boston and New York fans for making it seem like they tolerate people like this. It hurts Kavanaugh supporters because you’re trying to paint them all as racist.

But Jonathan Berk didn’t care because he was trying to have his woke moment in the spotlight. He just wasn’t counting on Turtleboy calling him out on it. You can use whatever crowd funding source you want, but I for one will not do business with Patron City, whose Facebook page can be found here, if they choose to employ terrible people like Jonathan Berk.

20 Comment(s)
  • Alex Reimer
    October 8, 2018 at 4:00 pm

    Um, Hi Jonny, remember me from a few weeks ago in montreal? Id love to top you again. You can email me at the station and say hi.

  • Fo Sho
    Not wid my dick
    October 8, 2018 at 10:52 am

    Look at the pecker tracks on his lisps.

  • Dingus
    October 8, 2018 at 10:13 am

    Funny thing is that there a ton of people like myself who were ambivalent at best about Suzie Collins, but once again the Left finds innovative ways to lose by announcing Susan Rice? If they’d just shut up and run some nobody they’d probably have succeeded, now they’ll have to wait til ‘next time’. I recall a bunch of $$ being poured into Maine from the Bloomberg people when the topic was gun control.. They should’ve learned then that Maine, particularly the northern part of the state where Suzie is from, is very weary of outside influence.

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    Mike Barnicle
    October 7, 2018 at 2:00 pm

    I saw them too!

  • Jonsthan Berg
    October 7, 2018 at 11:57 am

    Its okfor filthy monkies to hold up black power fists at football games where racist white men pay millions to black illiterate animals who otherwise would beb n jail or chucking spears in the homeland .plus I like long thick black dicks up my rectum. L ok ve the double penetration.
    Black cum is delicious mm mmm good down to the last drop

  • Tired of Winning yet? Fuck No
    October 7, 2018 at 7:58 am

    Team Trump not backing down and winning the fake rape trial after Judge Kavanaugh is put on a Soviet style public show-trial with no due process = big bucks and too much time.

    Team Trump swearing in President Trumps nominee to the Supreme Court as per the Constitution. PRICELESS BABY!!

    Tired of Winning yet? Fuck No! President Trump = Promises kept. Make no mistake this fake hate crime was directed at President Trump and Trump supporters, the Sox game was a backdrop and nothing more. Jonathan Berk went home and jerked it on his Obama poster then cried himself to sleep clutching a life sized gender neutral blow up Ken doll.

  • Amber drip Liz Warren
    October 7, 2018 at 5:59 am

    Patronicity sounds a bit too much like Patriarchy for my wax clotted ears.

    • Winning
      October 7, 2018 at 8:02 am

      Patroncity sounds like some kind of gay French resort.

  • Recoiling in Horror
    October 7, 2018 at 5:50 am

    punch him. someone punch that face.

  • Stan
    October 7, 2018 at 12:40 am

    Ah yes, the “new” Democratic Party. All of the men are low testosterone soy boys and all the woman batshit crazy feminazis. What a bunch of brain dead circus sheep. Muh racism, muh white patriarchy, muh sexism, muh protests. STFU and go away, you have nothing to offer this country and you’re irrelevant.

  • Shaniqua Brown
    October 6, 2018 at 11:17 pm

    What peeps like Liz Warren aint understand is am Hispanic and Black women dontz vote. An if they husband or boyfriend aint man enough to slap them around and down they aint no man!

  • Jefe
    October 6, 2018 at 9:04 pm

    This guy obviously eats corn the long way. What a total loser. He needs a good punch to his grille. Fag boy

  • Turtz McGurtz
    October 6, 2018 at 8:36 pm

    I sometimes yell “white power!” at Patriots games when James White make a great play. #irony

  • Frank Rizzo
    October 6, 2018 at 8:19 pm

    what a punchable face. wadda fuckin puke

  • Judge dread
    October 6, 2018 at 6:56 pm

    Air drop him into Somalia. The price jet fuel will be worth it. Let the Somalian gangs have their way with him.

    5-4 bitches!!!!

  • Fitzy
    October 6, 2018 at 6:05 pm

    He’s not a true fan. He just likes wearing the pink Red Sox hat out.

    • Eunuch Attention Whore
      October 6, 2018 at 6:39 pm

      He’s a mama’s boy, looks pre-buscent. He went with the lowest common denominator for attention at Fenway. Claim racism at Fenway and get national headlines, at least he had the decency or cowardice to blame somebody other than Sox fans, these fake hate crimes are laughable.

      Chanting Kavanaughif it did happen, is not a hate crime and connecting it to white power from hand signals is pure fantasy. I wonder if this douche even knows a game was played, it is all about him and his virtue signaling on fake isms. Look at me I’m at the playoffs, I’m all excited enjoying a Soy alcohol free beer an kale hotdog and I stopped the NAZIs.

  • Rod Sterling
    October 6, 2018 at 5:04 pm

    The reality is you can bitch, piss and moan but Kavanaugh was appointed as he should have.

    Liberals are funny, they insult the judge for compassionately defending his honor and say that makes him unfit but they love and support Warren when she screams, yells and behaves like a crazy cat lady?

  • Crispy C
    October 6, 2018 at 5:03 pm

    Generally I’ve found Quinnipiac grads to be dumb as fuck. This guy does nothing to disprove my point.

  • Boston wins again
    October 6, 2018 at 4:39 pm

    Fucking New Yorkers.. I tell ya.. They’re even jealous that Fenway and Boston are the most racist ballpark and city in the US. Why do NYC sports fans always try to outdo Boston and fail.

    ps What is a racist hand signal? Want to make sure I don’t accidentally do it at a ballgame.

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