All-Star Criminals

The FBI Did Maura Healey’s Job And Arrested Three State Troopers Who Stole Money With Overtime Scams, Gendusogate And Biblowgate Remain Unresolved

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The Massachusetts State Police continue to drain the swamp in front of our eyes….

Three recently suspended or retired Massachusetts State Police troopers were arrested Wednesday and charged with taking thousands of dollars of overtime pay for hours they didn’t work by submitting bogus traffic citations to conceal that they had actually been off the clock. U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling called the arrests the beginning of his office’s investigation into whether overtime abuse is a systemic problem at state police. State police have told prosecutors that about 40 employees had apparent discrepancies between pay received and hours worked in 2016, but the three troopers are the only ones so far to face criminal charges.

These troopers selfishly tarnished the reputation and badge worn proudly by so many other hard working members of the Massachusetts State Police, who put their lives on the line for all of us every each and every day,” Hank Shaw, FBI special agent in charge of the Boston Field Division, told reporters. Paul Cesan, 50, Gary Herman, 45, and David Wilson, 57, were arrested at their homes just after sunrise and charged with embezzlement from an agency receiving federal funds. They appeared in Boston’s federal court hours later and were released from custody on certain conditions.

Cesan and Herman’s lawyers didn’t immediately respond to messages from The Associated Press. It was not immediately clear if Wilson has an attorney. The troopers were members of the now-disbanded Troop E, which patrols the 138-mile (220 kilometers) Massachusetts Turnpike from Boston to the New York state border. Officials say the men put in for overtime pay for shifts they either left hours early or didn’t work at all in 2016. For example, Cesan’s cruiser radio was off — suggesting he wasn’t operating the vehicle — the entire time he claimed to be working an overtime shift that year, court records say.

Officials say the troopers either changed the dates of real traffic citations or submitted citations that never really happened to make it look like they had been working the whole time. Court records say police paid Cesan more than $29,000 in fraudulent overtime pay, while Herman and Wilson both received roughly $12,500. Wilson, a former lieutenant, was an officer in charge of overtime shifts before he retired in March. Cesan also retired that month, and Herman is currently suspended.

Revelations of potential overtime abuse within Troop E led officials to disband the unit and order body cameras for state troopers and GPS vehicle locators in police cruisers, among other changes. State Police say they now have increased oversight for overtime shifts and are conducting regular audits of high earners. “We fully support and will continue to cooperate with the ongoing investigations being conducted by the US Attorney and the Attorney General,” State Police Col. Kerry Gilpin said in a statement.

It’s good that they’re being held accountable and all, but why did it take the FBI to do this? Where the hell is the Attorney General? Oh right, doing the only thing she knows how to do – suing Donald Trump:

Why? Why is she putting a single ounce of her energy into suing Donald Trump? It will accomplish nothing. It’s not an issue that remotely affects the taxpayers of Massachusetts. Oh right, this will just help her score some political with the cheap seats. Carry on.

Anyway, as much as I think it’s a good thing that these thieves are being held responsible, I really hate that we’ve opened up a can of worms that has allied us with the “fuck the po-lease” crowd. Because despite all of this I still trust the police, including the MSP. But obviously this overtime shit was out of control. Unfortunately it seems to have been systematic. You have high ranking officials taking part in this too, not just some rogue troopers. They obviously were told by other troopers that it was OK and just part of the job and blah, blah, blah.

So I don’t think they should go to jail or anything like that, I just think they should all have to repay every penny they stole plus interest. The damage that has been done to their reputations is punishment enough as it is.

Here’s the thing, if we’re ranking MSP scandals in the last 6 months, here’s how I rank them:

  1. Biblowgate
  2. Genuso
  3. Overtime

This is just money. It’s illegal and unethical, but we can get more money. What we can’t get back is trust. And the fact of the matter is that Joe Early is still the District Attorney for Worcester County, and Dan Bennett is still Charlie Baker’s right hand guy. Both of them ordered a judge’s daughter’s arrest report to be redacted and then retaliated against the troopers who didn’t want to do that.

With Genduso no one has ever been held responsible for hiring a woman who was a major pot dealer, perjurer, and tax evader. Somehow she became a state cop, and this has never been explained.

The fact that the people who orchestrated both of those scandals have not been held responsible is the real problem. They have no problem arresting these cops, even though two of them are retired, so why isn’t Marian McGovern being questioned? Obviously she used her influence to help Genduso get her job. Why isn’t former Colonel McKeon under arrest? What he did was far worse than what these guys did.

But I guess you gotta take small victories when you can get em. The bottom line is this overtime shit isn’t gonna be happening anymore because everyone’s watching out for it now. This is what we do at Turtleboy – we fix problems.

P.S. A number of people have asked what Leigha Genduso is up to these days. Some people have messaged and said she’s bartending in the Danvers area, but this isn’t confirmed. She probably should’ve been doing that all along instead of masquerading as a cop. Either way, she’s done as a trooper (even though she hasn’t formally been fired), which is really the only thing that matters.

33 Comment(s)
  • How dumb are you lol
    June 29, 2018 at 9:03 pm

    Lol @ Turtleboy advocating for felons to do zero time if convicted. News flash: having to give back what you STOLE isn’t a fucking punishment. I get that you’re a police apologist, but at LEAST be consistent; if people who are shot running from police “deserve it” for breaking the law, these folks deserve jail time for committing felonies—the same way civilians are punished. Stop advocating for police to be above the law, ESPECIALLY police who have abused their badge. #freemyboi #hediddunuffin #onehunnit

  • deflatteddoritodinks
    June 29, 2018 at 9:22 am

    Three down.. 37 to go. LOL!

  • State Mafia.. errr ahh Police
    June 29, 2018 at 5:26 am

    Maura Healey IS part of this conspiracy. She selectively blows off her mandatory requirement to investigate crimes over and over. These cops are all potentially felons and there are far more than 30 of them. Making over 200k a year and they feel the need to steal/embezzle more money, if they will commit fraud for OT they will lie about other things.

    So many qualified young men and women would love to be a cop and a trooper. We would be well served by honest smart young officers who would gladly work for 50k or 70k a year. That’s a dam good living when you add in the benefits. A handful of months at the state police academy and a troopers time is more valuable than a friggin dentist’s… WTF is going on?

    • deflatteddoritodinks
      June 29, 2018 at 9:03 am

      But the illegal alien children! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Giudo
    June 29, 2018 at 3:49 am

    Will these three be able to be with their families while incarcerated?

    • deflatteddoritodinks
      June 29, 2018 at 9:04 am

      Incarcerated?! Good luck with that.

    • Maura Healey
      June 29, 2018 at 10:32 pm

      Haha jail… silly! Who would take care of the 5000 sqft house, the boat and the RV?

  • Trash man
    June 28, 2018 at 10:16 pm

    Word is Genduso is working on a medical pension, “stress”, and a job at the Everett Casino (State Police Clearance needed). The coverup and the money to keep her quiet just rolls on. Ask some questions.

    • deflatteddoritodinks
      June 29, 2018 at 9:07 am

      Mcgovern didn’t “retire”. She went out on some disability scam. She isn’t disabled enough to not be a judge who lets illegal alien rapists out on bail, so that they can fly back to Africa. Can’t make this shit up

  • The Vorlon
    June 28, 2018 at 9:06 pm

    And the best place to hide anything in Massachusetts is in Maura Healey’s law books…

    • y
      June 28, 2018 at 10:18 pm

      Hide yo wife, and hide yo kids

  • Salomal
    June 28, 2018 at 8:19 pm

    TB thank you for being a voice of reason here. I went to HS w one of the accused and I remember he was a nice kid (many were not). Like you, I suspect this was widespread & systemic, occurring with a wink and a nod from higher ups. Let’s clean it up, allow these men to provide restitution, and save jail time for violent criminals.

    • No More Special Treatment
      June 29, 2018 at 5:41 am

      Would any one of us have the option of simply “making restitution”? Equal protection under the law and equal application of the law.

      Restitution is only a starting point and for somebody who makes a 150k plus a year it would be a joke. This isn’t two adolescents who knocked over mailboxes.

      If convicted restitution goes without saying plus penalties, full loss of pension is a no brainer. Time in prison or suspended sentence would be the real question, supervised probation and community service. The hypocrisy is so deep on so many levels, now we have “friends” of the troopers posting “he was a nice kid in highschool” other boys were mean to me.. wtf. Give me a fucking break you mealy mouthed apologists. State Police are neck deep in felonies and the AG won’t move a muscle the entire Ma political machine is covering for these bums. It takes the US Attorney and the Corrupt FBI to bring justice.

      • Salomal
        June 29, 2018 at 6:49 pm

        I understand your frustration but: 1) Equal treatment under the law means that the higher ups should also face investigation, prosecution and jail. We all know that won’t happen.
        2) I’ll sleep just fine at night and feel fiscally restored if they pay it back and lose their pensions. I do Not sleep well at night when there are violent criminals set loose (written about frequently here) because 3 jail cells are taken up by white colllar criminals who just went along with everyone else.

  • Ray Patriarca
    Maura Healey
    June 28, 2018 at 6:48 pm

    Do you think I have time for this shit ?
    I have illegal aliens to shelter !
    I have Exxon Mobil to sue?
    I have every LGBTQWXYZ issue to defend!
    I have Donald Trump’s to sue !
    I’m a busy, busy girl !
    I don’t have time to enforce the law in Massachusetts !
    I’ve got IMPORTANT things to do !
    PS…. Don’t forget to vote for me !

  • Jack
    June 28, 2018 at 6:36 pm

    No surprise again when it comes to the state. Especially if one knows how it operates. Obviously takes the Feds to come in to get the ball rolling. Healey is a embarrassment to the state!

  • just passing thru
    June 28, 2018 at 5:36 pm

    gee I wonder if their gun permits have been revoked, any credentials related to the Federal Police Officers Protection Act were voided, and their firearms confiscated.

    Since these charges are directly related to their work, at what point will their pensions be stopped?

    • This_state_needs_an_enema
      June 28, 2018 at 7:13 pm

      LOL. Pensions Revoked. That has never happened, and it never will. That would be punishment. And it would set an example. Nope. It’ll never happen.

      You think these guys retired in March, just by chance? No way.

      This state is corrupt as fuck. No single political party is at fault. I only wish I was in on it. I’m just a taxpayer getting fucked financially supporting all this. I’m well aware there is nothing I can do. Between federal & state income taxes, sales tax. gas tax, cell phone tax, electric tax, meals tax, excise tax, real estate tax, personal property tax, and probably a hundred other I’m forgetting, we’re all getting fucked. Oh ya, condoms… fucking taxable.

      • Y
        June 28, 2018 at 10:14 pm

        You’re right; this state is FUBAR!
        It’s too bad we couldn’t line our pockets as well!!!
        Had you or I done it, we would’ve been cuffed in front of the media, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, lost our pensions/retirement & license to bear arms, and our families would’ve been chastised and exiled from whatever shithole town we, at one-time, proudly referred to as “home.”

      • deflatteddoritodinks
        June 29, 2018 at 9:11 am

        Yabut the Grand Bargain bill. Keep ya from voting on stuff like the “temporary” income tax hike.

      • InTheKnow
        Holy Moly!
        June 30, 2018 at 11:58 am

        The Democrat Party in Massachusetts is to blame. They’ve held all three branches far more than Republicans! There are only a handful of Republicans in senate and state reps!

  • Metro West Guy
    Decided to take a chance in private sector
    June 28, 2018 at 5:24 pm

    Give these CRIMINALS (Because that’s what you call anyone who steals what isn’t rightfully theirs) a choice: 1) Prison or 2) Lose your pension.

    • Taxes4life
      June 29, 2018 at 5:23 pm


  • bigdaddy
    Maura Healey
    June 28, 2018 at 4:45 pm

    Some one told me I was AG for this state and I should look into this ? Is that true ?

    • Hon. Jane M. Swift
      June 28, 2018 at 7:09 pm

      Hey Maura,
      Let’s go for a spin in the helicopter! xoxoxo

  • Eugene
    June 28, 2018 at 3:29 pm

    The only thing that bothers the Troopers is the lose of their pension.Even a small amount of time in prison isn’t a problem.They just want to keep that pension.

    • Y
      June 28, 2018 at 10:03 pm

      For GOD’S sake, can you please learn to differentiate between ‘loss’ and ‘lose’?
      It’s like, ‘your’ and ‘you’re!’
      You fuckin hoodboogers are a disgrace to the English language, and it’s beyond painful to read (if you can even decipher hoodbooger vernacular)!!!

  • M H
    June 28, 2018 at 3:22 pm

    I have to admit to being shocked that anyone was even arrested for this. If the feds are taking this seriously there should be another dozen or two arrests eventually. It remains to be seen if there are any guilty pleas/verdicts to ensure that justice is done to these lying thug clowns.
    Yes let’s not forget that Bibleaugate, and Genduso scandals still haven’t had anyone held responsible (and don’t forget the stolen guns at the armory in New Braintree).
    However these @$$holes did get the benefit of being arrested quietly at dawn so there was no perp walk that the rest of us would have had to endure.

    MSP: Protecting, Serving, and Enriching ourselves!!!

  • Turtle Flavored Butt Plug
    June 28, 2018 at 3:17 pm

    Actual work being done by the Feds?


    • SMH
      June 28, 2018 at 4:44 pm

      Yes, the feds because nobody at the state level will go after any of their corrupt friends at the state or local level. Got corruption going on in your town? Forget about getting the state to even look at it let alone clean it up. Building inspection department in bed with developers and realtors? No enforcement of zoning bylaws? Good luck getting people to do anything when they think they are paid to sue the President.

    • z
      June 28, 2018 at 9:12 pm

      The Feds probably gave the state a bit of time to get their shit together and held this in reserve. There’s no love lost between Trump + Baker but maybe there a professional courtesy.
      Bakers “Well, we wouldn’t have this problem if we had more state cops” probably triggered a Fuck You from Sessions or Trump. I know if I was one of those 2 and read that, it would have been a WTF moment.

      Baker realistically can’t do much legally. But, he can bitch and moan about it which he didn’t do much of. He had the opportunity to make this a daily story by rattling the cage. Instead he does Cat in the Hat photo ops in Springfield. Howie Carrs “Tall Deval” fits. At this point, I’d rather have Patrick back as Gov.

      • Y
        June 28, 2018 at 9:55 pm

        You had me till you said you’d rather have Deval back…
        Deval helped get us in this shithole!!

        • z
          June 29, 2018 at 7:34 am

          It’s more about disappointment than anything else.

          At least with Patrick, you knew what he was and what he was going to do. So, we got what we knew we were going to get.

          Baker, I think he is a Republican only for the fact that pool of potential candidates is that much smaller. If he was a D he’d just be another face in the crowd. A lot like Bloomberg in NY. “Join” the much smaller opposition and then spout policies of the other side but just a little tiny bit more to right. Get in office and do almost nothing like the party you belong to stands for.

          The media has no choice but to cover you because you are the main stream candidate.

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