Yesterday we published a blog about two crackheads who stabbed a much larger woman in broad daylight on a busy street in New Bedford, which was all caught on film.
Well, we know their names now. Meet Blow J Simpson, Kassandra Martinez.
She’s the egg donor of not one, not two, not three, but SEVEN crotch fruits, and has custody of none.
Her baby Daddy is currently in jail due to the fact that he’s a gang banging drug dealer.
And unfortunately they don’t have workman’s comp in that line of work, so she spends her dies smoking crack and stabbing bitches.
Meanwhile Crackpipe, who dropped her drugs and then came back to pick them up post-stabbing, is named Bella Rivera.
She also has a litter of semon demons, custody of none, but at least she knows how to use a dog filter. And I assume this gentlemen in the 100 emoji sweatshirt and flat brimmed hat threw a load of baby batter or two inside of her.
That’s exactly what I would imagine the baby daddy of a crackhead who goes around jumping and stabbing people in broad daylight would look like.
Sources also tell us that Blow J Simpson (Kassandra) was involved in the stabbing last week at Legends, so I guess she’s just been in a stabby mood lately.
Cops are now looking for them, but if they’d like to call into the live show they can message Clarence Woods Emerson on Facebook or email turtleboysports@gmail.com.
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Time: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 13:37:03 GMT
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Time: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 13:37:03 GMT
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Time: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 13:37:03 GMT
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Time: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 13:37:03 GMT
Poor Sergio Jr, named after a retard, by a retard- and then thrown away to be raised by white people.
Seven? Really? We’re paying for small armies at this point.
Look, I really despise the NWO Globalists that are depopulating the world via the poison shot, but it’s ghetto rats like these that make me understand why they are doing it.
Jim McGovern would give them the keys to the city. And defund the police.
Several years ago I went to Quebec City for a weekend. While sitting in a park, one of the locals pointed out the absence of pigeons- thereby the sidewalks, statuary, and parked cars were all clean of pigeon shit. When I asked how they accomplished this, I was told the pigeons were fed seed that contained a drug that rendered them sterile. It was quite effective because the pigeons lovers didn’t have to see dead pigeons falling from the sky- they just witnessed a dwindling population.
So…….I wonder………
If only I had my own matching set of hoodbooger couture – say, a flat-brimmed ball cap and a sweatshirt, both emblazoned with emojis in multiple places, maybe? – perhaps I would then be able to appropriately convey my level of support for this hypothetical medical advancement being tested for efficacy & put into action like post-haste…chop-chop…
Poster children for Planned Parenthood.
and they wonder why we all hate them?
I hate when I drop my crack when I’m in a street fight
Shocking………….I’m pretty sure everyone that read this yesterday could’ve guessed this.
Damn this chick has been pregnant atleast 10 times and can’t raise one of them ???? Time to tie the tubes
Agreed…there should be some sort of mercy rule put into effect once a person exceeds the predetermined ratio of the # kids they’ve birthed to # of biological kids in their custody by like a 3:1 margin or something…I recommend Dr. Wu be consulted at that point for appropriate measures to be taken subsequently thereafter