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Last Friday we published this blog about the Woonsocket Wang Pocket, Leah Duran, after she smashed into a cop car wasted, during the middle of the day, with 5 kids in her minivan. And she wasn’t just drunk, she was Dragon 88 drunk.
She was almost unrecognizable from her hoodjuice inducing Facebook photos:
But because it’s Rhode Island she’s not only out of jail and up to her old tricks, she also has access to the kids she could’ve gotten killed while driving with a BAC higher than Xander Boegarts batting average. Yes, that’s right – she got ANOTHER DUI, in the same minivan, with three kids in it once again…..
At least this spunk magnet didn’t smash into a cop car this time. That’s progress!
I’m just in awe that literally a week after endangering the lives of 5 children, she just gets the kids back like nothing ever happened. How is that possible? This is why kids die. Because DCYF if a freaking JOKE!! Seems like common sense that if you’re .279 drunk driving with your kids in the car, then you’re kind of not fit to parent. But this is the Ocean State, where they wait until you actually kill a kid before they finally decide to do something. Guess she must’ve pinky swore that it was a one time thing.
But apparently this is not the face of a woman who can be trusted to keep her word:
Guess what? She’ll do it again the minute she’s bailed out for $500 too. She’ll get some nudnik Lincoln Chafee or Gina Judge, she’ll get dolled up for court, her lawyer will tell the judge what a loving mother she is and how her kids need her around, and how she’s turning her life around, the judge will fall for it, and she’ll be back on Turtleboy by the end of the month.
But if Providence Turtleboy was running this state she’d have a mandatory tubes tying on Facebook Live, followed by 20 years in jail. Make no doubt about it – she will get someone killed if she’s not locked up. If you don’t care enough about your own children’s safety, imagine how much you don’t care about the safety of everyone else.
12 Comment(s)
Another example of a broken system. RI, another Democrat controlled state, is a mess. Almost bankrupt, loaded with illegals and controlled by Democrats. Everything, literally everything Democrats touch turns to shit.
Elect liberal Democrats? They appoint like-minded liberal judges.
Will people ever WTFU and make the connection? They will piss, moan, cry and yell about the mess…..but at voting time, the still flip the (D) lever !
You reap what you sow !
As for Leah?
Two words: Alcholics Anonymous.
Such a shame that this is who these kids must call Mom. What a reckless, careless, and worthless slug….
I usually don’t go for social programs but the tube tying one should be funded.
It’s summertime in RI !
Gots to get your drank on at the beach yo’.
Fucking breastmilk is <0.8.%
Loved the 2 hours it took to scroll down here. But really now, who keeps posting this cunts bail?
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New “American” new rules ok you stupid gringos.
Hot mess
this person has a drinking problem.
This broad is thirsty
Someone needs to buy a new bathing suit! Lmao both mug shots she is wearing the same one. And maybe look into A.A
Someone should research how many human lives have been lost after some asshole was released by a pussy liberal judge…