Turtleboy Was On With The Boston Herald’s Michael Graham And Howie Carr Yesterday To Talk About Facebook Fascists Taking Away Our Page
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Everyone’s buzzing about the Turtleboy Sports Facebook page being arbitrarily taken down by Facebook robots who were manipulated by an online mob of SJWs that mass reported our page for bullying. The New Bedford Guide wrote about it first. Then Michael Graham from the Boston Herald wrote about it and had Uncle Turtleboy on his podcast, which you can listen to by clicking here.
Finally Howie Carr had friend of Turtleboy, Kyle Reyes, on his show last night to talk about how his business has been affected by Facebook censorship. They wrote about it here and it’s pretty crazy. Later he had Uncle Turtleboy on as well. One thing Kyle and Turtleboy have in common is that they both support the police and are critical of social justice warriors. Shockingly we’ve both been shut down multiple times. Kyle comes on at the 3:20 mark, Uncle Turtleboy at 3:44:
It’s gonna be so awesome when our page comes back. Might be the biggest victory in the history of the turtle. So thanks for the challenge, because all you’re doing is making us bigger. Don’t. Poke. The. Turtle.
6 Comment(s)
What the fuck is “murded”? Lol!!!!!
Minds.com is emerging as an alternative to Assbook. They do not censor anything.
Regarding FB blatant abuse of what’s ok and what’s ‘hate speech’, Can you even imagine a White Man saying on TV what DOO doo’s old lady Monica said? “fuck all white people!” Ya right… the words ‘fuck all black people’…. clearly according to SJW world is hate speech. The other is her ‘letting off steam from years of oppression’ or some other bullshit excuse. And for these two hippos, getting a (gasp) job, and actually working are two very different things. Like the black ‘woman’ who was given every chance to become a Boston Firefighter, failed every thing, twice… but was still given the job. And before she put out as much as a cigarette…. fell down, claimed disability and now gets a check every month. Ridiculous.
Good sign, the Boston media is taking you seriously. This is a start, about time and long overdo. Far as the fascists go, am sure it is EBT time, almost the first of the month.
I was one of the hundreds of thousands of military members overseas who voted for Romney. The 2012 election votes from overseas military voters were definitely NOT counted, or as the left calls it, were not “lost” but somehow diverted and were not counted because they were “late”. obama played dirty the entire time, and now we are just beginning to see the filth from him and clinton rising to the top of the swamp. The rescue party couldn’t go into Benghazi, because the skies over Libya were bristling with stinger missiles; given to them by obama AND clinton.