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An arrest warrant was issued by the Manchester P.D. on June 23rd for Elvin Yamil Acevedo (Facebook page shown here)
Elvin is 30 years old (D.O.B. 10/31/86) and has ties to family in Providence, Rhode Island. He and his girlfriend Heather Austin (Facebook page shown here) were arrested for shoplifting at the Hannaford supermarket on Hanover Street in Manchester two weeks ago.
Acevedo drives a black Ford Ranger pick-up truck with a red cap. The bed is full of clothing, wood, household items, etc. and the front windshield is smashed on the drivers side.
N.H. LICENSE PLATE # 4176517
Acevedo’s address is listed as 199 Manchester Street which is the location of the New Horizons homeless shelter in Manchester. Heather Austin is 28 years old (D.O.B. 5/24/1989) and both she and Acevedo listed 95 Laura Street, Providence R.I. as their address when they were arrested in Londonderry, N.H. in November of 2016.
Det. Nicholas Georgoulis, juvenile crime division: ngeorgoulis@manchesternh.gov
Leave an anonymous tip VIA the Manchester CrimeLine or call 603-624-4040
Anyone who rides the turtle knows that we expose plenty of deadbeat moms and dads but this particular story sparked an inferno of rage inside of me like no other.
Heather Austin has 3 young children, 2 of which are fathered by Acevedo.
Acevedo also has 2 young children from a previous relationship.
These two deplorable, pathetic, selfish, negligent wastes of oxygen have FIVE CHILDREN and currently do not have custody of ANY of them (THANK GOD, ALLAH, BUDDHA, THE MYSTICAL UNICORNS OF JUPITER AND SHOOTING FUCKING STARS FOR THAT.) Family members have stepped up and rallied to provide them with stability, love and support because Heather and Elvin are incapable and undeserving of having their own flesh and blood in their presence for a millisecond. I wouldn’t leave a plastic jar of Dollar Store, dehydrated sea monkeys in their care for fear that they’d find a way to sell them for heroin.
Oh, I forgot to mention that. They’re drug addicts, but you probably had figured that out by now, right?
Here’s a lightning round of facts because I don’t have it in me to eloquently put together the timeline of human atrocities in paragraph form:
- Elvin and Heather are dirtbag junkies and I don’t want to hear one goddamn peep about “it’s a disease” or have anyone tell me not to judge them because I am judging them. I wont apologize for it and I will never consider them more than a couple of louses on the asshairs of society. If you can really, REALLY look at this situation and have one ounce of sympathy or conjure up one word of excuse for them then fuck off.
- Not only were they living out of their piece of shit truck but they had Heathers 3 girls living in there without car seats or heat. (Keep in mind the court granted ex-parte custody to family members in January.)
- Heathers oldest daughter hadn’t attended school in a YEAR before the custody change in January and the younger two are incapable of even singing their ABC’s. They cannot identify numbers, letters and all 3 are developmentally delayed because drugs took priority.
- The youngest little one (3 years old) hadn’t seen a doctor or received vaccinations since she was 3 months old.
- Heather and Elvin had the children steal for them, used needles in front of them (as described in perfect detail by her 4 year old) and the children had visible bite marks on them.
But it’s not Elvin and Heathers fault because they had no choice. While we’re at it, let’s blame all of the other shitty things they’ve done lately on their crippling disease, too.
And let’s not forget about Heather’s, erm, “Lacey’s” advert on CallEscort.org
Or the other one she has on MyProviderGuide.com:
So what convinced Elvin and Heather to hand their kids off to family members in January?
They passed their kids to family members in order to score “gas” money and that’s what prompted a judge to sign an emergency custody order. They were SUPPOSED to go back to court for a hearing and drug testing in March. Elvin never showed, she refused a drug test and the judge signed the kids over to family members indefinitely. You get that? He didn’t. even. show. up.
That’s when The Child Advocacy Center stepped in and found out that the worst part of the entire ordeal hadn’t even been discovered yet..
Acevedo is wanted for sexual assault and statutory rape.
His victims are the same ones he abandoned in January for drug money.
Elvin Acevedo is a repulsive, evil creature who should have ended up in a tissue and thrown in the trash 30 years ago. He’s an embarrassment to the word “father” and I would be elated if he washed up on the banks of the Merrimack River, maimed, bloated and having his eyeballs pecked out by crows.
And mom? The one person who should lay down her life to protect her children? She was confronted about the abuse said she “had an idea“.
But she has no problem posting to FB like everything is normal A-LA Erika Murray.
People who do this shit are a whole different breed of crazy.
How do you spend a total of 30 months of your life creating 3 perfect little babies and then let something like this happen? As a mother you feel a life grow inside of your being. It’s a life that you created, a life that cannot defend itself and one that relies on you for protection. How do you take something so honest and good and pure and allow it to be tarnished and destroyed?
Heather, how do you look at yourself in the mirror without crumbling under the crushing realization that you failed your children? For me, that would be far more excruciating than any physical torture I can think of. It’s certainly more painful than 4 days of going cold turkey while the junk rots through your system.
I hope neither of you EVER lay eyes on those children again and I hope you fail over and over again at attaining the smallest sensation of fleeting happiness. I hope you spend every last second on this earth consumed with guilt and sheer misery. You deserve it.
Please share this over and over and over again. We need to get these two off the streets and get Elvin thrown in jail before he hurts another child.
11 Comment(s)
Does anyone know if she’s wanted? I can’t seem to find out anything. I know she’s in NC, I know this for a fact. So if she is please someone let me know and I can surely let you know where she is!!
What the fuck is tattooed on her chest? Is that the creature from the black lagoon?
That’s what I was wondering about. That shit is awful! I can’t believe this woman had custody for as long as she did.
I thought Guttermuppet resurfaced. Related? I think so…
Who is the piece of shite who wrote this piss of a rant ?
Fuck you, fuku
by basically abandoning the kids they actually did them a favor-a big one
Directly to TBS fB page to share this..I’ve never been so disgusted! (almost pounded my keyboard into submission!)
Fuck. This. Guy.
And the ‘mother’ too!
All the junkie sympathizers seem to conveniently forget about the children that suffer.
Whether it is something legal (pills, alcohol) or illegal, if it has a hold on the parents and the parents won’t run from it, the children suffer.
These kids never had a shot. I hope he ends up in jail or dead. Not sorry.