Warwick Dickassos Vandalize School With A Collage of Dicks and Swastikas, Defend Their Ratchetry On WPD Facebook Page

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The Warwick Post: On Thursday, Warwick Police reported they had identified and arrested a suspect in the April 10 vandalism, posting a photo of the man and thanking Facebook followers for their help. Police arrested Manuel Mckay, and charged him with vandalism of Warwick Veterans School on April 10.
WARWICK, RI — Warwick Police are asking the public’s help identifying a man and woman suspected of spray painting a penis, swastika on the front walkway of Warwick Veterans Jr. High School April 10, as well as a penis on a reserved parking sign and “a statement too profane,” to repeat on the wall of the small gym. A security camera filming in infrared recorded two people, a man and a woman, and a small dog, on the school property the evening of the vandalism, according to a report Warwick. In one of the videos, police say the man is concealing what appears to be a black can of spray paint. The graffiti was cleaned up by a school custodian April 11
Police identified the Picasso of dicks involved in this vandalism as Manuel Mckay when he turned himself in over two weeks later. People were starting to suspect who the “Monet” was on the Warwick Police Facebook post anyways, so he wasn’t doing it out of the goodness of his heart.
So these two morons decided to spray paint a canvas of penises, swastikas, and statements so profane that Warwick Police wouldn’t even release it, on a SCHOOL building. Talk about about an art resume! Why couldn’t they do it on the side of an abandoned building like everyone else? Plus those probably don’t have infrared cameras- Criminal Acts 101.
Manny here is absurdly active on the Facebook blackhole and I’m going to explain his obvious fascination with dicks in 3…2…1…
Watch yo dads!
But really, nothing against gay people- the question is WHO talks like this? This dude is literally on social media 24 hours a day so I’m not sure where he found the time to spraypaint dicks and swastikas on middle school grounds. I might actually have arthritis from scrolling through a bazillion mind-numbing pages to find April 10th and see what triggered dad thief to stay up late and get artsy.
Gorgeous day for drawing some dicks in public, I guess.
Warwick Police had this story and mugshot on their Facebook page, but it was taken down because people were literally getting too rowdy… about his EYEBROWS. Someone scheduled an eyebrow wax before turning himself in. Mugshot? You mean new Facebook pic!
It’s not often you see a criminal defend himself on the police department Facebook page, but Manny was all over it:
Why the fuck would you even try to justify drawing dicks and swastikas on a school? You were having a bad day? You know who probably had an ACTUAL bad day. The poor custodian who had to clean up your art project the next day before a school full of kids saw it. I’m sure it was just the thing he wanted to walk into that day. But a wise man once said “what’s did is done” so…
Come on, he turned himself in when he was going to be caught anyways. It wasn’t until the infrared stills were released that he suddenly had a change of conscience. No one’s fooled.
I think this dad-loving slug should do a week’s worth of work for the custodian who had the shitty task of cleaning up his “bad day” dick art.
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17 Comment(s)
What’s it like waking up with a dick in your mouth? I’m asking for a friend
Where’s his flat rim Bulls cap?
What teenager isn’t obsessed with drawing dicks and whatnot? Seriously. Christ, I’m 37 and still draw dicks on things hahahaha
Dudes eyebrows are on FLEEK….FLECK…no….FELCH…..WTF… Hes a faqqot
I cant get beyond the fucking eyebrows…what guy would get his eyebrows waxed like Joan Crawford…Im seeing this too much lately…those are womens brows..not mens..it looks stupid.
I hate it when chicks do their eyebrows like that, and I hate it even more so when guys do.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Give me 10 minutes in a locked room with this POS!!!!
Are you going to put it in my ass?
Dickasso! U guys r the best word makers ever!
Pay the custodian, out of your own pocket, you PATHETIC POS!!! Maybe someone should paint a fuckin’ dick, or a swastika on your car, or the cardboard box you live in down by the river! FUCKING WASTE!!! Just FUCKING GO AWAY!!! Why do we put up with this shit in America???
Shit we have all had that night where we did too many Jager Bombs and woke up.with a dick in our mouth right boys?
This guy woke up with someone’s dick in his ass!
Kevin knows all about cuffin ball n stroking shaft.
Sucks when thay happens!…So I’ve heard.
Firsties!! LAMO
I like turds…..