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Stop what you’re doing and immediately watch this video of a local rapper from the Webster/Thompson CT area, known as “2$moke,” with his latest hit song, “Money calling.”
That right there ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when Webster meets Connecticut. Blended in with a touch of the Putnam Walmart express. At first I thought this was some sort of Weird Al parody video. Turns out it’s all too real. These kids actually are under the impression that they are some sort of gangstas, and the refer to themselves as the “860 Money Crew.”
Let’s start from the beginning. The kid wakes up to a phone call about gettin that money, which becomes a theme of these deeply thought out artistic masterpiece. Thus the “money calling.” However, you may also notice that he has two things in his twin bed at his mother’s house that he evidently cannot sleep without – his hairbrush and his butcher’s knife:
Yup. Just another day in North Grosvnordale.
Anyway, when he answers the phone he is evidently informed by the GED equivalency graduate on the other end of the line that the money is in fact “calling.” And thus our boy 2$mokes will be there. Feel me?
Then the ballad of I-395 begins. Naturally he cannot start rapping about all the money he be getting without his handy butcher knife, which also doubles as a make believe phone that he uses to talk about getting even more money!!
After repeatedly telling us about his busy day of, 1) waking up, and 2) hearing that money calling, he goes to his boy’s Mom’s house (who obviously is taking a semester off from his rigorous coursework at the Juliard) and the 860 Money Crew engages in some more song and dance about all that money that be calling him.
OK, before we got any further, we just need to address this:
That right there is the face of an Ellis Tech dropout who is never, ever leaving whatever shit-bum town he hails from in the 860.
Soon after the impromptu dance party 2$smokes begins flashing all the dough that be calling him. And where does he spend it all?
At the Velero gas station of course:
Because true ballers always roll deep with Bugles and those delicious pizza flavored Combos.
And I’m not sure what’s in his boy’s hat, but it certainly doesn’t appear to be a job application.
Then it was time for him to pour some blue Mountain Dew out for his homies:
Don’t worry though, he’s not commemorating them because they’re dead. A couple of them were finally kicked out of Mom’s house and now have to get jobs. Tragic.
Then he gets yet another call about………you guessed it – money callin!! And it was calling from a local drug lord’s mansion in Danielson, which is decorated with broken down office supplies, well manicured lawn, and soiled dog houses:
When he goes to drop off the package you see inside the den of the “connect,” which came fully furnished with holes in the wall, Walmart brand baseball bats, and discarded furniture that Bob’s couldn’t sell in their Attic.
But don’t worry, this isn’t all about business. After the transaction is completed the 860 Money Crew goes right back to what they’re best at – dancing, smoking blunts, waving knives around, and answering that phone whenever money be callin:
With all that money he’ll be able to take care of that acne in no time!! Keep keepin it real 860 Money Crew!!
P.S. Their other hit song Minnesota (remix) is hot fire too!!
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48 Comment(s)
Keep your day job sweety… Better yet go find a day job/ go to school… This song completely sucked. You said maybe 6 different words in the whole damn song.. im dying laughing. Your not even old enough to own a damn pocket knife or switch blade your using your Mama’s steak knife. Im dead..
So my nephew is in some of these videos….and he is a great kid who takes care of his mother and sisters. He pays half the bills as well. He also is incredibly sweet and caring so just because some one has a hobby of putting words to music in any form does not give any one the right to assume that these kids are punks or losers because the fact is they all support themselves. Good lord I would like to know what type of ridiculous hobbies some of you folks have and then have someone bash what you enjoy doing! I also wonder what your young adult children are participating in most likely without your knowledge because of how judgemental you folks are. Get an actual tighter grip on reality and a looser grip on your hateful comments. XOXOXO
This is reason #1430 that I am glad I was finally able to move out of the third world country that is Webster. And I lived on the ‘good side’ if there ever was such a thing.
You might want to spell check your “article” before posting about other people’s intelligence. Let’s get back to good stuff you used to write about instead of gaining these kids more popularity.
Wow!! This kid is clearly retarded. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for making fun of him. I think it’s great that mentally challenged kids try new things.
that thing in his hat was a pack of newports
Of course it was. They are not allowed to smoke ANY other brand.
Never have I ever been so embarrassed to be from the Thompson/Putnam area.
Please stop trying to ruin this site Bob. I too remember back when you slow played Fiesty just like you are trying to slow play South shore turtlegirl. Back then you would respond to all of fiesties vulgar comments with how great you thought her comments were and how awesome you thought she was and I thought ‘wow interesting, just two harmless idiots’.
Then it got to a point where neither of you bothered commenting on the actual subject and I thought to myself ‘wow these two idiots are starting to get annoying’.
THEN all of a sudden you started professing your undying love and commitment to Fiesty and how you would die for her and would marry her if you were single (like that’s a prize) and she’s your soul mate and I thought to myself ‘ holy shit this guy is a fucking whack job’. Please correct me if I’m wrong about this.
You are correct.
Except for the fact that I NEVER flirted with him… nor did I lead him on. I’m fucking married and been with my husband for 19 years total. Show me ONE post where I have ever flirted with ANYONE here… Bunch of bullshit. I was nice to Bob because I noticed no one ever talked to him or replied to him…
Maybe if I would have paid attention more, I would’ve noticed it was because he’s a loser who makes up stories and no one liked him. I could’ve avoided all of this if I just typed his name in google.
One of the best arguments for Planned Parenthood there has been in a long while AND proof positive that cousins should NEVER breed….
Thats the opposite of planned parenthood. They ENCOURAGE incest.
I never realized that Fiesty’s husband, who is a known homosexual but on the side eats out Marie Guilmette, has this much talent in the rap business…
Yep… She’s the one starting shit.
Hey I am a counter puncher. I respond. Got to know the whole story in order to judge…
There’s a difference between a counter-puncher and a sucker-puncher…. And you argue like a little bitch. Hence all the down votes. Sack up tough guy. I’ve been following this “feud” for months, and you really suck at it. You’re about as popular as Kevin Lynch… If I were you, I’d call truce and cut the shit.
You suck at life – Hey look first of all Fuck you. Let’s get that out of the way. Secondly you have no idea what the difference is between a counter puncher and a sucker puncher. Let me try and help you on this because you made it obvious you need schooling in this area of life conflict;
A) – by taking on a shit load of shit by someone, anyone, and not respond would qualify you as a sucker. Hence being sucker punched. Get it?
B) – by responding in kind to maybe at a greater degree is what we adults/non pussies call a counter punch. That keeps the initial punch thrower at bay or at least think that they will get retaliation and can count on it.
Who wins in the end is anybody’s guess. I’ll yield to the good guy which is me. That’s why so many people bet on sports. You just never know…
Is any of this sinking in or is this above you?
You are a loser. You’ll always be a loser. That is why nobody likes you. I’m not going to sink to your level and engage in the childish behavior that you perpetuate. At your age, one would assume that you’ve grown enough to actually be able to call yourself an adult. But the juvenile behavior proves otherwise. So run along dipshit… Keep up your childish games. There is no winner only the keyboard warrior pussy that keeps it up… There is no prize… No end game… Just a sorry ass faggot needing a lil Desitin for his obviously rashy fanny. Keep assuming that everything is “Anna”… She’s obviously living rent free between your ears. And, your paranoid ass sees her hiding behind every grassy knoll… So, in closing fuck off, continue fucking off until you get back to where you originally started fucking off from and then fuck off again.
Wow lol Fiesty you are not very good at disguising yourself are you?
Like I said… rent free.
FYI… Not Feisty… Keep fucking off loser.
Not fiesty either. You suck ass bob.
Do you think this wanna be rapper gets laid?
No. No he does not.
Warning: Bob postings folllow. Plz swipe through.
A ginger rapper.
Well… he can’t do R&B… cause gingers ain’t got no soul…
I seriously want to go and find this carrot top looking red head fat ass knock him and then take a piss on him. CAUSE that’s what I thought about his music.
I couldn’t watch that for long, just too painful. One compliment, nice man boobs on the porky white trash, Darwin candidate.
Good point. Kanye got nothing on this crew.
No worse than Kanye…
Result of too much inbreeding !
He looks like Napoleon Diatomite in his 2nd video!!!! Keep Keepin it real Ginger thug!
Two points,
1. 2$moke needs to eat a salad. If he has that much $$ he can afford a grilled chicken salad.
2. Don’t ever say a bad word about Bugles….love those things.
Turtleboy articles are actually funny. Turtlegirl articles suck
These are the types of articles you get when TB hires a teenage girl to write for him. 1. Ragging on cute young girls who like to party and have friends. 2. Ragging on teenage Connecticut boys that won’t date her.
This is what CT Wigga’s look like What a future they have ahead of them. Pathetic little pussies
I wish he plunged that knife/ phone into his chest shortly after stabbing to death everyone else in that car. What a bunch of dildos.
Rocky Dennis made a rap video. Good to see him doing so well for himself.
Gold star for that Mask reference.
Nice… I was looking for the map with the push pins in his bedroom too…
Good grief that was the most cringey thing I’ve watched all week.
Get a job idiots.
Is that old fashioned paneling from the 70’s in his room painted red? Wtf. This guy looks like a future serial killer,and that’s nothing to joke about in recent days. And is that Saul Goodman putting gas in his Caddy at the Valero? Maybe 2$moke is pushing the blue meth.
This is the direct result of smoking weed. No ambition, illusions of talent, do nothing all day except smoke weed. Yeah, lets legalize it and tax it so more EBT money will go to other schmucks like this crew.
Yeah ok lady I smoke weed and I still get straight a’s and get my shit done
Yeah right. Where,at North?!
Be a little more accurate. This is what happens when your a chronic weed smoker before your brain has developed. Lets stop with the propaganda. Marijuana is medicinal, it is not good for those at a young age, while their brain is developing. Do some research. But anyways this crew is a team of degenerates