All-Star Criminals

Agawam Food Stamp Friday Chudstuffers Stole A Dog And A Car And Are On The Run In A Tan Altima

Agawam Food Stamp Friday Chudstuffers Stole A Dog And A Car And Are On The Run In A Tan Altima

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Remember this asshole from ghosts of Food Stamp Friday past?

Yup, “Arik” Myers, and his nonbinary gender fluid boy/girlfriend Eris Isis Fame. Selling food stamps on Facebook far above market rate. Same asshole who once was arrested for driving a stolen car to a car dealership, taking another new car for a test drive, and then stealing that car.

Well, he’s back in the news, and this time he stole a dog and a car:

Fuck this asshole. It was fun laughing at him when he was making a fool of himself by acting ratchet and stealing stamps. But he stole a fucking dog man. Find them. Castrate them. Destroy them. Show them no mercy. But please call the cops first. He’s driving a stolen car so he shouldn’t be that hard to find. They haven’t listed the place but this is the tan 2004 Altima (with CT plates) they’re looking for:



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12 Comment(s)
  • dowen0895
    Dick Scratcher
    November 1, 2019 at 8:56 am

    That’s a MAN, baby!

  • July 17, 2017 at 9:30 pm

    Thank you everyone for all of your help. JT has been found and is HOME SAFE! That is all I know. I don’t have any details, but for me all I needed to know is that he is home

  • TheFallGirl
    July 17, 2017 at 6:17 pm

    why the hell are they taking pics in a public restroom with ‘her’ half naked and shoeless while ‘she’ rubs her ‘clit’ I don’t even want to know what the hell is on that floor of that typical dunks/subway bathroom. I’m gagging now!!

  • Wabbitt
    July 17, 2017 at 12:30 pm

    What kind of scumbags steal a dog? That’s just fucking low.

  • Mom's Basement
    July 17, 2017 at 11:31 am

    I wish the make of the car wasn’t in the headline because I like to try to guess that stuff. I would have guessed that they stole either a volkswagon or a Mini Cooper and a poodle. JT has probably established himself as alpha by now and is taking full advantage of all that goes with it.

  • Pops Zadinia
    July 17, 2017 at 10:23 am

    I am confused. Do they switch off, giving each other road head in this situation?

  • Julie
    July 17, 2017 at 8:28 am

    Shoeless in a mcdonalds bathroom ?? *vom*

  • Maggie the Cat
    July 17, 2017 at 6:37 am

    These boys have a lot of problems.

  • Independent Thinker
    July 17, 2017 at 6:11 am

    People have very strong feelings towards their pets, and a lot of us are armed. Keep in mind that if you had stolen the wrong person’s dog, someone just might have taken a shot of you, and instead of being on the run, you’d be lying in the morgue.

    Human trash!

    • Men have penises
      July 17, 2017 at 8:30 am

      I agree and I’d shoot the dick right off of that thing if it came near my dog. My dog is my best friend in the world.

    • ForeverAlone
      November 15, 2017 at 9:08 pm

      I blame this society we find ourselves in on the crazy neo-liberals, I mean like 9-10yrs ago there weren’t trannys suing the gov’t because they want into the military for free operations or doctors and schools trying to coerce a tiny 5yr old children that they’re the opposite sex they were born as.

      The cancer has taken hold and society is in actual decline and I sit here forever alone, bearing witness to this mess, like watching a car accident about to take place and there’s nothing you could about it.


  • Steven Stover
    July 17, 2017 at 2:21 am

    Somebody is gonna have a fun time in prison.

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