Turtleboy Investigates

Andover Superintendent’s Son Was Benched, Hockey Coaches Suspended Amid DCF Investigation Paid For Food & Water For Kids On Trip, Sent Email Telling Parents To Pack Food

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The other day we blogged about the “scandal” at Andover High School (which is all over the news) in which successful coach Chris Kuchar was suspended, along with two of his assistants, because they allegedly forced kids to go 12 hours without food after a loss in Springfield, and then withheld water from them at practice.

A day later the student manager of the team came forward and said that no kids were ever denied water at practice:

“Coach (Kuchar) does not deny the players water or food,” said Andover High senior Peter Sylos, who said he was a manager for the team. “He always encourages them to drink plenty of water and eat well before a game. And he makes water available at practice. The kids were stunned by the news. They are going to be coming out for the next games really motivated.” 


Multiple sources told WBZ-TV that disgruntled parents contacted DCF even after the team was provided boxed lunches and Cliff bars on the way back from the game against Pope Francis. Andover officials say they’re cooperating with the DCF investigation and will do their own probe.

So that was obviously an easily debunked lie made up by a disgruntled parent who likely hates the coach because his kid doesn’t get enough playing time.

But what about the accusation that the kids were deprived of food for 12 hours? Well we have spoken with multiple players and parents from the AHS hockey team, and here’s what they tell us:

We had a cooler on the bus filled with water and Cliff bars. We had JV on with us too. The JV coach sent an email to varsity and JV players and parents on January 19 telling them to pack food, water, and money for food. Varsity played at 1230. Got there at around 10 AM. Coach said it was too early for us (varsity kids) to sit in a cold rink and not our typical routine. So coach took us to Panera Bread. We got back to the rink around 11-11:15 just as JV game was starting. Played game. The JV’s ate at snack bar during our game (the kid whose Dad we think complained is on JV). We were on the bus by 2:45. and back in Andover by 4:20. No one on the bus asked the coaches to stop for food. We were never told we were gonna stop for food. Most wanted to get home anyway. We had no need to stop since everyone ate and we had access to stuff on the bus and were told to prepare and bring stuff. Simple as that. And now our lives are flipped upside down. Media comes to games. Game was postponed this week because of all this. 

Here’s the receipt from Panera Bread, proving that the school actually paid for food for the entire team at 10:30 AM:

Here’s a blurry picture of kids on the bus ride home. The white cooler top can clearly be seen in the picture and contained food and water.

Here’s the email from JV coach Peter Loring, dated January 19, 2018 at 5:06 PM:

The fact that they make kids wear shirts and ties to road games is outstanding.

It was sent to every player and their parents. We saw the list. We also have a good idea of who the parent is, and they’re on there. They knew the deal – bring food, water, and money for food. They had opportunity to buy more food at the snack bar during the varsity game. There was food and water on the COACH FREAKING BUS back to Andover. Which in and of itself is so Andover it hurts.

This is insane. Talk about first world problems. Your kid plays an expensive sport. You live in an expensive town. They’re taking an expensive bus to play in a tournament and the coaches provided food and water for them. But your precious little snowflake was so hurt by what happened to them that you felt the need to call DCF!!! The entire continent of Africa is laughing at us.

The Massachusetts State Hockey Coaches Association fully supports Coach Kucher:

The Massachusetts State Hockey Coaches Association wrote a letter yesterday to Andover Public Schools Superintendent Sheldon Berman stating that the complaint, which sparked a full-blown child welfare investigation, is “nothing more than a vendetta” against boys varsity head coach Chris Kuchar and his staff for an athlete who wasn’t “playing on their top line.”

The group said it is “extremely concerned as to the ‘witch hunt’ that has begun as a result of a disgruntled parent and their singular focus to have the hockey staff at Andover High School removed,” association president Michael Nanartowich wrote in the letter obtained by the Herald.

“The Andover Public Schools administration needs to support Chris and give him the assurance that they support him and the progress he has made in making the hockey program at Andover one of the top division 1 programs and at times a consideration for the state elite 1A tournament,” he added.

Several of our sources have given us the name of the parent they suspect did this. Unfortunately it’s impossible to confirm since he contacted DCF and only DCF. But we know who did it, and we’ve emailed and messaged this individual on Facebook. I’m sure he will read this, so let us make ourselves abundantly clear – if you do not message us back and at least deny the allegations we will take that as an admission of guilt and we will print your name as the alleged parent who did this. We will make it clear that it’s just an allegation and let you deal with the aftermath. But the damage will be done by having your name all over the Internet. Just ask Coach Kucher what that’s like.

However, if you have any more information and would like to confirm our suspicions as to the parent who did this, feel free to email us at turtleboysports@gmail.com, or message us on Twitter. Fuck Facebook. They’re a useless social media platform run by robots that actively deters the spreading of information and the reporting of real news. Follow us on Facebook!!!

My question is, why is the coach suspended right now? There is nothing here that even remotely comes close to being actual evidence of wrongdoing. None. Just one angry parent whose story directly contradicts documented facts, and testimony of eyewitnesses on the team. The evidence actually completely exonerates the coaches. How gutless does the principal and superintendent have to be to not back up their coach right now?

What’s really fucked up is tat valuable DCF resources are being wasted on this bullshit from Andover. We got kids dying all over the place in this state. Little freaking kids. We’re in an opiate epidemic and these junkboxes keep shooting tax breaks out of their baby cannons. And now DCF is wasting their time investigating how many hours a high school kid went without eating free food. There is a special place in hell for the parent who is doing this. Meanwhile, some 4 year old kid in neighboring Lawrence is being ignored while his cries for help go unanswered. Fuck DCF for even humoring this human garbage.

This parent wasn’t even man enough to call the coach or even the principal. Do you understand what a piece of shit you have to be to pull a stunt like that? DCF???!!! The coach is now in the same class as Bella Bond’s crackhead mother. When you Google his name, DCF will come up on page one for the rest of his life. Do you understand the damage that does to someone’s reputation? He did this for one reason – sick, twisted revenge. He knew that going to the principal would lead nowhere. But going to DCF makes the coach look like a diddler. He did this to humiliate him, knowing the gutless administrators would suspend the coach.

Speaking of administrators, they shouldn’t be getting a free pass either. AHS Principal Philip Conrad is Andover’s fifth principal since 2010, which in and of itself is a red flag.

Why are principals fleeing this school? Is it because they have to deal with psycho parents? Is it because the only way to survive is to be a coward like Philip Conrad? He was the principal in Rockport before this, and thus does not have the ties to the community that one would want. He’s a carpetbagger and he’s scared. So he threw his coach under the bus.

Then there’s Superintendent “Shelley” Berman (I swear to God he goes by “Shelley”):

He’s another carpetbagger who recently got the gig after coming from Oregon via Hudson via Louisville:

See all that? It’s just a bunch of bullshit. “He established much needed data systems to drive essential district decision-making.” This is what the taxpayers pay him $228,000 a year to do. Compile a bunch of charts. This is the kind of person that rises to the top in the public schools – an empty suit data cruncher who can’t teach. These are the people setting policy and caving to parents.

Here’s what one of our sources told us about Shelley Berman:

First of all, this guy has worked in four school districts all over the country. Here’s my question – did he make his son move from district to district with him as he pursued slightly higher paying jobs? Because that would pretty much tell me everything I need to know about his character.

Multiple people have told us that there is a 6 page letter out there somewhere from the superintendent, ripping Coach Kucher for the way his son was treated. We haven’t seen it yet, but we would LOVE to publish it. If indeed it does exist then Shelley should immediately resign. Not only because his decision making skills are biased and compromised as a result of this, but because he lied to the media about it:

Numerous reports in social media attribute the matter in part to a grudge Berman is alleged to have against Kuchar. Berman’s son played on the team two years ago.  Berman rejected those accusations and said he has no grudge against the coach.

“This has nothing to do with me,” Berman said. “I had nothing to do with making the complaint. My kid was on the team a long while ago. My kid had a good experience. It comes from inaccurate sources who like to report inaccurate things. It has nothing to do with the incident DCF is investigating. My kid played hockey, but it has nothing to do with this incident. He graduated two years ago. This is a complaint filed by parents, current parents, as far as I know.”

Once we get that letter it will prove that he’s lying. Util then, here’s a blatant lie he told the Eagle-Tribune:

Berman told The Eagle-Tribune that the players didn’t eat for 12 hours as punishment for losing the game. 

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Easily disprovable bullshit. The kids were NOT denied food as punishment for losing. They were given free, taxpayer funded food by the coaches. We have receipts. We have pictures. We have witnesses. We have emails.

Oh, and the coaches weren’t with them for 12 hours. The buses left Andover at 8 AM and got back at 4:20. That’s eight hours and 20 minutes. Just a baseless LIE by the superintendent. If that doesn’t indicate that he has a vendetta against this coach then I don’t know what does.

Then he said this:

According to Berman, the school district was told to hold off on its investigation until family services has completed its own.

“There may be other things that DCF is investigating,” Berman said. “We don’t know that.”

Wait…..what? DCF would NEVER tell the school district to “hold off on its investigation” until they completed their’s. That’s not even remotely believable. DCF has no authority to tell a school district how to investigate their employees. What. A. LIAR!!!

The Eagle Tribune also interviewed multiple parents who all said the allegations were baseless:

“At no time in the those three years (that her son has been playing hockey for Kuchar) was there any semblance of anything that would be a red flag,” Chingris said. She added that her son told her the claims made against Kuchar and the other coaches were simply untrue.

“What my kid told me is you get yelled at for not remembering to bring your water bottle,” Chingris said.

When this is all said and done the coach will be back on the ice. But make no doubt about it – the superintendent and principal both MUST resign, and DCF should be investigated by whatever body watches over them for choosing to pursue this case while ignoring so many others. Why are predominantly poor children in inner cities being ignored while wealthy white kids playing hockey in Andover get investigated? They didn’t just suspend a hockey coach, they messed with someone’s life. They took away hockey from children. They abused the public’s trust, and they might’ve done it for revenge over playing time from three years ago. And for that, they no longer are worthy of being in charge of children.

Here’s their contact information:



Feel free to let them know your thoughts.

34 Comment(s)
  • Dyspeptic Dude
    January 29, 2018 at 10:39 am

    Once “teachers” became “educators,” and teaching kids under the age of 12 how to add and subtract and read required a “master’s degree” to be “qualified” to do it…well from there it was off to the races and society and the taxpayer were fucked.

  • Finn
    January 28, 2018 at 9:28 pm

    All very interesting *tossing my African Scarpet* Just how many of the players on the team were of African Decent?

    The Real,
    Finn Shady 🙂 🙂

  • Linda
    January 28, 2018 at 7:31 pm

    FYI, these junkboxes do not spew out tax breaks. More like welfare handouts. NONE of these DCF baby-mommas file taxes and neither do the baby-daddies. All simply a bunch of leeches.

  • Rodney Burger King
    January 28, 2018 at 6:07 pm

    Can’t keep track of who is feuding with who. TBS feuding with various people and commenters feuding with TB and each other, politicians, hockey coaches, principals. Can’t keep track of it anymore…. lot of pissed off people, trying to screw each other over.

    Can’t we all just get some good boobs pics?

  • January 28, 2018 at 4:17 pm

    Well, Boston media is finally outing me. Today, I was outed for hating on TB12’s children in his documentary. This is because I would never stick my tiny baster in a queef cave, and therefore, can have no children of my own. Last week I went on a rant against the military. I am such a dainty little waif. Please listen to my nasally nasty semen soaked vocal cords on the airwaves.

    Oh, they call me Reimer the creamer or Reimer the screamer. Toodles!

  • Marvelous
    January 28, 2018 at 12:43 pm

    Just the tip of the iceberg with regards to this superintendent turtleboy. Keep digging because it is long overdue that he be exposed.

  • Hockey Sucks Anyway
    January 28, 2018 at 12:08 pm

    I hope you annihilate the parent that did this along with the superintendent and principal. I usually never advocate that someone’s career be ruined over trivial things but this is different. These fucking shitbag parents who think their little disgusting crack baby should be the light of everyone’s lives get away with too much and I am tired of it.

  • bird
    January 28, 2018 at 10:20 am

    Most current school administrators are gutless proponents of corporate education “reform “.

  • Burt Hurtensteiner
    January 28, 2018 at 10:15 am

    This story is so boring. Please TBS, no more updates…


    • Translator
      January 28, 2018 at 10:35 am

      Translation: stop interfering with the pussification of this country

    • Burt's Sore Vaje
      January 28, 2018 at 11:38 am

      Stop reading it then ya fukstik

  • Hugh Jass
    January 28, 2018 at 10:14 am

    DiDe told me last night she is in no danger from the scurrilous accusations levied by TB. She said TB is again tilting at windmills, a modern day Don Quijote. He tilts at FB, blustering about suits that never get filed. He tilts at the IRS, trying to get DiDe investigated (they laughed at him). Like the emperor, TB has no clothes. Snicker…

    • Mean Jock
      January 29, 2018 at 6:45 am

      We don’t know who you are, so the thousands of us are just going to blame all of you DiDi followers – suburban liberal waif soccer moms afraid of getting parking tickets, squealing homos who got dope-slapped through high school, and stupid big mouth minority cunts who scam the government and are terrified of cops. Not fair, is it? Too bad. You brought it on yourselves.

    • Tax Man
      January 29, 2018 at 6:54 am

      “The IRS laughed at him.”

      Yes, the fat cheesehog called up Mr. IRS and said “Hi IRS, this is DiDi. Are you going to audit me?” and Mr. IRS said “Ho ho ho, of course not, we love obese jobless Negroes who live off undeclared income. Why would we trace it to its sources who lawfully declare it? Who am I, the freakin’ Tax Man? Silly coon.”

      You dumb fuckin spook. Don’t believe it. It’ll be more of a terrifying shock. Ha ha ha.

  • John Wypyszinski
    Herr Doktor
    January 28, 2018 at 10:02 am

    The f-ing parents are the worst part of coaching sports, FFS the sooner you realize your kid has a better chance of getting hit by a car crossing the street than playing a professional sport the better off you’re gonna be. Let the coach do his job, leave him the hell alone, your kid doesn’t deserve more playing time than the next, he/she’s probably not the next superstar of his/her sport; and if you waste my tax dollars sending DCF after a coach, you’re about the worst kind of f-ing jerk there is.

    • Hugh Jass
      January 28, 2018 at 10:18 am

      We used to make TB cry when we were in LL together. He was the pudgey, slow kid who always struck out. Now in adulthood I have bested TB yet again, me ensconced in my section 8 apt. with my SSI disability check every month while TB toils away trying to make ends meet… and the EBT benefits are excellent.

  • Smitty
    January 28, 2018 at 8:43 am

    There is always one apple that spoils the bunch. I can’t believe that DCF is wasting time on this. When you have receipts and proof from many other players saying that the kids did have food and water, yet you still want to destroy a good mans name. The way I read the last part of this blog it has me thinking that the parent who called DCF was a little more than a parent and holds a position of power at that school. Last year at the end of the school year in June, all the milk went bad at my child’s high school and my child’s school, had NOTHING else to give the Children in place of the spoiled milk and because the school is so old the water bubbler barely works. If you use it you can taste what the last kid had for lunch. That is a problem. And nothing was ever said about it. But kids who had a nice lunch at Panera bread have it so bad. This is what is wrong with the world today. One phone call and one lie can change a good persons life forever. No matter what happens, even when this coach is proven to have gone above and beyond, this will always be there. It will follow him forever. Sometimes being a nice guy just does not pay off.

  • John Barker
    January 28, 2018 at 8:17 am

    Again…TBS, the most in-depth media out there…

  • Shoots N Scores
    January 28, 2018 at 8:07 am

    This whole thing just sucks.
    If it was the boys Field Hockey time being affected nobody would care because lets be honest Field Hockey is a girls sport. But real hockey? C’mon man.

    • Kids today
      January 28, 2018 at 9:50 am

      So true. I remember when the hockey team was the scrappiest group in the entire school. Practice before the ass crack dawn, threw down at the drop of a hat… I’m amazed at how quickly the times change.

  • Fitzy
    January 28, 2018 at 8:02 am

    I heard that the kids that complained weren’t allowed to change their tampons and that the coach was shooting the puck too hard at them.

  • Independent Thinker
    January 28, 2018 at 7:10 am

    Someone has it in for the coach. The superintendent’s resume reads like a pile of BS! Something is wrong with the high principal turnover rate.

  • Johnny Rocket
    January 28, 2018 at 3:37 am

    I will bet the Supt and principal have a friend who wants the hockey coaching job. Don’t be fooled. It’s happened before and happens all the time. These people are pompous asses full of themselves. They know better than any of us. Just ask them.

  • Super
    January 28, 2018 at 3:01 am

    The superintendent looks like Bernie Sander’s evil twin brother.

    • Shelley
      January 28, 2018 at 8:39 am

      So we all look alike? Oy vey!

  • pro trump
    January 27, 2018 at 11:08 pm

    smear them with feces and set them on fire

  • Jojo
    January 27, 2018 at 10:53 pm

    What a complete takedown!

  • German Spring Offensive
    January 27, 2018 at 10:52 pm

    These bounce around from one state to another superintendents almost always have a mouth full of capped teeth to augment their soulless CV photos.

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