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Hey there party turtles, I hope you all had a wonderful time blowing shit up in the name of freedom yesterday! I know I had “fun” clinging to my puppy, and sometimes my ceiling, after my neighbors were setting of what I believe to have been Claymore mines and IEDs. They either forgot about how I very politely asked them to please keep their explosions limited to a dull NATO strike on the count of how loud noises can and will make me have a stroke, or they’re established douches who said fuck it and blew everything up while shrapnel rained down on my roof. Either way, they’re nowhere near as big a douche as Linda Pierce.
I briefly mentioned her in a blog I posted last week about the turnt taxi driver. Just when you think there’s really no more gold to mine in a story someone sends you some crazy shit, because The Turtle is always watching. Turns out the now ex-wife of the turnt taxi driver is just about the worst human being you can possibly imagine, right after pedophiles and murderers. Nope, not a hyperbole…this bitch went straight Pantera on her paraplegic twin sister.
I literally have no idea what in the hell what lead to this, all I know is that Linda elected to go full out trash bag on her disabled twin sister, going so far as to whip out “Walk” by Pantera. If you’ve never heard that song 1) I feel terrible for you, you’re missing out 2) You need to check it out to understand the savagery going on here so I’ve included the video below. PS, I see what you did there Linda, you chose “Walk” because she can’t…haha,cute. This isn’t to say that paraplegics can’t be assholes, but I think we can all agree this isn’t cool. Low hanging fruit. Did I mention that’s her twin sister?
Her Facebook page is like a relic of MySpace glittery shit, posts about respect and loyalty and going savage in the trashiest way possible. Basically, this woman IS Brockton (the most debauchery filled and diabolical parts, anyway).
The story here is that this chick likes to have everyone she doesn’t like arrested. I’m one of those people who only really calls the police when they’re absolutely necessary, like how I didn’t call them on my asshole neighbors, and I’ve never called anyone a “cop caller” in a derogatory way. But this chick is special. She’s so down with the cop calling cause that she even went to far as to get ink to show her devotion.
Which is irony at its best considering she’s in and out of the clink every other week like clockwork.
She seems super stable. I’m sure her grand kids super appreciate the shout out before Nana gets hauled off to jail, too. I’m sure they totally understand that you really wanted to hang with them, but beating a bitch with a bat comes first:
When our tipster was passing these along to us, I had to take a break and collect myself. This thing that pretends to be a person is the lowest of the low. Word is, Linda’s kids claimed their mother had been dead for the past 20 years because this is how this woman is in real life, only it must be so much worse to have to call this thing “MOM”. I don’t blame these kids for denying her. What the hell are you supposed to do when this is what gave birth to you:
As a side note, that’s her son’s grave she’s sitting on, bird set free and flying. She posted that with death threats to whoever. One more glamor shot for the road. #StayClassy
This is taking ratchetry to a whole new level. I can’t ever recall seeing anyone sitting on the headstone of their child and giving the finger. I’ve seen buddies and bros do it thinking they’re hard, but this is his mother! She gave him life and in death, she’s giving the finger. Trash. Dunno why in the world anyone would deny rolling out of her tampon tunnel when this is what she writes about her deceased child:
There’s some mixed messages if I’ve ever seen them. I can’t even imagine what kind of head space you’d have to be in to write these things, which I guess is a good thing. If you ever understand why someone would do something like that, you ain’t right. But one thing is clear, don’t fuck with this bitch!
She is “quiet” the ass kicker. I bet! Although this chick is the biggest piece of shit I’ve seen in a while, we agree on one thing and one thing only:
Back in November of last year, however, she only had eyes for her drunken cabby husband. You know, the one she had to call the cops on. But if anybody fucks with him, she would have killed them:
So things obviously started to go south once Lushy Linda called the cops on him while they were both blasted and bouncing around Brockton.
I guess I’d feel “sick” and “hopeless” too, if my man was driving around drunk and I had to call the cops on him while I was also drunk and in and out of jail, taking glamor shots on my son’s grave flippin’ the bird in between. Totally relatable and normal, for sure. Linda here is a hot ticket and of course before she hooked up with her cabby, she was hooking up with this poor fucking kid:
Remember: She will kill you. Either he was looking in the wrong direction for a sugar mama or he’s got some serious mommy issues. I’ve seen this happen before and it never ends well.
That’s not how this works, Linda. Dumping dudes with mommy issues doesn’t “separate the boys from the men”, that’s just shitty to do then brag about it. Glad your self esteem is in tack when you’re the most vile bitch I’ve seen since the Dorchester Devil child and her new Fitchburg Fupa Fungus friends. And I know what y’all are wondering. I know that you guys already know the answer to your question and don’t really need the screenshot. Here it is anyway:
Because of course she lives in public housing. And of course she’s complaining and saying “Clean this mess up”. Because of fucking course she is! Newflash assrag: If they cleaned up public housing, your skank ass would be on the street! You are the problem! You’re constantly getting arrested, doing completely reprehensible shit and causing a God damn ruckus. Stop it. You stop it right now! You need to shut your mouth, shut your legs and stay the fuck off of the internet. Stay away from good people, too. While you’re at it, take a deep breath and jump up your own ass!
I could literally write volumes on how much of a terrible person this woman is, I really could. I received so much information that I’m quite positive my head could have exploded at any moment. I feel like this blog, albeit somewhat lengthy, sums up what Linda Pierce is about. She’s a walking dumpster fire of a human and she’s basically the worst. She’s the representative of the people who give Brockton a bad reputation and even though I don’t live in Brockton, I think everyone who does would agree that perhaps she should move on to greener pastures she can ruin in the future. or Esther Manch on the book.
16 Comment(s)
Wow, this is what I had to read when someone asked me if I ever hear from Linda and Laura? So much drama from people, not really my business, I’m just Sorry to hear what happened to everyone, I’m just now finding out about Laura and Mikey,
To the writer.,
Get your facts straight before you write shit up on people!
If you think that is gonna make you make it to the top…
Your dead wrong!
Your getting false info from a DISABLED person who self inflicted herself with a bullet to the brain!
Active drug addicts, & street people!
Nice choice of LOW LIVES!
Jeezus, I think I fucked her in high school…
Moe Love,
Ya didn’t fuck me in high school
I didn’t go to high school!
Mabey it was the other twin
Who didn’t????
She looks old enough to be her boyfriend’s mother.
She is!
And it’s not my boyfriend‼
Good friends too this day!
Never a disagreement between us‼
Prolly good fer the youngin to practice throwin the hotdog down the bowlin alley…….
I actually went down the Brockton Hub Rabbit Hole this morning and ended up on this woman’s profile. Her daughter was killing her. This is one sad woman. Also, the Brockton Hub is insaaaane. No one posts about when the first day of school is, or when does little league signups happen. Who can recommend a good math tutor. Nope its pure unadulterated hood-rachetness.
Wow! Can Brockton set the bar any lower?
Forget Mexico, it’s too far away! We need a wall around Brockton and Fall River!!
Forget Japan. I’m gonna destroy Brockton. Even I have principles.
Two in a row. Are all the talented writers on vacation?
No offense, but cutting and pasting a bunch of random posts from some brain damaged slug, without any back story or context, doesn’t make a TBS blog. Standards are really slipping around here. At least make an attempt at a coherent story line next time. JS.
Hope I see her out HERE cause I will show her a fucking ass kicking. Disgusting excuse for a human being. Worse than Trump. Cunt.
“uh… hi, Bangkok Palace? Yeah… I’ll have a Tom Yum soup, two sides of vegetable Pad Thai, a Prik Pao Chicken, Duck Choo Chee, a large Nana Slop Cunt and a shitload of sticky rice.”
Fuck You, WHY would you feel the need to bring up Trump? The guy has done more for America in 1.5 years than the past 3 POTUS’ combined! GTFOH, ya cunt.
Door is wide open for ya!
Wanna kick my ass in?
I’ll give ya my address,phone#,anything you want else
To try to kick my ass!
I forgot to get scared…
Remind me to start doing it