Stealing dogs for cocaine is the latest drama out of Carver!
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So a ton of people sent us this story about two Coke heads stealing a dog. While the dog is now is home “safe” – I’m on the fence about how I feel about this.
Check it out. This is all totally normal behavior for when you’re looking for your lost pooch.
Kayla Phillipo went on a feverish mission to shame the guys she thought stole her dog. Obviously, that’s a bad thing. My indifference comes because she openly admitted that her two drug bag friends broke in to her house and stole the dog for drug money.
It seems two crackhead cousins yeah dudes named Kevin and Vernon Ferreira, both of Carver, had a genius idea to steal a dog and sell the animal to their coke dealer. Kayla openly admits that the coke dealer wanted the animal and that left me like “how does this coke dealer know the dog?”
Well, because all three of the people involved in this are a bunch of junk bags.
Let’s take a look at how this caucasian dumpster fire played out, shall we?
The dog was taken between the hours of 9-11 when Kayla says she and her mom were grocery shopping. I know we all shop under the cloak of darkness, but whatever, it’s cool. Kayla just couldn’t loose her!
The rampant search for the fuck boys was on!
Here Kayla lists off the charges the cops will file because they immediately got fingerprints on scene! She found the fuck boys, who apparently beat her ass, in what must be the most confusing assault ever. They may or may not have beat the shit out of her and then tossed her in the bed of the truck. Then pulled her out of the truck. All while explaining they would get her dog back.
Yes, they sound like real “bastureds.” Winners you know personally and chose to keep them in your life. No way could she have known that these guys were scum! Oh, wait…. We only have the longest list of Google trophies I’ve ever seen to show what upstanding fuck boys they are!
Biggest drug house in Carver, you say? Hit by police twice in one year? Drugs, drugs, assault and battery, drugs, breaking and entering, drugs, dangerous weapons, drugs, and OUI? Yes, they sound like fab people.
Kayla began posting her story in all the community groups in an effort to find fragile little Kaylee. However, as we all know, people in these groups can smell bullshit a mile away. They began ripping Kayla apart for endangering her dog by having her surrounded by these two notorious queefs.
But we shouldn’t judge the company she keeps! Mostly because she’s as trashy as them!
Two of the shittiest families in town doing each other dirty? Naaaaaaw. Color me suprised.
I have to admit I found myself rather shocked that Kayla would even get the cops involved. Most people like her go by the no-snitching code. The same code she used to get the dog back home by paying off a coke debt.
Finally, she posts that the dog is home!
So the cops knew who had the dog, didn’t pick the animal up, and let her pay off the coke debt of $200 the fuck boys owed instead of intervening? It all makes total sense.
I wish there was a lesson to be learned here but you all know that if you lay down with dogs you’ll get fleas. This one is more like if you befriend cokeheads don’t be shocked when they kick your door in and make off with your purse dog.
Pull your head out of your ass, sober up, and find some new friends, homegirl.
26 Comment(s)
HAHA illiterate clown.
Nope, it’s still here 😀
Vernon Ferreira was found dead in a sober rooming house on the morning of July 4th. Second one to pass away from a drug overdose. Only one left is KC.
The OUI is his father.
Talk about scum,KC prays on girls with kids& a car get ready to taken on another child, he don’t know how to work only knows how to steal from you ,he prays off of sucking you dry ,THIEF , take take take that’s KC Ferreira he needs to feed his drug issue ,
Amazing! Its really awesome piece of writing, I have got
much clear idea on the topic of from this piece of writing.
Them Philipos are trash! Kayla’s mother Kim is just as bad if not worse. People overdosing at her house and don’t even call
For help instead calls his best friend who then calls 911 and to top it of she robs him!! She’s trash! And this poor dog she’s so concerned about,is this the same dog that overdosed? I’m sure it is! You both suck and are trash!
no part 2 on this one?! Strongly disappointed! Why did KC have to make a new FB with no pics this time? Afraid of the turtle?! And I do too remember the group of mother who tried to form that group. I do not remember who it was, but I remember the push for a group. Well what do they expect? They serve dope to little girls, only secretly cut it with bath salts and they die. The leave overdosed bodies everywhere they go… must have learned that from fat old Kim. Well she isn’t really fat since shes a hard hooker junkie now. And touche about Gary and his baby momma… on the positive, DCF is probably doing wayyy better at raising their children then they would ever be capable of! HI-LARIOUS!!! None of them will ever get caught. They will just keep killing your families and friends and bringing them down and skate by by paying the cops off or in Kim’s case, sucking them off. Such a slam pig!
Sounds like it was HER coke debt and these 2 go around “collecting” which explains her claim of the beatdown
A lot of people have very strong feelings towards their pets. The next time he tries to steal someone’s pet, let’s just hope he breaks into a home where the people choose to exercise their second amendment rights.
All drug dealers should be executed. That’s how you will stop the heroin problem.
Ferreira brothers thinnk their bad, they too pretty for prison it won’t go well for them. Prime of their lives and all they concentrate on is crime and evil. They don’t know what bad is, a sixty year old convict slice them and walk off in under a second. They bleeding out on the floor their lifes blood draining into the sewer and nobody will care. They think their bad there nothing, prison is easy to get into and hard to get out of.
Please..My guess is..She was the one with the outstanding debt and the dealer told these to clowns to steal the dog so she would pay up..
It’s funny that the philippos worry about there dog n call the cops but when people are OD’ing in there house they wait hours until it’s too late n then call their friends n then call 911. YEA HOURS LATER. THERE THE SHIT BAGS!!!!
Remember back in the day when some group of moms was trying to create a page about how the ferrieras kill all these girls by selling them fake shit and leaving them for dead?! These moms should hit turtle boy up! Id love a part 2 on this? And that wasnt kayla letting people od it was her mother. Her mother has sat by and watched pug beat her daughter several times. She doesnt care about another life or her own children as long as shes getting her dope!
You think Kayla and Kim are bad? What about Kim’s brother Gary Phillipo? He’s an abusive looser!! In and out of jail for beating women. Did 10 years for mayhem but he didn’t do it, of course. He beats girls right in front of his family and they say nothing. Has a kid with a drug addicted loser, Alise Secondo. Threatened to kill his own mother, God rest her soul. He’s a manipulator to the max, can talk people into buying him things and doing stuff for him. He will guilt trip you if you don’t do what he wants, that or beat you into submission if you’re his girlfriend. The best part is, Gary really thinks he’s some supreme being! He’s smarter than everyone he knows, stronger and faster than any guy (and he always saying he’ll throw down at any time to prove it), and is a girls dream come true…really he’s a girls worst nightmare. Kayla may have a drug problem and do the things addicts do to get by, but her Unlce Gary is far more scummy than she could ever be.
Ofcouse she waited to call for Donnie Jr, she had to finish his dope first. Sad world we live in.
Sorry but Donnie was gone before this. Smh. Kevin and Vernon are picking up where their fathers left off. You would think after killing one of their own family members they would be looking for a better path in life. But nope they just keep it up. As for Gary lots can be said, but why waste the effort. Same thing goes for Kim. She was once a great mother, wife and friend. Until dope became all she cares about. She prefers her daughter date dealers to get free stuff. It’s really sad. She drives around with her works in her car. Needles everywhere and dope bags. People have overdosed at the home. The problem is that they are all a bunch of trash
Who the fuck are you 1st off? Steve who? And looks to me like maybe you should ummm get a life obviously you dont have one to be falling the Phillipos and Ferriaras drug “stories” and commenting in length about a “dog scandal”. You seem alittle creepy and obsessed its fucking weird l. I’m gonna tell you this one time dont ever ever ever say my name or talk about my daughter ever again. -Alise-
Its a dog-eat-dog world.
At least she didn’t find her dog in the Worcester pond next to the squirrel.
UPDATE: two perps found trying to snort some stupid miniature dog.
TurtleBoy famous! Good luck in life.
* Loosers
I think this whole thing can be interpreted as Kayla saying “These two scumbags took my dog to get coke and my scumbag ass does not even get any come out of it”
Either is understandable.
We need Judge Dredd here in Massachusetts to start executing these low-lifes.
God bless Oklahoma, don’t care why they’re breaking in, you have a right of self protection no government can take away your right to life and liberty through self defense. When somebody is breaking in you don’t know what is in their mind or their intent best not to learn the hard way. German Shepherd would have given those shit stains a run for their money, god bless her just lost her husband on Christmas day and has an infant that will never know his father.
Free SNUGGY WUGGUMS!!! Justice for Snuggy Wuggums!!!
And a Pox on those who harmed Snuggy Wuggums!