Father Of The Year Found Passed Out In Car With His 4 Year Old Child In The Backseat
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Since Father’s Day is right around the corner, I figured I would get everyone into the spirit for the special day. Meet Benjamin Philbrick, a 34 year old loser father who was found knocked out in his car while his innocent 4 year old was in the back seat, along with 2 needles.
Amazing. His eyes are dead and he has no soul. What kind of person can do this to an innocent child, especially your own? Oh, that’s right, he has a disease. All has to be forgiven.
Not really much on his Facebook.
This is the man I feel comfortable hiring to be in my home. If you need things fixed stolen around the house, he’s your man.
“MANCHESTER, N.H. (WHDH) – A New Hampshire man was found passed out behind the wheel of an SUV Thursday afternoon with a four-year-old child in the backseat, along with two syringes, Manchester police said.
Officers responded around 4:30 p.m. to 298 Queen City Avenue for a report of a man passed out behind the wheel of a running Ford Explorer. Police said two concerned witnesses reported seeing a child in the car.
He was high as a kite at 4:30 p.m. – I can’t expect any more from a man who brings his innocent kid along on a joy ride while he’s high on heroin.
An responding officer spoke with the driver, who identified himself as Benjamin Philbrick, 34, of Milford. A second officer found the child to be safe and unharmed.
Lucky for the child that two bystanders cared enough to look into the vehicle. Who knows what could have happened. The child could have been abducted or unbuckled the seat belt and left the vehicle to roam around a busy street. Yet, his father thinks heroin is more important than the life he brought into this world.
Police said officers noted an odor of alcohol emanating from Philbrick’s breath. They also said two needles were found inside of the vehicle.
Wonderful. Alcohol AND heroin. He really knows how to have a great time.
A “full, uncapped” needle containing a “brownish liquid” believed to be heroin was found within reach of the child, according to police. A second empty needle was said to be found on the floor beneath the child. The liquid was sent to the state lab for testing.
The liquid is called “heroin” buddy. This is what pisses me off the most. The child could have easily picked up the needle and stuck himself.
Philbrick was arrested and charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated, operating under the influence of drugs and or alcohol with a passenger under the age of 16, and endangering the welfare of a child.
He was arraigned Friday and ordered held on $5,000 bail. His son is staying with a grandparent.”
Oh, great. Every kid’s dream to be raised by their grandparents instead of being raised in a two parent home filled with love that doesn’t come in a syringe.
There were only two comments on this article. Thankfully one of the comments was from a kind and gentle soul providing sympathy and a prayer:
Unfortunately, it was for the father instead of the child. Yeah Debbie, you totally need to pray for Ben and forget about the innocent sweet 4 year old in the back seat who has been abandoned by the person who should protect them the most.
The other comment is also not a surprise to me:
This happens all too much. An addict gets clean and sober for a little while… I don’t know, let’s say 87 days? (HAHAHAHA, If you don’t get this reference…You have missed out on a good blog) and then all of a sudden they run right back to what they love; dem drugs.
What do you think happened when I googled his name? 😀
Of course. Why am I not surprised? Seems like New Hampshire has their very own “Free My Boi” judge. He has three strikes, and he’s still out. Take a moment to read that over and over again. How many chances does he get? Yet, here he is, riding free around town high as shit with no care in the world.
If you want to be a junkie that’s your choice. Don’t have children, and if you do, have the damn decency to give them to people who will love and protect them. Don’t drive them around in a car while you try to score your next fix. People like Benjamin should have his vas deferens severed; without anesthesia.
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8 Comment(s)
I used to use this shit, but the second, the very fucking second I found out I was bringing a child into this world is when I stopped. Cold turkey. If an innocent human being can’t stop you from doing drugs, there’s no hope for you, you POS. I only hope that poor child’s mother is around and not using, or at the very least those grandparents raise him with all the love his father failed to give him. I just don’t understand how anyone can subject a poor child to that shit. How can you look at a child and want to be high around them? SMH.
99 days, naked, in a jail cell with Kevin Lynch. Feed both of them nutritious food and plenty of water. There won’t be any brown stuff running through his veins…
Does Kevin get a 9 iron?
Who is William Antonelli, and why did you sue him?
Joey Amoroso is still father of the year. The D bag he threw one into was on the stand Friday. There’s some good blog material there TB.
I love everyone at Turtleboy!
Junkies aren’t people, they are aliens.
These people suck. If you are dumb enough to do heroin these days I don’t care if you die.