Ginger Cheesehog From Viral Video Of Meltdown Over Forehead Kiss Is Also An Amateur Porn Star Who Thinks She’s Married To Justin Bieber And Says Racist Things To Selena Gomez
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A lot of people are talking about this INSANE ginger cheesehog who lost her Goddamn mind when she was in a restaurant ordering food and a guy kissed his girlfriend on the forehead. It was a magical explosion of debauchery:
In fairness, how is this any different from an Amy Schumer show? It’s a fat chicken being loud and offensive for the sole purpose of being loud and offensive. There’s nothing witty about it, and the jokes are repeated over and over again. The only difference is this chick doesn’t steal other cheesehog’s jokes and people actually pay money to watch Amy Schumer.
Oh, and imagine if you recorded a video that would be shared millions of times, and then realized you’re a chud who hasn’t figured out that you never record video vertically with your phone. What a missed opportunity. Especially considering this woman is particularly larger horizontally. Sad.
As amusing as that all was, clearly this woman is very sick and in need of serious psychological help. Nevertheless she sucks at life so it was worth a good laugh. But seriously, have you ever seen a woman in need of a good stuffing as much as this Fatty Hearst? Notice she doesn’t really get mad at the guy, who is the one who did the kissing in the first place. He gets off easy because she secretly wishes he was burying the broomstick in her penis fly trap instead. But she was vicious to his boo. Heres a collection of things she said about or to the chick:
“Why don’t you leave bitch.”
“You cannot be doing prostitution in public.”
“If you’re making out in front of people then you’re making people uncomfortable.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are? Sexually harrasing me, making out with that bitch while I’m trying to order? He was having sex with her at the stand when I was trying to order.”
“Go get a room if you want to bang your whore.”
“You are the ugliest bitch I’ve ever seen.”
“You are such a slut, you are such a dumb bitch.”
Meanwhile the worst thing she says to the guy is this:
“I’m going to file sexual harassment and stalking charges on you.”
Calling Attorney Richard N. Vulva. We have a cheesehog in California with your name on it!! And quite frankly this chick needs Dick N. Vulva more than anyone we’ve ever seen. Because the only reason she’s so nasty to the chick is that she secretly hoped he’d dump his girlfriend and take her to poundtown on the salad bar. This is a chick who has been waiting to get her donut glazed for the last 30 years, and even the last lonely guy at the bar has chosen another round of Keno over her time and time again. Not even once has a guy tossed her a pity lay by taking one for the team. Then again, when you’re a miserable troglodyte with no friends it’s hard to be the angry ginger that your skinny friends try to pawn off on the wingman.
Then this Thicky Minaj tried to get a free meal out of it:
“I want my money back. I just spent $20, I want a refund.”
Because if seeing other people make out hurts your feels then you might as well try to get a free meal out of it and eat away your sorrow.
Finally around the 6:00 mark the whole crowd laughs because it all makes sense:
“Go back to wherever you’re from you retarded foreign asshole.”
Oh I get it now. She’s a Trump supporter. (insert “libtard Turtleboy” comments here)
What’s really scary is that she is more likely to get picked to be on a jury than I am because I’m normal. If you’ve read a book in the last six months or watch the news you’re pretty much disqualified. But if you’re a mentally unstable gravy dumpster like this you’re a defense attorney’s wet dream.
But wait, it gets better. This cholesterol sandwich has a name – Anna Storelli. And she’s an amateur porn star. Since Turtleboy Sports is a family blog we will not be posting her finest work. But if you Google her name you can see for yourself. Trigger warning – make sure you have ample amounts of bleach lying around though. Your eyes may never be the same.
Also, her Twitter is still open to the public, and it’s a window into her madness. Her most recent tweet is urging any old stranger to give her a ring:
OK. But why is she so desperate? Well, she wants to let the world know that she is NOT dating JEFF:
She is obsessed with Justin Bieber and considers him her boyfriend/fiance/husband:
And when other women lust for him, she calls it rape:
Rape, prostitution, sex in public – these are all words you can arbitrarily throw around in public when you’re a sex-deprived ginger cheesehog.
She did send the Biebs some material for the spank bank:
But wait, it gets better. Bieber dumped her:
Which may explain why she’s so triggered when she sees other people in love in public. The Biebs broke her heart. And he may have left her for Selena Gomez, which would explain her distrust of foreigners:
Anyway, the real miracle here is that this woman hasn’t gone viral before this. There’s absolutely no way this is the first time she pulled a stunt like this. I’m willing to bet it happens more often than not whenever she goes out in public. I’m also willing to bet that her favorite TV show is Dance Moms, she loves Chef Boyardee, she doesn’t spray down the bathroom after she drops a ginormous ginger dump, she has a closet full of Shakeology that she was forced to buy when she briefly became a Beach Body coach, and she has strong opinions about not getting vaccinated and the dangers of circumcision.
We kept digging on her and found out she wasn’t always crazy or a cheesehog! She was actually really cute and normal at one point. Read part two here!
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133 Comment(s)
Sorry but she is very clearly on the side of HRC/Dems/”wokeness” (fatass, ugly, unemployable, crying about rape and harassment) and it’s funny how it didn’t take long for her to get triggered and reveal her true colours (racial slur, sexist slurs) because she is EXEMPLARY of fake-“woke” FRAUDS who maintain a poised exterior of being “progressive” but harbour deep ill-feelings towards protected classes
Only wɑnna say that this is very beneficial , Thanks for taking your time to ѡrite
This person is a nut job and anybody that feels sorry for her is a nut job sympathizer!
I don’t think using “Mexican” as a description like “Mexican music” or “Mexican daughter” is racist. Sure, she’s ignorant and mentally disturbed, but she didn’t say se hates Mexicans.
Lol keep hating on Amy Schumer while she continues to make money while your shit, sexist blog is just plan trash. Broke douchebag, turtleboy cause your balls havent dropped yet.
You must really like that Labial Cheddar she batches out by the pound. You still having Uncle Chucky’s Cream Pie for dessert?
I would bang her every day and all night
I would bang her
When did Mexico become a race? has anyone checked out their census? I’m pretty sure they have more than one race that lives in Mexico.
Why come down on Amy Schumer? She does what guys have been doing for decades.
You ripped on the person filming, but it’s relatively pointless.
Lastly, although she was being completely absurd, calling her Thicky Minaj was out of line pointless.
This is literally what she wanted and she’s getting it. She obviously wanted to get attention. It was probably fake so she could get internet famous and it worked sadly. Just like the ‘cash me outside ‘ girl . Smh. You fucking people
Is this website a joke?
to the writer of this blog…
your statements about her are extremely vulgar if you consider this a family blog you are sadly mistaken.
judge not upon others, unless you are god.
you are not god.
He says judgingly. Hypocrite.
She’s not a Trump Supporter. Her behavior is more related to a Lib-Feminist that’s not getting her way.
Trump Supporters knows what Sexual Harassment is, she don’t. Lib-Feminists would have accused the man of Sexual Harassment just because he kissed his girl. *SEE ZARNA JOSHI FOR PROOF OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ACCUSATIONS WHEN NEVER ONCE TOUCHED*
Your fat shaming is gross author. We get shes a shady person . That’s exclusive to her- got it but to be so fixated on her weight is insulting to others who can be larger and beautiful. What makes this women ugly is her personality not her weight. You are just as ugly and shameful as her.
Thanks Tubbie… Now can we get the opinion of someone who isn’t a candidate for lap-band…
PS, I’m not fat, I’m big boned.
PPS, Sausages are not an aphrodisiac.
PPPS, When a man brings you chocolate, you don’t have to eat the whole box, Ms Piggy.
She’s too dumb to know about the “dangers of circumcision” but def dumb enough to be an anti-vaxxer. Don’t lump critical thinkers who research things in with dumbass mindless sheep. She is clearly the latter.
The writer of this article probably threw that in because he’s just compensating for his lack of full dick, hates when people call him out for batchering his son and therefore didn’t give him a “choice”, and is jealous that the country is striving for dicks that are different than his 😉
PS. Ironic this website is name TURTLEBOYS of all things :*D
what does Amy Schumer have to do with this? what kind of a f*cktard do you have to be to take a cheap shot at Amy while commenting on a video that’s completely unrelated. Get off the internet
Author says: she needs psychological help
Author proceeds to say: she sucks at life
So which is it? Is she in need of medical attention or does she just simply suck? Can’t be both dumbass
Notice how it says Justin dumped her but the date for then is 2015 but when she said they were married the date was 2016
This is the funniest article I’ve read in years. Great commentary.
The person who wrote this article is just as retarded as that ginger.
Your opinions aren’t fact you sped.
I love how you had to call her a trump supporter at a pathetic attempt to get more attention even though it has no relevance. Real original dude.
Anyways that bitch is retarded.
Love how this article spends more time making fun of this girls weight than actually providing information.
Wish I had four hands, so I can give it four thumbs down.
It was funny until “and she has strong opinions about not getting vaccinated and the dangers of circumcision.”
Because being passionate about intactivism and keeping toxins out of our bodies are what smart people do, not psychos. Js.
Would so support and laugh my ass off if two things…
1)If I knew for sure she wasn’t actually mentally disabled. Which I think she is.
2)if I knew those tweets were real or not. I mean really from her.
It’s easy to poke fun, but shit this extreme, before ripping in on how stupid this cunt is, let’s stop and think, is she LITERALLY stupid. Like maybe she can’t help it?
Easy on the ginger bashing. That’s not the reason for her insane hateful words and actions.
The utter lack of a soul contributes to the insanity. However based on the number of freckles she has corresponding to the number of souls she has stolen, the paranoid schizophrenia may be a result of too many voices in her head.
What this about freckles and souls? I’m a natural redhead myself, and thought I’ve heard them all, but even that is a new one for me.
Google “Do gingers have a soul” and all will be explained…
Don’t you mean Hillary supporter? She’s clearly a liberal snowflake offended by everything.
Why hate on Amy Schumer. This woman is clearly mentally insane and needs to be sectioned instead of some asshole journalist making fun of her and making her life even worse.
The person who wrote this article is just as bad as the person this article is about.
There is a topless pic of her on her twitter! Haha go to her twitter and hit media it’s there! On a “playboy”
There’s more than top less pics of her if you click the link in the article. Prepare yourself though.
I’ve done the whole criminal psychology schtick, and when she started confusing a simple kiss with sex, I was all *snaps fingers* Gotcha!
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is what this person has. The huge clue was her state of perpetual victimhood.
“You’re harrassing me!” “You’re stalking me!” In her eyes, the woman’s actions were very much revolving around her, as does everything else on this planet. Doesn’t matter what it is, it always has something to do with her, and this right here is one serious case of projection.
It isn’t jealousy she’s displaying, it’s a very visceral, gutteral anger that the girlfriend dared insult her in this way. The worst of it is that the only person who can see how much GF insulting her is her, and so she uses something known as Forced Teaming in order to strike up Fake Relationships with those around her.
“In front of *us*.” Not “In front of *me*.” She’s forcing the other folk to side with her as validation. Her implication of everyone siding with her is huge tell in just how big a Narcissist she really is, and in all honesty, there’s no helping that because she’s secure enough to continue arguing her point to where she physically lashes out.
The third clue is the constant insults she’s throwing out at warp factor 9. Those are a challenge designed through Manipulation to get you to respond. A good example of this is when you hear a bloke say “I bet you’re too good to talk to the likes of me.”
Gavin de Becker, my idol in all things criminally psychological, calls these Pre-Incident Indicators, or PINS.
I’m not sure if I heard the GF correctly towards the end where she sounded as though she were apologising. Yeah, don’t do that! Worst thing you can do in these situations is apologise for the wrong people have perceived you committing against them. An apology to a Narc is to agree that their perception is right and you have just validated them.
Another thing GF did wrong is call her a heinous/rude person. Oh, I get it and she totally is a huge fan of the rudeness, so I don’t blame her one little bit. Hell, I’d have spouted off far worse than GF despite knowing what I know!
When you insult a Narcissist, you’re reinforcing their perception of the situation and giving them more ammunition with which to launch at you. As stupid as it sounds, the best thing to do in this situation is absolutely nothing. Do nothing, say nothing, and become a veritable brick wall of silence.
The only thing to do in a situation like this is change your energy. Go from being defensive and shocked to a solid rock and stand with your hands behind your back (not defensively crossed over your chest), tilt your head to slightly expose your throat, and arch a single eyebrow. In other words, take on the roll of Alpha Female (or Alpha Male) who will not tolerate or acknowledge such a ridiculous display of sadness.
The moment she realised nobody else agreed with her perception is the moment she took it to the next level and got physical by way of slapping leaflets off of that bloke.
All this said, those two handled it very well indeed and with an amount of dignity most would find difficult to hold in place under such vulgar abuse.
Totally agree with you. Glad someone who knows their stuff is commenting. Huge abnormal psychology nerd here, you hit the nail on the head.
I agree with a lot of what you said, and maybe in this particular case you’re correct, but I think the words ‘mental health issue’ are thrown around too much. Seems like nowadays everyone can justify any behavior with some disease or disorder. If someone has anger issues, blame it on mental health, drug addiction, blame it on mental health, self-absorbed, it’s mental health, obese, mental health, your child doesn’t do well in school, again, mental health. And there is always a doctor willing to throw a “magic” pill at you, to help cure your disease. Sometimes people are just assholes, nothing more to it and no therapy or all the pills in the world can fix them.
I disagree.
Personality disorders like the one you’re referring to doesn’t make you delusional or psychotic. She may have one underlying all of that but I don’t see it and I work with people like her or worse on a daily basis.
I really think the GF was just apologizing to the long line of people that happened to be there and build up because of this particular woman.
Though what you say about her behavior, and how I’ve seen many Lib-Feminists behaving in the same manner, I am curious to know if you think that said feminists have the same mental disorder? Or at least similar ones? I’m only asking this because her behavior reminds me far too much of Zarna Joshi *The woman who was sexually harassed because a guy said his name was Huge Mongus*
She’s a product of her country.
There are no sandals-wearing Trump supporters in Santa Monica, you libtard.
You Sir are the moronic fool here.
It says it in your moniker and it’s clear in your words.
I’m not condoning the shit she was saying but sweet Jesus people, she clearly has a mental illness and needs help and here all of you are insulting her and being nasty and hateful. People with mental illnesses can’t help it especially when they are delusional and manic as she was in the video. For all we know, when she isn’t manic and delusional she could be a wonderful person who would be mortified of her actions. You learn a lot when working in a psych unit.
Nah, this screams personality disorder… and there’s no fixing those.
From her original video I thought she had to have Borderline Personality Disorder, or something similar.
She may have a personality disorder underlying somewhere but a personality disorder doesn’t do that to people. Her believing she’s married to Justin Bieber is a delusion along with the forehead kiss being referenced as them having sex. She also appears manic and psychotic.
I’m guessing she’s a schizophrenic or schizoaffective.
I deal with people like her on a daily basis at work, some even worse than she is. Normally that’s what they’re diagnosed with.
hey Turtle turd, you might just want to go check out Amy Schumer again before you make these dumbass comparisons again, you are no better than the cunt in the video .
She looks like a squirter.
She’s a lotta fun. I howled laughing through the entire thing.
lmao this bitch is psycho
I thought she was too high up on that horse! Just goes to show you!
She is just an angry (and apparently hungry) self hating, self loathing, self deprecating whore who needs treatment immediately.
That’s priceless omg lmfao
That is priceless omg lmfao
That is fucking priceless …love it!
Hey now, leave ric out of it. ric kills 100+ boys per year.
She’s a creep, yes. But that article was a bit harsh. How is calling her a Ginger Cheesehog and other fat implied names any different from her calling the girl in the shop a prostitute? Just because she was in the wrong, doesn’t make it right for her to be slandered like that. She clearly needs to be ignored.
Seriously? This chick is an porn star calling someone else a prostitute? Can’t even wrap my mind around her idiocy!
No way she’s a Trump supporter. She has ignorant SJW HRC supporting democrat written all over her stupid face.
Sounds like a democrat. She’s offended by stupid shit, doesn’t make sense, talks over everyone else, and wants everything for free.
You know the brothers be jacking it to that pork pie. Hoodrats doing what hoodrats do.
The garbage i just read. And the author of this referred to themselves as ‘normal’
Don’t get me wrong, the woman does need serious help, but whoever wrote this is nothing more than a low life looking for some false sense of achievement
What she did and who she may be might be wrong, but the way you wrote this horrible article is offensive. Learn how to write a proper blog and not just belittle and use offensive words.
need a tissue?
Fuck you Amy Schumer is funny!
Maybe on Planet Stanky Vagina, but not in the real world.
I can’t stand Amy Schumer. The only jokes that she makes that are remotely funny she stole from someone else. This pyscho chic in this article is better looking than she is. Size two my ass, the only thing that might fight in a size two on Amy in her nose, but even that is pushing it.
We’re a family blog but going to insult this lady over and over again.
Trust me, I’m not a fan of this lady, and agree she may need help, but the amount of insults and hate in this article makes me dislike you guys even more then her.
She may throw hate, like a trump supporter, but you guys insulted her, just like a trump supporter would too.
The majority of hate lately isn’t from Trump supporters…sorry…MAGA…SHE’S a snowflake for sure..
The person writing this is also a douchebag. Thicky Minaj? For what? Can you call someone out without humiliating and debasing them? Ans what’s wrong with being thick? Fuck this article.
I have to admit. I’d spank that bug greasy ass.
Big. Not bug
Fun fact! And if it was mentioned my apologies, but she is a porn star!!!! She has videos on hamster google anna_marie_01 (there are nine videos so change the number 01-09 to see them all) Karma baby!!!!!
Wow!! I just Googled her and she IS an amateur porn video maker. OMG!!. Maybe she’s happy because her videos may get more views. I don’t know but she is not ashamed to be naked and doing it all in front of the camera. My first thought when I saw her rant was she must be on drugs.
I’m thinking she’s not a TRUMP supporter. She reminds me more of one of those women with the VAGINA costume.
Circumcision can be dangerous and there are no legit health sources as to why you should circumcise, other than it’s “popular”
I can personally vouch for that. One slip of the knife and here you go.
I wonder if she’ll go out with me
What even is this lmaooo
I’d put big money on her being the Obama-supporting libtard you twisted as being a Trump supporter. Don’t dig too deep, though.
No, a libtard would have been apologizing to that guy for her whiteness.
Thank you for this article. You managed to plug everything in, from liberal jokes, to slandering this farm animal.
We’d be great friends in real life
Ugh… Why did I click that Google link???
Now I need to watch some Chloe Amour porn to flush my brain out.
Also, I’d bet she’s a flat earther.
By attacking her looks and taking such an aggressively crude position, you have shown yourself to be no better than the woman in this video. You are the same level of trash. This is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle fat. You are a terrible person, and you should feel bad.
Thank you!
Lord, does that cunt ever STFU. My ears hurt just listening to her fat ass. I’m surprised no one beat her up. Maybe she should go back to where she came from. Against my better judgement, I’m going to Google her now. I have my bleach waiting
She does have “great new York boobs” lol
So am I the only one that sees she almost definitely has some kind of mental illness? These are not yourrun of the mill attention seeking behavior. This is a demented, altered reality, crazy. Let’s try to keep the cruelty to a minimum.
Autumn, I hear ya I really do. But the problem with this with me is where do you draw the line? Is there even a line? I mean, are all women in her age bracket nuts? Of course not. But more and more stories like this keep coming out. It really is not so much the females in her generation in my mind. It is that generation as a whole, men and women, that seems to be lost in some sort of false elitist bravado.
So shitting on people that may for instance, disagree triggers all sorts of hostility. So as far as I am concerned there is a fine line between a healthy competitive spirit versus one with blinders on and unwilling to engage in dialogue. Stuck in their own beliefs without allowing any input.
I know I sound old but I really am not. I just recognize the absurdity that is current.
Oh man, you got that right AH,OH! We had this one guy who commented here all the time named BobnMic. Back in May ’16, someone had the nerve to say that his off-topic conversations with another poster in the comments section was annoying. The fucking guy went and PMS-ed all over the comment section for a good two weeks about that. He was demanding apologies every time this alleged person who slighted him tried to comment (on topic, BTW), calling everyone who had the nerve to disagree with him a SJW who lives in their mom’s basement or spewing some profanity because he was “counterpunching”. Dude totally flipped his lid!
No one had any respect for him at that point, but he kept doubling down and digging himself into a deeper hole. Friggin’ guy was “definitely stuck in his own beliefs” with the “blinders on”- kept it up for a good 10 months! I suspect he’s still got them on, because he still thinks the only thing he did wrong was disagree with a TB author.
Mental illness? Probably! But you’re damn right- you gotta draw the line!
Well I’ve seen this before and that ‘line’ is somewhat hard to define or recognize and in some cases hard to lay it down. Maybe this dude is a rookie to social media and the complexities it often offers. I don’t know. In any event I am sure that was a wake up call to whoever that is or was. Rookies make mistakes that is for certain.
Having a temper, in my experience, toward others in social media simply does not work. I believe in reasoning disagreements or just leave it as a disagreement. On topic and content of course. No one wants to read about someone’s disillusionment about how things ought to be but rather than what things are. So you take it from there.
Bottom line is this should be fun. It is designed and supposed to be fun. And when it gets a little too serious and weird then that is a good time to rain it back and slow the horses down a bit. It is easy to get carried away. Better off not doing that.
This is one of the best comments I’ve seen on the Internet lately!
I completely agree. If something upsets you on a specific web site simply leave that site. Go to a site that is more in line with your preferences.
Getting worked up over an issue that most likely does not impact your daily life is the definition of time waster.
Attempting to changes the minds of strangers over the Internet is an unwinnable war. Especially when tempers flair and name calling and insults start flying.
I believe the best solution is to simply ignore the individual who has overstepped the bounds of civil conversation. When these individuals see that they are not getting the attention they crave they often move on.
TLDR – I like the way you think sir!!
Hi Bob! See ya still got the “me me me me me me” thing going.
I’m new here and was wondering what the story was behind him? I’ve seen several post about him but can’t figure out the story. Is he really a police officer? There was also something about someone telling his wife something. It’s hard to figure out because you don’t know whose really making these comments.
Mental illness seems to be the excuse for all bad behavior nowadays. Anger problems, not your fault its mental health. Drug addiction, its mental health. Racist, its mental health. Nothing is anyone’s fault anymore. We have a disease or disorder for everything.
Thank you.
The Screeching Porkopotamus in her natural habitat, a fine dining establishment. Didn’t care to see her gynoid porn, but I’m positive it would be truly vomitous. Her and Trigglypuff could gang up and make the ultimate weight loss video.
What is up with this very small percentage of women who feel as though that they are owed. Fucking men too for matter as well. This false sense of entitlement is mind boggling.
So ok. Let’s break this down. Respect is earned not a given. Especially in an argument at a fucking salad bar. Or any bar for that matter. I say argument but in this case that term maybe overstated. This chick was just looking for anybody to rag on.
Props to the girl that psycho kept calling a prostitute. She (supposed prostitute) kept her composure. That must just be a Cali thing.
Sorry nutjob ginger – pull that shit up here in the northeast, i.e. – Boston, New York, Philly and you would’ve been slapped around by your own tangling horse boobs by the very chicks you insult up here. That’s how the girls up here roll and that’s why I married one of them.
But hey have your fun with all of the snowflakes out there in Cali. They almost deserve it for being such pussies and not standing up to a fucking free lansing elitist piglet like ginger boobs.
ahahahahahahahah!!!! “Penis flytrap”
Mmmm, thanks for that Google link. Just filled up my spank bank for the next 2 months. Love that look! Reminds me of what I come home to…or, more accurately, what comes home to me…or used to anyway.
I got a sudden hankering for some flapjacks! Bob.Out.
I don’t understand why reality shows make a big deal about eating animal testicles?
I have balls in my mouth every weekend!
Did she used to be a man? She seems to be missing her nipples and areola.
The lard just ate it up, don’t worry.
I tried calling her number to call her racist Trump guzzler and it’s no longer in service. Hahahahaha.
This girl is seriously off her rocker!!! You can’t even be mad at her because she is literally unintelligent and has no clue.
There are more intelligent people commenting here and I see some once again have brought up Trump? *big eye-roll* What the purpose for that was, I’ll never know.
I love it, keep it going. I love you guys.
After all that madness, i lose my shit at “is my PORPUSE”! I thought her whole issue was she nobodys “porpuse”.
Anyone else notice the piece of toilet tissue stuck to her sweaty, shit stained asshole? The smell must be of decomposed bodies.
Who would want to see this ugly cunt naked in a porn flick? Disgusting.
No one.. She is making solo videos
Government assistance on this one too. Cost of living is to the max there.
I’ve known some attention whores in my time, but this piggy takes the cake. Why did she literally post the same damn thing 10x on twitter?? Did she think no one saw the first one? Is she retarded? We already know she suffers from extremely severe sexual frustration, but repeating yourself that many times, in such a manic way, is a sign of psycopathy. Get this danger to society and men everywhere off the streets before she rapes someone (most likely justin beiber).
Why? Why? Why did I not heed the warning??
“Trigger warning – make sure you have ample amounts of bleach lying around though. Your eyes may never be the same.”
Forever scarred…
Looks like a young Nancy Pelosi.
Try Kel-lie-anne Conjob, more resemblance.
Just wow. That is all I got.
Did the guy taking the video look like Justin Bieber ?
This article led me to Dominique Sortelli who is quite boner inspiring.
Coach would have called an audible and allowed the “prostitute” to go off the game plan and grab that ginger by the hair and then ragdoll her while dancing a two step on her funbags.
Bob, at least be more creative. And, are you drunk again?
My goodness, those are some cow tits. Reminds me when I was a teenager. I went out with the fellas cowtipping. It was also the first time I realized I was into beastiality as I ended up fucking some of the livestock. Sadly, it was also the last time I ended up talking to those guys. Looking back I’ve realized it isn’t quite the common practice I thought it was.
lol, you sicko !!
When I was younger my friends used to fuck anything that moved! I felt no need to limit myself.
If she wants to see ugly all she needs is a mirror.
I’d still hit it