Social Justice Warriors

Least Surprising Twist Ever: Parents Of Greenfield Students Suspended For Fighting Are Playing The Race Card


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Yesterday we blogged about the fight at Greenfield high school in which 8 students were arrested after the school resource officer and several teachers were assaulted trying to break up the fight. Well guess what? Now they’re calling the cops racist for arresting these kids:

The chairman of the town’s Human Rights Commission has put a call out to parents of students involved in a fight at Greenfield High School that led to eight arrests Monday to contact him as he investigates the school and police department’s response to the incident. The parents of one of the students who was arrested and given a 10-day suspension spoke during a forum held by the commission Monday night to express concern that their son’s arrest may have been racially motivated.

This is like a training guide for how to raise a shitty kid. Step 1: teach your kid that it’s OK to settle his differences with his physical violence. Step 2: teach your kid to hit a police officer and/or a teacher if they attempt to break up the fight. Step 3: don’t blame your son at all when he gets a 10 day suspension and ends up in handcuffs. Step 4: blame everything on racism. 

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Human Rights Commission Chairman Lewis Metaxas said he’s been in touch with Haigh and School Committee Chairman Tim Farrell about the parents’ concerns, but said the information they’ve been able to give him is limited because all but one of the students are minors.

As soon as you see that someone is serving on the “Human Rights Commission” in their city, you immediately know that they are a self-serving, politically correct, race baiting dooshnozzle. You cannot fill that position unless you meet those qualifications. Look at Worcester’s chairwoman – Cara Berg-Powers. She was the one who harassed a woman and her young child in a grocery store for wearing “I Am Turtleboy” shirts. She also supported the racist Boston University Professor Saida Grundy, after Grundy openly mocked a rape victim for being white:

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So right away, we can already tell that Lewis Mataxas is bringing an agenda into this school issue. 

“We’re running into confidentiality issues,” Metaxas said. “The chief advised me in his opinion, race had nothing to do with the incident, which is contrary to what we heard last night by several people.”

Yup. Confidentiality. Because it’s none of your Goddamn business who got arrested and what race they are. But since he’s on the “Human Rights Commission” his only job is to find a way to turn this into a racial issue. 

“If parents believe this was a racist incident, they can contact us on behalf of their families and students, because that information is not going to be shared,” he said.

See what he’s doing there? He’s trying to turn this into a racial issue when it hasn’t become one yet. He’s encouraging parents to come forward if they think it was racist to arrest these students. He’s planting that idea in their heads when it doesn’t exist yet. Way to go Lewis!!


Metaxas said two of his biggest concerns are that the eight students will now have records in court and their education has been disrupted — at least one student, he said, was given a 10-day suspension.

Oh smokes!!! You mean, they’ll have records in court because they broke the law?? What is this, apartheid South Africa? Kids should be able to break the laws all they want so long as they are on school grounds. Because everyone knows that laws magically end the second kids step on school grounds. 

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LOL. This mentality never ceases to amaze me. As if it’s the school’s job to make sure their education isn’t disrupted. Newsflash – they made the choice to involve themselves in a fight. They knew this was against the rules and against the law and they did it anyway. They MADE THEIR CHOICE, not the school. 

“The problem I see with the 10-day suspension is the immediacy of it without due process. Apparently it was given the same day,” Metaxas said.

Due process? This isn’t a court of law. It’s a school. There are no witnesses, DNA evidence, or racist cops planting gloves. There was a fight that was witnessed by a police officer and several teachers. That’s it. That’s the due process. 

He said at least one of the students and his parents are going to meet with administrators Wednesday and will be accompanied by a member of the Human Rights Commission, who is also a family friend.

I really hope the principal of this school laughs in the face of the self-important Human Rights Commission member. Because they have no right and no business to appear at any sort of disciplinary meeting with a student. 

Anyway, just more hippies doing hippie things up in Greenfield. This is the same city where two Dads told their adopted black son that he should fear for his life because their cop neighbor had a confederate flag buried deep within his garage. Hippies up there HATE the cops, and even though they purposely moved as far away from black people as possible, they still fancy themselves social justice warriors. Greenfield hippies doing Greenfield hippie things.



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4 Comment(s)
  • Kevin Lynch
    March 18, 2016 at 1:33 am

    I have to state that again your double standard of thinking is just amazing. You think these kids should get marks on their records? Then with issues concerning bullying you state they should fight physically.

  • Reddog
    March 16, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    Clive the racist will be all over this one

  • Publius
    March 16, 2016 at 5:29 pm

    More false racism charges ? time will tell. The presumption today must be someone quickly charging racism is making it up.

  • BlackandWhite
    March 16, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    If it’s an in-house suspension, then due process is handled differently than an off campus suspension.
    And if the student has an IEP/504, then it’s a whole different ball game.

    Bottom line is: if the student(s) was/were fighting, assaulting others, and disrupting school assembly — they will most definitely get some type of punishment. Period.

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