Mansfield 15 Year Old Nearly Gets Shot When Downstairs Gingersnatch Drug Dealer Accidentally Shoots Gun At Ceiling And It Goes Through Her Bedroom Floor
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Mansfield Patch: Monday night, a sleeping teen found something that he did not expect to find in his room – a bullet that went through his window, police said. Just past 9 p.m., Mansfield Police received a report from a man who said that a bullet was shot at his Eddy Street apartment and he was holding the bullet in his hand. At the scene, police determined that the shot came from a downstairs apartment and entered the caller’s 15-year-old child’s bedroom. The bullet nearly hit the child, striking the bureau near the bed instead. Following an investigation, Timothy Downs, 29, of Mansfield, was arrested and charged with discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a building, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and improper storage of a firearm, according to the Mansfield Police Department.
Alright, first of all, the Mansfield Patch fucked this story up. It wasn’t a 15 year old boy, it was a 15 year old girl. The kid’s daughter contacted us and showed us the pictures of where the bullets came through his daughter’s floor:
Secondly, I didn’t even know Mansfield had drug dealers, never mind drug dealers with guns. Then again from the looks of his previous arrests, Tim Downs appears to be a pot dealer:
An informant told police one of the suspects busted on pot peddling charges last week was “dealing pounds of marijuana,” according to court documents made public Thursday. The informant knew the dealer as “Tim,” whom police identified as Timothy Downs, 26, of Apt. A at 27 Eddy St. in Mansfield, according to a five-page affidavit by Patrolman Anthony Lattanzio. Police raided Downs’ apartment Feb. 20, and say they seized three pounds of marijuana, drug distribution paraphernalia and $3,700 cash, in addition to marijuana growing equipment.
Not just a regular pot dealer though. He’s an evil gingersnatch dealer:
I’d say to pray for his soul, but we all know gingers don’t have souls.
But that pot arrest was from a couple years ago. Word is now he’s upping his game and selling real drugs. He was also recently arrested for driving around all fucked up while possessing a Class B drug (heroin, cocaine, LSD, ecstasy):
So yea, he basically was a small town pot dealer. Then pot became legal so it wasn’t ghettofabulous to sell it anymore, and thus he started selling the heavy shit. Probably because he wanted to impress these guys:
Even gangstas don’t fuck with gingers. That kid walks into the room and is instantly the scariest mother fucker in the room.
Of course shitstain Sally ends up shooting the ceiling too. I hate when I’m sitting in my living room polishing my loaded gun and it accidentally discharges and nearly kills the 15 year old girl sleeping above me. It’s the worst.
Anyway, as funny as it is to make fun of this chudruckah, he could’ve easily killed a 15 year old and this story would’ve had a very different ending. So yea, maybe it’s time someone like this actually goes to jail so they can realize that the hoodrat lifestyle isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
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9 Comment(s)
We need to ban all drugs so that things such as this do not happen again. We need more drug laws!
I noticed he isn’t being charged with having a gun without an FID card. I’m assuming that someone like him wouldn’t have one. Should be an automatic one year mandatory jail sentence.
I am being charged with a lack of fid card.. If people in masnfield hadn’t robbed me at gunpoint I wouldn’t have been so crazy. Not a good excuse but I wasn’t intentionally putting people at risk. get your own $$
Every time I read “Downs’ ” in this article about this fruit……well you know.
Easily, the biggest pussy these eyes have seen in a long time, what a total piece of shit right there. Gangsta wannabe with the brain of a mole . . . . his life is already over, he just hasn’t realized it yet
I’m already out of jail go fuck yourself. Fight me
Sweet Fiero bro haven’t seen one of those since 1989
Had a Cadillac v8 in it with the getrag 5 speed. Had to sell it unfortunately.
I’m from Mansfield around this kids age and dabble in some drugs and have never heard of him. Eddy street is where most the scumbags in town live.
That’s me , I was surrounded by scumbags kept getting robbed .. hence the weaponry.