Massachusetts State Police Arrested The Quincy Junkboxes We Exposed Who Assaulted And Robbed A 92 Year Old Woman
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Good news folks – the junkboxes we exposed for robbing and and assaulting a 92 year old woman in Quincy are in jail:
Don’t rob the elderly.
Don’t call it a disease.
Don’t poke the turtle.
Now the mainstream media will report this “news,” because unlike Turtleboy they just regurgitate press releases and call it real news. We find real news before it becomes real news. It’s just what we do.
24 Comment(s)
Disgraceful!!!! I knew her when we were in high school.
When she was pregnant with her kids she would pop pills, smoke, drink, and more. I won’t elaborate on what more is. She would cheat on her ex-boyfriend Nick as well. She was really a piece of trash, even back in the day. In a way I am not shocked that she’s come to this point. Shame on you Kayla.
They will get 6 months in jail and 2 years probation, TOPS.
Disgraceful, throw the book at them.
Pushing a 92 year old down can kill them.
Fucking. Ass. Scabs.
You bet your ass if that was my mom or grandmother, I would deal some justice like they really deserve.
He family must also be proud that she is in usasexguide.info , under Boston street walker, Kayla quincy. She has no morals left.
I was in southbay in 2015-2016 with the kid cruz. He was a straight pussy scared of everyone hope they fuck him up in jail. He was also everyones bitch cooking all his cell mates food cleaning there bowls he was also pissed bombed and did nothing figures he would hurt a old lady be a real man rob a bank or store you fuckinn loser if i see him hes getting a beat down
Duterte in the Philippines has the right idea: anyone caught with illegal drugs, they get two in the back of the head…no arrest where they go to a nice little prison cell to sit for months waiting for a trial that costs the state thousands and thousands of dollars…just a couple of bullets to the skull right in the middle of whatever shithole drug den they’re caught in. And leave their bloated corpses sitting there gathering flies to let all the other junkies, crackwhores, and methheads in their neighborhood know that this is how it’s gonna be now. Erase the scourge of drug use from society by erasing the users, by any means necessary.
In a just society, these two would be fixed so they couldn’t ever breed.
You have no idea how strongly I believe in sterilization.
Just saw the mugshots.
Damn. I thought Halloween was over?
Just because the media does (do?) not acknowledge the accuracy and importance of Turtleboy Sports does not mean that real people — taxpayers, voters, productive citizens — don’t realize that TB is a source of real news. I have the feeling that a lot of police departments follow TB to get the info they need. TB is providing an important public service, whether or not the MSM admits that.
So…CONGRATS, TB, YOU’VE DONE IT AGAIN! You’re the best news reporter in Massachusetts.
so sick of their tranny twin vamping for social media shots i was delighted to see the worst pic behind bars but yes.. great work yet again turtles of Justice!!!!!
Her daddy is on TV crying about her fucking up. Doesnt use the disease excuse, just says shes headed for a calamity of a life. EXCEPT he offers to pay the old lady back the $30 and an apology. Sure hee means well, but this sort of seems like the enabling he has probably given his junkie daughter all her life. Sort of like, after she sucks Johns off for a China white bag, he wipes her mouth off with a kleenex and sprays around her gums with some sterilizer squirt, saying its ok honey, now go fix up you crazed junkie. Of course, we have Markell Cruz, what fucking banana boat did this tranny mexican drop off of? I think Gupta has the hots for him though, I could have sworn I seen him spankin his Green Cobra humming Markell markell. Maybe I heard wrong.
Are they both being held in the men’s jail?
Good! and they’d better make restitution as well
These two bathroom billboards better get 10 plus.
FakenewsFox25 reported this THREE days after TBS. TBS had the pics of the perps and they are the reason these slugmuffins got caught…TBS=Real news..MSM=riding on TBS’ coattails..
Only one question for these two; how does it feel to be at the bottom of the socio economic ladder? You are lower then the negros . . .
God damn right it’s not a disease… I would definitely rather believe I fucked up and can be better (key word there is I) no one MADE me do it, I can’t change anything. I can be the woman my parents raised me to be (or in lieu of decent parents society kinda tells you what’s right and wrong, so no excuses there) I never robbed, cheated, etc because I used my hard earned money to fuck my life up. I regret it but know damn well it was my choice, not a disease. To be completely honest methadone clinics are a thing and if you want to have those drugs coursing through your veins every damn day let us taxpayers put some good use to your insurance. Lazy assholes, its right there, for FREE!!!!! When there on it they are zombies, they don’t rob, cheat, lie, or steal. It needs to be demanded that people with this disease be on it. That way they are traceable, accountable, and the people who will never be anything more will just stay on it forever. Which is fine because like I said they are ZOMBIES literal SLAVES to their every day medication. I promise it’s worth it, normal strong people with will power and an actual desire to live will be clean. Fuck the idiots who wont.
If they don’t get 10-12 years for robbery, assault, assault on someone over 60, and possible drug charges, something is seriously wrong with the system. I bet he gets 3-5 and she will get probation. Thank you taxpayers because you KNOW these two shitbags won’t be able to afford an attorney. Total scum. Where are those vigilantes for justice to kick their fucking asses.?
Is this Marcell a DREAMer, or a “person of Native American ancestry who lacks the gene to digest alcohol”? That should help drop his jail sentence down to 364 days. /s
2, 2 and and a day. Get out in a year with good time. 2 years probation. Drug testing required, enter program upon sentence completion. They’ll be baaack. End up in the Boston version of Judge Bibaud’s drug court HA.