Two years ago we published a blog about two All-Star parents from Pawtucket who robbed a bank with their kids in the getaway car, one of whom was covered in urine and rashes.
Of course he made her ride in the trunk in order to make it look like Grandpa was out for a Sunday stroll with the kids, but the cops weren’t fooled by Ghetto Gordon from Sesame Street.
Well, she evidently spent almost no time in jail despite the seriousness of her crime, and now NBC 10 is treating her like she’s some sort of victim.
Watch her interview here.
A woman who robbed a bank in Pawtucket in 2017 said her then-husband manipulated her into the hold up while he waited with their children in the car.
“He had convinced me that we’re not going to get caught,” said Diamond Fortez, 31.
Oh OK. It’s all good in the hood because ya manz said that you weren’t gonna get caught.
Fortez’s life was turned upside down nearly two years ago. Diamond and her then-husband, Boysie Fortez, 52, were arrested after robbing a bank in Pawtucket in May 2017. Diamond contacted NBC 10 News on Monday and said she wanted to share her story.
“I just felt motivated because I am in a good place mentally, spiritually, emotionally,” Diamond said.
Diamond claims the day before the robbery, Boysie punched her in the face. She told NBC 10 Boysie told her they needed to come up with money fast or they’d lose everything, including their kids.
“I think slowly, over a period of time, he gained control of my mind,” Diamond said.
Oh yea, I’m sure the drugs and shitty life choices had nothing to do with it. Choosing to become impregnated by a career criminal twice your age has nothing to do with personal decisions you made.
The next day, Diamond walked into TD Bank on Central Avenue and demanded money as Boysie waited outside with two of their children. She told employees she had a gun, even though she didn’t. When she left the bank, she said police took off after them. The police chase ended near the VA Medical Center in Providence. Police found Diamond in the trunk of the getaway car with a bag of cash.
“I had no idea I was going in the trunk when I came out of the bank,” Diamond said.
Don’t you hate when you accidentally end up in the trunk of a car after robbing a bank without a gun?
Police also found two children in the car, including a 6-month-old boy, who officers said was soaked in urine and had a diaper rash.
“I wanted to make it clear that my kids were always taken care of leading up to this day,” Diamond said. “That day, it just so happened that I made a poor choice as a mom.”
You tell em baby girl! Who amongst us hasn’t robbed a bank to get some quick drug money? All us good Moms have bad days once in a while.
Diamond said she spent one month at the ACI and regained custody of her four children in November 2018. She’s currently on probation. Meanwhile, her ex-husband is still locked up. Diamond hopes her story inspires others who are being abused and manipulated to get help.
“I did not think that I could come back from it but with a strong support team and my higher power, I was able to do so. And many women can,” she said.
One month in jail?? And she got her crotch fruits back? This is why Rhode Island has so many douchebags per capita despite being the smallest state in the country. Because this is how their courts work. How does the chick who actually robbed the bank get out of jail in a month, but the guy who drove the getaway car still rot away to this day? Makes sense.
She’s all over the comments section defending her honor too.
Yea guys, it was a while ago. Like you haven’t robbed a bank with your kids in the car in the last 2 years.
But wuz you even there?
No Pubic Zirconia, I wasn’t there. That’s because I don’t rob banks with my kids in Pawtucket.
But it’s OK that she never went to jail because she “suffered consequences.”
Except you haven’t taken “full accountability” for your actions. In case you haven’t figured out by this comment, she’s learned absolutely nothing and still thinks she’s innocent. She believes she’s the victim here, not her kids or the people she robbed.
Good thing NBC 10 is giving her a platform to be the rags to ratchet success story.
And it worked because there was no shortage of future DCF Moms making excuses for her:
I have been in abusive relationships before. Ya know what I did? Leave. I was always in full control and I put my kids before all else. You should try it sometime instead of whining about how other people control your destiny. Because let’s be honest – the next time some guy with some new testers from Diego comes along and tells her to get in the trunk, her ass is getting in the trunk.
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34 Comment(s)
What’s with the horse-faced women these days?
Her face looks like a foot
NBC is crap. How about the bank employees who thought she may have had a gun.? NBC should interview them. They are victims, not the attention seeking loser
Does The man that gave you the shiner do contract work? 3500 and All I got was a scratch
Mudshark. Filthy fucking scum
I do feel she was probably abused and manipulated, but clean yourself up before going to the “News” with a story like this. For a start, lose the sweats and put on regular attire. She’d probably be better off just changing her whacky name to “Diane” or something and staying out of trouble rather than calling more attention to this bizarre case.
NBC is garbage and is constantly making criminals victims. Fuck her and NBC. Oh and fuck Jussie Smollett and the judge who met him go too. What a bunch of shit that is. NBC will probably hire him
NSTB, another title gem. The headline awards on TBS belong to you.
Lmfao Pubic Zirconia
This is sad. I feel bad for those kids. They are doomed with her for a mother. She isn’t a victim either. Far from
If we can’t have the death penalty for these serial criminals and dregs on our society, can we give them some sort of retroactive birth control pill ?
so she’s single right?
No she’s not single. She has a black boyfriend. She has the Fever.
You Go Girl.
Liberal lawyers are amazing cuase they get you off baby!
F the system man!
Agreed. That last microbe of respect I had for the justice system was just eliminated.
Good blog, North. It’s too bad she got herself into that situation, but, seriously, a guy that much older? A guy named BOYSIE, for Gawd’s sake? Those first couple pictures, she looks like Caitlin Jenner.
I thought Rocky Dennis, the kid on who the movie “Mask” was based, died?
I guess not. Who knew?
She not Rocky after all…she’s his twin sister.
Bruce/Caitlyn is that you?
Turtleboy sinking to new levels. Her original mugshot is of her with a black eye. This is what guys do. Suck it up turtle. Men are violent.
Tell me about it Yo
She’s free to go back and do what she does best. Fail at life. It will never be her fault and there will be others to blame in perpetuity. Cycle of ineptness and no responsibility. Shocking the media found an angle to portray her otherwise. Are we to be suprised anymore?
We blamed Jessi Smollets story on fake white hate crimes.
Our libtard Boston Globe readers ate it up .
Like with Trump the made up Russian collusion story became the story and was accepted as truth with the help of our top notch honest reporting.
Now is she was rich, like Patty Hearst, she’d be believable AMIRITE?
I have to give you some credit Randall, you get shit on here at TBS every single day yet you always come back.
The only thing missing from this story is a fake gofundme scam.
Well the NBC10 story says Coal contacted the news, so perhaps there was a reason, and there will be a part two…
Oops… Diamond.
White girl with a nagger, she is ruined for life.
Give it time..any day now she’ll need a go fund me for something and there will be a sob story to go along with it that 99% of the people will fall for
Traditionally, the woman is the nagger.
DAMN. I always back up TBS, but this time I gotta say this: She truthfully may be telling the whole truth. Does that condone what she did? No way. However, Narcissists and drugs can cause situations such as this. It can be one of the most damaging acts of mind control.
We get it. You’re a better person than her.
Get back to work you worthless chud.
Oh Randall, dear friend! I’m by no means better than this broad, I mean I didn’t take my kids on a bank robbery that’s for sure. Trust that.