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New Bedford Live: NEW BEDFORD _ Members of the New Bedford Police Narcotics Unit seized over 760 grams of cocaine on Tuesday, September 18th. The cocaine seized has an estimated value of over $70,000. Jay I. Ferran, 41, of 130 Fair Street, New Bedford, was arrested on charges of trafficking cocaine over 200 grams and drug possession with intent to distribute class B (subsequent offense). Ferran was the subject of an investigation into a cocaine delivery service. He was stopped by members of the Narcotics Unit while operating a motor vehicle in the area of Kempton Street and Rockdale Avenue, and subsequently escorted back to his residence of 130 Fair Street where Narcotic Detectives would execute a search warrant for his address.”
Ok, first off, I love how New Bedford Live refers to it as a “cocaine delivery service”, because only in New Bedford would they legitimize selling coke to hookers in public restrooms as such. Couldn’t have just gone with “drug trafficking”. Nope. He’s providing a service to this fine City.
This guy is an absolute joke, too. He looks more roided out than Mcguire before a World Series game.
Jesus Christ.
Jay is a 41 year old grandfather according to his Facebook posts. So New Bedford it hurts. He’ll most likely be a great-grandfather by 55. I mean, when grandpa looks like this:
And great-grandpa looks like this:
You probably don’t stand a chance. Prime, grade-A New Bedford bloodline right there. What are the odds this is a family business?
And of course, just days before his arrest, Jay chose to take a hard stance against drugs on Facebook!
Just say no, kids!
His Facebook is a fucking rejected Jersey Shore audition tape, with a glorious, ghettofabulous New Bedford Twist:
All he’s missing is a couple of pitbulls in chain collars beside him, and a blacked out 2002 Honda Accord with spinners.
You’re a drug dealer, dude. You don’t know what “hard work” is. Stop frontin’, homie!
So manly! Gotta keep it fresh to death for the fine ladies in the Fishy City of Dreams!!
Silly little Tony Notamantana, you don’t look fucking broke to me. Unless you’re taking one too many nosedives into the business reserve account. But I’m gonna guess that any financial strife you may encounter, is because you’re injecting your profits right into your ass before heading off to Golds Gym to grunt and take selfies in the mirror. Any bets on what’s going to be getting injected into his ass now? There’s no way he’s topping anyone in prison, because I’m fairly certain there’s just a shriveled set of raisins and gummy worm, where his dick and balls used to be. Gotta get that juice, son!!
Of course, because by New Bedford standards this juicing jack-off is a legitimate businessman and pillar of the community, the ratchets are already in full effect in the comments defending his good name.
I’m not saying that this lovely lady named after the luxury vehicle most coveted by ratchets is a loyal customer of Juicy Jays….but….
I wouldn’t go so far as to say shes’ not.
Jimmyboy has got your back!
Who wouldn’t want THIS guy….FOREVER…..
Cathy seems to have quite the insight into this douchenozzle’s current situation. I wouldn’t put my money on her NOT enjoying the nose candy this douche sells out of what is 99.9% likely a blacked out Honda Accord or Acura:
Of course the guy named after a city had to chime in, too. Don’t bully me, bro!
Obviously, CVS needs to put a tagline in their Facebook page warning people not to “take their kindness for weakness” in order to match up to this moral giant. If you put it up online, it must be true, amiright?! This guy is the patron saint of Prime Columbian Fishscale yeyo and junkhos.
Free muh boi! Didindonuttin! Only God can judge!
I’m going to go out on a limb and say in this particular scenario, the guy selling the drugs to buy ladies’ capri pants, manicures and endless meals out is probably more at fault than the people willing to trade the spoils of a full day’s work giving blowies in alleys on the Ave to procure it. Just saying. Definitely arrest those people, too. But Jay’s in a slightly better position to know not to do this shit.
Anyway, good work by the New Bedford PD for getting this guy off the streets. I’m sure the nail salon, gyms and Portuguese restaraunt owners are tearing their hair out over the loss of this fine gentleman’s patronage, but fear not. Some soft on crime, warm-hearted judge will inevitably let him out, and he’ll be back on the streets delivering cocaine to New Bedford’s finest by next Tuesday.
If New Bedford was swallowed into the sea tomorrow, I don’t think it would be much of a loss at this point. Is there any way to relocate the great whites to the area around Bullard Street and Acushnet Ave?
8 Comment(s)
I know the guy personally, have ever since we were little, though I’m not defending what he did I have to chime in just to say he was a genuinely nice person, in a city full of deadbeats and scumbags. He was a good friend, and someone you could trust. Yes, this article made me chuckle a few times but you are being a little too harsh on the man
“arrest the users”
C’mon, Dallas Chace, “he was helping out the addicts by giving them their fix?” What is he, the Mother Theresa of drug dealers?
No, he’s the Princess Diana of cocaine delivery professionals.
A regular Hank Hill. He sells cocaine and cocaine accessories.
What kind of geese don’t fly?
Looks like this juiced up midget could use a booster seat posing in that Bentley.
“He is for real beat off on your ass” Cathy Pires. How many addicts have paid with their mouths and other body parts… and that’s just the guys.
I don’t know what’s worse, this dirtbag or the ratchets that defend his honor. The prison gang members will really like his juiced out muscles while he is being insemenated by many prison AIDS infested cock.