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One of the lessons we all should’ve learned from Parkland is to be proactive when someone is using their social media account to post disturbing things that might indicate that they are mentally unbalanced. But instead we’ve decided that it’s the NRA’s fault, so the cycle will likely repeat itself.
Never has this ben more true evident than with this recent story out of Newton:
CBS: A man charged in a brutal random attack at a supermarket in Newton will be in court Tuesday. Matthew Muradov, 23, of Newton is accused of stabbing a 79-year-old man inside the Star Market on Commonwealth Avenue just before 2 p.m. Monday. Police say the men did not know each other. The victim was rushed to a nearby hospital with what they described as “non-life-threatening injuries.” Muradov was arrested outside the store
“At this time, it appears to be a random attack,” Newton Police Lt. Bruce Apotheker told WBZ-TV.
Muradov is charged with armed assault with intent to murder. He will be arraigned in Newton District Court.
People who are not mentally ill do not walk up to random 79 year old men in Star Market and stab them. And based on his Facebook page, it’s abundantly clear that he’s been displaying his insanity for the masses to see for quite some time….
“If you kill someone, keep them dead.” Posted Saturday. Perfectly normal.
He’s also a subscriber to “Devotees Who Love Russia and Soviet Pravda (Truth)”:
Nothing weird about that.
Additionally, he posted about how the fire department is evil…..
Hey Jennifer, I’m sure you’re a nice lady and you mean well. But when you see something like this, it’s kind of on you to contact the authorities. Everyone should do this moving forward if we’re serious about preventing tragedies. This guy needs a doctor, not a lecture. There’s absolutely nothing you could say that would change his mind because his brain is broken.
“Don’t shoot guns in the air, only good people die from it.” That comment got a “like” from this guy:
Hey Nick, I know you’re profile picture is from an Oscar winning movie about the virtues of crazy people, but you probably shouldn’t be encouraging individuals like this when they post comments about guns. You should probably call the cops instead.
He’s been posting stuff like this for months, yet no one has done anything. And he’s got a few hundred Facebook friends who can see all this stuff in their news feed too:
And 22 people liked his recent profile picture change:
So they clearly all saw his madness.
But no one said anything.
The bottom line is that either we’re serious about stopping crazy people who need help from hurting innocent people, or we’re not. At the same time, this guy is kind of the poster child for gun control. At least with a knife the most he could do was stab one person, who ended up living. If he had access to a gun he could’ve done a lot more damage.
But we could debate about guns until the cows come home. The bottom line is that the one thing we DO have control over is identifying people like this and calling the authorities before they snap. Because we could ban guns all we want but it won’t stop crazy people from killing innocent people.
31 Comment(s)
This article is completely fucking useless. What is your point? OK, friends knew the guy was nuts, you bag on them for not reporting him. It’s all over the news how much friends and family tried to get this kid help. So that point is moot. You make some stupid comparison to the need or, probably cynical, statment on gun control. That makes no fucking sense. Or at least a stretch at best. Sure, if he had a gun he may have, and repeat the words, may have, shot up the place. But he didn’t and it isn’t a gun control debate. What is really comical, you would think the Doctor who got stabbed would be pissed, even the Doctor is on record as stating he wants people like Mandova here to get the help they need, and not be cut loose for reasons of insurance and shit. All star criminal, fail. Any relavant point made? Fail. Any redeeming value to be taken from the article or blog? Fucking big fat ass fail. Turtle rides could have learned more if you had done a story on the truckloads of cock Brett and Finn take up their asses on a daily basis, as opposed to this fucking garbage. Fuck Uncle, why the piece of junk mixed in with the occassional decent or meaningful story? Need consistency bro. How’s the Gaffney thing going? Noticed you using James Walckner. People can’t accuse of racism, seeing how ol’ Jimmy got that sweet Nubian trim. He has always been sort of a dickhead, but he can be funny as shit. I am curious why you’re using a defense lawyer, who specializes in DUIs and Divorce. Anyway, sure he will rep soundly. Pass.
As one of his “Facebook friends who did nothing” I can say that this article is a bunch of bullshit. His PARRENTS AND THE NEWTON POLICE DID NOTHING. I PERSONALLY called no only his mother, but the newton police the night before this happened and they did NOTHING. They KNEW HIS NAME AT DISPATCH. They completely ignored everything I told him. His mom infact laughed it off. I’ve known this kid for 10 years. He’s been in and out of institutions since the end of high school. He deserves to be locked up, but you can’t say that nothing was done. This kid has spent more time in hospitals than out over the last few years, and it did nothing. His scum bag parrents are to blame for taking him off his meds. He deserves to rot in jail, but I did notify the police and nothing was done about it.
A huge problem with many people suffering from mental illness, is that after being treated, they feel better and decide they don’t need their meds anymore. Once they make that decision, there is very little that you can do. They KNOW they are “good” and do not need meds. Once they start that slide back into their world of delusion they will actually believe that the medication caused their problems and will aggressively refuse to take it.
I do not know about this particular person, but I would tend to believe that HE is responsible for stopping his meds…..not his “scum bag parents”, as you referred to them.
He’s a grown man…..his actions, (and inactions) are on him.
omg, you have no idea what you’re talking about. it wasn’t his nor his parents fault he went off meds. lot’s of people, including me, will tell you that this month the health insurance companies cut a lot of people off of their medication. medication DOES help people like us and the healthcare companies cutting us off is IN NO WAY our fault; you can’t blame us for that. he told me that he doesn’t enjoy not taking his medication because of the way he feels without it. my health insurance company cut off my medication earlier this month, and i took 9 days to turn it back on, and in that time, i was sick and i couldn’t sleep and i was going crazy. THE ONLY PEOPLE YOU CAN BLAME IN THIS SITUATION ARE THE HEALTHCARE COMPANIES.
Trust me. This kid was 100% at the mercy of his parents. Always has been. He’s 23 and they are still his legal gurdians. If you met this kid you would understant that he’s so mentally challenged that he can barley feed himself let alone make a decision to stop taking med because he was self aware enough to feel better
Hey you Idiot ,who did you call ? I am his Father and i will report you for accusing people you don’t even know I will take you to Newton Police department to look up your phone call Wish i could see your F potato writing earlier
Contact me ,i want to see your ugly face
The most disturbing thing about this creep is when he writes “cause” instead of “because”. How fucking lazy can you get? It’s only two more letters. I would lock him up for life just for that reason alone.
That’s as bad as the assholes who pronounce the “T” in often. Every time someone says ofTen it should be legal to kick him in the vagina.
You totally f’d this one. He had been hospitalized for almost 4 weeks, was discharged 3 days before this happened. His parents were trying very hard to help him, they were fighting with insurance to keep him hospitalized and to get his meds. They didn’t need his FB friends to step up, they needed the docs and the insurance to step up. Maybe wait for some facts before spewing.
completely agree we need to use facebook to not only monitor citizens but restrict their 1st amendment rights
“The less that you give you’re a taker” is a line from Black Sabbath’s Heaven and Hell, c. 1981. He should have been put away for walking around obsessing on 37 year-old Ronnie James Dio lyrics alone.
Unless a person STATES or clearly demonstrates a desire to hurt oneself or others there is nothing the police can do about it. Now, if a compliant is made against this person, and during the police interview or investigation the officer finds probable cause to detain the individual,
than he/she can/will be examined by a doctor to determine if the person is a danger to himself or others and can be kept up to 48 hrs against their will.
You are free to be crazy in this country, hence, “the homeless”. In reality, your “feelings” don’t count.
Reason number 108,687,000 for reopening the state mental hospitals
So true Captain, ask any relative of a mentally ill person if they would rather their loved one was in a hospital or wandering the streets alone as one of the “homeless”. The mental health activists and ACLU scream that it’s inhumane ,blah,blah,blah to hold someone against their will and that’s the LAW. However, if a person is psychotic and hallucinating is he rational enough to refuse treatment ?? The law says he can.
Crazy Russian guy stabs guy with knife. Turtleboy says ban guns. Turtleboy has gone full libtard.
What we do know is that he’s a big Dio fan. And there’s nothing crazy about that!
You can contact the Authorities, but it is not against the law to be psychotic and make threats so until a whack job actually does something – nothing is done ; however then the authorities say “We were watching him/her”
“Mr. Muradov, due to the wantonly sadistic nature of your unprovoked attack, committed for its own sake, I will make an example of you so that other social outcasts will not repeat your sociopathic action, and so that those on the far left who would coddle and passively enable your antagonistic and misanthropic demeanor will be sent a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances, I hereby sentence you to be tied to a telephone pole so that the friends and relatives of the victim of this heinous crime may mete out your punishment with aluminum baseball bats for a period not exceeding one hour.”
^ Awesome
…on TV and streamed.
make you should get beaten for your complete lack of any sense whatsoever. this wasn’t his fault, his healthcare cut him off his meds and it made him go crazy. maybe you should take meds to be less retarted
“The bottom line is that the one thing we DO have control over is identifying people like this and calling the authorities before they snap.”
Because that helps how? How many times were the authorities contacted about Cruz becoming a school shooter? But yeah guns are the problem.
You know on this, the 286 friends with pictures and names, you might have went a bit too far with that with their names. From what I understand “Friends” in the social media world don’t mean all that much.
especially “friends” that hide all your posts. There are people who I’ve hid their posts for several years now. I don’t unfriend them because they would know.
What are people supposed to call the cops on? There aren’t any threats in any of his posts….just weird stuff. Do you really think people can call the cops every time they read something weird on the internet
You’re such a retard Humpty Dumpty. This guy also liked Dio, what a douchebag!
” A man charged in a brutal random attack at a supermarket in Newton will …..”
Well then, as long as it was random.
I’m sure the 79 year old feels a lot better that it wasn’t
” A man charged in a brutal targeted attack at a supermarket in Newton will …..”
There’s a different name in his whatevers (I don’t FB or Twit) “Hasanova” as opposed to “Muradov”.
Both names go back to Russia.
One definition of Hasanova is “Gift of God”.
From the miscreants that brought you communism (sic), here’s another Russian problem.
well with 286 facebook friends and only 22 people liked his cat picture…I’m guessing 90% of his friends had him on “Secret ignore” so they didn’t have to read his rants and also didn’t risk upsetting him when they unfriended him…So really you’re looking for 1 out of 22 people who liked a cat picture to report him to the internet police and we know that isn’t happening…
LOL – Jennifer Bolio has a picture on her FB with her hero… Ron Jeremy. Eww… she’s probably had unprotected sex with him. Eww…
I’d answer you but my unit is presently blocking traffic on the L.A. Freeway.
Attention this is Matt Muradov. You want to know the entire story? I was hearing voices that Charles Manson was going to murder me if I didn’t grab a knife and go outside so I went to star market with the intention of poking the 79 year old person with my fingers to ask if he was okay and safe. Oh wait…… I was hallucinating from psychosis so I didn’t realize that I stabbed him cause it was an accident. Now I’m in Worcester hospital waiting to get out. Turtle boy along a few others were wrong about me.