Of Course The Guy Who Caused A Lockdown Because He’s Using The Mid-Town Mall To Sell Drugs And Pull Guns On Ratchets Is A Rapper Who Shoots Bootleg Worcester Common Videos

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For those of you unfamiliar with the shopping mecca that is the Mid-Town Mall, check out our award winning pictorial blog on this crowing jewel of the Woo.
As you can see, this is where small businesses go to die. It’s an eyesore that has prime real estate in downtown Worcester, and is basically single-handedly standing in the way of economic development. It attracts some real winners, and it mostly consists of bootleg “churches,” pawn shops, and various ethnic clothing shops.
Thus it was no surprise that two months after we wrote our blog, the police investigated one of the store owners for using his “business” as a front to sell heroin.
Well, the Mid-Town Mall was back in the news yesterday in Worcester, as it was locked down for an incident involving an armed man and drugs….
In case you can’t tell, here’s what really happened. The chick’s boyfriend sells weed out of a storefront in the Mid-Town Mall. She got mad at him, perhaps because he dumped her. She called the cops on him, gave a fake name and phone number, and this was enough for them to get a warrant. There was likely no gun, and she made it all up because some chicks are just crazy like that.
So basically the only reason for the Mid-Town Mall to exist at this point is for drug dealers to have a place to go to get out of the cold and conduct business unabated. Of course Rashaun Day wasn’t just meeting there. He must own a “business” because how else would he have access to the inside of one of these “storefronts?” Unless he’s Sarai Rivera and he opened up a tax free church in the basement, I would imagine he must have some type of shop set up, pretending to sell t-shirts, but really is just selling the good shit.
The best part was this:
“Officers continued to search the basement when they came upon a store front. This store front was covered in a blanket which prevented anyone from looking inside. While searching the basement officers observed a male inside the store front unexpectedly open the blanket. Officers were standing in front and immediately noticed that the male appeared to fit perfectly to the description of the suspect that was provided by the female.”
You might call them “blankets” or “bedsheets” where you’re from. But in Worcester we call them, “curtains.” It’s so true. Take a quick drive through Vernon Hill and count how many different bed sheets you see aligning the windows. It’s so Worcester it hurts.
But seriously, how dumb is this buttnut to peak out the bed sheets? Like, can you not here all the cops and the radios in the basement of the Mid-Town Mall? No one shops there. It’s just you and them. You know they’re there, and the only way they can figure out which shop you’re in is if you open the bootleg curtains, which of course is exactly what you chose to do.
In the least surprising turn of events ever, Rashaun Day is an aspiring rapper. He’s brought you such legendary albums as “Gotta Recognize Individuals”
And “Realty Rap”
Where he may or may not rap about fluctuating home values in the suburbs. Check out the beats. It’s everything you dreamed it would be and more. Like this Facebook Live where he said he was gonna rap for 7 or 8 minutes before finally freestylin at the end:
Or this one where him and the crew sit in glamorous downtown Worcester, rapping about how they can’t get by because they’re black and thus discriminated against:
Really, really deep lyrics right there. Like these:
It’s unlike to see a brother alright
Despite what you think we ain’t white
So why I feel thats the reason we aint liked
Plus we in dim lights or maybe its discrimination
If there’s none in this world
why is it so hard for a black or hispanic to get a job?
Yea, I know right. Why can’t these guys find jobs?
Must be racism. Has nothing to do with the fact that their resumes are written in crayon and mostly consist of 100 emojis. Oh well, better hitch your wagon to a life of drug dealing and shooting rap videos in downtown Worcester where you whine about oppression. Sure beats, ya know, working hard. Just make sure if you do shoot a downtown Worcester rap video you find a local ratchet in pajama pants smoking a blunt:
It’s way more authentic that way.
Loved this line too:
Government can tax free, but won’t give it back to us
Don’t give a fuck about the poor people up in Africa
Yea, why isn’t the government giving more back to them, as they stand in front of a liquor store in Main South with a gigantic “WE ACCEPT EBT” sign? The United States government exists to give subsidies to up and coming rapper/drug dealers, and the “people up in Africa.” These guys must’ve aced civics.
I’d love to hear the planning that went into this video:
“Hey guys, I’m gonna have my buddy film us with his iPhone while I’m pretending to rap in downtown Worcester. I need a couple backup dancers. You don’t have to dance or anything. Just kind of sit on the bench or stand against the liquor store and act like a hardo.”
“Can I wear by oversized black t-shirt with the middle finger on it?”
“I would expect nothing less.”
Anyway, the Mid-Town Mall should be burnt to the ground. I go through Worcester now and even Turtleboy has to admit it’s looking a lot better. But here’s the problem – who’s gonna wanna come to Worcester for business or leisure if they walk through the common and Rashaun and crew are shooting rap albums next to all the junkies? Because as long as the Mid-Town Mall is there, this is the crowd it’s going to attract. All the hotels and ice skating rinks in the world won’t fix that.
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14 Comment(s)
So that big old hotel on Franklin St that’s behind them in the screenshot of them all on the benches? The one that’s next to the old Turtlegram building?
SO many escorts working out of there. I met with one a couple years ago who said the cops didn’t bother with them because they kept to themselves. But she moved her operation to the Boston suburbs because of all the gang bangers and druggies on the Common.
I shit you not. The Common is so bad it’s even driving out illegal businesses.
Videos like 6 years old he runs a studio there yall are stupid as hell with this dookie article why dont you write about things peole did good for the community instead of hating on a young black man, you digging hard if you gotta pick up videos of dudes when they are essentially fresh outta high school and equipements expensive, your trash bro. Piss me off, journalism isnt a google search. A fucking ten year old could do that, if you asked around the city dudes respected by alot of people.
If he’s 28 now, and the vid is like 6 years old, he was 22 then. So 22 is essentially fresh outta high school?? While ya boy is just leaving high school at 22, a lot of people are graduating college at that age. I think you are essentially fresh outta GED dropout. I can see why you respect homey. Are you that giant guy in the vid with no neck, or maybe homegirl on the bench in her pajamas!
Twitter fingers bruv i aint any of them but you judging a dude on no basis where as your lifes probably pitiful in itself
Check out the big fat white guy with the middle finger shirt.
Ever notice that fat white guys pretty much only have 2 choices for trying to look somewhat tough? They can go for the thugged out fat gangsta look, or they can grow a beard and dress like a big fat Harley dude. Otherwise, they’re just big fat guys.
Do Worcester rappers watch tv? All the rappers in 2017 wear nice, slim fitting clothing, have good haircuts, and generally look like they don’t live in a dumpster. These wanksta Worcester thugs can’t even fake look good. Du rags, oversize white tees, and walmart girls in pajamas! Do they have beepers too, while pouring out some Old E for the homies. In yo hood its like 1995 my dude. If you have to sell drugs to buy that fake jewelry that you can’t get wet, maybe y’all should think of another profession.
he shot the video like 5 to 6 years befor any of this happened . this article sucked and turle boy is getting more and more lame with every story they put out. shit jurnalism is the worst
Yeah man, show some of his new stuff! Dat cit aint fresh!
Shits so lame tryna demonize him
he should form a band and call it Urban Blight
Per the usual, everything is never enough for the politisocial parasites. If they were pulling down high six figures in herb profits, they’d still sport a Platinum EBTress card. No sense in spending their own cash on Henny.
I’m dead but still can’t believe this !
Back when I was the #1 House DJ in America this was my favorite hard core rap video!
Naw man…it was the humpty dance.