Sewer Muppet Lit Her Boyfriend On Fire In His Sleep, Then Poured A Bucket Of Piss On Him To Put It Out, Now BF Is Saying He Did It To Himself
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TRIB Live: A Penn Hills woman is charged with attempted homicide and arson after she allegedly doused her boyfriend with gasoline and lit him on fire, then poured urine on him to put out the flames, police said. Penn Hills police Chief Howard Burton said the couple had an argument in the basement of a home on Lime Hollow Road Saturday evening. After the man, Grady Spencer III, fell asleep, his girlfriend, Leigh Ann Sepelyak, 38, poured gas on him, lit a cigarette and lit him on fire. She attempted to douse the flames with a bucket of urine that the couple used as a toilet, police said.
“I can’t see how that’s an accident when it happens at 4:40 a.m. and the gas was 25 to 30 feet away from the bed. It had to be carried,” Burton said.
Police were called by UPMC Mercy Hospital doctors after the man was taken there by Sepelyak’s parents, who live on the main floor of the house where the incident took place, Burton said.
This is a very rational thing to do following arguments right? Everything seems like this sewer muppet tried to murder her boyfriend. Dousing him in gasoline and putting a lit cigarette to him isn’t going to help her case.
Honestly, the most mortifying thing about this story is the fact they just had a piss bucket lying around. Some people have candles lying around, others have piss buckets. At first glance, this lady has a slight resemblance of the Brockton Fupajuicer from a couple days ago.
There is actually a twist to this story, the boyfriend stated Sepelyak was “innocent”
TRIB Live: The Penn Hills man whose girlfriend was arrested for setting him on fire and dousing him with urine, said Tuesday she’s innocent. The truth, Grady Spencer III told the Tribune-Review, is he accidentally burned himself. Spencer described himself as “completely drunk” when he attempted to fix a weed wacker Saturday at the house where he lives on Lime Hollow Road. He said he spilled gasoline on his lower body and when he lit a cigarette with a match, he caught on fire. He said his girlfriend, Leigh Ann Sepelyak, 38, did pour urine from a bucket on him to douse the flames. He said the basement they rent doesn’t have a bathroom so they use the bucket.
“If she didn't use urine, it would have been a lot worse. My crotch would have been melted if she didn't.” https://t.co/lYG1fbt802
— Amanda Dolasinski (@AmandaDFO) July 11, 2017
Does this look like the kind of chick that would intentionally light her boyfriend on fire while his parents were upstairs and then dump urine on him?
I don’t know why, but I believe him yo!
I have had my troubles trying to fix a weed wacker, but I can’t say it somehow lead to me lighting myself on fire while drunk at 4:00 AM. You might have spilled gas on you, sure, but according to the original report there was a gas can in the room where he got lit on fire.
I’ll tell you what happened here – this dude is scared shitless of this chick. You see her face? She a bad bitch. She type of ho to light yo ass on fire when you’re sleeping and literally piss on you to put it out. She’s capable of pretty much anything. This guy’s confession to accidentally lighting himself on fire is about as legitimate as the 15 year old CNN doxxed for the Trump WWE video.
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17 Comment(s)
If that face says doesn’t tell you meth is bad noting will
thought there were burn marks before reading your comment
Only you can prevent crotch fires
Now I learned a lesson on how to put out a fire.
She’s a ginger!
Get with it peeps, this is culturally normative behavior for ginger women. Lighting people on fire, buckets of piss on standby, have you learned nothing!
I believe she is innocent, this man is entirely capable of attempting to fix a weed-whacker in his bedroom at 4am, spilling gasoline on himself, then going to bed in gasoline soaked pants and lighting a cigarette. He had the weed-whacker in his lap as he worked on it and that’s where the gas spilled, crotch and pants legs.
Who doesn’t keep gasoline and a bucket of piss in their bathroom-less basement apartment?
Mark this day down, when a ginger woman was defended from wrongful accusation. Because if a ginger woman had done this he would dead ba haha ahhha ha, gingers don’t miss.
This was probably her revenge for being called a firecrotch.
who the fuck is 30-40 years old and rents a place where you have to pee in a bucket?
jesus christ it really puts things into perspective
I’ve lived in a few crappy apartments in my younger days, yet we always had a bathroom.
That guy should have ran while he can. This is the type of chick who will do fucked up shit to her man, but the second she’s caught or wrong she will call the cops. I bet she looked threw his phone while he was passed out drunk at 4am and she seen a text from his cousin, flipped out, dumped gasoline on him then lit him on fire while smoking a ciggerett watching then when he woke up she decided to throw piss on him while yelling about whatever she’s mad about. When cops got involved she went to him and I’m assuming promised to suck his dick from the back when he gets home from the hospital as long as he tells the cops it was not her. Buuuut when the day comes and he catches her prostituting herself or god knows what and he catches her in the wrong, she the type who will call the cops if he simply grabs her arm to stop her while she walks away. She’ll punch herself in the face and make marks all over her then have him arrested, get a restraining order. Then probably bail him out after him calling a few days, go against the restraining order she pulled out and then goes on in life while he’s got domestic violence charges on him. Dude just leave this girl, she’s bad news. And whatever you do DONT KNOCK HER UP. Your life will 100% be screwed. Leave now where there’s no strings attatched and she’s yet to have you locked up over something stupid. Woman like this have to much privilege in the court room with judges.
You weave quite a compelling yarn…
Wow this poor guy got aushwitzed,reparations lol.
At least he’s ready in that hospital pic in case she shows up for visiting hours and tries to do it again – he’s got the urinal right at bedside to save himself.
Did she do it ? Of course she did, but as you said, he’s afraid of her. I think the biggest reason why he’s saying that he did it, is their 5 star rental accommodations belongs to her parents, and he’s afraid he’d have no place to live if he let her take the fall.
Bernie voters. They did nothing wrong! Leave them alone. They are entitled to their own piss.
Anyone seen my glasses?
Crazy pussy is the best pussy
I like a girl who will try anything in the bedroom.
next time she might slit his throat and he won’t be able to get her off!