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SOURCE: “A 42-year-old Billerica man is being held on $100,000 cash bail after he admitted to police he collected hundreds of child pornography files and videotaped himself sexually assaulting two young boys, according to court documents”
Here’s the face of the chudstuffing, kiddie diddling, pedoslug in all his glory. Phil Toronto, a licensed electrician and animal advocate out of Billerica, most recently employed by Interstate Electric.
Taking a quick glance over this slugrake’s Facebook page, you’d find what appears to be a happy family man with an undying love for German Shepherds; he frequently shares photos and videos of his personal Shepherds along with wayward pups who find themselves in shelters and rescues throughout the country. He also shares petitions calling for animal abusers to be prosecuted, so on and so forth. By all appearances, a decent, compassionate man. He’s amassed hundreds of friends in the animal welfare community on his Facebook page, bantering back and forth about his family, his dogs, and the pups they’re collectively trying to save.
The people in the animal welfare community are nearly as ruthless as Turtleriders, calling for this woman to be hanged, tortured, removed from the country, etc. for allegedly hanging dogs/coyotes. I wonder what they’d think of their skinner friend preying on small children who cannot speak up for themselves?
“According to court documents, State Police report that on Nov. 22, 2016, the State Police Computer Crimes Unit forwarded six cybertips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) regarding several digital images of alleged child pornography that had been uploaded using Skype.com. The IP address was traced back to Toronto’s home on Nashua Road, according to State Police.”
God bless the NCMEC, seriously. Without their tireless efforts, so many more offscourings of society would be walking among us, the depths of their depravity unchecked, shrouded in secrecy while they pose as Mr. Goodie Two-shoes while purloining the innocence from those who have no choice but to trust them.
“In viewing one of Toronto’s alleged homemade videos, State Police say they saw a young boy, between the age of 4 and 6, engaging in a sex act with an adult male who has a distinctive “spot pattern” on his genitals, according to court documents.
Police also viewed a digital file that showed Toronto setting up a video camera in his basement. After the camera is set up, a boy between the ages of 4 and 6 is shown removing his pants and exposing his genitals, court documents state.
On an HP desktop computer, police found digital video files of boys, ages 8 to 10, being sexually abused by an adult male, court documents state.”
God Bless the MSP, too. I don’t envy the poor soul who had to sit through these videos to gather evidence against this Pedosaurus Rex. I can’t imagine the rage, the revulsion; I wouldn’t have been able to contain myself, I’d have knocked PedoPhil into next Tuesday, brought him back, and then rocketed his ass to the moon.
Pro tip: If you’ve got a touch of the spotted dick and the pattern is easily identifiable, it might be best not to have photographic evidence of it. Benson and Stabler caught a diddler like that back in the 2000s on SVU, so, PedoPhil should have known better.
We’re not going to share a link to the Facebook page on this one as there are photos of children, whom may or may not have been the aforementioned victim(s). The boys in his photos, however, do look around the ages described above, so we put two + two together. Fucking heinous. I’m ready to projectile vomit turtle chunks everywhere.
Heartbroken doesn’t begin to describe what we feel for what the victims were forced to endure at the hands of this vile piece of flaming dog shit. We hope that they get all the help they need to overcome it. I don’t know where the mother is in all of this, but my sincere hope is that she was not a willing participant in some way, and that she and her babies are far, far away from this swinebucket and have the support they need to overcome this calamity.
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9 Comment(s)
Put this baby blaster in P1 in Shirley Max. I give him 90 seconds. Piece of sharpened tray through the eye socket.
We should use people like this for medical testing. Put him in A cage, shoot him full of Aids, then run tests.
So fucking gross. Wtf is wrong with people?!? I’m really not a violent person but man this shit fills me with rage. I would love to kill him and anyone that messes with children. Fucking sick pieces of shit.
I have No word’s …I am an investigative journalist and I am struggling to find a word to describe the disgust I am feeling, mere words can not express the heinous crime’s this walking piece of waste has committed, normally I would have to use word’s that didn’t offended readers nor could I interject my personal opinion but
as a new turtlerider I can finally loosen up and say; I Hope they castrate this vile, piss poor excuse of a human being, there are 3 things I truly find to be reprehensible pantywaste- Anyone that harms a child in ANY way, those that harm the elderly and finally filth that torture and or abuse animals, This festering boil on the Ass of society did all three; He molested the most defenseless members of society Children exploiting them for his sick sexual gratification total pedoturd Hell doesn’t even want his filthy soul,he pretends to be a decent human by hiding behind the animals is. Dog’s I’d bet the farm on the fact that this sick fuck has probably molested a dog or two when little boy’s weren’t accessible, finally his parents and grandparents -the elderly, I can’t imagine the shame and embarrassment he has brought upon them, personally I would rather be ashes in a jar than admit this piece of shit was related! So to wrap it up Phil the vile pedophile need’s to be hung upside down and castrated in the center of town, I know the SJW’s will not agree with that, so perhaps we could tattoo Scarlett CM on his forehead to forever warn those that venture near that he Phil Toronto is a child molester, I suppose we could just tattoo a P for Pedophile!
It’s a shame he’ll serve his bid in PC with the rest of the fucking skinners. Playing cards and telling each other skinner stories
Suuure… but you know he was framed by them little liars. They like to make up stories. They’re all like “Uncle Paul, you wanna play frickle frackle?” And when you do they go tattle. They were just giggling 10 minutes ago. But not you. You were a good egg.
Don’t diddle me bro
Hey Uncle Paul, memba when you teached me how to play turkey foot?
I know we’re trying to be civilized in our country. That whole thing about redemption and 2 wrongs don’t make a right, blah fucking blah. But when you’ve got straight out sociopaths/ psychopaths who hurt kids and animals, folks there ain’t no redemption. People like that don’t rehabilitate! They might trick you that they have but they’ll just do it again given the chance. No, this is beyond straightforward. Death. I don’t care how but these shits have got to leave this earthly realm and pronto!