Fox 25 News Credited Turtleboy With Helping The New Bedford Pig Roast Business Owner Who Was Attacked By Psycho Vegans
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A few days ago SSTG wrote this blog about a gaggle of psycho vegans who were attacking a New Bedford small business owner for raising money for an animal shelter with a pig roast. Well, her blog was read far and wide, and the outpouring of support for this fine establishment far outweighed the gutless online soy eaters who aren’t man enough to eat meat. And wouldn’t ya know it – Fox 25 News picked up our story and we got a nice little shoutout at the end of this clip from the news:
What mainstream media outlet hasn’t cited us at this point? How can they not? This is where real news begins. Every time I hear someone say otherwise I can’t help but laugh now. We break real news. We defend local businesses. We fight for the good guy. We are Turtleboy.
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2 Comment(s)
YEAH BOY!!!! I love the impact TBS has on our community
At thr end if the Fox clip, the reporter stated that the next time the owner has a pig roast he will just call it a BBQ. To that I say HELL NO! Call it a pig roast, and if you got beef and chicken to serve, call it a steer roast and a chicken roast, too. Fuck these vegan assholes! And then after all the negative reviews come in, advertise a meal deal: Bring in your favorite negative post from a vegan and get 50% off your order. Lol!