Lynn Coffee Shop Manager: No Coffee With A Cop Allowed Because Cops Are Slave Catching Murderers Who Shouldn’t Be Humanized
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This is Sophie Lovett:
She’s a manager at her mother Kato Mele’s Lynn coffee shop – White Rose Coffeehouse.
Sophie wanted to make it crystal clear in a series of Facebook posts that the White Rose Coffeehouse will NOT be participating in the “Coffee with a cop” initiative that has been going on around the country as part of a black lives matter push to improve relations between the police and the community:
Oh look, another entitled white woman speaking on behalf of people of color who never asked her to speak for them. We shouldn’t humanize the cops? Are they not human now?
It looks like she’s speaking to a cop here based on the context of the conversation:
So she’ll accept money from cops so long as they leave immediately afterwards and don’t drink their coffee in the establishment. Smart business move right there.
According to her all cops are slave catchers as well as killers, and she’d much rather have her customers of color feel safe, which obviously they cannot do if the police are in the coffeehouse
If you see a cop in a business that you’re in and you feel LESS safe because of it, then you’re a fucking idiot. There’s no other way around it. But the truth is that no one actually feels that way. It’s just another white woman telling people of color that they should be afraid of cops because she read an article on the Huffington Post during her morning dump.
She’s also an anarchist who doesn’t believe in law and order:
Can the Lynn Police do us all a favor and just take a day off from work? I could really go for some free coffee at the White Rose. And while I’m there I’ll probably help myself to the cash register too. It’s not like these people believe in guns either so it’s basically a free lunch. Graciously accepted.
And just for the record, she won’t host a coffee with a cop event, but she’ll gladly hold a “meet an ex-con” event:
I’d ask if this chick is banging Kevin Lynch, but I think we all know that’s out of the question.
They were quickly flooded with one star reviews on their Facebook page, which led to this response:
Translation – we are taking no actions against the manager because she is a “young person acting out of emotion.” This is OK because it’s “not uncommon among young people.”
Newsflash – this wasn’t her acting on emotion. These are her actual beliefs. And she made it crystal clear on Facebook that your business does not welcome the police who protect your business from thieves and those who would do you wrong.
Sophie must’ve gotten a call from Mom:
“Our business has received a lot of flack for my personal statements and for that I am deeply regretful.”
No apology to the police for spitting in their face and calling them murderers. Just an apology to her mother for the inconvenience the dumb things she wrote on Facebook have done to Mom’s business.
Funny that Mom says she wants to “talk about things” yet all these comments have been deleted:
Whatever you do, DO NOT leave your thoughts on their business page just to see how long it takes for your comment to be deleted. That would be bad.
If you think Mom doesn’t harbor the same opinions that her daughter does then just check out the rest of their page:
Virtue signaling like you read about!! Just so we’re clear, Nazis are NOT allowed in their business. This is a pretty brave stance they’re taking too. Especially considering the high concentration of Nazis in Lynn and the general acceptance most of us have for Nazis. If you don’t have one of those signs in your storefront I automatically assume you’re a Nazi haven.
This one was my favorite:
Yup, they renamed the Pilgrim sandwich because it’s offensive. Ya got that? The Pilgrims, who were a bunch of peaceful refugees fleeing religious persecution in England, and broke bread with Natives, are now racist too. It puts the Pilgrims somewhere between Dr. Seuss and Hitler on the offensive meter. This is how fucking stupid these people are. Their understanding of history is so limited that they instinctively believe that any white guy who ended up on this continent was in on the genocide.
Oh, and Mom fell for this one too:
Hey Mom, we debunked that one a few weeks back.
For a progressive coffee shop they sure seem to have an interesting track record with employees though….
Just sayin.
Anyone, fuck this place. How stupid can you be to own a business and go out of your way to be so incendiary? Do these people not understand how much everyone rejects and despises their bullshit? Not just conservatives either. The vast majority of liberals think this is coo-coo for Coco Puffs too. Everyone with a brain knows that cops are a good thing, just like coffee with a cop and high five Friday are. But this radical fringe on the left insists on bringing the rest of the group down with them, which in turn results in this:
Nice going morons.
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64 Comment(s)
I own three coffee shops myself in a major metropolitan area. I just fired 3 in one day. I’m sick of the libtard faggot mentality. No more soy-boy, man-bun wearing, cuck beta-males, or tramp-stamped whores working behind my counters. That’s it, I’m done with the lefty batshit crazies. I’m 62, M, White, Jew, JD/MBA/MSCS and normally progressive, center right; and because of the BLM/Antifa on and on and on bullshit, I’m now #walkaway #redpill and Trump 2020! I won’t vote for Socialism.
The white rose is actually a really great establishment. Shame on you TurtleBoy
What did Turtleboy do? The employee of the White Rose (I don’t care what relationship she had to the owner) made VERY public statements about not wanting to serve cops. People reacted to her batshitcrazy-sorryi’m white-sjw histrionics. Nothing more and nothing less.
The owner really should have made a more of an effort instead of inviting the cops to visit her establishment (“come by and I’ll show you I’m not a twat like my daughter”). It fell very short of being a sincere apology. Instead, she should have showed up at police station and made good.
I feel like everyone one of these, tattooed, nose ring having, burkenstock wearing, granola eating and loves burning man, hates goverment, SJW’s all have major issues. Major head cases. There was a girl I went to college with who was like this. All she talked about was standing up for people of colors rights., fuck the police, blaaaahh blahhh blah. This girl was white as white can be. MAJOR head case, used to cut herself in the bathroom on break, was bulimic and she mentioned in class that she was molested/rapped by a family memeber. Not saying all of that isn’t horrible, but dude you have major issues, how about concentrating on yourself. Another girl was the same, cut herself, major head case, HUGE SJW. Not great spokesmen. Maybe they just want the attention on anything but themselves so people don’t see how FUCKED UP they are.
their fb page has been deleted 😀
These granola eating earthy crunchy liberal retards feel free speech is free of consequences unless its something they are against. Fuck this cunt. That leg tattoo covering up the herpes scars?
Bitch you’re lower than dog shit fucken cunt
Just another racist close minded liberal…
Sophie sounds like a legitimate loon. And the beta males in those photos.
What a Dish!!! Can you imagine I busted my ass purple to graduate West Point as an officer to mate-up with such wholesomeness of virtue and honor. I’d be amazed if she knew how to properly wipe herself! She’s pure woman, all the boys like her….
There are no words to say. These people should be killed and put into their own grinder and used for coffee. They should be bludgeoned with their own coffee mugs. They would be the first to ask “why is this happening to me”?
Do you wonder why DD had for the longest time: free coffee for the police? Simple. It was built-in free armed security for a business that was and still is predominately – cash operated business.
Everyone knows: Firehouse cafe behind the old Salem district courthouse is the best coffee
In Salem, Peabody or lynn.
jinx! XD
their fb now includes:
“My daughter is no longer in my employ. While I love her deeply, she made an appalling statement on her social media page with which I very much disagree. I am working on figuring out how to best communicate with her at this point. I truly believe spending some time with an officer and “humanizing” him or her is the most important step for her and for others who engage in this type of rhetoric. That’s what is actually wrong with what’s going on in this very angry country right now. People painting each other with these broad strokes and not thinking of people as individual humans with a broad range of experiences, emotions, aspirations.
I have never endorsed such thinking or such speech. I have always worked in whatever ways possible to support my community and I understand what officers go through on a daily basis to try to keep us all safe. I am always open to community conversation and have opened lines of communication with local law enforcement officers with my apologies for the hurtful statements made. I invite any local First Responder to meet with me personally on Monday, so that we can speak about concerns they have.”
Mom fired her.”My daughter is no longer in my employ. While I love her deeply, she made an appalling statement on her social media page with which I very much disagree. I am working on figuring out how to best communicate with her at this point. I truly believe spending some time with an officer and “humanizing” him or her is the most important step for her and for others who engage in this type of rhetoric. That’s what is actually wrong with what’s going on in this very angry country right now. People painting each other with these broad strokes and not thinking of people as individual humans with a broad range of experiences, emotions, aspirations.
I have never endorsed such thinking or such speech. I have always worked in whatever ways possible to support my community and I understand what officers go through on a daily basis to try to keep us all safe. I am always open to community conversation and have opened lines of communication with local law enforcement officers with my apologies for the hurtful statements made. I invite any local First Responder to meet with me personally on Monday, so that we can speak about concerns they have.”
Wasn’t Lynn the city where a Central American man with grey hair got put into a public high school because he claimed to be a teenager?
Too bad this outfit won’t get any business from me. Because I like the name “White Rose”. Reminds me of the original White Rose… a small group of German college students who died– yes, were actually executed– by the Third Reich for the crime of distributing leaflets against (wait for it!) the ACTUAL Nazis. Bet this dopey SJW never even heard of them.
Speaking of “young people”, looks like the daughter (who must be at least 40 in Lynn years) has seized control of the mom’s Facebook account. Ladies, move your shop to Harvard Square and you’ll have customers lining up around the block. Or maybe Northampton.
Looks masculine, transitioning ?
I think her brain is rotted from the toxins in her tattoo dyes. Or maybe hepatitis has settled in her brain. In any case, she’s a few fries shy of her Happy Meal.
Non Southern white people who say y’all are totally woke.
hahaha!! yes, I have been saying this forever!! Graphical Speech Appropriation??
oh my, what a triggered little snowflake you are. grow up loser. also, follow your leader nazi scum.
Daughter was just fired. Happy Festivus!!
I hope they’re out of business by Thanksgiving. Also known as Indigenous People’s Pot Luck Day.
This article is poorly written, promotes violence/theft against a small business, and fails to highlight the fact that THIS IS EXACTLY THE TYPE OF COFFEESHOP THE LYNN COMMUITY NEEDS MORE OF. Safe spaces, artistic havens, affordable and quality food/drinks. Shop local—support those who support you!
REPLY TO FISTS UP ; poorly written, or inconvenient towards your political views ? i re-read the post, where does it promote violence or theft against this business? pointing out that small businesses often get robbed or shoplifted and require police assistance is hardly promoting violence or theft. whether the lynn community needs more businesses like this one remains to be seen. with their attitude i doubt they will stay in business much longer, but we’ll see, the community will decide. as for safe spaces, HAH !! as an older white man the owners might construe me as a nazi and attempt to hurt me or punch me. the owners would feel justified with that wouldn’t they ? , you know, because they know nazis when they see them. as a jew whose father survived the death camps i can say i know a little about nazis. as for you, i would re-think my attitude. if you put your fists up to me i will put you FACE DOWN permanently.
As in, fists up in the air as a sign up solidarity…. not calling for violence, but surely that isn’t an approach you can get behind. Face down permanently? Give me a break, old man internet troll. Did your grandson teach you how to work the facebook? You’re clearly crazy if you infer that you wouldn’t feel safe or welcomed there, simply because you are old and white. Standing up to Nazis, bigotry, police brutality, and hatred is a sentiment I stand by AS I RAISE MY FIST EVEN HIGHER FOR THOSE WHO ARE STILL CONFUSED WHY COLIN KAEPERNICK TOOK A KNEE. I’m sure your own father would agree.
you’ve got alot to learn fists up higher. there isn’t enough room here to really educate you but i’ll make a few points. fists up started a long time ago, was De-riguer during russian revolution in 1917, the standard salute during spanish civil war on the communist side and huge during 1968 olympics amongest several black sprinters. it stood for then, and continues today to stand for violent struggle against the forces of reaction spelled out in the communist manifesto. I’ve been using computers for over 25 yrs and dropped fb rather quickly when i realized i was the product, i recommend you do the same. the red circle with the slash was originally called a kikel and was used to boycott jewish shops!! my personal opinion of kapernick is that he is a fraud and time will tell. your sentiments are righteous and your virtue signaling is clear. maybe you should check out Venezuela and see for yourself how your beliefs are applied in real life and not in some safe comment section. my previous comments stand.
Its REALLY AMAZING to me to see PEOPLE respond to one another out here BUT more surprising to see just how excited they to show the reading world that their educated with such grammatical knowledge more so then their actual interest in the topic.
Fuck you, and everyone like you bitch…I shouldn’t even have to say this, but I’m so sick of stupid, ignorant, entitled white people speaking for me as a BLACK man. Stop running your ignorant mouth and make people that look like me, look weak. We are not weak, and You don’t RATE or DESERVE to put your fist up. You are ignorant and No one asked you to speak for anyone, you and people like you make things worse. Not all blacks people hate the cops. Not all blacks want to be separated into groups because of the color of our skin. Your motherfuckers are just a racists as any clan member. Thinking we want some chick with a nose ring and purple hair, that spent 100k on a private college telling me what I need or want, fuck out of here. We DONT need or want solidarity, from white, entitled, narcissistic BITCHes like you. Jump off our dicks, and grow the fuck up…
You should find another reason to TALK. This ones not worthy of it .i mean cmon bro 190 CHARACTERS????????,
WOW chuck your talented
I dig all the fisting!
Why, do they accept EBT?
PS – Commuity?
And how does this promote violence and theft against a small business?
Are you referring to people freely expressing themselves by taking their business elsewhere as violence and theft?
I have a friend who is a state trooper in mass. He can be tough to have a conversation with because he does revert to his “cop tactics” sometimes I have to remind him that he’s taking to a friend, not interrogating a witness. He usually just says damnit sorry, we laugh and move on. I have never really checked but I think he is a human, maybe he really is a robot, or an alien? People like this chick would be much better off if they did have a cop friend. Where is the equality if you wouldn’t be friends with someone because or their job? These people love hatred more than anyone else, clearly they need something to whine about.
I hope her mom holds a cup of coffee with a cop event to spite her daughter and win back the public’s good graces.
Funny, she hates cops but wasn’t too scared to call them when her old boyfriends ex girlfriend vandalized her car…so much for preferring no law and order
I hope when her coffee shop gets robbed, she doesn’t call the “Slave Catching Murderers” for help.
i just wonder who they are going to call when there is trouble ? Will they question the cops that show up as to their allegiances ? Will the cops have to read the posters on the door to see if they are welcome ? They have every right to exclude who they like to exclude. Oh wait a minute. …. if I cannot refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding how can you refuse cops you may hate ?
I’ll stick with Dunkin’ thank you very much. I want a bagel with my coffee, not a freaking lecture from someone with the IQ of a gnat.
Her shnozz is so big I could bang it and then drop my load on her face.
Interesting that they named the coffee shop after the German anti-Nazi resistance movement known as the White Rose.
Hey T.B.
Be thankful. If it wasn’t for Twatwaffles like this. You might have to get a real job !!!
Nothing to see here, just another steaming pile of self-loathing shit who wants to visit her miserable life and its absurd ideas of justice on the rest of us.
More proof that a Open Mind just leads to a Empty Head.
Moonbats battling these imaginary Nazis.
…you just can’t make this stuff up,
They’re clearly delusional.
Oh they know there are no nazis there..
it’s just a holier than thou SJW shrine to virtue signal for tips
YELP reviews needed let’s go turtle nation . Pretty sure the service and food rated a one star for a lot of riders !!!
If white supremacists and Nazis represent such a large percentage of Lynn’s population that they can justify placing a sign outside forbidding the aforementioned groups, wouldn’t it be damaging to business to ban them entirely?
Libturds are so stupid I’m surprised they are smart enough to remember to breathe.
*TRIGGERED* How racist of you. Asthma affects an disproprietnate number of blacks, so its not their fault they can’t breathe. You are so insensitive. I’ll bet you voted for Trump and anally raped your grandmother with a wooden broomstick
Calling you a moron is a direct insult to morons as you clearly aren’t intelligent enough to be confused as a moron.
It was a joke. I was trolling you. The whole business about raping Granny with a broomstick was a reference to an article from yesterday.