All-Star Criminals

Slummahville Career Deadbeat Steals Woman’s Car While Pumping Gas, Classy Sister Flex’s Facebook Muscles In His Honor

Slummahville Career Deadbeat Steals Woman’s Car While Pumping Gas, Classy Sister Flex’s Facebook Muscles In His Honor

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Billy Tigue is at it again! He’s still MIA so feel free to share this post and get his face out there!


This Slumdog Nillionaire hopped into a woman’s car while she was pumping gas at the Circle K in Tewksbury on Saturday night, got gas sprayed all over him and dragged the woman a few feet before taking off. Thankfully the chick is okay but she was left stranded on her way home to New Jersey from a funeral in MA. Dick move Billy, dick move. You can watch the video here:

I’m not sure how they managed to capture his entire face in the above photo with his 5-head taking up most of the frame but there he is in all of his dirt-stache glory.

Billy boy ended up ditching the car in Lowell (but of course!) and took off with the woman’s purse because drugs aren’t free, y’all!

Apparently this isn’t his first rodeo either. Billy’s got quite the track record and was even stabbed along with 2 of his buddies back in 04′ after some sort of altercation in Slummahville. One of his bro’s was murdered and the guy who stabbed them all is in prison. Now I don’t know about you but if I was almost killed at 19 years old I’d probably feel crazy lucky to be alive and make an effort to really appreciate that shit. Not Billy Bighead Tighe! He decided leading a decent life with morals was for losers and went on to bigger and better things, like leading the police on a high-speed chase back in 2014 after he stole a car and pretended he was in a white trash version of The Fast And The Furious.


If Lowell, Somerville and Tewksbury bumped uglies after a drug binge at the Motel Caswell, this is what their baby would look like.

He’s had lots of highly intelligent things to say on his Facebook page over the years but its mostly a time-stamped play by play of him being in and out of jail and other ratchet jibberish:






Obviously after doing my homework on this walking ashtray I decided to hit up the comment sections of Facebook to see what the good word was. Initially I stumbled across the usual victim-blaming, fungus commenters like this twatwaffle:


I don’t give a shit if I stand on the side of the road, dangling my keys and holding a sign that says “hey steal my car!”. That still doesn’t mean you can steal my car. Bill Prince is clearly a creek gypsy and Billy’s been having a rough time lately.


But then I saw these comments made by Billy’s sister and it was like Christmas came early for Merrimack Valley Turtle Bae! Meet Ashley Tighe:


Ashley’s interests include long walks along Revere beach at low tide, getting dressed up for a fancy night on the town at places like Vertigo, getting drunk and falling out of her shoes, and wearing large hoop earrings and last night’s makeup to church on Sundays. I’m also going to take a gamble and assume she hits her boyfriends and yells at Uber drivers too.


This sassy trailer-jumper went full force social media savage and let everyone know that their (accurate) opinions of her brother wouldn’t be tolerated.


Look at Ashley coming in hot with the go-to insult of calling someone a faggot.. Sorry, “fagget”. You know what usually makes people reconsider their pre-conceived notions that your family is one big flaming dumpster fire? Threatening people on Facebook. I’m sure Brianne had a life changing epiphany and realized you Tighes are all pretty good people aside from all that pesky theft and assault business. She’s probably starting a Gofundme right now for Billy’s bail money.


You know what I like about Brianne? Everything.


So Ashley can tell everyone to kill themselves in defense of her brother who, ya know, actually almost killed people by being a criminal. Gotcha. I also love these bae-buzzards who swoop in to tell everyone how mean they are and how we should say only nice things because we might hurt the family’s feelings. “There’s a whole other story ppl don’t know”. Get the fuck outta here Karissa. I’m sure there’s a LOT more people don’t know, none of which is going to help his case or get people to see past the fact that this guy is a cancer on society. I’m so sick and tired of people trying to rationalize and defend the actions of people like Billy. Veronica seems to think this will all blow over and we’ll move on to someone else soon enough….


Let’s face it. Billy is a 13 year veteran trained in the art of douchebaggery and probably isn’t going to turn over a new leaf anytime soon. I know having to head to prison again is inconvenient but that’s what happens when you hail from the Massachusetts underbelly and steal for a living. Look on the bright side. At least when you get out of jail you have this bunch of mis-matched DNA to come home to.




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25 Comment(s)
  • Old friend
    April 8, 2017 at 11:08 pm

    I grew up with Billy. Kid has been a bi-polar menace since he was a young teen, long before the drugs. “Going to end up dead or in jail” was a common refrain from the adults in my life concerning Billy Tighe long before he beat two women in Davis Sq for being gay, and long before the other various criminal acts he would go on to commit including inciting a fight that left Ryan Sullivan dead. I remember Billy abusing dogs when we were kids or throwing large rocks into traffic. He enjoyed picking on people he considered weaker than him, and always targeted people he assumed were gay. I remember him denying his father was actually his father. He claimed that his “real dad” was some badass dude who lived “somewhere else”. There was a rumor that his mother was turning tricks at the Royal White laundromat next door… I remember him proclaiming on many occasions that his life goal was to be a burn out. He fucking meant it too. Billy is a menace to society and belongs behind bars. His story will not end well.

  • Madcow not Rachel
    April 6, 2017 at 9:19 am

    Anyone ever seen Billy and Jim Carrey in the same room….??????

  • BillyTighe is no stool pigeon
    April 6, 2017 at 8:40 am

    he wasnt trying to hurt anyone billy just needs help. he struggles with serious addiction issues. All in all billy is a good kid. fuck anyone who says else wise..WE KNOW WHO YOU BITCHES ARE. he will do his time and come out better and NOT A RAT. billys a standup guy. would do anything for people he cares about.

    • Tally Whacker
      May 25, 2017 at 3:41 pm

      He’s coming out of this with a size 10 poop chute. If he is such a good guy, his friends should have taken care of him better.

  • Sterling Turtle Rider
    April 5, 2017 at 2:39 am

    That lady being from NJ, where there is no such thing as self-serve, makes this very ironic. She should get to drive over him a few times, or get to finish the job and light his ass on fire.

    That said, fuck this guy, his skanky sister, and the everyone sitting in those Caldor special $5 plastic chairs. WAY too much chlorine in that gene pool.

  • James
    April 4, 2017 at 10:25 am

    Does anyone educate themselves? Does anyone ask why? Look at the cultures we nurture everyday for someone to make a lot of money. Alcoholism and drug addiction are a disease. These families know the real person and are destroyed by drugs and alcohol. Statistically he won’t make it to old age. It’s sad that we can’t find a way to help instead turning a blind eye to the cause and not preventing more of these stories from happening. This article has a deeper point that the OP didn’t intend for but if you could look past the ill intention you will see we all have work to do.

  • whatevuh
    April 4, 2017 at 6:29 am

    Just another shit-stain on the underwear of society. I remember when I was growing up, we would aspire to be something more than a fucking slugrake

  • Shaun
    April 3, 2017 at 9:32 pm

    I don’t condone this shotbg behavior at all.. no excuses.. but u say that his near death stabbing should have straightened it out.. and in some cases u would be right.. however, someone who has a genetic predisposition to drugs, wl who has started experimenting ( he was 19 at the time I’m sure he was) would take the traumatic experience of a dear friend, the trauma and pain of being stabbed and the pain killers I’m sure the doctors gave him and that is a recipe for full blown addiction.. which is exactly what I’m sure fueled this behavior… it’s no excuse but this kid is sick, he has a serious brain disease and needs treatment, jail will only harden him into a more dangerous criminal and continue the cycle.. break the cycle, send this kid to mandatory 1 year treatment with a suspended jail sentence… We need to seriously fix this epidemic, stop ignoring the underlying issues!!!

    • Old friend
      April 8, 2017 at 11:05 pm

      I grew up with Billy. Kid has been a bi-polar menace since he was a young teen, long before the drugs. “Going to end up dead or in jail” was a common refrain from the adults in my life concerning Billy Tighe long before he beat two women in Davis Sq for being gay, and long before the other various criminal acts he would go on to commit including inciting a fight that left Ryan Sullivan dead. I remember Billy abusing dogs when we were kids or throwing large rocks into traffic. He enjoyed picking on people he considered weaker than him, and always targeted people he assumed were gay. I remember him denying his father was actually his father. He claimed that his “real dad” was some badass dude who lived “somewhere else”. There was a rumor that his mother was turning tricks at the Royal White laundromat next door… Billy is a menace to society and belongs behind bars. His story will not end well.

      • Old friend
        April 8, 2017 at 11:06 pm

        Another thought… I remember him proclaiming on many occasions that his life goal was to be a burn out. He fucking meant it to.

      • Tally Whacker
        May 25, 2017 at 3:38 pm

        Little Billy is going to, if he hasnt already, experience being gay first hand. He is too good- looking to not be passed around the cell block. I imagine he will be raped many times a day, every day. It’s going to be an exciting new life for him!

    • Mike
      April 9, 2017 at 8:02 pm

      I know several addicts who don’t violently attack people and become career criminals. You’re an idiot. This turd is beyond help.

  • Aoife
    April 3, 2017 at 8:34 pm

    I could care less about Billy… but his “bro” you mentioned that got murdered… was 16. Please leave THAT part out of this. Billy unfortunately never grew up, and probably never will. Please edit your article.

  • Brianne Sullivan
    April 3, 2017 at 7:37 pm

    I’d like to know who is in charge of this page and who feels they have a right to bring up anything about a family that is not theirs. I’ve known Billy my whole life and I won’t jump to defend him, but you have no right to bring his sister into any of this. I don’t know who wrote this, but I wonder if you have ever had someone in your family who is a criminal or does things you’re not proud of. I’m almost sure you have not. If you did you would understand how someone can do these things, awful things, but they’re still a sibling and a family member.

    I doubt you know the Tighe’s nearly as well as I do, Ashley has been one of my closest friends since kindergarten and has been there for me through everything that has been tough in my life. I’d wish you would release your name so I could scour your Facebook for unflattering material on your personal life.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for putting effort into tearing someone else down. You have no reason to do this. This can’t possibly benefit you.

    Ashley is someone who has made sure, even when I have not been the best friend I should be, that I have somewhere to go on holidays so I won’t feel alone. She is one of my biggest supports. So please, I’d like to know who I thinks they have the right to say this about one of my best friends. Please, do the world a favor and get a hobby that’s not terrorizing other people for no reason other than to feel better about yourself.

    • Jessica W
      April 3, 2017 at 9:30 pm

      I’m sorry but obviously this girl is going to draw ALOT of attention to herself with her Ignorant Facebook comments. Telling people to kill themselves and “you’re dead” in defense of her brother that could have killed an innocent woman while hijacking her car?! I don’t know her but she definitely brought this upon herself and 95% of the people who see this article are not going to agree with you. By no means am I condoning publicly shaming peopl via social media but c’mon did you actually read her comments? No one is going to read those and feel sympathy for her given the facts. If she actually took the time to process her feelings and used a more intellectual choice of words rather than jumping down people’s throats and calling them fags/threatening them maybe, just maybe people would have reacted differently.

    • Mike
      April 3, 2017 at 10:32 pm

      Ashley is a wretched slam pig who I’d expect to see on a bukkake site taking 50 loads on her face for a bag of dope. Who are you kidding?

      • BillyTighe is no stool pigeon
        April 6, 2017 at 8:51 am

        Keep your stupid oppinions to yourself. What if this was your brother? ALMOST DOESNT COUNT. This was a desperate act by a desperate person. bottomline. it was a selfish act he was only thinking about himself at the time. But walk a mile in his shoes then you can judge him. Fuck you people who only see the news story and dont know the shit thats really going on. Leave his sister and family alone. iam sure they are not having a GOOD TIME RIGHT NOW. this is heartbreaking for them. She is just being there for her brother like a GOOD loyal sister would. eatshitandDIE

        • Mike
          April 9, 2017 at 7:59 pm

          I know this walking turd, as well do many of my associates. He’s no good and should not be allowed to live in society. His whore sister brought herself into the situation. So shut the fuck up, you thug.

    • Mandy
      April 4, 2017 at 9:58 am

      Maybe her brother can pick you up in that stolen car for Christmas. I have family members who haven’t been their best selves in the past. What I didn’t do is start calling people out and saying kill yourself. So I may think most of this shit is wrong, not this one though. She is so tough right? Fight the world for her addict brother ugh. That women was coming from a funeral. So she was having a bad day already. Did She not work hard for her car!!! Oh so we should make him the victim because he had a sad life. We all have sad lives grow up. Her brother is a maggot who almost hurt an innocent women. So Fuck off have a great Easter with your stand up good guy friends.

  • widowed
    April 3, 2017 at 7:10 pm

    The woman who got her car stolen almost beat him up. Loser

  • Coach
    April 3, 2017 at 4:03 pm

    Coach says: I was static electricity’s most ardent fan while I watched that lady pump petrol into the car. In fact, while the Coach is very much against smoking, the Coach can honestly say he would have bought a case of Parliamints and handed them out like candy and offered a cash reward for the first bystander who could flick a flaming butt into that car.

  • Wabbitt
    April 3, 2017 at 1:41 pm

    Just looking at her, I swear I caught a whiff of jizz, Hennessey, and menthols.

  • Turd Burglestein
    April 3, 2017 at 11:53 am

    Boy, everybody sticking up their middle finger for pictures just reminds me that I never managed to fill my childhood ambition of being a proctologist. I figured since I was somewhat obsessed with people’s rectums and examining what was in there, I might as well get paid for it. Everyone always thought that was dirt under my fingernails! Little did they know. The other thing is, unlike my dick, my finger is always stiff enough to achieve that anal penetration.

  • Ashley's Daddy
    April 3, 2017 at 11:34 am

    Smashley has a profile on seeking arrangement lol, her expectation is “minimal”, I cant link here

    • Mike
      April 3, 2017 at 11:51 am

      That’s a shock. She’s a ratchet pig!

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