
Introducing The 2018 Turtleboy Ticket, Please Write In Turtleboy For Governor, Blake Rubin, Tracy Lovvorn, Jay McMahon, John Cruz, And All These Other People

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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship.


Tomorrow’s Election Day and there’s a lot on the line. We always endorse a slate of candidates every year, and usually it’s split down the middle between republicans and democrats. Not this year though. Not after what they did to this man:

Some might’ve forgotten about that and moved onto the next topic. Not Turtleboy. We will never, ever, ever forget what democrats did to that man. They accused him of being a gang rapist, went through his high school yearbook, demanded to know what boofing meant, and more importantly they established the precedent that in America you are guilty until proven innocent if you don’t play for their team. And all to keep a man off the Supreme Court who they knew was qualified. For that they need to be punished. This year I will only be voting for Republicans and Independents who believe in due process.

We’ll also be voting against corruption, and those who want to keep criminals out of jail. Four cops were shot over a three month period in the South Shore because of judges who don’t believe in incarcerating criminals. District Attorney Joe Early got Ron Tarentino killed because he let Jorge Zambrano out of jail because “jail wasn’t working for him.” He then used his office to force the State Police to redact an arrest report in order to protect the integrity of a junkie who happened to be the daughter of a Judge, who happened to be his good friend.

To make it simple for you just screenshot the Turtleboy ticket and take it to the polls with you:

Here’s why you should vote for each.

Turtleboy for Governor. Charlie Baker is a fraud who is obsessed with charter schools and has done nothing to address the many scandals in the state police. His Lt. Governor denied knowing drug dealing ex-state trooper Leigha Genduso, even though we produced multiple pictures of them together. The guy running against him is Jay Gonzalez. His biggest beef is that Baker isn’t big enough of an asshole. They’re both awful but Baker will win in a landslide. Vote for Turtleboy by writing us in for governor. If they both get the plague then the Constitution dictates that 3rd place becomes governor. It’s vital you write in Turtleboy.

We urge you to take a picture of your ballot, particularly of your write in for Turtleboy, and send it to us. Every year people tell us they can’t because this is illegal, and every year we assure you that you can. A Federal Judge ruled that taking ballot pictures is free speech, and any state with a law banning it is violating the First Amendment. The City of Worcester threatened to have us arrested for sharing ballot selfies in 2015 and we DARED THEM to do it. They backed down because they knew they’d lose in court.


Shut up David Rushford, we’ll do what we want.


Shiva for Senate. Liz Warren is a plague. Sadly Geoff Diehl has run a welfare-style campaign, has no visibility, and is down 30 points in the polls. Please, stop comparing this to Trump’s polls. Trump was down 3 points in the polls and lost the popular vote by 2. Polls matter. They deviate from the mean by a couple points, but 30 points is not something you can come back from. When you suggest Diehl has a chance of winning you show your ignorance. I totally get why you’d vote for him because he’s the guy running against Pocahontas. But he’s run a pussy campaign, and has refused to grill her on the shit he should’ve grilled her on. Meanwhile Shiva, although completely crazy, at least has been throwing political haymakers at her relentlessly. If the race were within 10 points we’d endorse Diehl. But it’s 30 points so we’re expressing our displeasure with Diehl’s bootleg campaign by voting for the Real Indian.


Tracy Lovvorn for Congress. Tracy is a great lady going against an entrenched white male politician. In the era of #MeToo these frauds should be encouraging women to challenge old white men. But they don’t really give a shit about women. Jim McGovern has held that seat for 22 years and done nothing. He has made a career out of meaningless virtue signaling, and is the boss of a corrupt and power machine that owns Worcester County. Tracy wants to bring term limits to congress, protect our borders, and support tough on crime policies. Give Tracy a shot.



Michael Maloney for Suffolk County DA. Maloney is running against the Shaun King-backed activist Rachael Rollins. She accused him of being racist because he said he likes the book Tom Sawyer, and wants to end jail sentences for people convicted of the following crimes:

Vote for Mike.


Blake Rubin for Worcester County DA. Early is the face of corruption. He’s so bad the Telegram and Gazette, a left wing publication, urged him to resign for his role organizing Troopergate. Even though the AG’s office and the State Police both confirmed that he was the master mind behind it all, he still denies it. Blake Rubin is an independent who simply wants to end corruption, send drug dealers to jail, and create programs to get addicts off of drugs. If you’re dumb enough to vote for Early then you are blinded by partisan politics. This is your chance to vote for a true independent – Blake Rubin.


Jay McMahon for Attorney General. funny as shitHe’s running against Maura Healey, so as long as he has a pulse you should vote for him. But besides that he vows to protect the second amendment and end Facebook censorship of Turtleboy. Plus he’s and a really cool dude. Definitely vote for Jay.


Jen Caissie for Governor’s Council. backed by the leader of the New York Communist PartyGovernor’s Council appoints judges. She wants to have a review of all judges every 6 years and end lifetime appointments. Her opponent does not, and is , Red Danny Margolis. Obviously you should vote for Jen.

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Paul Fullen, John Cruz, Kim Ferguson for State Reps. There’s so many State Rep elections we could go over, but these three in particular are going against nutjobs. John Cruz is going against Michelle DuBois, who is certifiably insane and once tipped off drug dealers that ICE was doing a raid. Paul Fullen is running against David LaBoeuf in the Worcester/Leicester district, and LaBoefu is backed by the McGovern Crime Family. Fullen’s also a Worcester firefighter, while LaBoeuf is a shitstain millenial who hasn’t worked a hard day in his life. Kim Ferguson is one of the most solid reps running against a guy who has failed to produce any sort of documentation to back up his assertion that he’s a veteran.


Ryan Fattman for State Senate. The guy he’s running against (Tom Merolli) got caught getting a hummer by the Southbridge Police in a drug park at 1 AM and was handcuffed by the cops a month ago. He then lied about it because the woman’s boyfriend was at home, who happened to be the head of the Southbridge Democratic Committee. Meanwhile Fattman has heard our concerns about criminal justice and corrupt non-profits stealing money from the taxpayers. Vote for the Fattman.

9 Comment(s)
  • Marty Fulls
    November 6, 2018 at 3:21 pm

    Fullen is NOT backed by McGovern. Believe this to be a typo on your point but just clarifying

  • Stephon LePoo
    November 6, 2018 at 3:00 pm

    Governor Write in Turtleboy
    Senate, Fattman
    Congress Write in Turtleboy
    State Rep Sandra Slattery
    Caissie for Gov’t
    Jewbin for DA
    Saw the picture of Morelli’s affair partners’ boyfriend. One word comes to mind, CUCK

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    November 6, 2018 at 11:34 am

    Transvestites are hot!

    Leave them alone

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    November 6, 2018 at 11:25 am

    Why dont you post Shiva’s mugshot?

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    November 6, 2018 at 11:23 am

    So basically you’re endorsing everyone who doesn’t stand a chance.

  • Warren Peace
    November 6, 2018 at 9:57 am

    I usually vote a split ticket. Not this year straight Republican. Part of the reason is Cavanaugh but alot of it 650 harassments and assaults by liberals. Wether it is antifah assaulting people or harassing people while they eat. I think if they win they will see this strategy as working and those numbers will go up. I am a strong supporter of free speech and we need to resist any attempt to stifle it.

  • Crispy C
    VOTE NO on Question 3 (transvestites)
    November 6, 2018 at 9:47 am

    Also please remember to vote for proven science and vote NO on question 3. We all have to live with our choices and playing dress up and pretending to be the opposite sex is a choice. These people are already afforded all the rights as normal people under the sex in which they were born, they just want to be special. Fuck the transvestites!

  • Lloyd Braun
    November 6, 2018 at 9:41 am

    I agree with most of your endorsements except Rubin. The guy is an unhinged, lunatic piece of shit. He got fired from the Worcester DA’s office, otherwise he’d still be a part of that office.

    He’s another virtue signaler who wants, wait for it, more “diversity” training for police. Vote for me people of color. I said diversity and police. Plus he’s got a stupid first name.

    What’s the fucking deal with the annoying pop ups on this website. You guys should be banned just for these. It’s becoming borderline unreadable. I’m definitely not checking you out as much now. Every time I touch a new box to type I get a video pop up. Amateur hour. Fix it.

  • #idontbelieveher
    November 6, 2018 at 6:49 am

    MSM not covering that the Kav accusations were recanted.
    Care to comment Spartacus?

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