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Editor’s Note: Jorge Zambrano and David Njuguna both killed police officers this year. We kept them off this list because Turtleboy is all about the satire. What these two pieces of garbage did cannot be satirized.
This year we have chronicled an epidemic of naughtiness on Turtleboy Sports. And since today is Christmas Eve it’s time to announce our naughty list for 2016, to see who’s earned a big lump of coal in their stocking from Santa Turtleboy. There’s sooooo many to choose from, so we had to shorten the list down to 125, which we will be breaking down into five parts in our countdown to see who was the naughtiest of them all this year. Since we don’t really have the time to explain what each and every one of these slug rakes did to earn their way onto our naughty list, we summed it up with a simple Haiku for each, as well as a link to the blogs about them so you can relive their naughtiness. Here’s #75–51!!
75. Chris Lo – Springfield middle finger Dad
Dad teaches his kid
To flip bird at police man
Cuz….black livesm matter
Springfield Dad Trains Child To Give Middle Finger To Police Officers, Posts Them On Facebook
74. Emma Wiley
This Salem State chick
Must have been wicked hungry
Cuz she ate cop’s ear
73. Brittany Wetherell
Every good party
Has fat chick fight cops in bra
Welcome to Taunton
72. Angelica Santosuossa
Lowest of the low
Beats poor dog until it pees
Turtleboy justice
71. Charlton Drive By Rappers
Kids walking on street
Challenged to a rap battle
C-Town is scary
70. Facebook
Suspends Turtleboy
Every other fucking day
But they can’t stop us
69. Maria Daley
Messaged Turtleboy
To investigate the chief
Turns out she did it
68. Alec Larson
Anti-Cop Hampshire Snowflake Alec Larson Worked For Company That Built The Malden Police Station
67. Mike Jerry and Nate Pickens
Had an awesome deal
Stealing taxpayer money
Then we ruined it
Mike Jerry And Nate Pickens Call Councilor Gaffney Racist At Mosaic Meeting, Get Dragged Out By Cops
66. Danielle Spring
Loves her Hillary
So sad about election
Wants to kill people
65. Jamie Davenport
Makes up a story
Bout helping black kids on train
Pats herself on back
Thousands Of Dumb White People Shared SJW’s Made Up Story About Racism On The MBTA
64. Nicole Sanborn
Son runs from the cops
Then cop gets hit by a car
Blames cop for running
63. Mike Oppong
Has no idea
What the fuck he is doing
Fucks over his coach
62. Ed Augustus
Forgets to plow roads
Over and over again
Still gets new contract
There Were 60 Car Accidents In Five Hours Because Ed Augustus Forgot To Sand The Roads Again
Ed Augustus Is Refunding People With Taxpayer Money Who Got Towed Because He Screwed Up
61. Dirt bikers
Babies do wheelies
With no seatbelt or helmets
Nothing wrong with that!
Top 10 Fan Mail Hate Messages Turtleboy Got From Dirt Bikers This Week
60. Jim Manzello/Holy Name Administration
Won’t sign kids waiver
But they’ve recruited long time
Butthurt he transferred
59. Brookfield boners
Goes to the bone zone
By elementary school
Poor guy gets blue balls
58. Lying Albany chicks
Says racists jumped them
Hillary tweets her support
Turns out they did it
57. Coach/youth football player Juan Aponte
Nineteen year old coach
Suits up against little kids
Still gets his ass kicked
56. Brian Ponder
Internet lawsuit
From alleged rapist lawyer
Worst lawsuit ever
55. Breanna Magrath
Leaves baby in car
While she’s buying Newport Lights
Thinks this is normal
New Bedford Mom Who Left Baby In Car Is Being Charged, Facebook Geniuses Offer Brilliant Hot Takes
54. Boo Shameek
Was getting free cash
Blew it all with Facebook posts
Nice going moron
Gangsta Deadbeat Mosaic Employee Who Refuses To Pay Child Support Is Brenda Jenkins’ Son
53. Seven Hills Charter School
Signs held by charter school kids
That were plagiarized
52. Joe Early
Prison not working
He lets criminals go free
This one is on him
51. Katie Giorgio
Chick pretends to be
Thinks she is Charlton cop
Gets rid of Facebook
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