Social Justice Warriors

Here’s What These 40 Schools Should Do If Babs L’Italien And The SJW Brigade Force Them To Get Rid Of Indian Mascots

Here’s What These 40 Schools Should Do If Babs L’Italien And The SJW Brigade Force Them To Get Rid Of Indian Mascots

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Boston Chode: A bill that would ban the use of Native American mascots in public schools in Massachusetts is heading to a public hearing. The bill defines a Native American mascot as a “name, symbol, or image that depicts or refers to an American Indian tribe, individual, custom, or tradition that is used by a public school as a mascot, nickname, logo, letterhead, or team name.”

The bill gives specific examples, including “Indians,” ”Indianettes,” ”Chieftains” and “Braves.”

The bill would prohibit the use of any Native American mascot by a Massachusetts public school. The bill will be heard a 10 a.m. hearing Tuesday by the Legislature’s Education Committee at the Statehouse. Earlier this year, the Gill-Montague Regional School Committee voted to drop Indians as the mascot for Turners Falls High School.

Oh look, another rich white woman with too much time on her hands, trying to fix racism one mascot at a time. Shocking.

Babs L’Italien is the State Senator representing Lawrence, Dracut, Andover, and Tewskbury. And even though one of those four places is basically two steps from becoming Mogadishu, she’s choosing to focus on Tewksbury, where the biggest problem they’ve had in the last 10 years is the Market Basket strike.

Here’s the thing about Babs though – she’s not actually offended by the Tewksbury Redmen mascot. If she was then she wouldn’t have her staff participate in district events right next to a gigantic sign that says, “TEWKSBURY REDMEN”:

If this mascot were really that offensive, she would boycott events there until it was changed. But she doesn’t really care, she’s just doing what all SJWs do – pretending to be offended so they can attach themselves to a cause celebre.

I’m not even gonna get too into how stupid this is, because we’ve been over this a million times before. Native American mascots aren’t mocking Indians. They’re glorifying them because of their strength. That’s why high school mascots aren’t called the “snowflakes.” Because no one is afraid of playing the Cambridge High School Snowflakes. On top of that, Native American people for the most part do not give a shit about the mascots, nor do the legions of Irish people in this country choose to get offended by the Fighting Irish or Celtics logos. If there was a team called the “slave masters,” then yes, that would be a problem. But there isn’t, so this is what rich white people with too much time on their hands fight for instead.

Oh, and you’ll never guess who’s cosponsoring this bill:

Michelle DuBois!! Because….of course she is. Looks like she’s taken a break from tipping off drug dealers that the feds are coming, and now she’s moved on to the next order of business – fixing imaginary racism that no one is offended by.

Anyway, there’s almost 40 high schools that will be forced to change their mascot if this stupid bill passes (which it almost certainly will considering the legions of SJWs that have been elected to the Statehouse, and clearly don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about them since they just voted to give themselves a 40% pay raise). But instead of whining about it let’s give them all new mascots, named after some of the finest ghosts of Turtleboy past……..

Agawam Brownies – Agawam Big E Chudstuffers

Algonquin Tomahawks – Algonquin Streakers

Amesbury Indians – Amesbury Trash Banshees

Assabet Valley Aztecs – Assabet Valley Slugrakes

Athol Red Raiders – Athol Vokstaches

Barnstable Red Raiders – Barnstable Garbags Fuckers

Bartlett Indians – Bartlett Hoodrats

Billerica Indians – Billerica Gangbangs

Braintree Wamps – Braintree Helicopter Parents

Springfield Commerce Red Raiders – Springfield Commerce Strippers

Dartmouth Indians – Dartmouth Popo

Foxboro Warriors – Foxboro Foodstampopotamuses

Grafton Indians – Grafton Life Coaches

Hanover Indians – Hanover Moms Of The South Shore

King Phillip Warriors – King Phillip Naniburgers

Masconomet Chieftans – Masconomet Cheesehogs

Melrose Red Raiders – Melrose Child Abusers

Middleboro Sachems – Middleboro Guttermuppets

Millis Mohawks – Millis Sewer Guppies

Mohawk Trail Warriors – Mohawk Trail Pickle Puffers

Narragansett Warriors – Naragansett Flatbrimmers

Nashoba Chieftans – Nashoba Ratchets

Nipmuc Warriors – Nipmuc Lurchbeasts

North Brookfield Indians – North Brookfield Snowplowers

North Quincy Red Raiders – North Quincy Fupasloths

Pentucket Sachems – Pentucket Poonstachios

Saugus Sachems – Saugus Skagbags

Seekonk Warriors – Seekonk Snatchimals

Taconic Braves – Taconic Titooes

Tantasqua Warriors – Tantasqua Thrusters

Tewksbury Redmen – Tewksbury Hoodbunnies

Turners Fall Indians – Social Justice Warriors (ironically this would be the only time using the word Warriors would be acceptable in a mascot name)

Wahconah Warriors – Wachconah Dumpsterslugs

Wakefield Warriors – Wakefield Wangstas

Ware Indians – Ware Vibrator Bandits

Wayland Warriors – Wayland WANDAS

Winchester Sachems – Winchester White Privilege

Boom. Racism solved.



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11 Comment(s)
  • Sterling Turtle Rider
    June 9, 2017 at 2:31 am

    But what about using the Native American names for the schools themselves? Montachusett, Wachusett, Houghton, Chocksett, etc. …
    Is it homage, or appropriation?

  • Souse Bro
    June 6, 2017 at 10:45 am

    Algonquin R.H.S. should be exempt from this as “Tomahawks” were used to cut down trees and dig them out to make canoes to fish for sustenance and the very seldom house calls they made for hair trimmings…

  • Hurts your Feels?
    June 6, 2017 at 9:46 am

    Omg I just had to search for this blog bc snowflakes on Quincy moms page is going nuts about screenshots. This is dumb and people should toughen up. God damn crybabies.

  • Gansett Warrior
    June 5, 2017 at 11:49 am

    Narragansett polled the parents and students. Everyone chose the Warrior head. So, it stays…for now.

  • TortugaNiño
    June 4, 2017 at 7:36 pm

    I firmly believe the crusade against native american themed mascots is just a subconcious drive to alleviate white guilt by removing any possibilty of them seeing a reminder of the fact that this country was built on the the destruction of a race of people. I personally believe ,like turtleboy, that the use of a native american themed mascots is one of the few remaining ways we honor and respect their heritage and sacrifices. Just sayin.

  • JRod
    June 4, 2017 at 6:47 pm

    So, when is the legislature going to force all the towns to change their names that were “Appropriated” from the native tribes? Or maybe they hould just give all the teritory back to the tribes so you have to buy it back at current value if they choose to sell?

  • Turd Burglestein
    June 4, 2017 at 5:27 pm

    The Trigglypuffs would be a good team name for sjws.

  • Finnish Goalie
    June 4, 2017 at 4:36 pm

    How’d you guys miss Medfield?

  • Party Randy
    June 4, 2017 at 4:04 pm

    Trying to do away with Indian mascots? Seems to me like they just hate Native Americans and their culture. They’re the insensitive racist ones. It’s so obvious.

  • fordsnharleys
    June 4, 2017 at 3:24 pm

    Warrior is not Indian specific. That being said, Just one of these schools should give themselves a turtle derivative name in honor of the blog so hated by SJWs.

    • Mulva
      June 4, 2017 at 6:25 pm

      Yeah, I don’t get the Warriors thing. U of Hawaii are the Warriors, should someone tell them? Also, who will explain to Syracuse that the Orangemen are maybe racist, and the Cleveland Browns!
      The Fighting Irish is a great example. Do Irish people care? Probably not.

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